By kanimac

289K 7.8K 2K

"That would be doctor to you, Commander, not sweetheart." Sienna Dreis is the lead doctor for the Resistance... More



6.8K 187 62
By kanimac


I rolled out of bed sometime in the late morning, stretching my joints and sore muscles. It was rare for me to sleep so late, but damn did my body need it. I checked my wound, amazed to find it closed even more. It was still sensitive, but the constant pain had mostly faded into nothing. I was even able to take a full shower, which was easily the best shower of my life.

I pulled my hair up into a high braid, twisting it into a bun before pulling a few pieces down to frame my face. I decided to just throw on some dark leggings and a long fitted tan shirt, cenching it at the waist with a belt. Before tying up my boots, I took a long look at myself in the mirror. It really was insane what a night of deep sleep could do to one's appearance. My cheeks held a slight flush underneath the splash of freckles, and the dark circles that were under my eyes yesterday were gone. My eyes were bright- the green irises shining.

I exited my room and made my way to the medical wing. Ezra was holding down the fort, but I wanted to check on Finn since I hadn't seen him since we came back. The energy in the halls felt heightened as members of the Resistance passed me with smiles or a friendly "hello." I can't remember the last time our morale was so high, and it was a very welcome feeling.

And I hadn't even heard the good news yet.

As I entered the wing, Tash rounded the corner with a beaming smile.

"Well look who woke up from the dead!" She stopped walking for a second, her features twisting up like she ate something sour. "Maybe that was in poor taste since you almost died yesterday. Forget I said anything."

I laughed out loud at my crazy friend. "No worries, love. Have you noticed how chipper everyone is today?"

Tash widened her eyes at me, bringing a hand over his red lips. "You haven't heard! They have the map to find Luke Skywalker."

"Wait, what?" I asked, surprised at the news.

"I said they foun-"

"No, no Tash I heard you. I just can't believe it." Everything Poe and BB-8 had gone through wasn't for nothing. This was the news that we all needed today. "Who are they sending out to find him."

"Rey and the wookie are going to go I think. They should be leaving soon- I think I saw her come through here earlier to see Finn."

Any other day and it would've surprised me that Poe wasn't the one being sent on this mission. However, it was obvious to me that Rey had a connection with the force. If anyone should go and find the lost jedi, it was her. I made my way to the room where Finn was being held. The door was open, but I paused as I saw Rey leaning down to her friend, pressing her lips to his head.

"Thank you my friend," she whispered before standing up and turning towards the door. She stopped when she saw me before giving me a small smile.

"Sorry for intruding," I started. "I was just coming to see how he is."

"He's alive- thanks to you."

I shook my head. "That's why I was there. To help whoever I could get back safely." I walked over to the man's chart, flipping through the pages. "So, I hear you're going to find Luke?" I placed the chart back down, looking up to the girl.

She straightened her shoulders, looking proud to be taking on this mission. I smiled at her drive, believing she would be successful in her task. "I am. Chewie and I are going to take the Falcon. We really should be going soon actually."

"I'll walk you out, then. I was headed that way anyways." Rey nodded, following me out the door after one last look at her friend.

"So you think he will be okay?" I could hear the uncertainty in her voice.

"I do. Even though he is still unconscious, his body is recovering well. He's made it through the worst of it, and I promise that I will keep a close eye on him for you." The girl nodded, but turned to me as we made it out to the hangar.

"You never got the chance to tell me how you survived Ren's attack..."

I laughed lightly. "You have bigger things to worry about now, Rey." I looked out to the runway where everyone was starting to gather, awaiting the pair's departure. Looking back, I placed my hand on her shoulder. "We will see each other again. Maybe then I can fill you in."

"I'd like that," the girl replied. With another smile, she headed towards the crowd.

It was quite the scene- seeing everyone out on the hangar grounds, smiling and hugging. After months of uncertainty and fear, it was like we could all breathe again. I tried to push the gnawing feeling of unease out of my mind. In my gut, I knew this wasn't the end. My father always warned that as long as there was light in the galaxy, there would be dark trying to snuff it out. One couldn't be without the other.

"I know that look."

I turned my head as the General stopped by my side. The older woman was stunning in her blue dress.

"What look is that, General?"

"The look of uncertainty, doubt." She turned toward me, placing her hand on the side of my face in a motherly way. "My dear girl. As long as I've known you, you've always been the realist. You've always understood that there are two sides to every coin. Your ability to help others has been an opposing force to the evilness and cruelty in this galaxy." Leia looked to her celebrating cohorts. "I'm asking you to quiet that realist voice in your head, just for today. We have something to celebrate, which has come at a time when we also lost so much. Focus on the good today, we will face the rest tomorrow, together."

