
By mcxxxxxx

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Sometimes when I first wake up in the morning, I forget it all. I think it's a normal day and that I can just... More

hell hath no fury - twenty-two
olivia - twenty-three
Manning - twenty four
Mya & Mason-twenty-five
Amanda - twenty-six


33 2 0
By mcxxxxxx

The past few days had been incredibly bland compared to our track record, all we did was move from place to place, gaining a hell of a distance from where we started. I continuously checked the radio, hoping to hear from my dad again but it had yet to happen. We drove all last night, taking turns sleeping while the other drove and Mason and I got over the awkward stage.

I was extremely exhausted and ready to settle down but it was getting harder to find safe places. We hadn't run into another large group of biters, which is good, but we're afraid to stop because of the possibility.

"You okay?" Mason pulled me away from my thoughts and I nodded quickly, coming back.

"Yeah," I shortly replied and looked out of the window. "Do you think we'll stop soon?"

Mason took a moment and I glanced over, seeing his thinking face. "I hope so, I'm tired of driving and sleeping in the truck."

I nodded at this, completely agreeing with him. I can only take sleeping in the truck for so many nights, we have hit my limit. I don't mean to complain, it's just so stuffy with the windows up for safety, if we could roll them down it'd be better.

"On the bright side, we haven't been forced to stop which is nice," Mason added.

"There you go, always finding the positive." I smiled at him and heard the walkie talkie clicking.

I found it on the floorboard and quickly switched it on, awaiting a message. Mason and I both stared at it in my hands, expecting to hear Olivia.

"I'm tired of this damn car, if you see something stop."

I laughed at Olivias complaining and lifted the walkie to my lips. "I'll keep a look out."

"She's always cheerful huh?" Mason bit back a smile and I shrugged.

Olivia was complicated, a lot of the time she was acting hard and tough, the other half a complete asshole with a hint of goofiness. I loved her, she was our friend, the one who always had your back and isn't afraid to call you on your bullshit. She always speaks her mind and isn't afraid to express what she thinks, which can be intimidating but deep down she's such a teddy bear.

"That's Olivia, our sunshine," I sarcastically commented and he chuckled.

I watched him as he leaned back, trying to escape the sun. My lips slowly turned up into a smile as he squinted his eyes, struggling to see. It was actually adorable and I reached over, pulling the visor down.

"I totally was about to do that," Mason tried to play it off and I rolled my eyes.


We were quiet and I watched the rolling landscape pass us by, it was actually peaceful out here. We're about halfway into Mississippi and it's mainly trees, which is cool but some have fallen and blocked our roads.

"Are there any CD's?" Mason broke the silence again and I shrugged.

I began to rummage in the glovebox and Mason looked around in his door. I looked up after a moment and saw a biter right in front of us.

"Mason!" I yelled and he looked up quickly, but he didn't have time to swerve. The truck pummeled through the biter, the body rolling up onto the windshield then over the top of the truck. I frowned, the windshield had bent in and was insanely cracked. I sighed looking back in the bed of the truck to see the biter was still alive.

How in the hell?

"Pull over," I lowly spoke and he complied. Once he parked I hopped out and ran around to the tailgate, stepping up onto it. The biter growled at me and I grimaced, sticking my knife in right above its ear.

"Y'all good?" I heard Mya and turned around, hopping off the tailgate.

"Ran over one, broke the windshield." Mason had stepped out of the truck and I walked around to see the windshield.

It was badly damaged and especially on the drivers side, I held my head in my hands and kicked the truck. Mason walked around and sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Car shopping?" He smiled at me and I flashed a fake smile. He patted my shoulder and I walked around, gathering all of our things inside the truck.

I grabbed my backpack and duffel, heaving both over my shoulder. I grabbed a few cans that had fallen out in the backseat and walked around to the cop car. Mya opened the trunk for me and helped load all of the things into it, it seemed a bit weighed down but I figured it would be fine for a little while.

