Skid Knees | Y.M

By _chrissstina_

4.7K 272 33

cause? accidentally bumping into someone on a snowy day effect? falling in love, with a side effect of skid k... More

one ➶
two ➴
three ➶
four ➴
five ➶
six ➴
seven ➶
eight ➴
nine ➶
ten ➴
eleven ➶
twelve ➴
thirteen ➶
fourteen ➴
fifteen ➶
sixteen ➴
seventeen ➶
nineteen ➶
twenty one ➶
twenty two ➴
twenty three ➶
twenty four ➴
epilogue ➵
➵ Next Book ➵

eighteen ➴

151 8 0
By _chrissstina_

                  After almost falling completely to the ground, Lue and Yaku left their shoes by the door and moved over to the kitchen area. He wasn't as nervous as he was being in her home before, but he wasn't sure it it was because Isogai wasn't here or not. He happily watched her grab out two glasses from the cupboard still not really believing this isn't a dream. "Go make yourself comfortable on the couch! I'll be there in a second!" Lue's sugary voice made the boy even more giddy. It had to be right? He was with Lue! Yaku was dating the girl he's been lining over for months! He sunk into the soft cushions and smiled down at his hands. Lue turned around to face him with a glass full of water but froze seeing the dazed look on the libero's face. He was staring at his intertwined hands with a gentle smile.

"Yaku?" Lue hummed pinching her brows together. She placed the glasses down on the table in front of them as she sat beside the zones out boy. Lue felt her cheeks heat up remember the events that took place outside. She asked Yaku if they could be more and he said yes..he said yes! She took this opportunity to full take in all of his features. Hey eyes scanning every inch of his face to lock it into her memory. He was slightly blushing and his eyes were hooded slightly as he gazed down at his fingers. So cute. Lue felt her heart pick up with her next thought. She sucked in a deep breath and slowly leaned forward as her eyes fluttered shut. She could do this whenever now, she loved that.

Yaku's mind finally clicked into place the second he felt heat on his lips. His eyes nearly shot out of his head from the gentle but sudden kiss. Before he could blink the girl pulled away softly, her cheeks shining with a blissful pink. Yaku then pouted and pressed his forehead on hers as she giggled. "You're really unfair," He mumbled. "I just couldn't help myself Yakkun, you looked so cute!" Lue shined with every word. The boy felt his cheeks burning even more but he didn't look away. All of his blushing madness and longing stares were for her like hers were for him. He still had a pout lingering on his features and it made Lue suddenly panic. The girl backed away and cover her face with her arms. She became fidgety, "W-Was that t-too sudden! I'm s-sorry!" She blabbed unable to stare at the boy sitting beside her.

She opened her mouth to say something else but couldn't. She felt her arms being pulled away from her and in the same instant, she felt Yaku planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Don't be sorry," He looked down at her with adorning eyes, "I like it when you're unfair like that Loo." The girl didn't say anything. They both just shared the sweet silence between them with shining eyes. It was perfect. The two felt nothing but affection for one another. It was almost like a dream coming true for each teen. Moments later Lue felt her eye lids start to droop along with her head starting to wobble. Yaku let out a small sigh as he sat back into the couch, his hand reaching up and around Lue's head to bring her into his chest. "You should get some rest, I can stay awake until your brother comes home okay?" He smiled when she nodded her head.

Before Lue allowed herself to get comfortable in his embrace she turned on the television and flipped it to a random movie. Yaku barley noticed because his eyes were already starting to get heavy as well. The girl moved back into Yaku's chest, her arms slinking around his shoulder and neck while her legs curled beside his. Just seconds after listening to his slow breathing she fell asleep. Yaku glanced down and felt his heart melt, how does one person look so cute when they sleep? He chuckled to himself and nuzzled into her more, his head dropping on top of her, "I don't ever want to be apart from you Lue." He closed his eyes to get some rest too, not realizing until now just how exhausted he was.



Not even twenty minutes into the girl being sound asleep and the boy finally being able drif into slumber, Lue became..touchy. While in her sleep she some how managed to get on top of Yaku. His eyes were wide open and his body was completely stiff. He was sweating and paranoid her brother would walk in any moment! And there was no way to explain this situation and they're position, which could be completely misunderstood! The girl had her hands up and under his t-shirt, pressing into his bare chest. Her legs were straddling the poor boy while her head was resting on his shoulder, letting her warm breath caress his exposed neck.

Every time she exhaled it caused Yaku to shiver in delight and panic. He tried to slip away from her but Lue let out a small pouty noise and bury into him more, letting her hips grind to gain comfortableness. Yaku head flung back feeling as if he had over heated and broke. The noise along with the movement of her hips had his head spinning! The poor libero had all these impure thoughts pouring into his mind making the situation worse. He needed to get away from the seducing sleeping beauty as soon as possible! He felt her hand creep up his torso more, moving from his rib area up to her collar bone causing him to freeze.


His eyes just about popped out of his head from the soft moan like whisper. In a flash he had threw the girl off of him in a spinning motion so she was now laying on the couch. Without checking if she was still asleep the overly hot boy ran to the nearest place with acccesable water, which happened to be the hallway bathroom. He turned on the faucet and splashed his face with cold water trying to cool himself off. After doing the same splashing movement for a few times he turned off the running water. He slowly looked up at his reflection and noticed his cheeks were back to their normal shade.



Like magic he was instantly red all over again. He rubbed his head figuroisly scolding himself for remembering her angle like whisper and her hands roaming his chest. His heart was beating ridiculously fast and the impure thoughts once again rose to the top of his mind.

