Guardian Angels (Saimatsu)

By AcePancakeDetective

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MAJOR SPOILERS FOR DANGANRONPA V3 KILLING HARMONY! This is a Saimatsu fic (Danganronpa's Shuichi Saihara x Ka... More

One More Vote (Chapter 1.) [REVISED]
Absolution (Chapter 2.)
The Favor of a Purple Rat (Chapter 3.)
Author's Note 1
His Last Goodbye (Chapter 4.)
Trial Without Error (Chapter 5.)
The Last Moments of the Ultimate Tennis Player (Chapter 6.)
Author's Note 2
Sneak Peak: Hope for Freedom (Persona 5 x Danganronpa)
With You (Chapter 7.)
Author's Note 3
Angelic Dance (Chapter 8.)
A Day for Us (Chapter 9.)
Before I Knew You (Chapter 10.)
Treble and Bass (Chapter 11.)
Our Flame (Chapter 12.)
Author's Note 4
More than Artificial (Chapter 13.)
Way of Life (Chapter 14.)
Day of the Fool (Special Chapter)
Blood of Control (Chapter 16.)
Out of Control (Chapter 17.)
Finding Control (Chapter 18.)
Chaos in Control (Chapter 19.)
Death to Control (Chapter 20.)
Hiding Among Us (Chapter 21.)
Betrayed (Chapter 22.)
Nothing is Owed (Chapter 23.)
Author's Note 5
For You (Kaimaki)
Author's Note 6
Reaching the Truth
Author's Note 7

Cold Blood (Chapter 15.)

1.5K 26 95
By AcePancakeDetective

Kaede's POV:

What does Gonta want? I hope it's not what I expect.

Miu walks up to us, dragging K1-B0 along.

Me: "Hey, Miu! What's up, K1-B0?"

Miu: "Hey! Oh, just so you know, you can call him Kiibo from now on!"

Me: "Kiibo?"

Miu: "Yeah! He wanted a more human name, and the name K1-B0 is a mouthful and then some."

Me: "Alright, sounds good!"

Miu: "Ah! That's not what I wanted to tell ya' though. I just finished my extreme wave amplifier that should be able to broadcast a signal to Kiibo's brain. I'll increase his reflexes and hand eye coordination for a limited time, allowing him to be way better at Smash Bros! You two are going down next time!"

Shuichi: "Suuuuure. Put some meaning behind your words next time."

Kiibo: "You talk big, too. You doubt her programming skills?"

Shuichi: "You'll be upgrading from a level four CPU to a level six."

Kiibo: "Yeah, we'll see about that."

Me: "Why don't you just manually change Kiibo's code to make him better?"

Korekiyo: "Extreme amp, you say? Sounds interesting."

Shuichi: "You were eavesdropping, huh?"

Korekiyo: "Nobody was talking to me."

Me: "Maybe because you stare like a creep at all of us girls!"

He shrugs and walks away. I roll my eyes.

Shuichi: "Good riddance. Now anyways, continue. Why don't you manually change his code?"

Miu: "Because I'm... I'm too scared..."

Shuichi: "Huh?"

Miu: "If I screw something up... if I screw ANYTHING up..."

Me: "You're scared to loose him..."

Miu: "...yeah. I don't want to change his code manually unless I absolutely HAVE to."

Shuichi: "That's... really sweet... I'm surprised that you'd ever say anything like that, Miu."

Miu flashes him a smile, and she walks away with Kiibo.

As we wait, Maki and Kaito walk up to Shuichi and I.

Kaito: "So, any idea what this is?"

Me: "It's probably bugs, unfortunately."

Maki shivers for a bit, before looking into my eyes.

Maki: "You've been crying."

Me: "It's that obvious?"

She nods at me.

Me: "Um, I was playing piano for Shuichi and we just... well... had an emotional moment."

Maki: "But he didn't hurt you, right?"

Shuichi was taken aback by her question.