"I'll get the gas out of it so we can at least save that," Mason announced and grabbed a funnel and can.

I climbed into the bed of the truck and opened the toolbox, revealing all of our weapons we had accumulated. There were a few heavy guns in case of bad situations, Masons bat and a few other small melee weapons. I strapped the guns over my back and tried to hold the rest across my chest in my arms.

Once I reached the trunk again, I unloaded all of the weapons I was carrying, then opened the back door. I climbed in, squeezing in next to Olivia, who was laid out across two seat. I gave her a look and she rolled her eyes, sitting up and scooting over.

I scooted to the middle and looked at the truck, I'm going to miss it a lot. Olivia and I had come across it right out of the city when we left, it had been with us for a while and we loved it.

"Rest in peace," Olivia breathed out and I glared at her. She raised an eyebrow before leaning back into the seat, closing her eyes.

After a few minutes Mya and Mason both got in the car and we sat silent for a moment.

"I know it's dangerous, but I think we should check out the interstate," Mason started and we all looked at him with wide eyes. He held his hands up in defense, looking around at all of us, "It's not that far away and there's tons of cars there, we've seen."

I really didn't want some bad luck to his us after being so lucky lately, but I also knew it was a good idea. It could possibly be dangerous but if we don't try, we'll be cramped in this car.

"He's right, lets just go back a little and get on it." Olivia agreed with Mason and I was a little shocked.

Mya nodded at them and started the car back up, beginning to turn it around. I frowned as I waved goodbye to the truck, Mason giggled at me.

"We'll find something better," he quietly assured me and I gave a small smile.

I hope we can find anything decent, not like it really matters in the end times but I'd rather have something reliable.

"Do you care which CD I put in?" Amanda turned around to ask us and we shook our heads. She quickly turned back around and hastily stuck a CD into the player. I waited patiently to hear what she was so decided about.

A pop sounding album filled the car and I bobbed my head along. Mason tapped his fingers on the window while staring out of it and Olivia seemed to be falling asleep. I assumed they weren't getting a good nights sleep in the cop car with all three of them.

Mya began to chat with Amanda about what cars we could find and I sighed, looking back over to Mason.

"Do you think the interstate is dangerous?" I whispered to him and he quickly turned his head to me.

He was pretty close to me due to Olivia man-spreading everywhere she sits and I tried to move my head back a little.

"Anywhere could possibly be dangerous, we have to take this chance though." Mason quietly replied and I wasn't too sure still. "If it's that bad we'll make this one car arrangement work, we have to keep moving."

"It's been calm lately and I don't want to have some crazy day again," I admitted and he nodded, placing a hand on mine. When his fingertips hit my knuckles they shocked me and I pouted, causing him to redo the whole motion.

"Whoops," he muttered and I looked out of the windshield ahead.

I saw the service road we were taking to reach the interstate and my stomach dropped. I don't know why I'm so anxious, I guess I just want everything to be easier.

"Here we go," Mya sighed and we rolled slowly up the hill.

I squinted trying to see farther ahead but all I saw was miles of road and a good bit of cars on the sides. They were abandoned and I didn't see one biter, at least not in plain sight.

"It seems clear?" Amanda sounded confused and I was in the same headspace as her.

It really seemed too good to be true, I figured everyone would try and get out this way.

"Don't be so sure," Olivia shocked me and I looked over to see she was wide awake.

It's like she can smell action and is always ready for anything. It's honestly a trait of hers that I'm jealous of, it's not often I'm caught off guard, but she's almost never.

Mya rolled down the interstate until two cars that had crashed blocked our path. She parked the cop car and killed it, Olivia hopped out first and surveyed the area. I waited patiently for Mason to get out but he seemed oblivious. I nudged him and he slowly opened the door, carefully stepping out.

I shook my head at his odd behavior and grabbed the top of the car to stable myself as I climbed out. Once standing up I pulled my jeans down and situated myself before moving ahead.

