The Law

By HuffleClaw16

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The law was passed in 2245 over 100 years ago after all the countries United. Though the official name of the... More

First day as a Submissive
First day as a Junior.
Questions and Nutty Buddy Bars
The Troubles with being Homeschool
The Choice
What's a mafia?
Scared and Alone
Suspicions and Punishments.
Drama and Doubt
Meanie Butt
fears: Preview


8.8K 187 3
By HuffleClaw16

A/N: IMPORTANT!!!! This chapter will have some references to rape, forced prostitution, and violence. I will mark it with *** but as this is part of not only being in the mafia but also Eric's backstory this will become a reaccuring theme in the book and is a large portion of this chapter.
Grayson's POV
As I carried my princesses into the dinning room, my highly trained ears heard our parents arguing softly. I hoped I picked up on it before she did.
In a loud voice I mimicked a trumpet before calling "Hear ye Hear ye presenting Princess Gracie!"
She giggled and shook her head. "Silly lion they're too far to hear us."
"Silly me you're probably right." I agreed but I noticed the arguing had stopped as we got closer to the dinning room.
The second we stepping into the dinning hall and her father saw her his eyes changed from hatred to love. I still didnt like the guy.
Once again I introduced Gracie and her parents waved and mine clapped. Gracie sat on my hip laughing and waving and clapping. There was my happy little Gracie back. She was too precious to feel anything else.
I sat her in a chair but she clung to me. "Lap pwease?" She asked.
"Such good manners princess." I said moving her to sit on my lap as I sat down.
I watched as the plates were brought out and a pink princess bowl for my little princess. Her father tried not to be impressed by the splendid meal placed in front of them, while my little Gracie just wanted to eat it all.
"Slow down princess you dont want a tummy ache." I said firmly but softly.
"But it's so good." She pouted talking with her mouth full.
"Chew swallow then speak." I told her.
"No fun." She said with her mouth still full.
"Hmm. What was that? I cant understand princesses who have their mouth full."
She swallowed and pouted. "You're no fun."
"Maybe not, but I know you wont be choaking on your food. And that my little princess is far more important." She tried to stay angry but failed. She was always so cute when she was trying to be angry.
Soon all her food was gone. "All done." She said.
"Good girl princess. Are you all full?" She nodded.
I took the last few bites of food then picked her up and took her to my office.
"Door stays open!" Her father called.
"Yes Sir." I replied before taking her to my office and sitting her at my computer. "Okay princess now I need you to write one page double space about why communication is important okay?" I asked opening a word document for her.
She nodded and begins to type. I watch for a few minutes before my phone rang. It was Tyler.
"Hey Tyler. What's up?" I asked. I did forget to tell him I already looked into Gracie's father.
"I need a team here now." He said frantic. Tyler hardly ever got frantic. Serious sure. I mean we ran a mafia. But never frantic.
"Eric's house." What happened?
"Tyler I need details."
"I was calling Eric trying to get him to go eat something and a big man came in and started yelling at Eric and then hit him. He yelled a little more and then left."
Okay just yelling at him and hitting him was bad but all Tyler needed to do was go over and take Eric. He had the right to now that they were matched.
"So why do you need a team?" I asked calmly.
"Turns out his father runs a Male prostitute business and forces Eric to be a part of it. Eric missed an "appointment" while I was making him nap." He said in anger and disgust.
"Okay text me the address and I will have a team right there. And Tyler do not act before we get there." I said sternly. These weren't good people we were dealing with, not that they ever were, and I didnt want Tyler going in without backup and not coming out.
He didnt say anything. "Tyler that's an order." I said before he hung up on me. Great. I got the address text and forwarded it to a team telling them to be there ASAP full gear.
I started to leave when I heard a small whimper. Gracie! How could I forget. I quickly turned around.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Well Eric is in a lot of danger and there are some really mean men there. So Tyler and I and some of our friends are going to go and rescued Eric." I explained.
"I want to come help." She said.
"I know princess but it's not safe for you. I need you to stay here."
"I'm not just a little. I want to come. He's my friend too."
"Gracie you havent been trained like Tyler and I have. You couldnt protect yourself and will get everyone hurt if you come. You're staying." I said before turing and leaving.
I didnt realize how much I hurt my little girl. All I knew was that she would be safe here.
I walked into the Dinning room getting the attention of my father and mother and of her parents.
"I need to take a team and go help Tyler." I told my father. I wasnt the don yet but I would be soon and my father trusted my judgment.
He nodded and I turned towards Gracies parents. "Gracie is in my office. She will be safe here. Taking her away from the manner and the protection here will only hurt all of you." I said in a cold tone. I had enough of her dads crazy antics. Gracie needed to be here where she was safe.
He dad gave a cold glare but nodded when his wife placed a hand on his arm.
"May we see her?" Her mother asked.
"Of course. I will have someone take you to her. I only ask that you stay out of the basement." Neither Gracie nor her parents needed to see the business side of this. Of course we did most of our business at headquarters, but some was done down in the basement. It was also where we stored all our guns and gear.
I went and found Gunner. He had been working with my family for fifteen years and while he was getting older he was still one of the best.
"Gunner, I'm taking a team to go help Tyler get his little boy. I need you to stay here and protect Gracie." By this time the whole mafia knew who Gracie was. "Shes in my office, on your way their stop at the dinning room and get her parents to take them there as well. When she finishes her... assignment you can take her to the playroom on the fourth floor. Any questions?"
"No Sir."
"Oh and gunner you have your gun on you right?" He was the best mark and I knew that if he has a gun she was safe.
"Yes sir." He said before walking away.
I then went into the basement to suit up. The main room was just a sitting area. We had some work parties and such here. The next room was biometric locked and had the interrogation room. It was perminantly stained with the smell of blood and fear. The room after that was passcode and biometric protected. And contained weapons and gear. I put on a bulletproof suit and grabbed a few guns, which were all in safes, before making my way to the garage.
I got in my favorite car and made my way to that brothel. But as I was driving I got a call from Gracie. Oh no.

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