Shuichi: "I would never...!"

Me: "No, Maki, I'm fine. In fact, Shuichi helped me a lot in there."

Maki: "I see. Apologies, Shuichi."

Shuichi: "Forgiven. Now, when will Gonta..."

Gonta walks out of his lab and gives us an innocent smile.

Shuichi: "Right on cue."

Gonta: "Gonta is happy you all could make it! Come in!"

He ushers us into his lab.

It was lushly green, with a tree growing in the middle. It looks so peaceful...

Other than the containers of bugs that line the walls.

The door shuts behind us.

Gonta: "Now, Gonta wants to show you some of the new bugs that he has obtained from Monokuma! He found a lot of rare ones!"

He starts showing us a lot of different types of bugs. Every time we think that he's done, he found another type of bug to show us.

There were cute ones, like butterflies and ladybugs, but then there were... less cute ones...

He showed us several different moths, caterpillars, and even some... mosquitoes.

Shuichi and I had to hold each other when he brought the mosquitoes out. It was a nightmare.

He eventually brought out a block of amber with a giant spider-like thing inside it.

Apparently, it was the last common ancestor between spiders and scorpions. It was sort of cool to see something like that preserved, but it was also horrifying.

Then Gonta pushes a button on the wall and the containers slide away, revealing a secret room. In the room is a massive fish tank, though it isn't used for fish, unfortunately.

We walk onto a catwalk that lets us see into the tank...

And I almost faint.

Gonta: "And there are Gonta's spiders!"

The massive tank is completely filled with spiders, all of them extremely large.

Gonta: "They're shipped from Australia. They're called Atrax! They're the most deadly spider in the world!"

I start to feel light headed. Shuichi grabs me to make sure I don't fall over.

Tsumugi wasn't so lucky.

She falls backwards, crashing into the ground and falling unconscious. Kirumi picks her up and carries her out of the room. I doubt she'll be back.

Gonta: "Gonta makes sure to take care of these spiders every day!"

He walks down and opens the tank. He reaches inside and pulls one out, showing it to us.

Shuichi sits me down to make sure I don't fall like Tsumugi.

The spider crawls all over Gonta, never biting him. It's almost as if Gonta and the spiders share a bond.

This is a nightmare...

Gonta: "They never attack Gonta, because Gonta takes good care of them! The spiders are Gonta's friends!"

Gonta leaps into the tank. I have to look away at this point because it's so terrifying.

A minute later, Gonta walks out, unscathed. The spiders on his body quickly scurry back into their tank. Gonta closes it.

Gonta: "But now, Gonta wants to show you something really cool."

Shuichi: "Gonta, I think that we all have had enough 'cool' for a lifetime."

Gonta: "Gonta promises that this is the last one!"

We all reluctantly walk down, leaving the secret room. Gonta closes it behind him. Then, he picks up a box of bugs that were near the tree.

He holds them up so that we can see.

Me: "W-wasps?"

Gonta: "No, not just any wasps! These are green eyed wasps!"

I look at him, confused.

Gonta: "Green eyed wasps are very special! They're also quite rare, as they only live in Britain!"

Kokichi: "I don't see why these are so cool."

Gonta: "They may look normal on the outside, but green eyed wasps hold a special power!"

Special power?

Gonta: "When they lay eggs, green eyed wasps don't like to stay with their eggs until they hatch. Instead, they make other bugs, like ladybugs, do it for them!"

What on earth?

Gonta: "The secret is, green eyed wasps have slight mind control abilities!"

I can't even bring myself to talk.

Shuichi: "That's terrifying!"

(By the way, this is a true fact. Horrifying, right?)

Gonta: "Don't worry, they can't control people, just bugs. Their waves of control aren't strong enough to control humans!"