I walked beside Olivia and Mason, Mya and Amanda walked ahead of us. Olivia looked down the other side and I looked ahead of us, trying to spot anything feasible.

I kept walking ahead, seeing most cars in terrible shape, and kept going. I looked over to Olivia to see her heading off to the other side. I sighed, jogging to catch up with her before she went off alone.

"Wait up," I called out and she stopped for a moment letting me get closer. I didn't reach her before she kept moving and I threw my hands in the air. "What do you see?"

"You don't see the beauty?" Olivia yelled with her back turned and I scratched my head, looking for what she may be talking about.

I spotted it finally, a candy apple red mustang up ahead in the distance. I rolled my eyes and shook my head as Olivia picked up speed as she neared it.

"What are you going to do with that?" I asked her as I walked upon it, scanning it for any problems.

"Love and cherish it?" She seemed annoyed by my question and I chuckled, circling around it. She pulled on the handle and miraculously, it was unlocked. The keys were still in it and she smiled big while she cranked it. It took a second but she got it to start and cheered. "Kick ass!"

I walked around the back of the car and noticed one of the rear tires was missing. I could hear Olivias giddily giggling and felt bad to ruin her day. I opened the passenger door and tapped her shoulder, motioning for her to get out.

She heavily sighed and walked around to meet me, "What is it?" Her eyes narrowed on the missing tired and kicked the passenger door. A few colorful words slipped from her mouth and I shrugged. "This sucks, I was really excited to ride solo, the wind in my hair."

"I'm sure," I shook my head at her, walking ahead.

I could hear her reluctantly follow me and I didn't see much up ahead, so I crossed back over to the others.

"Check it out!" I heard Mason yell to us but I didn't see him. I furrowed my brows, walking towards his voice until I saw the top of his head.

The car in front of me was long, with a guard on the front. It was a sleek black and didn't seem like it had been abandoned for long. I smiled, jogging over to it now excited. I checked first for all of the tires and they were all attached, so I then opened the doors looking inside.

"So honey, what do you think?" Mason wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I laughed.

I turned around to him, his arm falling freely to his side. "I love it, can we afford it?"

Mason put a finger to his chin before smiling wide, "Anything for you."

"I think this is good, huh?" Mya spoke as she ran her hands along a tree trunk. We all nodded, tired from carrying a lot of gear.

I looked around the clearing between trees and nodded, setting my things down. I brushed my hands on my pants and began to fish around in my bag. I located the fishing string I was looking for and gave a look to Mason.

He smiled and walked over, taking it from me. "Just like the first time," he seemed reminiscent and I couldn't help but smile.

He began to pull out the string while Amanda and Mya began to set up the three tents we had, at least we could be semi comfortable.

"Let's go get firewood," Olivia nudged my shoulder and I nodded.

She pointed out to the trees and I made sure my walkie was in my belt, it was and I sighed out of relief. I really didn't want a repeat of the last time we ventured out into the woods. It wasn't near the same situation but I wanted to be careful.

I began to pick up sticks we saw scattered on the ground and Olivia put pine straws in her jacket pocket.

"Hey, look out," Olivia whispered and I looked up seeing a biter headed our way.

I gripped my knife and walked towards it, it swung its arms so I kicked it in the stomach. The biter fell making a harsh sound against the forests floor, I put my boot on its chest and drove the knife into its head.

"Emory?" Olivia asked after a second and I laughed.

I had forgotten about our name guessing with everything that happened lately. Especially since I already knew hers, I felt a little bad but I really don't like my name.

"No ma'am," I bit back a smile and she disappointedly sighed.

We moved forward, keeping the camp in our sights for good measure, but trying to find good wood was hard. It had rained a few days earlier and a lot of the branches we found were still damp.

"Why is it so wet still?" I sighed after complaining and Olivia smirked.

"That's what he said." I very heavily rolled my eyes and turned on my heels, heading back to the camp.

