The Dangerous Game

By lotusmoor

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Meet Avela More



260 17 16
By lotusmoor

Go read your bible :). You need some real joy girl, too much death in these streets. Jesus loves you!


"I swear women act like we're the horny ones but they are so freaky. Look at how Princess' eyes lit up at the thought of losing her voice that way." Nero said shaking his head. We all laughed but he was right. I didn't miss the intrigue in Avela's eyes either. She looked INTERESTED. We decided to take a break and went back inside. The girls were in one corner and the guys in other. So far, Bandz and Israel were playing Fifa while the rest of us watched and chatted.

"Tryna get Princess but she's not having it." Deejay sighed.

"Because you're a dog!" Bandz replied not taking his eyes away from the game he was playing.

"I've changed."

"Fam you went celibate a week ago. Man said I've changed." Calvin said shaking his head.

"Not all of us have been with the same person since we were 14." Nero added.

"What you tryna say?" Calvin asked confused. I was too.

"Do you even know what celibate means? Have you ever been celibate?"

"Yeah when I was in prison and after the kids were born."

Laughter ensued. 

"Real talk though you and Jourdane have together for time. How long again?"

"Coming on 12 years." He smiled.

"That's some loyal ass shit." Deejay nodded spudding him. Twelve years was a long time to be with someone and still be in love. So dope! I found myself outside alone when I sensed Landon. I turned around and he was behind me.

"She got you thinking huh?" He asked knowingly.

I nodded. Avela was -- different and I really liked, nah, LOVED every aspect of her crazy personality. 

"I actually don't know how to approach this situation. I'm gonna let it play out."

"Tell her how you feel." He encouraged.

"It's not just about her. It's also about Kelly. She's crazy." I sighed.

Kelly and I met when we were 13. We got together shortly after on some dumb shit. We stayed together and everything was okay until she got pregnant. It was like a switch had been flipped. She just went crazy. She'd check my phone, harass my female friends till eventually she purposefully slept with someone while she was pregnant. I found out and nearly killed him. She had managed to convince the authorities she was okay but I was sure she was still up to her old games. 

"Yo she's bat shit crazy. Remember when she tried to fight mum?"

I groaned.

"How can I forget? That lady stopped speaking to me for months."

"Yeah she did. You know it's mad when grandma has to intervene."

"True." Landon nodded in agreement. "But for real, if you like her, pursue her. Don't let Kelly get in the way. Have you told her about double A?"

I laughed at the family nickname for my children. Ariel and Ariane. Double A.

"I just don't want her to intimidate Avela and nah she doesn't know about them yet. I'm gonna tell her soon though. I've known her for nearly 6 months so it's starting to get out of order."

He nodded and we just continued to speak for a while. I loved my brother and loved the fact that he understood me and I, him. He was truly my best friend.

"Love you my nigga." I told him giving him a hug.

"Love you too." 



While everyone was talking, I snuck off into the kitchen and hid in the corner. I'd drank a lot and was feeling extremely tipsy. My lips were numb which was a tell-tell sign for me that I was nearly drunk! 

"What you are doing?" I looked up at the direction of the voice. 

"I'm nearly drunk so I'm hiding." I admitted. It was Logan's cousins wife. "You're very beautiful by the way."

"Aww, thank you. So are you! I love your haircut. You've got a good head shape."

Must have been the alcohol because I started crying at the truly beautiful compliment she'd just given me.

"Why are you crying?"

"You said I have a good head shape." I told her as I wiped my tears.

"Come." She encouraged.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I took her hands to help me up.

"Come come..." She winked.

Nobody seemed to notice us as she took me upstairs into a room. 

"Is this your bedroom?" I asked questioning why there was no bed but a bunch of shoes and clothes.

"Nooo. This is my closet."

My eyes bulged out.

"You have a room for your clothes?" I asked.

"Yeah, Harvey made it for me."


"My husband."

"Ohh, Bandz!"

"Yes." she laughed. 

"I don't know your name sorry. When everyone was introducing themselves I zoned out." I told her honestly.

"I'm Destiny."

"I'm Avela." Nice to meet you. 

I gave her my hands and she shook it as we both found ourselves on the floor with another bottle of wine.

"So you like Logan?"

"Yup." I nodded popping my p.

"He likes you too. I saw the look on his face when you were dancing on him."

I giggled.

"You need to teach me that thing you did with your bum when you sat on him. I'm always trying to learn some new moves for Harvey."

"Let's do it now!" I suggested.

She nodded and we both stood up grabbing each other in the process. Clearly she was now tipsy too because we ended up back on the floor.

"Don't think I can get up." I admitted.

"Me too. I miss Harvey."

"But he's downstairs." I told her moving on to my back.

"I know but I miss him now."

"It's the alcohol. Maybe you're horny. I get horny when I drink."

She was silent for a few minutes then spoke. "I think you're right Avela."  

Her reply reminded me of something.

"So you really lose your voice during sex?"


"Wow, that sounds fantastic. I can't wait to have sex."

"You haven't had sex?"

"Nope. How old are you?"

"22." I replied. I immediately had a flashback of Logan.

"What's your date of birth?" 

"Avela are you sure?"

"Of course I am!"

"Then you're 23 turning 24." 

I groaned.

"Sorry I'm 23. I forgot." 

"Yeah, I forget sometimes as well." 

At least someone understood. 

"How come you haven't had sex?" She asked after a while.

