The Designer and the Model

By cheyZbabe

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Unlikely sparks were ever to be imagined from two unsuspecting women, both from completely different lives an... More

Chapter 1 - Home
Chapter 2 - Drake
Chapter 3 - Try outs
Chapter 4 - Modeling?
Chapter 5 - Apartment
Chapter 6 - First Workshop
Chapter 7 - 1 OAK
Chapter 8 - Alone in the workshop
Chapter 9 - Cyclist
Chapter 10 - flight
Chapter 11 - The Versace Mansion
Chapter 12 - pool side
Chapter 13 - first touches
Chapter 14 - side by side
Chapter 15 - virgins guilt
Chapter 16 - toys and Lucinda's house
Chapter 17 - Cumming in the dark
Chapter 18 - pillow talk
Chapter 20 - Riding Recklessly
Chapter 21 - Aftermath
Chapter 23 - Bed time mistakes
Chapter 24 - tattoos and rimming
Chapter 25 - Tattoos revealed
Chapter 26 - Dinner party at drakes
Chapter 27 - Renèe, friends?
Chapter 28 - Betrayal
Chapter 29 - Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
Chapter 30 - Last night in New York
Chapter 31 - Chicago
Chapter 32 - Taken
Chapter 33 - torture
Chapter 34 - newborn and rekindling
Chapter 35 - Pray to predator
Chapter 36 - First therapy session
chapter 37 - Crazy night with Lucinda's friends
Chapter 38 - Maxim
chapter 39 - Intense
chapter 40 - father may I
Chapter 41 - untold
Chapter 42 - Mothers and Daughters
Chapter 43 - see you later
Chapter 44 - Bitter Goodbyes
Chapter 45 - Engaged 💍
Chapter 46
Chapter 47 - Dasha
Chapter 48 - tyazhelyy um
Chapter 49 - Maria Del Costa

Chapter 19 - Lets ride

732 23 5
By cheyZbabe

charlotte pov

I quickly had found out how fussy Lucinda really was.

I had ordered a complete array of an assortment of all sorts of Entrees; sushi, salad bowls, pasta and all kinds of little goodies to go with it.

Lucinda picked it with a scrunched nose and almost made me give up as I chewed patiently waiting for her to find something. She took my mind off my mission for a while as she spun the game around. Focusing on feeding me, Lucinda almost seemed to smirk with each small bite she gave me, my mind became completely off-task as she finally ingested something.

Dark, rich chocolate sauce dripped a single droplet from her fingernail to the exposed skin on the side of my neck. The tip of her tongue drew me in Immediately, creating my hand to press around her side pushing her into me as her gently tingling wet stokes turned to tender sucks and teasing nibbles.

As my hand brushed over her cleavage I could actually feel Lucinda heart racing and banging around in her chest.

"Ouch," I flinched and rubbed my neck after Lucinda's canine tooth stabbed me. I stood up quickly as Lucinda became alarmed at the knock at the door.

"Bethany do not come in!" Lucinda demanded as I heard the front door start opening. Lucinda rushed down the hall towards it, peeking her head through the door as she quickly replaced the thin spray jacket over her bared skin.

"You said-"

"I know. My plans had changed and I didn't notify you. Just leave that here I'll collect it later."

"It weighs a ton. Just move over and I'll wheel it in, please it's killing my back and it's gonna slam on the ground." Bethany's voice was audibly struggling and breathless. Lucinda turned her cold panicked eyes to me and I froze. Not sure where to go or what to do.

"Quick move I'm going to drop it!" Beth grunted in a gush and I saw the door. Beth barrelled in with a hand trolley pasted Lucinda. Taking hold of the front of the massive neck-high vase Lucinda eased it down with a red-faced and vein-bulging Bethany.

"I...I, phew... One second, I think I've got a stitch." Beth huffed holding her knees trying to get her breath back. Lucinda quickly gave me another cold glance and this time I knew she was telling me to get out of sight before she purposely Placed herself in Beth's line of vision to me.

"I'm sorry I came into your place like that. I thought you'd still be at church or on a ride or something, you're not normally here-"

Bethany stopped talking and I assumed Lucinda must have held her hand up or something to silently make Beth shut up. Tiptoeing to the nearest room I got in and hid behind the door peaking slightly to watch what was going on.

"Go. I'm in the middle of something, I'll contact you later."

The door closed again quickly after that and with a few more glances I figured Beth must have left. Having view straight down to Lucinda I witnessed her fingering a pendant on a chain around her neck, staring at the closed door for a moment before absently returning to me.

"You should leave now Charlotte." Was all Lucinda said to me in passing, with a staining look of anxiety washed over her.

"Y-yeah, sure..." I automatically responded standing still with my head following her.

My stuff is in her room.