My arms were pretty full and I figured these would be good enough to use just to keep warm tonight. It's been getting colder and colder and I'm afraid it may snow near where my dad is. I don't even know what we would do in the snow, if it got cold enough would the biters freeze? We'd also have to find a shelter with adequate insulation, in hopes we don't get hypothermia.

I wasn't really paying attention and I my thighs hit the fishing wire, causing me to trip. I headed for the ground but I teetered back, thankfully landing on my ass. I only dropped a few sticks and I looked around to see if anyone noticed.

I heard the laughter and covered my face with my hands, embarrassed everyone had seen my fall. I slowly stood up and Mason stood a few feet away from me, doubled over in laughter.

"Yeah, yeah, you ungrateful shits." I waved them off, carefully stepping over the wire. "I have firewood."

I dropped the rest of the sticks in the middle of our little set up. Mason had connected string around the trees, with used cans attached. I nodded, impressed and walked towards one of the tents they had put together.

"This one can be mine and Olivias," I poked my head inside then quickly back out.

"No can do, I sleep solo." Olivia interjected and I turned to see she had made it back. I gave her a look but she only laughed, "I know someone who'd love to bunk with you."

I pursed my lips and looked at Mason, a slight red tint showing up on his cheeks. I gave Olivia a tired look, really hating her in the moment.

I ignored the stares and began to try and set up the fire pit. Mason squatted down, trying to help but I honestly had no clue as to what I was doing. I never learned anything about fire starting in the Girl Scouts, only how to sew a pillow.

Which was odd in itself.

"Here, set them against each other to created a teepee esque formation," Mason took a stick or two from me. I watched as he carefully positioned each one and was a bit impressed.

He was probably a Boy Scout.

Finally, he finished and Olivia added the pine straws to the bottom. I pulled out a lighter and tried to start it, lighting a few straws then setting them on top of a branch. It took a minute and a bit of blowing but it lit up and I felt accomplished.

"What're you cooking tonight?" Olivia nudged Masons shoulder and he seemed to ponder on it.

He walked to the food bag, rummaging through it before finding a can of spam. I crinkled my nose and he looked at me oddly. "Spam?" I questioned hesitantly and he nodded, grabbing a pan as well. "Fried?"

Mason stopped in his tracks and blinked a few times, "Is there a problem with the menu ma'am?"

I shook my head quickly, and stood up making my way to the food bag as well. I waited until his back was turned and grabbed a can of peaches. I could live on fruit for the rest of our time but I suppose I need something of substance sometimes.

Just not spam, let alone fried.

"So there is a problem?" I heard Masons voice behind me and my eyes went wide. I quickly turned around to him, hiding the can behind my back. I swallowed down the peach in my mouth and shot him a smile.

"No, no, I'm just collecting my thoughts." I lied and Mason gave me a look, reaching around for the can. I licked my lips, and looked around us trying not to look at him. "So, the weather." I couldn't help it as I sported a cheeky smile.

"I'm hurt," Mason poked out his bottom lip and I cupped his cheek.

"I would love nothing more than to eat my peaches in peace," I held my hands in a prayer gesture. He looked between my hands and my face before handing back over the can.

"Fine, but you'll be hungry later."

He walked back to the fire and I sat down, watching him cook and listening to the others. Everyone was joking, laughing, and having genuine fun.

Suddenly I heard the rattle of cans and sat my can down, jumping up. I turned to see Gator, making his way over to us. I sighed and sat back down, trying to listen to the group discussion.

"I kind of miss him," Amanda spoke and I realized they were talking about Hunter.

"I took a piece of him, if you want to indulge," Olivia vaguely offered and we looked at her oddly.

"A piece?" I hesitantly asked and she smirked, reaching into her jacket pocket.

She revealed a baggy full of weed and I laughed at her, shaking my head. I never knew Olivia enjoyed it that much or maybe she's just understandably stressed. She smiled at everyone before sticking it back in her pocket.