I digested Leia's words, but a thread of doubt was still weaving itself throughout my mind. I watched the group of pilots off to the side of the gathering, catching the eye of Poe. He gave me a broad smile, slowly unraveling that thread. "Leia... what if the darkness returns?"

"Then we will fight it with light, as we always have." She reached out and took my hand, giving it a strong squeeze before heading to where Rey had gone.

That was enough for me to push the negative thoughts from my mind for now. If this woman who had lost so much could push past it and embrace the goodness of today, so could I. Walking over to the pilots, Tally met me with a huge hug, careful to avoid my torso. Joseph wasn't far behind her, throwing an arm over my shoulder with a sloppy kiss to my temple.

"Hey now, hands off my girl, Jo." Poe said jokingly as he made his way over. My face twisted up, causing the others to laugh.

"Ugh Poe, do not call me 'your girl.' Honestly that makes me want to gag." The group burst out in a chorus of laughter and "ooo's." Poe had a smirk on his face as he stood in front of me, a devilish glint in his eyes.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart."

"You're unbearable, fly boy." His chest shook with laughter as he leaned into me, bringing a hand to the back of my head. As he lowered his mouth to mine, Jo's voice cut through the moment.

"Speaking of gag..."

Poe rolled his eyes with a huff, and it was my turn to laugh, pulling away from the pilot. I felt a bump against my leg, and looked down to see BB-8. He told us that Rey and Chewie were getting ready for takeoff. Following the droid, Poe threw an arm around my neck and I reached up to grab his hand that was over my shoulder. We met up with Leia at the front of the audience ready to see the pair off on their new journey. Leia smiled at us with shining eyes before the Millennium Falcon lifted off of the ground. It spun in a tight loop, and took off towards the stars as we all cheered them on. Poe pressed a hard kiss into my hair as the ship disappeared from our sight, on its way to Luke Skywalker.


Hours later I was in my office catching up on my notes, my third glass of Corellian wine in hand. The wing was quiet with most of the staff gathered out in the hangar with the rest of the base. Tash had tried her best to drag me out, and finally left once I told her I'd make my way after I finished my notes. Granted, I didn't realize how long that would take.

It was well into the night by the time I finished. Locking my notes away, I stood up and wandered over to the window, looking out into the dark trees. There was a quick knock on my door before it was opened to reveal Poe, looking as good as ever.

"Tash told me I'd probably find you here. I thought you were going to join us?" He made his way to me, eying my wine glass. "And you broke open the good stuff without me? I thought I meant something to you, doc." He placed his hand over his heart, giving me his best upset face while reaching up with his other hand and taking the glass. He took a large sip, swishing it around his mouth in an animated fashion before swallowing the red liquid.

I was laughing with my reply. "Oh I am just so sorry, Poe. Feel free to help me polish off this bottle." I grabbed the almost empty bottle from my desk, pouring the rest into the glass. "I was going to come out, but I had to finish writing and it took me longer than I thought it would to get the details down." I grabbed my glass back, taking a swig before giving it back to him. "How is everyone out there?"

"Drinking too much," he replied with a smile. "It is well deserved though."

"That is very true. I'm glad everyone got a night to relax and let loose."

"Everyone except you, doc." Poe gave me a pointed look before taking another sip. The expression made the miniscule scar on his brow stand out, which brought a smile to my face at the memory. That seemed so long ago.

"I've had plenty of relaxing this evening, Dameron."

"Yeah, almost an entire bottle of wine will do that to you I'm sure." He handed the glass back over to me as I laughed. "Are you done in here for the night?"

"It sure will, and yes I think so." I took another sip, walking around my office to make sure everything was in its place. Poe followed me as I made my way to the door, shutting the light off and closing the office. Poe and I were quiet on our way back to the quarters, just passing the glass between the two of us. I looked up to him, taking in his side profile as we went. His strong, stubbled jaw and longer hair made him even more attractive, if that was even possible. Heat was flooding through my veins when he looked down at me, fully catching me checking him out. He shot me his signature grin before stopping in front of my door.

I held his eyes as I took the last sip of wine, letting the rich liquid wash over my tongue. The warmth of the wine down my throat just added to the sensation I felt throughout my body. I could visibly see Poe's jaw clench ever so slightly as he watched me, knowing I was teasing him. He ran a hand through his dark curls and closed his eyes before meeting mine again with a new fire.

"Sienna..." he said in a low voice, stepping closer to me just as I opened my door, turning to step inside. I sat the empty glass down on the small entry table. Poe stayed out in the hall, but was watching my every move.