Awkwardly I practically followed her to her room in search of my things to get out of here. I was starting to get upset as I found my things and realized I was still wearing Lucinda's Versace robe. Stopped across from Lucinda sitting on the side of the bed. I removed it, letting it drop from my naked shoulders before I folded it in my arms. Bare and conflicted I handed it to her.

She released a shaken breath, taking it. It wasn't because of me standing in front of her naked, she didn't seem to want to ever look at me now. She was stressed the fuck out and I was gathering why as I quickly changed into my clothes.

"What if she did see me?"

"Bethany didn't see anything."

"But what if she did?" I pushed and I leaned against the wall wanting to draw this out and not have Lucinda shut herself off from me again, "you said you didn't regret this."

"That doesn't mean I want it broadcasted! You-" fist clenched on the bed sheets Lucinda eyes burnt a hole in the wall before returning to me. I wanted to cry in pathetic need as I mentally pleaded with Lucinda not to let me go now.

"I'd rather stay with you for the rest of this Sunday. But if you are actually busy I'll leave you to it, so what I guess I'm saying is; do you really want me to go?"

Lucinda could barely meet my gaze.

"It doesn't feel great to hide like a mistake from Bethany," I spoke frighteningly aloud, pulling Lucinda's attention over. Heart beating like a rabbit I continued on since I'd already started, "can we just go on as if that didn't happen?" I begged and I felt a breeze of lightless as Lucinda's gaze softened and she came over and took my hand. I knew from just looking at her that she was saying a million times more than what her silence rang. But I got my answer as Lucinda's eyes met mine giving me a jolt of joy that pushed my arms around her.

I loved her tender hold that encased me. She wanted me with her.

Closing my eyes I lost myself to her scent and touch, imagining what it'd be like to be met like this everyday.

"Beth mentioned church. It is Sunday, I would have figured as well that you would have gone."

"I did," Lucinda spoke softly, "while you slept."

"Was it good?"

I smiled as Lucinda's lips chuckled hot air over my neck, "What an odd question regarding such things."

Finding the will to let go I couldn't help myself from holding Lucinda's goddess sculpted cheeks, "what about the riding thing then? Riding what? Horses?" Words just leaked from my mouth as simply as breathing as my mind fluttered all over being lost in her deep blue eyes.

"I'd have to go to The Bronx in your area of town to horse ride, no. Motorbikes, there is no point owning a car in Manhattan but a bike makes things smoother."

"I could imagine it would be. That's pretty ho-" I caught myself and my cheeks heated seeing Lucinda's knee-weakening smirk.

"You like it?" She purred and I bit my lip as her hands fell lower down my spine.

"Mhmm," I didn't trust my own voice but I wouldn't stop myself from resisting Lucinda. My lips danced with hers and I soon didn't have the mental capacity to think about anything else for as long as we were in her room kissing each other.

"Ah, Yes..." I mindlessly tilted my head back in a moan as Lucinda lips found my neck again along with her hand becoming more curious and torturously close.

Unzipping the spray jacket I slid my arms around her warm bare waist grinding into thigh before it all abruptly stopped. Leaving a lingering kiss on my temple, Lucinda pulled away. My eyes slowly dropped as her open jacket revealed much of her bare inked abdomen.

"I have something to ask of you."

Eagerly I beamed And was ready for anything, "I'll do it."

I half intended to see Lucinda smile or laugh at that but it appeared to mean more than just that to her. She stood with a lingering and questioning expression behind her icy blue eyes, "why do you trust me?" Lucinda asked with disbelief in her voice.

"I don't have a reason not to,"

Lucinda took a moment, eyeing me. Then seemingly passed that conversation back to the original, "I want to sketch you, Charlotte. Would you be comfortable with that?"

Not wanting the gap between us last any longer I took her waist and smirked against her plump lips, "It'd be my pleasure,"

My body relaxed further as Lucinda's arms returned around my neck, kissing me sweetly but briefly "get on the bed then." I was good at taking orders. Getting straight into work mode I crawled on the bedsheets laying back.

Something seemed wrong as Lucinda starred at me. Not voicing what she wanted I took a bold guess.

"Are you going to paint me like one of your French girls Jack?" I joked as I knelt up removing my clothing once more.

Lucinda sat in the corner of the room on a plush white lounge chair, taking up a book and pen beside her. Her focused eyes took in every inch and crevasse of my body. Her crossed legs rested the book and her eyes drifted between the two of us as hours past by. I didn't notice my muscles aching until that book shut and I sat up. My shoulders creaked and my back needed cracking.

All of that numbed from my mind as Lucinda joined me on the bed. Removing her jacket and crawling over me. Laying her lips on my bare chest for a moment before straddling my thighs.

