Falling For The Dio Della Mor...

By UnHolyWaterr

622K 16.3K 4.2K

**SMUT WARNING, 18+** Dio Della Morte - God Of Death Karma - A free spirit, a spitfire, and absolutely deadly... More



11.7K 311 115
By UnHolyWaterr

Lovely - Billie Eilish ft Khalid


All I can do is laugh, he's joking right? Right? "Hahahahahaha, you are fucking delusional if you think I'm marrying your sexy arrogant ass. Are you sure you haven't had any drugs, tonight Capo?" I giggle while looking at him but his face doesn't change, his eyes do though letting me know he's speaking the truth, the smile on my face drops as quickly as it appeared.

"Oh my god, you're not joking are you?" I ask in disbelief, he just shakes his head and sighs. I laugh again, I can't control it, it just keeps coming out. After calming myself down I try to open the car door but it's locked, "Open the door" I say as I viciously try to open the door "Leonessa, I need you to calm down" He says as calmly as he can but I only become more aggressive now smacking on the windows and almost ripping the door handle off, "Open the fucking door" I yell getting angrier and angrier.

"Calm down Karma" He tries again but the air in the car becomes thick and the same thing that happened in the elevator when Stefano brought me here is happening again, "Let me out of the fucking car," I say breathlessly as I try to hold back the tears that want to fall but the door still doesn't unlock "LET ME OUT OF THE FUCKING CAR" I scream turning to face him.

Instead of unlocking it he moves his seat backwards and drags me over the middle of the console and onto his lap, I try to fight him off of me but he easily overpowers. "Calm the fuck down Leonessa, I will not ask again" His usual voice is now gone and it's been replaced by a stern and cold voice, the one I can only imagine he uses as his business voice "Go fuck yourself, you stupid piece of fucking shit. I hate you, I fucking hate you, I hate this I hate it all" Okay maybe that was little overdramatic.

And suddenly all the rage I have is gone it vanishes as quickly as it came, and I now feel like that helpless little girl again stuck in that fucking tiny room. I've gone from being caged to being free to being caged once again, but this time I know it's until I die, maybe I will just have to make that happen quicker.

"I have been very lenient with you Karma, I'm not this flexible for anyone but for some stupid fucking reason I am with you. Now you can hate me all you want but you need to understand I wasn't informed of what I was signing just like you, but you will fucking respect me. If this is going to work out we both need to work together because if we don't we will both end up dead in the end, do you fucking understand me?" He asks as his hand moves to my neck slightly squeezing on it enough to get my attention "I said do you understand me? I will not ask again" He repeats himself and all I can do is nod.

"Now when your family gets here I don't want any little tantrums, I also don't want you to be in a drugged-out state. So you're going to sober up and have a shower before they arrive" I roll my eyes at him, this dickhead is delusional if he thinks I'm going to listen to him, he squeezes on my neck a little tighter "What did I say about respecting me Leonessa, you won't get away with every eye roll or smart ass remark".

"Fine, can I get out of the fucking car?" I ask looking down at him, he smirks at me before letting go of my neck. "You really like power that much?" I ask looking down at the bulge in his jeans, "I like having power over you that much" He replies as he unlocks the doors, I swing it open and begin to climb out but not before I dig my knee into his crotch making him groan out in pain, "See you inside, fiancé" I hiss before slamming the door shut.

I walk over to the elevator and get in not bothering to wait for him, once I'm in the penthouse I go straight to my room locking my door behind me. I throw my phone on charge and strip naked before putting a playlist on the rooms speakers, loud enough for me to hear but low enough to not wake anyone up. Once I've picked a song I make my way to the shower and get in letting the hot water soak my hair a skin, I quickly wash my body and hair before jumping out.

I look over to the clock and realise I have been in there for just over 45 minutes, whoops. As I dry myself I walk into the walk-in wardrobe and grab a large hoodie throwing it over my body once I'm done, I let my hair air dry and moisturise my face and skin before rolling a blunt and lighting it. I unlock my door and walk out to be met by Lukas, "Karma, just the person I wanted to see" He says as he loops his arm with mine and drags me towards his room.

Once we are in I see a large computer set up with multiple screens, some displaying cameras of the hotel, some have peoples personal details "What's going on here?" I ask looking over the screens stopping when I see my file from St. Marys, "I needed to ask you if you knew someone that worked at St. Marys called Herman?" The name sends bile up my throat and turns my blood cold, "Yeah" I all I can I think to say.