Mason had finished frying to spam and distributed pieces around, when it came to me I gave him an awkward smile. He rolled his eyes, going over and finally sitting down with his share. They all began to munch down and I had finished my peaches.

I stood up, brushing off my bottom before heading over to wire. I quickly cut the can in half with my knife before setting it on the wire with the others. I smile, feeling accomplished with my addition to the trip wire.

I looked around, checking out the perimeter for biters but all was clear. Slowly, I walked back to the fire and plopped down between Mya and Olivia.

"So tonight?" Mya sounded extremely flirty and I hoped she was talking to Amanda. I moved my head around to see she was leaned all on her side. I looked away quickly, feeling as if I was intruding.

"How much longer do we have?" Olivia asked out and Mason put a finger up, quickly chewing his food.

He cleared his throat, "I'd say a month if we don't have any major complications." Olivia groaned at this and Mason frowned, "It's a little tougher going back roads."

"And boring," Olivia added and I rolled my eyes.

"You mean safe."

I heard a smacking sound and turned my head to see Mya had stood up. I furrowed my brows and she looked down at Amanda, "I'll be waiting for you." Mya flirtatiously smiled and sauntered off to her tent.

I giggled and nudged Amanda's shoulder, "Yeah?"

She blushed while Olivia and Mason gagged, causing us all to laugh. We stayed around the fire chatting about random things until I began to yawn. I slowly got up from the ground and sleepily looked around at everyone, "I'm going to head to bed. Wake me up when I need to watch," I climbed down into the tent and sat on my sleeping bag.

Remembering that Mason would be joining me, I only took off my pants to be comfortable. I slid my legs down into the sleeping bag and created a pillow with my pants. My belt sat beside me, easily accessible in case it goes to shit.

I laid my head on my hand and turned to the side, trying to get comfortable. I started to close my eyes when I heard the unzipping of the tent. I quickly sat up to see Mason and he held his hands up, "I come in peace." I rolled my eyes at him and laid back down, snuggling up under the sleeping bag.

I closed my eyes again before I heard him rustling around with his sleeping bag. I flipped over onto my stomach, turning my head to him. I watched him trying to unzip the bag, but fighting it because it was stuck. I watched him for a little longer before chuckling, he turned around to me and scratched the back of his neck.

"Do you need help?" I smiled lazily and he slowly nodded his head. I sighed, slipping out of the sleeping bag. His eyes went wide and I remembered I had taken off my pants, my face blushed momentarily but I ignored it, squatting down.

I carefully worked with the zipper and got it free, zipping it and unzipping it to show him. He nodded and took his shirt off, before his pants. I looked away quickly, trying to keep things cool and I climbed back into my sleeping bag.

"Do you like the new car?" Mason broke our silence and I turned over to face him. He was already turned towards me, his head propped up on his hand.

"It's nice." I trailed off, "But I loved the truck, it had seem some shit." I cracked a smile and Mason laughed.

"It was pretty badass," Mason agreed with a laugh. We were quiet for a moment, just staring, the only light from the faint fire outside. "Can we talk?"

"We are right now," I confusedly replied, rubbing my eyes.

"No a serious, maybe uncomfortable one?" Mason seemed unsure and I furrowed my brows. I urged him to go on and he cleared his throat, obviously nervous. "So the other night, when we uh.." He stopped and I hid my smile, nodding. "Which was nice, by the way."

I laughed out loud, "Mason, is this just you wanting to again?" I tried to not giggle but I couldn't help it as he stupidly smiled.

"No," He quickly replied then shook his head. "I mean yes-wait not right now, that's not where I was going."

I stopped playing and tried to become serious so I could understand where he was going. I leaned up some more, trying to show him my interest.

