America? Who?

By TakishimaHisako

26.3K 777 501

The British Nation, England, somehow erased everyones memories regarding America, the Hero! America doesn't k... More

Magic gone wrong?
Home sweet home
Nice to meet you....'again'
The Past is Past, Never Discuss.
A Memory from the Past

The Piece (Edited)

1.6K 61 40
By TakishimaHisako

"Let's go somewhere with the other nations!"

Both Ivan and Matthew stared at Alfred.

Alfred pouted, "What? What's wrong with hanging out with the others?" Both of them looked at each other before looking back at Alfred.

For a moment, Matthew just stared at him as he shifted about in worry, "Well I can at least agree with most of them but some of them are...quite hostile towards you for some reason." Matthew frowned, "And I don't want you to get hurt because of them, Al. You're the first outsider to ever live with one of us freely while fully knowing who we are. And I can't blame them for being cautios around you, they might still think that you're a spy. No offence, eh..." Matthew trailed off with a sheepish smile, "I-I'm just worried of what might happen if..."

Alfred cut him off with a wave of his hand, "Oh c'mon dude. I can totally take care of myself. I mean, I can even take on Ivan one on one!" He flashed a smug smile at Ivan who smirked playfully.

"You wish, Fredka. It was only because of your luck and my lack of knowledge towards your capability of resisting my magic metal pipe of pain that you managed to survive." He smiled.

"Nah commie. It's coz of my heroic strength duh!"

"We have to go for the meeting today and see if we have any good news for you when we get back, so..." Matthew faced the American, "You can stay here for a while and don't go anywhere else, eh. If I find out that you went somewhere else without my knowledge again..."

"I promise I won't get lost in my own awesome world, got it." Alfred smiled widely bidding them both a good luck.


Germany turned his eyes upward as his frown deepened. He doesn't, well, neither does his fellow nations understand this 'America' spy- if he was even a spy in the first place...

"Mmmm..." He murmured, lost in his thoughts.

Canada sighed and with determined eyes, he slammed his hands softly on the meeting table, "B-But I can tell that he doesn't mean any harm, eh!" Everyone looked at Canada in surprise, Canada yelped at all the eyes watching him as his confidence withered. "U-Uh, I-I know that he seems a bit suspiscious...B-But! He is really a kind person!"

France sighed heavily, of course that's what the Canadian would say, "But mon petite, even if he is a little bit kind to you, doesn't mean that he will do the same to us. Who knows, maybe he is wearing a mask with a heavy secret within, no?"


"I never thought the day that I would have to agree with this frog will come but..." England paused, peeking a brief glance to the poor blonde, the Brit felt guilty just disagreeing him. " right, lad." England felt the guilt grow when those purple orbs look at him with such pitiful eyes.

England knew since the day they had encountered Alfred that he is suspiscious. The way he talks so familiar with them was suspiscious. The way he just straight up smiles and laughs is suspiscious. The way he looks at them with longing eyes were suspiscious. The way all the nations somehow felt like they knew him was...

"Suspiscious..." England heard Germany murmur, "He is suspiscious yet he's not..." It's like we knew him for so long was left unsaid but they knew what he meant.

"S-See? There is something about him that makes us draw near to him. T-There's this weird connection that makes us feel like we just solved a missing piece in our lives! Like!-" Canada paused, "....a missing piece..." Canada mumbled, then his head faced them in sudden realization. "Isn't this what we were looking for!?"

The nations looked at him and he stiffened just as they had when he said that.

A missing piece...

Yes, that had been quite a topic a long time ago. In the days of the Roman Empire, he told tales across the world about his adventures and what not. He always said that there are many things that the world has yet known and things that the nations might never know. Sometimes, he even attempted to tell them about ridiculous tales like going to another world and meeting himself and saw himself die as a strong historical nation. He used to tell those kinds of tales about how our world looks like a reflected mirror but with slight different events.

He always tells them of these stories but one of them stood out. The nations knew that it is way too ridiculous to be true but they couldn't help but feel a bit curious about this particular tale.

A missing piece

They didn't know what he meant but the words he said lingered in their minds.

"This world already has many things in its hands but one thing is for certain." He said facing the little nations in front of him, "The world has yet to know of him..." He whispered but the little ones still heard him as he lowered his head with a quiet sigh, "No matter, it is destined for him to come back..."

"And a connection in you all is the only thing you'll have to know."

Until then, this world is never complete.

The missing piece...

"How can you say that? Isn't that just a fairy tale?" A nation pointed out.

"It may also be true!"

Russia hummed, "I agree with Matvey."

"What!? Have you lost your minds-"

Russia smiled manacingly, silencing the nation who dared to stand up to him.

Another nation raised their hand and spoke up shakingly, "B-But what p-proof do you have!?"

Canada's eyes knitted together with distress and gritted his teeth, "Alfred is-"

"That boy is nothing but a human, have you forgotte-"

"No you have forgotten the time he stood up to freaking Russia!"

"He's still human!"

"A robot I guess?"

"Where did you even-"

"I know he is but don't you think that tug is too out of place than the rest of them?"