I'm holding Shuichi's hand and squeezing it in fear. Maki is clinging tightly to Kaito. K1-B0 is cowering behind Miu. Tenko and Angie are both exchanging terrified glances. Himiko has tightened her grip on Kokichi's back, and he seems to be having trouble breathing. Korekiyo stands alone in a corner, his eyes filled with wonder.

Gonta: "They control the ladybugs, making it so that they WANT to watch their eggs. It becomes the most important thing in their world. They make sure that the eggs stay safe. Then, when the eggs hatch, the babies have a meal ready for them!"

I almost vomit.

Gonta: "Twenty five percent of the ladybugs do break free, though."

Shuichi: "That's... this is..."


She grabbed a cowering K1-B0 and dragged him out with her.

Kokichi: "I think that Himiko doesn't like this, so I'll take my leave as well."

He walks out with a shivering Himiko attached to his back.

Maki and Kaito both stumble out, trying to keep themselves together.

Gonta: "Is everyone leaving? That's okay. Gonta wants to stay here until dinner and take care of the new bugs!"

I start to pull Shuichi out after me, and I give Gonta a friendly wave goodbye.

Tenko and Angie bolt out behind us, bumping into Shuichi and knocking him to the ground. They didn't even notice.

I lean down and helped him up. We go back to piano room, and I play him a few more of my favorite songs. I finally get to play The Raindrop Prelude without disturbance, and when I was done we put in a music disk. I pull the bench away from the piano, and we sit down.

Me: "So which was your favorite?"

Shuichi: "Easily Clair de Lune."

Me: "I had a feeling. It's my favorite song both to play and to listen to. It's so comforting."

We continue to sit and talk for hours on end.

We go down to dinner later. It's a fairly normal meal, other than the absence of Gonta. Miu also appears to be upset about something..

Me: "Hey, Miu! What's wrong?"

Miu: "The amplifier went missing."

Me: "Oh no! I'm so sorry!"

Kokichi: "You probably dropped it somewhere, clumsy girl!"

Himiko: "Kokichi, we've talked about this..."

Kokichi: "Oh yeah... sorry, Miu. And of course, sorry to you too, Himiko."

She giggles and they return to their conversation.

Shuichi: "We'll happily help you look around your Lab for it."

Miu: "Thanks, Shuichi. It's probably in there somewhere. However..."

Me: "However?"

Miu: "The flash drive which held the programming data was left on my workbench. The device uses two ways to amplify waves. One is by USB, as I told you. The other is a container that you can use to contain whatever makes the waves in the first place. The device has a button that either causes whatever's in the glass container to emit its waves, or it causes whatever's on the USB to transfer its waves into the device. I specifically remember plugging in the USB drive earlier today, so I don't know why only the main device has gone missing."

Shuichi: "Strange. Perhaps it was stolen?"

Me: "Maybe, but let's look around her lab before we jump to conclusions."

Shuichi: "Agreed."

We all walk down to Miu's lab, and we start to look around. After looking seemingly everywhere, we still can't find it. However, Kiibo finds one more possible spot for it.

Kiibo: "Hey, have we looked here yet?"

He points at a sizable hole in between Miu's workbench and the wall.

Miu: "That's big enough for it to fall into, but we'd have to move the bench in order to get back there."

We try and fail to move the workbench for fifteen minutes.

Me: "There's no way that we're moving this."

Shuichi: "We'll need help from someone strong. Gonta would be happy to help, I'm sure."

Miu: "Then the fuck are we waiting for?"

We all dash down to Gonta's lab. He probably lost track of time and ended up missing dinner. When we get into his lab, it's empty. We all start to walk out, but Shuichi stops in place.

Me: "Shuichi? What's wrong?"

Shuichi: "He might be in the spider room."

Me: "Yeah, you're right! Great thinking, Shuichi!"

We all walk back into the room, and Shuichi walks over to the button that leads to Gonta's spider room. He gently presses it.


The door starts to slide open. As the containers move back, we get a better view of the lab...

And nothing could prepare us for what we saw...

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