"I've been thinking a lot and I have to tell you this because I can't be around you any longer and not." Mason didn't really amp me up and my stomach twisted from nervousness. He was quiet and looked to be trying to figure out what to say. I patiently waited, my leg steadily shaking before he decided on speaking. "I care about you a lot and you don't have to say it back, or validate it. I think I have feelings for you, stronger than what I thought I did. I like being around you more than anyone, I like to make you laugh, I like to do things with you, Manning."

I was stunned from his confession and I licked my lips, trying to figure out what to say. Mason had an extremely concerned look on his face and I knew I had to reply. "Do you want me to be honest?" Mason nodded and it was my turn to admit my feelings. "You're a really great guy and I really enjoy your company too. In a perfect world, sure I could see us together but it's not a perfect world. I don't know if this is the right time for us to do this, I don't want us to be held down by anything. If something happened, we would have to keep going and if we were together it would be a million times harder." I sucked in a deep breath as Mason stared at his hands. "The other night was great, but I like this platonic, borderline relationship, thing we have going. Let's not make it complicated."

Mason stayed still for a moment before laying down on his back. He put his hands over his chest and my heart dropped. I laid back as well, trying to keep a brave face even though I felt like shit.

I looked at him and he opened his mouth but quickly closed it right after. I watched him, expectantly but he kept doing that, as if he didn't quite know what to say. He stopped and started to speak when we heard a yell, "Stop, everyone's going to hear you."

We both sat up and waited to hear a reply but all we heard were heavy breaths, I furrowed my eyebrows for a moment before remembering. "It's probably Mya and Amanda, you know.."

Mason nodded at this, laughing and laying down, I followed suit. An extremely awkward silence sat between us and I felt shittier by the second. I turned over, trying to put a little more distance so that I wouldn't feel inclined to stare at him.

"I wasn't trying to ask you out or anything," Mason blurted and my eyes went wide. "In a perfect world sure, I would. I just wanted to tell you how I felt because I could lose you at any moment."

My heart began to beat rapidly and I turned around to face him. I noticed he was significantly closer and already looking at me. "Cool," was the only thing I could get out.

Mason laughed and leaned even more forward, "Cool." He mocked me and I tried not to laugh, but I failed. I moved in closer and my nose was almost brushing his, making my heart beat even faster. "You sure know how to reel them in-" Mason began to make fun of me but I shook my head.

"Shut up," I hastily leaned in, pressing my lips against his. He was completely shocked but he leaned back, letting me move in to straddle him. For a moment, I wasn't sure on what I was doing, but I ignored my gut and focused on him.

I heard a soft crackle and I shook my head, moving down to his neck and collarbone. His hand slipped under my shirt and I smiled, dipping my head back in to his.

I heard another crackle and sighed, realizing it was the walkie. I rolled off of him and annoyedly turned it on so I could hear well.

"Hi old pals, did you miss me?" Nickys voice filled the silence and my hands fumbled, dropping the walkie. Mason quickly picked it up and held it up. "So, guys, I think I have something you might want and I want you to see. There's a stream a mile east from your camp, let's catch up?"

I could see her smug face and I saw red, quickly stepping into my pants. Mason stumbled around putting on his clothes and after I had my belt on, I jumped out of the tent. I didn't see Amanda anywhere and I instantly ran to Mya's tent, she was sound asleep and alone.

I jogged to Olivias, yelling, "Amanda's gone!" I waited a minute but got no reply, I peeked my head in and saw no Olivia. I groaned and kick the tree beside her tent, how the hell did they get her.

Why her? Why not me?

Mya emerged from her tent, sleepy and confused and she looked around. "What's going on?" I looked down to see she had no pants on and sighed, ignoring it.

"Nicky has Amanda and Olivia, we have to go, she told us where to meet-" I began to spiral and my breathing became ragged, I swear I heard Mya growl as she got dressed. Mason had joined me outside and looked extremely worried as he approached me. "They have Olivia-I" I couldn't finish and he pulled me in for a hug. I tried my best to breathe but it, apparently, was the most difficult task at hand.

"I'm going to kill her."

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