Lovely ~ Shinkami ~ BNHA

By DabiLeftEar

13.6K 276 376

Shinsou recently transferred to Class 1A and his dorm neighbor is Denki. One night he hears a crash and goes... More

The Idiot Next Door
Spoiler for the story!
This Can't Go On
Anything For You, Lovely One
Ducks & Brownies
Star-lit Singing
AN Explanation

Knew it

1.3K 29 61
By DabiLeftEar

Shinsou walked out of class with Denki on Wednesday. They had been going to Denki's dorm after classes for the past week and a half. They did homework together and after dinner they got to joke around with each other.

"Silly boy, guess what I have planned for this weekend?"

Denki put his arm around Shinsou. Shinsou felt heat on his cheeks. Denki's eyes were looking brighter than he had ever seen them.

"Oh yeah? What are doin'?"

Shinsou smiled at his face. The freckles made him look even cuter.

"We're going to a lake that has baby ducks!"

Shinsou looked at him, and Denki looked so excited.

"You know I had pet ducks a few years ago."

"You did, Silly Boy?! That's so cool! Ducks are like the most adorablest thing ever!"

Shinsou let out a small chuckle.

"Adorablest isn't a word, Kaminari."

"Oh yeah, I knew that."

Denki laughed it off, but then looked up at Shinsou with surprise and stopped walking.


Shinsou stared into his golden eyes that were filled with confusion.

"You called me Kaminari..."

"So? That's your name."

"But... I told you my name is Denki."

"I didn't know that was your first name, most people call others by their last name."

"Oh, Shinsou. We are super good friends, and I want you to call me Denki. Okay?"

He put his hands on Shinsou's shoulders.

"Alright then."

Denki put his arm around him again and continued walking.

"So what's your first name?"

Shisnou blushed all over his cheeks.

"I-It's Hitoshi."


"No, Hitoshi."


Shinsou was baffled at how Denki could mess up this much on a name. He laughed at him again before responding.




Shinsou and Denki were laughing together now. Shinsou wouldn't normally be all giggly like this, but he couldn't help it near Denki.

"Okay, okay. Just call me Shinsou. Pretend its my first name."

"That's a perfect deal, Shinsou!"

Denki blinked weirdly.

"Did you just try to wink at me?"

"N-no.. Did I wink?"

"Oh my god, Denki! You can't wink! You seem like the person that would wink all the time!"

"It's hard, okay? Can you wink?!"

They were at Denki's dorm. He unlocked his door angrily. Shinsou could tell it was playful anger and he giggled.

They put their bags down and Shinsou closed the door. Denki sat at his desk as always, and Shinsou sat on the bed. At 5, they had finished up their homework at studying.

Denki through his pen on his desk.

"Oh yeah! Done with school!"

"For today."

Shinsou replied somberly. He looked up to see Denki staring at him pitifully.

"Oh Shinsou! Don't be so negative!"

He jumped up on the bed and hugged Shinsou. Denki fell atop Shinsou. Denki rested his head on his dark purple hoodie.

"How are you always so warm?"

"How are you always so loud?"

Denki scrunched his nose at him and squinted his eyes.

"You never answered my question."

"About the winking?"


Shinsou stared into Denki's golden eyes. Denki's face bloomed over with pink.

'i thought he was straight.'
'yeah, he even said it in class yesterday.'
'well let's see'

He smiled at the blonde boy. He winked with his left eye at Denki. Denki's cheeks turned into roses and he hid his face behind his elbow.

Shinsou chuckled at Denki's response.

"I wink a lot better than you do!"

"Yeah, no shit."

Shinsou smiled at him again. Denki made him so happy.

'wait a minute'
'do I like Denki?'

Denki moved his arm and looked back up at Shinsou. They both had pink cheeks.

"What's on your face?"

"What are you talking about?"

Denki reached his hand onto Shinsou's face and rubbed his cheek. This made the purple haired teen even more flustered.

"Oh god! Now there's even more!"

He rubbed even more.

