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So here I was sitting in a mansion in BIG BIG London watching Juice's aunt make me a cup of tea. Now more than ever, I was interested to know what she did for a living. He was right, we got along great! The day after I had spoken to Juice had called me and we'd had a lengthy conversation. Following the conversation, she was more than happy for me to look after Aurora providing I got a DBS to make sure I did not have a criminal record (which I completely understood). Three days later and I was having an induction in her huge home. Her home looked like those homes you would see in the Architectural Digest magazine. I decided that I wanted to be like Macy when I grew up (whenever that would be). 

"Here you go."

"Thank you." I replied taking the mug from her. Bloody hell even the mug felt expensive. I watched as the steam rose from the tea and disappeared. 

"Avela honestly thank you so much for saying yes! I've been looking for a while but I've been a bit scared to leave Aurora with someone I don't know even with reassurances from the agencies I'd hired to do this for me. When Logan suggested someone he knew I felt much more at ease and then speaking to you on the phone, I was like I want her!" She laughed making me smile. "I asked you to come here obviously to meet her and to provide you with someone context. I'm sure you're wondering where is her dad?"

"No, honestly speaking that hadn't even crossed my mind." I told her. It genuinely had not crossed my mind at all. She offered a smile of what looked like gratitude.

"I pride myself on transparency and integrity although I've been lacking in that department of late." The latter half of her sentence was more for herself than for me because it came out just above a whisper.  "Long story short, I was stupid and had sex with a married man who at the time was separated. I guess I got a bit lost in the whole notion of love and allowed him to lie to me about the status of his relationship. Looking back, the signs were there but I was too caught up. It's okay, we all make mistakes. I'm not beating myself up about this. I got pregnant, he did not want the baby as he has a family of his own. Enter Aurora, the light of my life. I am a private negotiator which requires a lot of travelling. It can range anywhere from art to kidnappings. Sometimes I can be home for 2months straight and other times I am not home at all. A lot of people get offended when I say what I'm about to say but whatever, being a mother is not my only calling nor is it a career. Aurora is a part of me and I want to give her more than I've ever had. Giving birth to her has propelled me into a dimension of thought I didn't know existed. I work harder, spend smarter because I am now building an empire for her to own. I can't just sit still. I want her to be well looked after as I chase this money for her."

I let it soak in for a few minutes before replying. 

"I admire that." I told her honestly.

"Thank you. It hurts a lot when I leave her. She's all I think about. She's everything I thought I needed. I love that little human being!" 

"You don't have to tell me for me to know. You look so happy when you talk about her."

"The love of my life. Anyway, I've spoken a lot. Let me give you a few key details. Ideally, I'll be gone for 3 days out of the week sometimes longer but I'll let you know. I have a cleaner that comes in everyday to clean. I have a chef if you want to use him let me know. I don't cook. Everything Aurora needs is there. I just need to look after and shower my baby with loads of love and affection. That is all. In terms of the days I'll need you, I'm not going to lie, that may be the tricky part but we'll sort that out lat-"

She was interrupted by crying from what I can only describe as a state of the art baby monitor. 

"Just on time. Finish your tea and I'll go and get her."

The Dangerous Gameजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें