A Dance with Darkness and Lig...

By OGCarrel

1.4K 114 7

Wordcount: 88.33K A bully in school, a parasite as a grown-up. The shadow of a man. A shunned member of socie... More

1: Room Full of Stars
2: Dead Prince Walking
3: Visit In The Mists
4: Demands
5: The Eastern City
6: The Difference
7: The Invitation
8: Dungeon Entertainment
9: Dining with Brothers
10: Return to Solgang City
11: A Fish Hunting A Flea, Unaware Of The Hawk
12: Don't Fear The Reaper
14: Heavy Rain I
15: Heavy Rain II
16: Night out with the Silkpants
17: Redrum, Come And Get Some!
18: No Honor, No Face
19: Yao Ling And Elder Fu
20: On The Road
21: A Kingdom Forged by Thunder
22: No Blood Left
23: You're Mine...
25: ...And I'm Yours
25: Slapping Faces Before The Trials
26: The First Trial
27: The Labyrinth I
28: The Labyrinth II
29: The Labyrinth III
30: Shadow of the Blade
31: Blocked At The Door
32: Moonlight
33: Event Horizon
34: Argent Moon - Golden Sun
35: Belated Birthday Party
36: The Hidden Dragon Trials Turn...
38: ...Into A Dragon's Feast
38: Ten Dragons Emerge
39: Inside The Library
40: The Banquet
41: Meeting The Adversaries
42: The Royal Tournament Begins
43: The First Match
44: The Tournament In Full Force
45: Making An Example
46: Contrast In Conduct
47: The First Round Concludes
48: The Quarter-Finals Begin
49: Jian vs Bazuul
50: Blood Essence
51: The Semi-Finals Start
52: Bazuul vs Horlet
53: A Dream For Many
54: Back In Ralun
55: There Is No Love Like The First
56: Rion Ebonwillow
57: You Make For The Perfect...

13: The Darkness Rises

26 3 0
By OGCarrel

He screamed and winced at the pain of losing his arm, letting go of the elderly woman and falling to his knees.

Bazuul, on the other hand, was breathing heavily, his face was pale and he was constantly coughing up clots of blood. He slowly walked toward the elderly woman. Apparently, this one attack where the darkness layered itself around his sword cost him a lot of energy.

"Go now!" He told her as he helped her stand.

She was still shaking from the shock and stress but managed to speak.

"Then...thank you, your highness!" She said full of gratitude as tears welled up in her old wrinkled eyes.

At this moment Thousand Flowers, that was still in immense pain, caught his breath and saw a chance as the prince stood there helping the old woman with his back to him.

A vicious light glinted in his eyes as he jumped, and attempted to kill that brat with a sneak attack.

Bazuul was fully unaware, and not in a condition to notice this underhanded move, yet the danger was still closing in. Then he noticed the clamoring from the surrounding people and was about to turn around when suddenly he heard.

"DIE!! YOU BRAT!!" followed by a sound reminiscent of an explosion, Bazuul was shocked as he turned around. Thousand Flowers was about three meters away from him and was apparently trying to sneak attack him, but just before that lethal punch would have struck him, something blocked the attack.

A little figure was in the air blocking the punch, the impact ripped his already tattered clothes apart and blood in huge amounts flowed out of this little kid before landing on the ground. His eyes lifeless and his breathing extremely weak.

Bazuul was shocked to see the child was Yao Ling, the boy that previously tried to protect his little sister, lost his father and had his mother taken away.

The anger in him rose to heights, heights he had long forgotten existed. This time though, in this world, along the anger rushed the darkness.

He could not understand, he had yet to save his mother, if she was still alive or able of living. Yes, he had saved him and his sister earlier but still. Maybe he didn't understand that he would die. Maybe he wasn't aware of what cultivation meant in this world.

"KADI!!! TAKE THIS CHILD AND DO EVERYTHING NECESSARY TO SAVE HIM!!!" He screamed out as loud as he could, tears slowly welling up in his eyes.

"Y..your highness, I..I cannot leave..." He wanted to answer but was cut off by an eerie feeling and looked up in his young master's eyes.

Suddenly, totally calm, too calm, he was interrupted by Bazuul. "Kadi, move~"

"Y... Yes, of course, my lord." He hastily said.

His bright amber-colored eyes were completely black as they pierced into Kadi's. He had this eerie feeling as if death had asked him for a favor, and not only had he thanked him for this opportunity, but also slapped his face. He felt as if he had doomed any chance for a future. So much so, that he even unconsciously called the young prince, lord, as if he were a king or an emperor.

Even if he knew his prince wouldn't lash out in this way since he was a broad-minded individual but at this moment this young prince was angered to the extreme. Even Kadi's senses told him that his life was in danger.

Meanwhile, Thousand Flowers spat at his fate, not even a sneak attack was working today thus he had already begun fleeing the place.

"P..ple...e...aaase sa...ve mo....the..." The boy said one last time before Kadi took him away, his eyes empty as if no soul was in this young body of a child.

At this, Bazuul jaw muscles twitched and contracted, the water that slowly filled his eyes left its confinement and leaped into the air as if there was no gravity at all. His hands closed into a fist until the flesh around them was completely white, and lifted them to the height of his torso.

Simultaneously, the sky started to fill with dark clouds, apparently, a storm was coming.

The rage in him was so uncontrollable that from time to time hiccup sounds could be heard from him accompanied by the flashing lights of thunder going off in the sky above.

Then, he erupted.

He roared and roared, so loud, that the whole city and the sky above were filled with it, shocking the clouds as they let go of the rain they held.


Chaos once more broke out as a thick pole of thunder struck right where Bazuul stood. The shockwave shook the ground - the noise - scared every person present, making them know how feeble they truly are.

"YOUNG PRINCE!!!" Kadi screamed from the top of his lungs.

Only to see the silhouette of his young master on his knees, slowly lifting himself up. Each move he made, each muscle he moved, accompanied by tiny buzz sounds and a bit of lighting flaring up on his body.

"COME. HERE. TRAAASH!!!" The figure roared, positioned itself to dash and vanished.

Bazuul dashed toward the fleeing Thousand Flowers along with the thunder, and appeared right in front of him. Seeing this devil and looking him in the eyes, Thousand Flowers had an extremely bad feeling.

"Now, you die! SCUM!" Was the only thing he heard before a fist landed on his chin and propelled him about three meters into the air. Plus, the electricity entered his body giving him constant shocks and paralyzing his muscles for a bit.

Bazuul used his [Lightning Steps] skill to reach that vile person that was still mid-air. He cupped his hands and lifted them above his head, unleashing a powerful strike right in Thousand Flowers face. With this, he crashed back onto the ground at an extremely high speed. So much so, that he bounced back into the air once and then landed on his face.

Yet, the young prince wasn't done with him. As he landed on the ground he immediately walked up to him and grabbed him at the back of his head. Before he continuously smashed his face into the ground as hard as he could. Even the paving was giving in and broke, much like the bones in his skull, and teeth in his mouth.

The crowd was shocked at the course of brutality this fight had taken, from beginning till now. They would most likely never witness such a scene again.

The only sign of life Thousand Flowers was giving of was raspy, high-pitched breathing.

"What? So, you're still alive huh?!" Bazuul said, but his voice had taken on a darker undertone than previously.

He grabbed this bag of human trash and lifted him up. Thousand Flowers seemed to not be in a condition to stand, but was somehow pulled back to consciousness as he felt two arms wrapping around his neck exerting a force that would really kill him if he remained passive.

Cold sweat overcame him, his face and limbs felt cold yet he managed to struggle with the arm that remained. Now, all of a sudden - in front of death, he felt like an innocent little baby, not wanting to take responsibility for the sins he had committed.

"NO, PLEEEASE!!!" He wailed for one last time.

Which Bazuul followed with laughter and a mocking, whiny, imitation. "NOO, PLEEEASE!!!"

Bazuul strengthened his grip and made a quick motion to the side. The market was filled with the echo of a snapping clack sound that was even discernible through the rain.

Leaving the citizens that were present with the image of a small boy of about twelve years old, breaking the neck of a strong grown man. A demon, each and every one of them had feared and wished would never cross.

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