Rivals (revised) Loki x reade...

By Luv4ever2121

110K 2.7K 318

Hey everyone, I love rivals, however I feel like it's too short so I'll be adding more details and tweaking a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 14

5.6K 133 46
By Luv4ever2121

You had spent the rest of the day in bed with Loki. You had to redo his stitches as he had burst them open during the morning sex session. You changed his bandages and tried to heal his burn, though it was no use. You were powerful, but there was dark magic in the wound that even you couldn't cure. He would fall asleep from the exhaustion of his body healing. Then he would wake up with a hearty appetite for sex. You decided that if he wanted more from you that he would have to stay on his back. It irritated him that he couldn't be in control but he soon decided to stop caring and just enjoy your body on his. You enjoyed he's company, as he was calm and patient. You took advantage of it, knowing it wouldn't last long. This much proved to be true, by the next morning you were fighting again.
"Loki, I need you to tell me what happened, who hurt you. I don't understand the dark magic. If I knew more then I might be of better assistance," you said.
"If you can't help me then I will do it on my own," he replied, stubbornly. He sat up and you watched as he struggled to get out of the bed.
"You are clearly not in any shape to be doing anything by yourself," you pointed out. You caught him just before he fell.
"And yet I have always persevered," he said.
"Why must you always do this?" you asked.
"Do what?"
"You insist upon doing everything on your own even when there are people who want to help. You act so secretive."
"Because it's not something that you need to concern yourself with."
"You can't be in control of everything."
"No, however I can control you and for now that is enough for me," Loki said. He grabbed you by your throat and pressed his lips against yours. You tried to pull away but his hand only tightened its grip. He let go and pulled away, watching while you gasped for air. You had stumbled backwards when he released you, causing him to have to lean against the couch for support.
"Don't you ever do that again," you spat at him.
"That's cute that you think I would actually listen to you. No y/n, if I want to do it again then I will," he replied. He tugged his shirt over his head and made for the door.
"No one will ever love you. You will live out your long and miserable life all alone."
"Maybe so, but I don't need love. I don't care about it."
"Everyone needs love."
"Well, it would be good to remember that I'm not everyone. And with that, I take my leave. Try not to miss me too much. But if you do get lonely, please feel free to pleasure yourself with our memories of yesterday," he smiled, as he turned into Odin. He was opening the door when you threw a knife at the wall, missing him only by a few centimeters. It was a warning. One that he simply laughed at before shutting the door. His laughter ringing in your ears, mocking you.
You couldn't live like this any longer. You were done allowing him to have this power and control over you. It was time for the cuff to come off. After making your way over to the massive library in the room, you ran your fingers over the spines. The spell and counter-spell had to be in one of these books, after all, this was his old library. Upon picking out a few titles with complex magic in them, you sat down and began the search. It took all day and well into the moonlight, before you found what you were looking for. He had made sure this wouldn't be an easy spell to break. You would need his blood and for him to utter the words of your release. While it was too late in the eve to do anything to Loki, you decided to go talk to Troy. Knowing that Troy would be the first person Loki would go after once he realized you disappeared. Troy needed to be prepared on a seconds notice to leave.
You knew there would be guards watching your door and would therefore be unable to simply walk out. Instead, you used a bit of dark magic to create a doorway between you and any place you desired to go. Since you weren't allowed in the dungeons yourself, you transformed yourself into an Asgardian soldier. Upon opening the door a blue light glowed and all you had to do was think of were you wanted to go.
You stepped through the blue light and your boot hit the cold stone flooring of the dungeon. You walked along the dark corridors until you came upon Troy's cell. It was far apart from any of the other cells and was guarded around the clock. You waited until they were about to change guard. At which time, you knocked out the guard on his way to relieve the current guard. You sent his sleeping body off to your room and approached the current guard. He nodded your way before walking off in the other direction. Troy was asleep when you peered inside, his back towards you. You tapped lightly on the glass.
"Troy," you whispered. He stirred slightly in his sleep. You tapped harder on the glass.
"Leave me alone," Troy grumbled.
"Troy, it's y/n," you urged.
"Fuck you Loki, I'm not falling for that again," he replied, as he looked over his shoulder.
"Loki? What did he do to you?"
Troy eyed you cautiously, "He turned into you to try to get information." Troy turned around and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Information about what?"
"About you."
"Well, I already know all there is to know about me. I'm not Loki."
"What are you doing here?" he questioned, still uneasy.
"I found a way to escape. To remove this stupid thing," you said, holding up the wrist with the cuff.
You explained everything to him, how to remove it and how he needed to be ready once you had completed it. He had gotten up and started pacing the cell, deep in thought.
"How do you plan on getting close enough to him to get his blood?" Troy asked.
"I have a plan," you said. You had intentionally left out the crucial detail that you would need to seduce Loki.
"That's good. Do you also have a plan about where to go? Because he won't be overjoyed with the fact that you escaped. And he will be even less happy that you took me with."
You knew exactly where you would go after your mission was completed. Troy wasn't going to like it, but he also didn't get a say in the decision. You didn't have to tell him though, because you heard voices behind you.
"Someone's coming," you said. You turned your back towards Troy and stood guard.
"-get it done," you heard a male voice say.
"Allfather," you said, as the faces came into light. There he was. Loki. He had two guards accompanying him.
"How is the prisoner?" he inquired.
You stepped to the side to let him see into the prison cell. Troy scowled at him, causing Odin to laugh.
"You may leave us be," Odin said, waving you and the other guards off. You followed behind them until you were able to safely break away and hide in one of the dark halls. You transformed back into yourself. Creeping close enough to hear the conversation but staying far enough away to be hidden in the shadows. Odin became Loki.
"What do you want?" Troy spat.
"Calm down," Loki said.
"I'm not gonna calm down. You locked me for no reason," Troy said.
"You know exactly why I locked you up," Loki replied.
"Just tell me what you want."
"Do you miss her? Y/n?"
"Don't be stupid. Of course I miss her. She is my best friend."
"Yes, yes very believable," Loki said, sarcastically. "I have something important to tell you, so pay close attention."
Loki looked at where you stood. You knew he couldn't see you, yet you felt his eyes pierce through the darkness. He turned back towards Troy.
"I think she's been rather lonely or maybe her true feelings have finally surfaced. Whatever the reason, I now understand why you decided sleeping with her was better than your original plan. Sex with her is amazing."
Troy hit the glass hard, causing the force field to light up. "You are a liar. She would never do something so disgusting!"
"She slept with you didn't she?" Loki retorted.
"Fuck you Loki!" Troy shouted.
"Oh no thank you. I'd rather fuck y/n some more," he replied.
"I hope you burn in Hel," Troy growled, his eyes ablaze.
"I'd be okay with that. Now that I have the pleasant memories of y/n riding me to keep me company," Loki laughed.

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