"Denki, cut it out! It's called blushing! You have it too, y'know!"

Denki moved his hand away really fast.

"Why would you be blushing?!"

Denki's face went white.

"Why would I be blushing?"

He sat up and got off of Shinsou. He looked at his hand that had touched Shinsou. Denki felt his face. He had an even more puzzled expression.

"Well that's the weirdest thing that's happened all day!"

Denki totally shrugged it off. They talked about the lake plan, but tell Denki was still bothered by the blushing thing. He was covering up his face at any chance he got.

'what's up with him and not blushing?'
'maybe I do like him'
'well, he makes me really happy, I'm always near him, and he made me blush'
'oh my god'
'i blushed'
'i have a crush on Denki'
'but he blushed too'
'but he said he's straight?!'
'well I don't know and now I'm crushing on Denki'
'damn it'

"What food should we bring for the picnic?"

Shinsou shook himself and thought quickly.

"Strawberries! I love berries.."

"And PB&J of course!"

"Don't forget bite sized brownies!"

Denki and Shinsou high-fived. They worked perfectly together.

"Alrighty then, everything is planned. 3 pm on Saturday to see the cute ducks at the lake!"

"Oh shit it's 7!"

They both hurried up and started fats walking to the dining hall. Dinner with the bakusquad started at 6:30 every day.

"Mina's gonna kill me!"

"Not if you don't hurry!"

They started to run through the halls, but fast walked again when they reached the dining hall. They hurried to the bakusquad.

"Where have you been, Denki?!"

Mina was very mad. She had a plate of food ready for Denki next to her.

"We got caught up in making plans for this weekend. I'm sorry."

Mina switched to a very excited expression.

"Oh fine! I forgive you two."

Denki wrapped his arms around Shinsou. Shinsou accepted his affection and returned it.

"See ya later pikachu."

"Bye bye Silly Boy."


Most of the bakusquad was oohing at Denki's hug with Shinsou. Shinsou walked off, all tomato-faced.

'I swear to god everybody in class 1-A is obsessed with their ships.'
'i can't believe they're shipping me and Denki now'

Shinsou left the school and looked around for his father's car.


He looked at his phone and had 4 missed calls from his dad, and 7 from his father. He called his dad, because he was a lot more quite, and wouldn't yell at him for not being out in time.

"Shinsou, care to explain why you weren't outside when your father came to pick you up?"

"I'm really sorry, dad, me and Denki were making weekend plans, and my phone was on silent from class-"

"Enough excuses. Don't be late again. Your father's on his way. Be prepared to do the dishes as punishment."

Aizawa hanged up on him. Shinsou rolled his eyes but he was at fault.

~Time skip to 9 am and Shinsou has returned to UA~

Shisnou walked up the stairs to his dorm room. The school didn't put in elevators because principal Nezu said it would keep us working  on our leg strengh.

Once on the right floor, he heard shouting.

'probaly just Bakugo getting mad because Izuku breathed.'

"I'm sorry, Bakugo! I can't really control it!"


Shinsou ran towards his voice. He hadn't been there for very long so he was getting lost.

"Am I not good enough?! I know I'm the best one here, you worthless peice of shit!"

Shinsou ran faster. He finally reached the dining area and saw Kaminari on the floor, with Bakugo above him.

"I don't trust you! Why would I ever tell you anything!"

Bakugo got even more red in the face with anger. He kicked Denki in the leg, which made Denki curl over. He was weak from his eating habits. Bakugo kicked him on the back.

"Bakugo! Stop!"

Shinsou ran up to him and pushed him away from Pikachu.

"You stay the fuck away from him. He's never tried to hurt you before so back off."

Shinsou stood in front off Denki and looked Bakugo right in the eyes. He put his face close to Bakugo, to show him that he wasn't scared. Bakugo stepped back.

"What's your problem anyway?"

"This dumbass didn't tell me about how he's so so much of an idiot that he starved himself but told everybody else!"

