Brandon and Billie: Oneshots

By SevenandBillie

17.9K 371 233

Random Billie and Brandon one-shots ranging from sweet and dicey to fun and flirty to angsty and depressing! More

All In
She's mine
Boredom I
Let there be cake!
She's taken
Playing with Fire
He's yours
Practice makes Perfect
You know what they say
To Brandon's New Female Roommate

Here We Go Again

1.7K 41 28
By SevenandBillie

Title: Here We Go Again
Pairings/Characters:Tyler(Brandons younger sister), Nikita, Billie&Brandon
Genre:Romance, Angst,Humor

Age:Same age,18?
Summary: Tyler watches Brandon and Billie argue


"That's not what I said, Billie"

"That's clearly what you implied!"

Billie and Brandon were, yet again, in another heated argument. This was the second one that night alone, not even counting the ones from earlier that week.

"Umm... Nikita?"

"Leave it alone, Ty..." she said boredly, never taking her eyes off of her phone, "It'll fix itself"

"But... they're getting worse..."

Tyler sat at the coffee table, eyes darting back and forth in worry between the arguing teens. This one seemed to be worse than any of the others she'd seen. They were standing in the middle of the living room, shouting in each other's face and waving their hands emphatically to get their point across. Both of them were clearly pissed off for one reason or another and clearly neither was willing to back down.

Since her mom and stepdad had gone on a cruise for the week, they'd left Brandon and Nikita in charge of watching over Tyler while they were gone. Billie had been stopping by that whole week to work on a research project with Brandon, and from the start of the week they'd been bickering about every little thing. But at least those had quickly quelled almost as soon as they had started, and life had gone on. Even after their first little fight that evening, they'd quieted down and had been working diligently for a while.

Things had gone swimmingly for a pretty long period of time. Nikita had been on her phone. Brandon and Billie had been quietly discussing the logistics of their powerpoint, and Tyler had been working on a homework sheet at the coffee table. She wasn't quite sure how it had even started, but one second, they had been taking notes down for their research, and then the next, they were arguing. It had quickly escalated to a full-blown fight and before she knew it, they were hurtling insults at one another, proverbial steam coming out of their ears.

"I mean it, Que! You better shut the hell up!"

"Why? Because I'm right? You are unbelievable!"

Tyler had tried to listen in on some of the argument, and had deduced that it sounded like they arguing about they were arguing about the project or at least something school related. But something about Brandon's irked expression and the way Billie's eyes glinted with jealousy told her that probably wasn't the case at all. It seemed like some deep rooted irritation stemming from a long-lasting and unresolved dilemma.

She vaguely wondered if something had happened to them at school that week for them to be at each other's throat like that.

The thing that confused her the most was how Nikita could just remain leisurely reclining on the couch-completely unfazed and patiently reading whatever on her phone-when her friends voices were echoing around the room and reverberating off the walls.

"Doesn't it usually die down by now?" she asked, glancing at Nikita.

"It will, Ty" She said as she laughed at something on her phone "Give it time"

She turned back watched them. Billie was jabbing Brandon in the chest, each word punctuated by the motion. Her brothers fist were tightly clenched, and he looked like he was 5 seconds from blowing up for real.

"What is your problem? If you would let go of your stupid pride and listen to me for once, we wouldn't be having this issue in the first place!"

"You think I give a shit what you have to say?!"

"Oh, I get it. But if it was Denzel you'd have no problem kissing his ass-"


Tyler's eyes went wide, and she gaped in shock that Billie's hand had flown up and smacked Brandon right across the face, the force snapping his head to the side. The argument died immediately and a daunting silence suddenly claimed the room. Tyler was horrified. She frantically turned to Nikita who had put her phone down and was idly watching them, head resting on her fist. None of their fights had ever ended that way before.

Brandon was stunned in silence, mouth slightly akar as an angry red mark formed on his cheek. Billie glared up at him, face flushed in anger and her eyes glistening in fury.

"Fuck you, Brandon..."

She spun on her heel and stormed into the hallway towards Brandon room, muttering expletives under her breath.

A foreboding chill filled the air as her big brothers jaw clenched, and he looked beyond pissed.

Tyler gasped as Brandon stalked to the hallway, terrified of the cold, hard rage burning in the brown eyes.

Tyler was worried. Were they about to get into a violent altercation? Because she knew her brother had the tendency to explode when he was pissed off. And Billie had seemed to not be particularly pleased at all either. Why wasn't Kita doing anything to stop this? She'd never seen her brother so threatening in his entire life. It scared her, especially when she heard Billie's sudden startled yelp.

She couldn't help but conjure an image of Billie with a bloody nose and she hopped of the floor, heading to the hallway and deciding she'd try to fight Billie or her brother if either of them had touched each other. She loved her brother, but she also loved Billie and-

And Tyler froze at the entrance of the hallway, gawking at the sight before him.

Brandon hadn't punched Billie at all.


Brandon had Billie shoved up against the wall, one hand tangled in her hair and the other wrapped around her waist, holding her flush against him.

And he was kissing her. It was slow and steamy and intense and the kind of kiss she'd always seen her step-father give her mother right before Nikita or Brandon would take her out for ice cream.

And Billie? Fierce, No-nonsense Billie? Billie who didn't take crap from anyone and would kick someones butt in a heartbeat if they pissed her off Billie?

She whimpered. Whimpered.

Tyler knew she'd never hear any sound like that ever before come out of her mouth. And she couldn't help but stare in shock when her hands slipped up slowly and cupped Brandons' jaw and she rose up on her tip toes, leaning into him.

And then Nikita tugged her away from the hallway entrance and away from the bewildering scene.

"C'mon Ty. Lets go out for some ice cream"

She could only nod, stupefied.

What the heck had just happened? Hadn't they been fighting? Why wasn't Nikita confused by the sudden change in behaviour?


She would never understand them...

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