Just then Yaku heard the front door open. A huge sigh of relief washed over the boy, he needed to head home and the cold air outside would help clear his mind. He exited the bathroom and walked back over to where he left Lue. Once he got into the living room he saw Isogai laying a blanket over the snoozing girl. Yaku let out a sigh of gratitude seeing his abrasive action didn't wake the girl up. "Yaku?" Isogai stood up staring with a raise brow. "A-Ah! Yes! Hello! Sorry for the intrusion! I didn't want to leave Lue alone so I thought it'd be okay if I waited-" Yaku's nervous rambling was cut off by Isogai chuckling.

"No need to apologize! I appreciate your kindness! No need to get all red!" The cheery older boy waved his hand in the air feeling a little flatter that the boy would get so embarrassed by his presence. Yaku nodded, a head of sweat rolling down his neck, I promise I'm not red from you showing up. "I should head home now," Yaku slightly laughed rubbing the back in his head. "Oh! Would you mind staying for a bit? I wanted to ask about the trip!" Isogai smiled brightly. Yaku nodded with a small grin and followed him into the kitchen. Isogai offered the libero some drinks but he kindly said no, clearly reminding the tired man he was still under age.

"So how was Lue?" He automatically asked after sitting across from Yaku. "She was great! She made a lot of friends!" Yaku happily spoke leaning forward a little. "That's really good to hear," Isogai breathed softly. The two went back and forth with stories from the training camp while throwing in some funny stories about Lue as a child. "I'm really glad she has you," Isogai said genuinely making Yaku blush and freeze up. "She'd probably kill me for telling you this but, I'm sure my little sister has a crush on you!" Isogai's cheeks were now tinted red. "She's growing up too fast for me!" He dropped his head on the table, his lip extended out into a large pout. Yaku couldn't help but smile, his mind rushing back the past events from the training camp.

"I have a crush on your little sister too," Yaku mumbled only intending that sentence for himself but unfortunately, a drunk older brother heard him. Yaku jumped in his seat seeing Isogai leaning practically all the way over the table. "You do!!" Isogai whisper yelled. Yaku only nodded his head nervously. "Does she know!!" Again with a whispered yell. Yaku nodded again softly with a small chuckle. Isogai gasped dramatically and leaned away from the nervous boy. Yaku sat still as he watched Isogai stare at him with hooded eyes. It felt like months had flown by between the two as Isogai just sat idle staring at him. Yaku was nervous to blink honestly, what if Isogai was actually one of those over protective brothers who never wants his sister to be taken away! Yaku gulped at the thought, scenarios playing in his mind. He was so caught up in those made up thoughts he didn't see Isogai get up from his chair.

In a flash the drunk male wrapped Yaku into his arms and rubbed his cheek on the now fully aware boy. "I'M SO HAPPY!" Isogai shouted in Yaku's ear. "ALL SHE EVER DID WAS WRITE ABOUT YOU IN HER DIARY!!" Yaku's face heated up, "You read her diary?" He spoke making Isogai release him. "Only sometimes!" Isogai defended while scratching his cheek. Yaku stared back with disbelief, he was sure Isogai read her diary more than ever nessecary. "But enough of that!" The older male chuckle stepping over to Yaku. "Does that mean you and Lue are together?" He said in a deep voice hovering over Yaku. At first Yaku felt overwhelmed and panicked but once his eyes looked into Isogai's and saw the genuine happiness he relaxed.

"Yeah, we actually got together tonight," He spoke with fondness. "She beat me too it actually." Yaku grumbled a little bit ashamed. He snapped his head back up when he heard Isogai humming, he saw his arms crossed. "Sounds like Lue, when she has her mind set on something, she goes for it." Yaku nodded, thinking back to how dedicated she is as there teams manager. "She really does,"

The two shared a moment of silence before Isogai hiccuped. "Uh, Mr. Hinako?" Yaku mumbled adverting his gaze. "Huh?" Isogai turned his head to stare down at the shorter boy. "May I come see Lue tomorrow?" Yaku gulped but froze when he felt a hand clap his back. "Of course!" Isogai gave him a wide grin, Yaku returned it with shining eyes. He then announced he was heading home after realizing how late it had gotten, sure he was going to get an earful from his mother. Just as he was walking towards the door a photo on the wall caught his attention. It was a picture of three people, a little girl and two boys older than her. A puppy love grin took over his face as he recognized the dark molasses eyes on the little girl. She was wearing an over grown hat with a smile as big as her face, god she was so cute!

His eyes moved over to one of the males seeing it was Isogai as a student, but, who was the other guy? He had light brown hair and green eyes, looked around the same age as Isogai in the picture, they wore the same uniform. They were both hugging little Lue with huge smiles. "I take it Lue hasn't told you about Shota." Isogai's voice made Yaku spun around, his hand gripping the strap of his school bag as he shook his head no slowly. "Shota's my best friend, after our parents past away Shota was there for the two of us, I guess we were kinda like a family." He sighed, "I was the mommy he was the daddy!" He playfully giggled twirling all drunk and happy, as if flowers were blooming behind him. Yaku only chuckled at his actions and looked back to the picture, his eyes focusing on the smaller version of the girl he was madly in love with.

"Lue thought of him as another brother, she really loved Shota." Yaku's eyes slightly grew hearing the sad tone in Isogai's words and went to ask him something but was cut off by the male pushing him towards the front door. "Have a safe walk home Yaku! I'll see you tomorrow!" Isogai waved as he put on his shoes, a happy smile on his lips. "See you tomorrow Mr. Hinako," Yaku bowed lightly and opened the door. "Oh Yaku!" The boy turned around to see Isogai smirking at him, "Just call me Iso, I have a feeling you're going to be sticking around for a long while." He winked at the blushing boy before closing the door.

The whole walk home Yaku was blushing like mad, but also smiling like a love sick goof.

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