"But he's still a puny human!"

"Even so-"

"This is too ridiculous aru, I am ou-"

Canada punched the meeting table, ignoring France and England's widened eyes and the cracked table below his fist. "The connection between us ALONE IS THE PROOF!!!"

Everyone stilled and shut their mouths. Silence was the only sound they heard aside from Canada's continuously labored breaths. When Canada slowly sat back to his chair, everyone shifted uncomfortably in their chairs, seemingly guilty for making the normally quiet Canadian scream.

Finally, Germany sighed and raised his hand, "Let us talk about this matter in the next meeting. For now, we'll keep an eye on him." He said and stood up, "This meeting is adjourned."


The golden boy leaned back on the bench where Canada left him, silently watching the clouds with wide blue orbs covered behind those spectacles and smiling with the sort of quiet satisfaction that should have rubbed England the wrong way and yet didn't - and that unnerved him the most about him. Alfred obviously looks just like a normal human but the connection that he had felt with him says otherwise. Not to mention that this very same boy stopped Russia's attack.

It is clear that this boy isn't what he seems to be.

England already casted away the thought of the boy as a spy but he is still not trusting enough for him to let his guard down. Even if he isn't a spy, there's still too many holes for him to trust.

To think that this golden haired boy somehow has a connection with that fairy tale...

Well it...isn't impossible.

Just not believable.

"Ah no!" He heard the boy whine, "I forgot my phone! Stupid me didn't even noticed it coz of this crazy shenanigan AUs-"

"AU?" Alfred froze and England noticed. "What do you mean by that, dear lad?"

"U-Uh whaaat?" Alfred's averted his eyes and laughed, "What are you talking about dude? What AU? I don't know anyone with that stupid name! Haha...."

England just stared blankly at the American. Alfred saw this and slumped down heavily with a sigh, "I-I don't wanna talk about it..." He whispered sadly.

England saw this and felt a pang of confusing guilt that he caused him discomfort. He awkwardly strolled towards the boy, "Well..." He started as he sat beside him, sending a glance and a quick awkward smile, "I won't push it, lad. You don't have to worry..." He said, and it inwardly surprised him. Normally he would have aggressively demanded answers by now but....he didn't.

Alfred smiled at him in return and it loosened his tensed form, England felt really light just now.

"So..." The American whispered, "It's been three weeks since we met huh?"

England hummed, "...Yes."

The American laughed a little, "Gaining all your trust is really going to be hard."

England crossed his legs and nodded with a smirk, "Well, it would be stupid for us to just trust you without hesitation. We don't walk blindly in a possible trap, Alfred."

Alfred slumped down and sighed heavily, "Ahhh dammit, I knew he would say that." He grumbled lowly to himself.

A pregnant silence washed down between them, the sound of birds tweeking and a few people walking about the street easily prompted Alfred to bite his lip thinking for any possible topics to rise.


Alfred whipped his head towards the Brit with wide eyes, startled away from his thoughts. "Wut?"

Arthur bit back a chuckle at those adorable big blue eyes staring at his. He smirked, "You were beginning to scare those poor children from playing there." He whispered, pointing his eyebrows at the group of children on the playground. Alfred followed his gaze, and sheepishly chuckled out a 'sorry'.

"Yes, you should be. You were staring at them for a while now and they thought you were one of those 'mean guys' that lure them with candies and the lots."

Alfred gasped in a fake offended tone, "Dude! I'm not even going to start thinking of luring kids from their parents! Nu-uh that's not in my code. ('That's for the likes of creepy dudes like Nat, he mused in his head) But I would totally give them candies for free."

Arthur just hummed before he stood up and start walking from the bench.

"...where are you going, Dude? Dude Uh-I promise I would never do any creepy stuff! I don't even know how to do creepy stuff, Ivan and Nat are just that weird but really I would never take kids away- Hey wait for me dude!"

Later on, Arthur suggested they get to know each other. Both tried to come up for places to go but they got into another coversation of simple ones ("Did you know France tried to talk to frogs once a long time ago? When I first called him that." "What! Dude that's hilarious...wait. Seriously?") cracks and jokes ("I never asked how you got those eyebrows tho so ho-" "Shut up, git!"). When the sun began to set, they ended up in McDonalds to the sheer bliss of the American.


"I see you were bonding perfectly." The Canadian smirked at him and opened the door, letting the exhausted looking Alfred enter beyond the entrance.

Alfred just hummed tiredly, flopped down unto the couch and curled up. Matthew chuckled and closed the door, "I'm glad you made friends with Arthur."

Alfred just gave out a muffled agreement before snoring. Matthew rolled his eyes and walked towards the American, he carefully carried him into the guest room. He gently laid him on the bed and raised the blanket up to his neck.

Alfred shifted for a few seconds before continuing his snoring session. Matthew chuckled and smiled, "Goodnight, Alfie."

Author's POV

Hello guys, Im sorry again but to be honest I seriously love reading and doing other stuff that made me forget about this or made me too lazy to write anything, I cant help it ;-;

I do hope you enjoyed the chap 😊

And just like every other Author POV's I say 'ciao~' 💖

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