"I believe we have some unfinished business, commander."

In two steps, Poe was in my room, shutting the door quickly behind him. I took my wine-stained lip between my teeth as he slowly walked up to me, meeting his deep brown eyes that held a wanting I was very much understanding of in that moment. I wrapped my arms around his neck once he was in front of me and pulled him down to meet my lips in a deep kiss. His lips tasted like dark cherries as he ran a hand through my golden hair, tugging at the tresses to tilt my head back as he brought his lips down my neck.

"Poe..." I whispered when he nipped lightly at my neck. The heat I had felt moments earlier was nothing compared to the fire that was filling my core now. I ran my hands under his shirt, lightly scratching my nails against his tanned skin to his waistline. He groaned quietly against my skin before standing up straight and grabbing my face between his rough hands. I looked up at him as he searched my eyes.

"This is what you want, Sienna?" he asked in a husky tone.

There was absolutely no question in my mind that I wanted this. Wanted him.

"I want you, Poe. All of you." The words left my mouth before I could stop them, but I didn't have time to be embarrassed after seeing the wide smile they brought to his face. He leaned down and literally swept me off my feet as I yelped in surprise. He carried me over to the bed and gently laid me down before pressing a breath-taking kiss to my lips. He stood up and removed his shirt and I kicked off my boots and slid my leggings down.

I got up to my knees in the center of the bed, pulling my tunic over my head slowly and leaving me in my undergarments. The pilot's eyes roamed over my body. He had seen it before, but now his eyes held an edge as he took in every part of me. He paused at the bandage on my side briefly before finding my eyes again.

He bent over and leaned his hands on the bed, bringing his face near mine. "You are truly the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on, Sienna Dreis." A flush crawled up my neck at the look he was giving me. I went to look away from his intense gaze, but he grabbed my chin, holding my face. "And I have every intention of showing you how much I mean that."

A small moan came from my throat at his promise, making him smirk as he brought his lips to mine again. It started out slow, but our momentum was quickly building and we obviously had no plans on stopping. I twisted my legs around when Poe came to lean over me, pushing me back into the sheets. He trailed his lips down to my chest as I pressed myself as tightly against him as I could, feeling his anticipation through the rough fabric of his pants. I reached down to undo them before he grabbed both of my arms and pinned them above my head with a playful glint in his eyes.

"Stars, Poe." I tested the grip he had on me, unmoving. Taking both of my wrists into one hand, he slowly drug the other from my neck, across my breast and middle before catching the band of my underwear and pulling them down.

My skin felt like I was getting electrocuted. My ability to stay still had abandoned me as I moved against him. "This isn't fair, pilot." I did my best to give him a dirty look, but the sweep of his fingers across a sensitive area made that damn near impossible as a moan escaped my lips.

He shook with silent laughter as he pressed his lips lovingly against the side of my neck, the cold metal of the ring on his necklace falling against my chest. I brought my hips up, rubbing against him. His grip slackened and he cursed against my skin. Pulling my arms free, I twirled my fingers into his long hair and pulled his mouth back to mine. I wrapped my other arm around his shoulders as he tucked an arm underneath me, trailing his other downwards again.

In one movement, I flipped us so that I was straddling him. Taking my lip between my teeth again, I met his stare as I slowly slid down his body, pushing his pants and underwear down with me before he kicked them off. I brought my lips down to his quad, pressing a soft kiss against him. Poe leaned his head back against the pillow with a soft groan, his muscles tensing. As slowly as I could stand, I placed kisses up his body, every now and then using my tongue to teasingly lick his skin. I placed a final kiss along his jaw before sitting up and removing my bra, now leaving both of us on display for one another.

The look he gave me could've turned me into a puddle right then and there. Both of us were breathing heavy in anticipation, and I leaned forward to passionately kiss him before I pulled my lips away, placing them at his ear.

"Is this what you want, Poe?" I whispered to him, posing his own question from before.

He grabbed my hair, gently moving my head so our noses were almost touching. "I've wanted you since the moment I saw you, and I want you to allow me to prove that to you everyday, from this day forward."

My breath caught in my throat at his proclamation before he crashed his lips against mine, flipping us again before he began to fulfill his promise to me long into the early morning hours.

Laying tired against his strong chest with our legs tangled up together in the sheets, I don't think I had ever felt so wanted, no, needed by anyone before this. His fingers traced lazily over my back, becoming slower as we both began to fall asleep in our embrace. I turned my head and placed a light kiss against his salty skin as he pressed his own against the top of my head.

"Goodnight, doc." He whispered against my hair, pulling me closer into his side.

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