Shinsou flared with anger. He remembered how Denki was bullied for not being able to remember things, making him not so bright.

"People don't tell things to you because you're an ass. You kicked him because he didn't tell you something very personal to him. Don't you realize how stupid you are?"

Bakugo still had fire in his eyes but he moved back again.

"What's the worst that could happen if he told me? But no, I heard whispers from Uraraka and Tsu. He deserves more pain from me."

Bakugo stomps up to Shinsou and sneers in his face.

"Move aside, extra."

"Go to principal Nezu and tell him everything that just happened and to look over at school footage."

Brainwashed Bakugo left down the stairs. As soon as he left, Shinsou kneeled down next to Denki. He had tears down his face and hands on his eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, I'm here. Bakugo is gone. He's getting into trouble for doing this to you."

Denki sniffled and covered his face up more. Shinsou sat down right next to his head. He placed his hand on Denki's hand.

"It'll be okay. You'll be okay. It's all okay."

Denki moved his hand away from one if his eyes and looked up at Shinsou. Then his eye darted around for Bakugo. Denki looked back down and grabbed Shinsou's hand.

"I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bother you like this."

"Oh no, Denki. I'd rather be here for you then anywhere else in the world."

Denki looked back up at Shinsou and moved his hand away from his other eye. He gave Pikachu his other hand for him to grab.

"Do I really mean that much to you?"

Denki whispered as he grabbed his other hand.

"Of course. I'd do anything for you."

Shinsou pulled Denki into a hug. He held Denki closely. Shinsou was trying so hard not to cry. He was so damn worried for Denki.

"Why was Bakugo hurting you, and where is every body else?"

"The bakusquad wanted to go to the arcade. I didn't go since I'm really tired, and bakugo just didn't want to go. They left without us. I didn't mind since I didn't care, but bakugo was really mad. Apparently he found out about me and my eating. He said I wasn't worth anything, and that I shouldn't be trusted with anything. He said that I'm so stupid that I must've forgotten how to eat."

Denki cried more. Shinsou hugged him tighter.

"Denki, you know that Bakugo is never right. He says horrible things to Izuku too, and we all know that Bakugo always gets his punishment. Besides, you're worth it."

"Worth what?"

"My time, my energy, and you're worth it to a lot of people.

Denki moved his legs up so that his knees touched Shinsou's shoulders.

"How much did he hurt you?"

Denki didn't speak for a few seconds before responding quietly.

"He punched me a few times, knocked me down, then kicked my legs a lot. You came in when he started to hit my back. I'm glad you came in when you did, or I think he would've kicked my head."

Shinsou felt the anger from earlier boil in him again.

"I can't believe he did that. I thought maybe he pushed you down then kicked you when I came in. That's a lot of damage for the state you're in right now."

Denki hugged tighter with his arms atop his shoulders. Shinsou had his arms around his waist.

"I'll tell Mr. Aizawa that you're taking tomorrow off and to take it really easy on you next week."

"Thanks Shinsou."

Denki loosened his arms enough to stare at Shinsou.

"Why do you do this for me? No one's ever been this nice to me, spent so much time with me, or gives me such good hugs all the time."

Shinsou felt heat in his face. He looked into his eyes. He couldn't get enough of how golden they were. Everyday they got a little bit brighter.

"Denki, you make me so happy. I've never been happy like this before. You mean everything to me."

Shinsou saw Denki look back at him with neediness and such love in his face. Shinsou thought back to when Denki said he was straight.

'that's bullshit.'

Shinsou pulled Denki closer and he out his lips on Denki's lips. Denki pulled himself closer to Shinsou. They released after a few seconds.


Shinsou put his hand under Denki's face and kissed him again. Denki stood up straighter and kissed him. Denki looked back at Shinsou again.

"Denki...I-I.. Well, I obviously like you more than just a friend. I think it's too soon to say I love you, I don't want to freak you out or an-anything."

They were looking into each other's eyes, which Shinsou didn't mind at all. Did Denki know that Shinsou could never stop staring as his golden eyes.