"well it turns out he is also the leader of the german mafia, it looks like he was hired about a month before you arrived and left a few days after you did. Do you think your mother could have-" He begins but I just nod my head, "It would have been her doing" I say as I inhale the smoke from the blunt, just seeing his face again brings back some of my darkest memories I've tried to shove into the dark corners of my mind, I can almost feel his touch on my skin again, the way his hot breath felt fanned against my skin, the saltiness of my tears from the years of abuse, the numbness and soreness of my skin after he was done with me, I can feel all of it I'm there again, locked in that god awful room with him.

"Karma, shit sit down" I hear Lukas say, I snap out of my thoughts and feel my heart racing almost out of my chest, my hands shake and my breathing is all over the place "Do you need something to drink?" He asks and I shake my head I just look down at the blunt in my hand. A can of soft drink comes into view and I look up to see Lukas looking down at me with a half-smile, I smile nack and take it from his hands opening it and taking a sip, "Figured you needed sugar, it was all I had" He sheepishly says sitting back down on his computer chair, "No, thank you, it's perfect" I reply as I have another mouthful.

"That happen often?" He asks while rubbing the back of his neck, I shrug and look back down at my hands "Sometimes, depends really. If I'm anxious, or if I remember things I don't want to" I look back up to him and he nods his head "I know a panic attack when I see one, that's why I usually stay behind closed doors. You're still on the action but most of the time you're safe" I smile and laugh, "I enjoy the thrill too much, I live for it, crave it" I grab a lighter off of the bedside table and relight the blunt in my hand, I take a drag and hold it out to him, he takes it from my hand and has a drag.

"Adrenaline junkie, makes you feel something right?" He asks looking at me, "Something like that" I nod. "You remind me a lot of Iggy's sister," He says as he takes another drag before passing it back to me, "You know about her?" I ask stupidly, of course he does, idiot Karma absolute idiot. "I'm sorry, that was a dumb question", He laughs and shakes his head, "No not dumb at all, but yes I do know about her. He never told us much but he gave us the bare basics of it. He doesn't like talking about her that much, you usually have to pry it out of him".

But he told me what I thought was almost effortlessly? Maybe I can trust him more than I originally thought. "Well let's just say her and I are similar" I reply as there's a knock on the door, "If you need someone to talk to I'm here Karma, I may not get it that much but at least the anxiety I understand" I stand up and smile "Thank you Lukas, I'll always come to you when I need a chat" He smiles back and calls out for the person to come in as I walk over and give him a hug.

The door opens and all I can hear is someone clearing their throat, "I suggest you get your hands off my fiance" Vincenzo's voice cuts through the room like a sharp knife, "And I suggest you go fuck yourself and let me hug my friend" I reply as I squeeze onto Lukas harder before letting go, "Thank you, for everything" I pat his shoulders with my hands before picking up the can of soda and walking out of the room past Vincenzo.

I take a drag of the blunt and walk down the hallway and towards the kitchen for something to eat, someone grabs my arm and yanks me back pushing me up against the wall, he leans down and I'm met nose to nose with Vincenzo "What did I say about the drugs Leonessa?" He asks looking down at the blunt in my hand, I blow out the smoke into his face and smile at him "And what did I tell you about you going to fuck yourself, Capo?" I reply.

He smirks and goes to speak but is cut off by my Nonna's voice booming throughout the penthouse, "Now if you will excuse me, I have some very important guests to greet" I move my hands and push him off of me before pushing myself off of the wall, I go to walk about but he spins me around once more and grips on to my throat again "What did I say about respecting me? You seem to only remember things when I spank you. Is that what you want? Do you want me to spank you? You could have just asked" His voice is now as smooth as stone but as soft as silk, my knees begin to give out underneath me just by the sound of his voice, fucking stupid sexy bastard.

He leans down to my ear "Hmm, no reply? I guess I'll take that as a yes, si?" His fingers softly trail up my leg so slowly it's almost painful to feel, his hand moves to my ass and he tightly squeezes one cheek before slapping it I bite down on my bottom lip in an attempt to conceal the moan that wanted to come out of my mouth, I can't let him know how badly my body wants him right now even if he is the biggest asshole to roam this earth. He grabs the cheek again and rubs it once more before speaking, "Now why don't you go and see your family, I'm sure they're excited to see their angel".