She thanked me and I just fell into her warming gaze, "do you want to go for a ride?"

"Yes," I said immediately and Lucinda smirk in amusement as I brought her closer down to me.

"I meant on my bike. I need to get some more supplies for my studio."

I chuckled against her skin and let got. Lucinda disappeared for a while after giving me full rain of her closet and I went with the biker theme as I found some leather jeans and a racie black slinget to match.

The top was tighter than I'd expected. It was no wonder as I saw the wall of corset waist trainers, I should have known before I'd even put it on.

"You look good."

"Shit. I didn't hear you come in, ah. Thanks-" I rushed as I eyed her open leather motorbike jacket, nothing rested under it aside from a bra. It was fucking hot and I admired her longer as she passed me. Collecting something out of the many racked clothes, Meticulously arranged by colour and material.

"Come here, you'll need this." She ushered over and I turned my back to her as she slid a biker jacket on me. This fit well and I loved the red Ferrari logo and design.

Additionally to the flaming hot jacket Lucinda handed me a matching helmet.

Before we left the front door Lucinda turned reluctantly to me before she touched the door handle, "could you close the helmet as we go down to the garage?"

Annoyed I gave her a look. Lucinda's stance didn't waver and I caved barely trying to hide how irritating this was getting being some secret or mistake. Bumping down the Visor with a huff in the helmet that encased my head.

Once in the elevator I started to dwell on things more as the silence made it impossible to not overthink.

Tingles vibrated up my wrist as Lucinda took my hand in hers, smoothing her thumb up and down the soft flesh of my hand.

In a blink it was over and "ground level" signalled. I hung back a few steps as Lucinda strode with purpose over to a guy that seemed to be expecting us. Overshadowing my annoyance I did stare at her black leathered figure helplessly.


"Sorry," I said probably not loud enough to hear though this massive helmet. Hurrying I walked over to the black street bike. It was bigger than I expected and looked heavy as hell. With Lucinda on it I couldn't help but doubt she could hold this and me upright.

"Step on this," her gloved hand pointed, "there will be another one on the other side. Keep your feet on them." Carefully and extremely hesitantly I climbed on.

"Put your feet up, Charlotte." Lucinda lowered her voice and ran her hand behind, lifting my thigh until my heel rested in the spot she said to put it.

"Are you sure you'll be able to drive with me on here? The bike is massive."

Reaching behind to be again Lucinda pulled my last nervous foot off the ground. Putting my full weight on the bike I gripped to the seat so hard my fingers hurt. "put your arms around me Charlotte." Lucinda instructed as I flinched, the bike was super loud. Rolling forward I quickly hugged my arms around her waist just before we shot off out of the undercover car park.

It scared me when we got on the busy streets of Manhattan though, Lucinda weaves through traffic at a really fast rate and I just couldn't look at cars seemed to be just inches from the bike. The gears started to sound like they were shifting down and I could feel the speed lowering enough so that I could open my eyes again before we came to a complete stop.

In front of an intersection at a red light. Lucinda lent the bike slightly and held us up by her foot on the ground, still worried about the excessive weight I tapped her thigh stiffly as my other handheld tightly around her waist. She turned her matte black helmeted head in my direction.

"Should I put my foot down too?"

She shook her head and let go of one of the handlebars, rubbing my clenched arm around her as we waited for the green light.

The rest of the journey seemed slower like Lucinda had noticed me freaking out behind her and reduced her crazy speed to make me more comfortable. I was definitely grateful but the lane-filtering still made my chest tense up. It wasn't illegal to do that but I just sure as hell wasn't used to being so close to other cars and being so vulnerable to crushing and dying.

Lucinda kept physically reassuring me and calming me with her touch at every stop. There was no sexual energy to it (not that I'd be thinking about that now) but I liked how she was showing me that she cared.

We pulled into a QuikTrip and I felt relieved to get off the death trap.

Leaving Lucinda to put gas in it I went inside. Aimlessly browsing at first holding my helmet as checked out the insanely long meat sticks (Americans are serious about their snacks) until my phone vibrated in my pocket.

It was Dad checking in on me;

Hey love. You got time for a call I want to chat with my favourite daughter.

Not wanting to leave him waiting long I took the call and it was great to hear his voice. He sounded sick at the moment which concerned me but my mind was put at ease and exploded with excitement as he gave me some good news. He got a job. I was so proud of him and curious eyes found me in the store as my eyes started to water, quickly leaving the Quick Trip I walked around the corner to a small bench.

"-love that's not all either. I'll be moving into Manhattan, the dealership needs to be close and I jumped at the chance. It's a really good job, practically the same sort of work I was doing in the past so it is very familiar. Plus I'll be close to my Charlotte-girl."