"I can't love you, Shinsou. I can't have a crush on you either."

Denki looked away. Shinsou could feel himself tearing up at his sharp words.

"You looked at me like a straight boy can't look at another boy. Denki, you always blush near me. You can't deny that you like me at least."

"You don't understand, Shinsou! I know that I have a crush on you, but I can't! I know that I'm not straight, I'm know that I'm a failure.."

Shinsou was crying now and he couldn't help it. Denki unwrapped himself from Shinsou.

"You're not a failure, Denki. How does liking someone make you a failure?"

Denki shook a bit when he sighed.

"I was taught my whole life that if you loved someone who was the same gender as you, that meant you were meant to die first. It means you're a disappointment and people have the right to hurt you. But when I came to UA, no body thinks like that. Mr. Aizawa has a husband. I don't understand how this is so. I can't like you Shinsou, it will mean that I'm worthless."

Shinsou stared at Denki. Everything clicked. The incontrolness that he felt that led him to his unhealthy eating habits. All his pain was linked to what his past school, friends, and family thinks. His family still probaly think this way.

"Do you think I'm worthless?"

Denki looked at him with a baffled look.


"Do you think I'm worthless because I'm gay?"

A silence fell. A silence that could be sliced like bread. ( forgive me please Its 12:56 am and I'm a bit hungry )

"No. You're one of the best students here, and you're not worthless at all."

"Do you think Mr. Aizawa deserves to be beat up because he married Present Mic?"

"No! That's stupid!"

"Do you think Jirou should be thrown out of school because She's bisexual?"

"No! She got into UA because she passed, which makes her qualified!"

"Then why are you any different, Denki?!"

Shinsou realized how mad he was at Denki by the time in his face. Tears stained his cheeks.

"I'm not any different! There's no reason why I'm an expection!"

Denki's face went blank with shock after the words left his mouth. He looked down at his hands. He looked at Shinsou's eyes. Denki stared into Denki's dark purple eyes. They reminded him of storm clouds.

"Shinsou... I think I'm gay..."

"And you just said yourself that's completely okay. I know you're not a lair or you wouldn't be here next to me."

Denki jumped up from sitting and hugged Shinsou around his waist. Denki kissed Shinsou passionately. Shinsou kissed him back. They stopped kissing after a few minutes.

"Denki, does this mean we're dating now?"

"No! Yes, well, no..."

"It's okay, we don't have to date right now. I can wait. I know this a big step for you and a lot to process. We have had one hell of a night."

"Thank you, Shinsou. But yeah, you're right! First the Bakugo thing, then kisses, then crying, then more kissing! We should really get to bed soon."

"Yeah, you're right."

Shinsou got up and helped Denki up.

"You sure you're okay? You don't look good."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just brusies for my legs, and maybe one for my back. Just have to hide them when I go to my parent's. If they knew about this I'd be pulled out of school so fast!"

They were both so tired and laughed it off. The two exhausted teens started heading to their rooms.

"Mina, stop bragging about how many tickets you got!"

"Then stop looking so jealous, you're basically asking for me to brag more!"

"Kirishima, walk like a normal person, jeez!"

Shinsou and Denki look at each other and burst out laughing.

"I-I'm going to bed still, you staying up for a bit longer?"

Shinsou asked Denki before he nodded eagerly.

"Oh yeah, I'll tell them about Bakugo tomorrow or if Mina straightens up."

"Okay, see you tommorrow."

They hug and Denki gives Shinsou a kiss on the cheek. Shinsou becomes a tomato again before entering his dorm.

'i knew he wasn't straight'


2927 words!

Finished up at 1:28 am! This chapter is kinda sad but has much gayness. Next chapter will be all about the ducks and the picnic at the lake. Tell me in the comments if you think Kirishima is gay or bi? I can't figure it out. This chapter is also inspired by my father and his homophobia, he thinks gays are possessed by Satan. So crazy things. I don't even believe in Satan. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading!

Love you power! 💕

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