"I'm scared the trumpet's gonna blow. God is watching me so it's a bit uncomfortable. Plus all the angels too. It's just awkward."

"Yeah but God watches me too."

"But you're married. I don't think he's bothered when married people do it." I reasoned with her.


I literally don't know what happened but I woke up and Harvey aka Bandz and Logan were staring at me. I guess looked to the side to see Destiny looking just as confused as I was.

"I slept?" I mumbled trying to get up.

"Do you know how long we've been looking for the both of you? We even went to the train station. How did you end up falling asleep in this room? It was the last place I thought to look D."

"Sorry Harvey."

He looked worried. They both did. I felt bad.

"We just slept." I added using the nearest table to pull myself up. Logan realised what I was doing and helped me up.

"D I got scared man." 

I watched them hug and smiled. So cute!

"Sorry Harvey." She said again.

"It's okay." He replied kissing her forehead. I didn't know much about love but I could tell these two deeply loved each other. It was cute. So cute, I started crying again. I was still drunk!

"What's wrong?" Logan frowned.

"They're so in love." I sobbed.

"You're crying because you think they're in love?" Logan nodded.

I nodded and wiped my tears. My make-up was definitely messed up. That made me sadder and caused more tears.

"Don't cry Avela just-- I don't even know what to say to comfort you." Logan said looking so confused.

"And my makeup looks rubbish." I told him.

"Yeah it looks rubbish now. I'll get you some wipes." Destiny said.

DI nodded and sat back on the floor. Logan and Harvey looked at each other and walked out.

"Okay, we'll be downstairs. Come when you're both ready."

I nodded and waited for Destiny to come back with wipes.



"Where did you get her from?!" Bandz asked laughing as the door closed.

I groaned at Avela. So was so strange.

"Who does she remind you of?" I asked him.

"She reminds me of the person she was with. Fucking batshit crazy." He chuckled as we made our way down the stairs. 

"Can't believe she was crying because you two are in love. What am I even supposed to say to that?"

"I can't even begin to tell you the things D cries over but I don't mind. She's perfect for me."

"She really is." I told him. 

As we got back downstairs we informed the search party that the missing persons had been found. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and got to doing what they were doing before. It was coming up to midnight and we'd given up this girls vs boys activity because the girls would have probably won. Leaving it ambiguous was much better for our egos. Bandz and I found ourselves outside just catching up.

"You've been gone a long time."

He nodded.

"D really enjoyed Canada so we decided to stay. You know me, I'm like Ruth in the bible, where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God." 

I burst out laughing.

"Real talk I'll follow her to Mars if it means I'm next to her. It's insane."

"I hear that. I didn't feel like that about Kelly though. I feel like that about the twins. I will do anything for those small humans."

He smiled.

"Logan the dad u'knar."

"It was a shock not gonna lie. At first I was like what is this? Why is there two of them? Why are they crying at once? But I got used to it. They were born when I was in jail so when I came out they'd grown a little bit. High-key regret not being there for the birth."

"But you're here now aren't you?"

I nodded.

"And that's the only thing that matters. Don't get too caught up on this. Just be present. They're going to remember those moments more."

He was right. I'd spent a long time regretting a lot especially when it came to my children. Where I couldn't my family stepped in big time and I was eternally grateful. Especially to Phye and Landon. Being twins helped a lot because when I returned they really couldn't tell the different between the two of us. 


We both sat enjoying the silence and being lost in own thoughts. He randomly burst out laughing.

"What's funny?"

"Destiny liking Avela. She's probably unleashing every aspect of her life to her right now. No bloody boundaries."

"Bruh, Avela is exactly like that!"

"Maybe that's why she gravitated towards Avela because she clocked they are both not from planet earth."

 I nodded in absolute agreement. 



"Do I look better now?" I asked after washing my face and applying some moisturiser Destiny had given me.

"Loads! Come let's sit down and drink water." She suggested. 

We were now in her and Harvey's bedroom which looked like a room out of a magazine. Nothing was out of place. They had a black and white theme that worked so well. I literally stood in awe at the big mirror that took up almost half of the room.

"That's a big mirror." I commented.

"Comes in useful." She laughed sitting on a chair.

"That's good. How long have you guys been together?" I asked her.

"A long time. I think maybe like seven years. But I might be wrong. Harvey will know."

"That's so nice. I've never had a boyfriend."

"How comes? Harvey was my first boyfriend." She replied taking more sips of water.


She nodded. 

"But um, I didn't want a boyfriend. Boys are dumb and they don't listen most of the time."

She nodded.

"That's not every boy though. Harvey always listens to me."

"That's so nice. You guys are going to have some cute children". I told her as I admired her beauty. She was so stunning to me. 

"I don't know about that." She said looking sad.

"Doesn't he want any?"

"No it's not that. I've been pregnant five times but I keep losing the baby."

"What?! Omygosh I'm so sorry, thats so sad."

"Yeah it makes me sad but Harvey said he's not with me because of what I can or can't give him. He's doesn't want to even have children anymore because the last time I nearly died so he's scared for me to get pregnant. I was sad for a long time but I'm happy now that's why we came back."

"Where did you go?" I asked confused.


"Ohh that's a cold country."

"It was but I really enjoyed my time there. But I didn't want to be there anymore. It just made me sad and I wanted to be near my mum and Harvey's family again."

I nodded watching nothing in particular.

"I like you Avela." She smiled.

"I like you too." I told her. 

She was cool.

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