He lets go of my neck and walks off towards the kitchen, once he turns the corner I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, why do I let him have such a strong effect over me, god Karma get a fucking grip on yourself. I relight the blunt for the third time and this time almost inhale the rest of it in one breath, I get to the kitchen and am met by Stefano wrapping me in a bear hug "Oh I've missed your dumbass" He says rocking us from side to side "I missed you to fuckface".

"Get off of her, it's my turn" I hear my Nonna from behind Stefano, "Ow, Nonna stop hitting me I'm moving, jeez" He let's go and goes to move to the side but Nonna shoves him to the side and shuffles her way over to me, her face brightens when she sees me and her infectious smile lights up her whole face I can't help but smile seeing her, I love this woman. "My darling girl, look how much you have grown! Are they feeding you here you've lost weight! Do I need to send food over here for you?" She asks as she engulfs me in one of her hugs, "Nonna, I've missed you so much, you haven't aged a day! Yes, I've been eating no you don't need to send any food" I say while laughing, this happens every time I see her, Karma you're too skinny, Karma are you eating? Karma you're not eating enough, Karma you need more pasta and bread on your plate.

"Actually, I wouldn't be mad if you sent food," Iggy says from beside us, Nonna let's go of the hug but tucks herself into my side holding onto me tightly, "Oh Iggy look how beautiful you are, and those muscles, have you found a wife yet? And you don't need anymore, you're going to get fat, Karma's too thin" She says using her free hand to pinch his cheek, "Ow Nonna, you hurt my cheek and my heart," He says rubbing the cheek that she had pinched, "Oh don't be such a baby!".

"Where's Nonno?" I ask looking around the room, "Oh you know how he is, he's arguing with the guards in the garage about people watching his car so it doesn't get scratched" I nod my head and smile, "Still wont go anywhere without it?" I ask as Nonna just shakes her head, "I swear he loves that thing more than me sometimes!" She says throwing her hand in the air.

"oh you know that's not true," Vincenzo says finally putting his dumb opinion in, "Oh Vin, I didn't even see you! Oh come here so I can get a good look at you" She says ushering him over with her hand, please Nonna don't do this. He happily stands up and strolls over while fixing his button-up shirt, once he's infront of us he smirks at me before turning his attention to Nonna, "Oh you are more gorgeous than ever, but you boys need to stop with all these tattoos!" She says inspecting his tattoos carefully, "Isn't he gorgeous Karma? How do you keep your hands off of him?" She asks nudging me and it takes all of me not to throw myself off of the fucking balcony.

"Nonna, please stop" I groan, "What? It's true! But also you Vin, what's wrong with my granddaughter huh? Does she not look like enough of a whore for you?" Vincenzo's mouth drops and I burst out laughing as does Stefano "You two are perfect for each other, you're both too stupid to see it, but you two will have a beautiful relationship I know it" Stefanos still laughing until he realises what we are talking about, "Wait, Nah they're not allowed to have sex. The marriage yes but everything else no" He says shaking his head, oh you poor idiot. "What do you expect them to be in a sexless and romanceless marriage? I don't think so boy, this will be filled with love and many great-grandchildren for me to spoil".

"Grand fucking what?" I ask choking on nothing, "Yes Karma! I want many great-grandbabies. Stefano won't give me them so you will" She says huffing, "Nonna, I'll give you grandbabies, all of them just not Karma and Ace. God, not my sister and my best friend" He says groaning, "Oh get over it Stefano we have already fucked!" I yell out, I quickly try to shut myself up but the words have already left my mouth, "You have? Oh good, we are already halfway there!" Nonna exclaims but Stefano looks like hes about to pass out.

 "Oh don't get your panties in a twist it was the night before I moved in, yeah the night you were supposed to meet up with me? So it's your own damn fault" He stands there staring at both of us for a few seconds, "I need some sleep because I'm pretty sure you just said you fucked my best friend, and I know you wouldn't do that" He says almost laughing at me, "I didn't know he was your bestie at the time" I reply shrugging my shoulders, "Yep, I'm going to bed" He says walking out of the room and down the hallway.

"Well now that the party poopers gone let's talk marriage. Go sit down while I make some breakfast and we can go over some names for my great-grandbabies".





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