Sharing in his excitement and happiness I couldn't stop telling him how proud and happy I was for him. But a question kept slowing my words, dad kept saying "he" was moving.

"Mom's coming too isn't she?" I questioned sure he was going to quickly reassure me, but he didn't. The silence coming from my phone made me start to hear white noise as I stopped breathing.

"Charlotte, I'd rather get into that when I come down and see you in person."

"Dad... Dad don't make me wait. I'm worried now, what's going on?"

"Charlotte," he signed and hesitated before pushing through, "I cant stay with your mother anymore Charlotte. It's better for both of us not to live with each other."

"Are you getting a divorce?!" My voice broke as my brain hammered with questions.

"We have to Charlotte," I could barely comprehend what he was telling me. I couldn't understand why things couldn't go back to the way things were, we were so happy when we moved to New York. Dad had a good job and we flourished as a family, mom and dad love each other. I couldn't understand why everything had to end now. They could fix the problems they had between each other, they just needed to try.

Dad didn't see it that way through. He sounded like he couldn't spend another second with mom and it made me worry about her being on her own.

"She'll still live at home?" I asked knowing he couldn't just abandon her with nothing.

"No. She's moving back to Australia to live with Nan and pop."

"When?" I practically screamed, ignoring Lucinda approaching me as I picked at my lip.

"Charlotte... I'm sorry but she already got on her flight yesterday. She's upset and just needs space, I wanted her to go see you or call you before she left but..." I could hear an angry pent up sigh vibrate from his nostrils, "she couldn't."

"Why... I-" my stomach hurt and I held my head in my hand as I bent over, "dad I'll call you later, I just need time to get my head around this."

"Of course darling. I love you, everything will be alright. It's a bump in the road and things will get better. Love you to the moon and back."

"L-love you to dad." I blurted in tears as I locked my phone, seeing Lucinda legs in front of me I heard something be place down beside me before she took me up in her arms. Holding me.

I didn't want to make a scene and blubber like a baby so I took the time she gave me in her securing hold to sink down the burning feeling in my chest, "sorry about that." I apologised and Lucinda shook her head kissing my cheek firmly.

"Don't be. Bad news happens when we least expect it. Here." She held a soft fabric handkerchief out to me and I thanked her with a smile, grateful she left for the bike while I cleaned myself up.

I couldn't think about mom leaving and my parents divorcing, every time my mind forced me to think about it I just started crying and snotting again and I really didn't want Lucinda to see me like that again.

The helmet made me feel a bit more secure now that Lucinda couldn't see my flushed face and reddened eyes. I didn't care as much about the cars that sprung my anxiety last time, I trusted in Lucinda to keep me safe and I just closed my eyes and concentrate on cuddling up to her. I loved how she touched me reassuring when she could, it just made me feel safer somehow.

I wanted to see and feel this gentle and kind of Lucinda more often.


After collecting a pre-ordered package from a fancy looking textiles store, Lucinda drove us back to her place. I came back into her condo thinking I had overstepped my welcome and to get ready to leave but Lucinda didn't seem to be in a rush even after the sun started to die in the sky. She insisted I vent to her about what was going on, it felt strange and out of place but really relieving to let it out. Lucinda was a really good listener. Her attention didn't waver and she didn't interrupt me or just tell me what I wanted to hear, she was curious and logical and compassionate. She was the type of person I was really grateful to have around me.

I kept wishing she would stay this way even after I left tonight. I wished when I saw her tomorrow at the workshop she kept this calm lightness about her, I mentally begged whoever might hear me that I wouldn't have to start at square one with Lucinda again. I knew she was my boss and it wouldn't be exactly the same but I just wished it was more than how she acted with me in public.

"I'm gonna get out of your hair now," I got off the sofa and stroked Maxims sleeping head beside me, getting my stuff I approached Lucinda by the door. Anxiously smiling I hugged her and felt warmth rattle over me was her fingers strode down the back of my hair.

"8am at the workshop," Lucinda reminded me and I nodded briefly before reaching for the door handle, swinging it open I side-glanced at her blue eyes.

"I've had a really good time with you." I confessed and pressed my palm to her cheek without thinking as I lent in. Lucinda's lips found mine first and my chest exploded with need and desire by the passion she gave me. So much so I dropped my bag and pressed her into the wall beside the open door.

Instantly I didn't want to leave. I wanted her more than anything.

Pulling away Lucinda smirked clearly holding herself back from returning back to my lips again, "Get home safe. I'll see you tomorrow." Her voice breathlessly spoke and I stole a peck before leaving Lucinda's condo. The travel home seemed to fly past as I recalled and replayed every moment of our time together.

"Please don't let everything change tomorrow," I whispered to myself in the back of a yellow cab passing her building as I watched up to her balcony.

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