Bestie Boys

Por Cali_Black

458K 18.1K 2.6K

Mia met Trevor, Liam and Sebastian in 5th grade. At the time she thought they were sore losers, but they soon... M谩s

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 5

16.3K 645 55
Por Cali_Black

Senior year, 18 years old

Liam and I are sitting in the grass watching Mia finish soccer practice so we can give her a ride home. All four of us drive now and each of us has a car, but we prefer to ride together so we alternate who drives each week. School is out in another month and then everything will change. We are soaking up these last moments of high school and making sure Mia experiences everything she wants too.

Next week is her last soccer game and we plan to make big signs and banners and embarrass her to death. We are going to a party tonight, which was on her "Senior Year Bucket List." Liam, Trevor and I have been to a few parties before, but it's not our usual scene and Carter never let Mia go so it wasn't really fun without her.

Tonight he's given his blessing for her to attend. He thinks it's a pool party... and it is, but there will definitely be beer and scantily clad teenagers so you can imagine it will get a bit rowdy. Obviously no harm would ever come to Mia with us around so I'm not worried about it. I'm hoping to get her a little tipsy so she will dance with me.

We have experienced everything with Mia since we were 10. We gave her many of her first experiences and I'm selfish because I want to be a part of every new first for the rest of her life. We took her to her first concert, we bought her first makeup kit... which resulted in her first time being grounded when she wore the makeup to school without permission. We were there when Cassidy had to buy her tampons for the first time and we put them up our noses to make her laugh and ease her embarrassment over the situation. We went on her first date with her.

That's a great story, it was prom our Sophomore year. Her date's name was Jake and he ended up being laid out flat by Liam when he tried to kiss Mia. Liam was suspended for 3 days since it was at a school function. Mia was upset with Jake and thanked Liam for "defending her honor like a knight." He preened like a fucking house cat the rest of the night. We took her for ice cream after our failed prom and she missed curfew for the first time.

All three of us walked her to the door and Carter shook Liam's hand, handed him $50 and said he would forgot about the missed curfew if Liam punched every other random boy who tried to kiss Mia. The way he worded it made it seem that he didn't include us, so Liam promised and Mia stomped into the house, but not after passing by Liam to punch him in the stomach.

I'm torn out of my thoughts when the team starts their cool down stretches. Mia's back is too us so when she bends to stretch her calves I'm staring right at her ass. She has on shorts that are basically glued to her toned ass and thighs and long socks that ride up to just under her knee. She's sweaty and her top is sticking to her sports bra and her long hair is barely tamed in a pony tail. It's like a wet dream and I'm pretty sure I'm drooling when Liam elbows me.

"The girls are laughing at us." He points to girls on the opposite side of the circle from Mia, and sure enough they are giggling and one is pointing. Mia turns around and gives us a big smile, which we wave and return while simultaneously setting our backpacks on our hard-ons.

"I'm scared and relieved all at the same time. What if she runs, or what if this changes everything?" Liam asks as he turns to continue watching Mia stretch. He's referring to the decision we made about telling Mia our feelings. Telling her we would all three like to court her and that we made that decision in 5th grade when she punched one of our team mates in the face for pulling her French braid in the dugouts.

"Honestly dude I'm terrified. I have no idea what's going to happen. I just want to soak in these last few weeks and make sure she has the best time."
"Me too." Liam says with an exhale of air. I clap his shoulder and squeeze. We have to make this work. This is our girl and we spent too long loving her to ever let her go.

"Hi handsomes," my brown eyed beauty calls out as she runs off the field towards us. We are sitting next to her bag so I grab her teal water bottle and hand it up to her. Trevor got it for her at the beginning of the season and she's obsessed with it because there's a sparkly soccer ball with her name written across it. Both of us are staring up at her watching water trip down her chin and sweat soaked chest  before she realizes we haven't responded and looks down.

"Good job angel. You pushed hard. All that hard work shows off in your games." Liam tells her with a wink.

"Thanks coach."

She giggles and collapses into his lap between his outstretched legs. Her back is to his front and she looks over at me to put her hand on my knee.

"You guys ready to party tonight?" She asks excitedly. Her excitement is contagious and I'm pretty sure I giggle like she just did when I respond,

"I'm definitely looking forward to taking you to a party little firecracker."

"Let's go get Trev and get ready!" She stands and turns to offer us both a hand. I smile because we each out weigh her by about 100 pounds and the thought of her helping us up is really cute.

"Why the fuck would we need 4 hours to get ready?" Liam asks as he grabs her bag off the ground.

"It's my first party, I need to look hot. I'm going to do my makeup and I've narrowed it down to a few dresses you guys need to help me pick from!" 

I groan as she grabs my hand and starts dragging me to follow my brother to the car. He turns to glare at her and she just gives him a big smile and blows him a kiss. Liam hates when she dresses up and she knows it.


I stand in the doorway of my sister's room watching Trevor and Liam, who are trying to convince her to wear jeans and a long sleeved top to a party that we're all going too tonight. We're going to a pool party and it's 90 degrees outside so I don't think they are going to win this argument.

She has shown them at least a dozen outfits and all three males have vetoed each one. One showed too much boob..the other too much thigh.. and the list goes on. I appreciate their over protectiveness and I know my big sister and Carter do as well, but Mia is going to her first party and wants to stand out. I understand her logic so I'm here to save the day..well save the night.

"Alright boys, get out."

Three heads snap to me as Mia smiles and claps her hands.

"Yes, get out, get out! Ella will help me so you assholes go pout on the couch!"

Trevor looks to me judging how serious I am. When I move into the room and start grabbing bathing suits and shoes she's thrown all over the bed Trevor and Bash take the hint.

"Fine," Trevor huffs, "But I still get final say!" He flips me off as he leaves taking Bash with him who just smiles at his brother... who is still sitting on Mia's vanity chair staring into her closet like it's personally offended him. Mia snaps in front of his face and he grabs her hand to bring it to his mouth to kiss.

"We just want to make sure you have a good night, but not that great of a night.. like a pg rated night?" He tells her, but it sounds like more of a question. She cups his cheek smiling like she has a secret he doesn't know about.

"I am going to get dressed up however I want and go to this party and do whatever I want to whoever I want!"

"The fuck you are!" Trevor yells from the living room.

"LANGUAGE!" Mia and I yell back at the same time. We burst into a fit of giggles. Bash comes back in and grabs his brother by the collar to drag him out. Mia stops him and reaches up on her tip toes to kiss his cheek and whispers,

"Thank you Bash you're my favorite."
Bash has a giant smile plastered to his face while Liam grunts something about a house cat. After they are gone, we get to work. I do love those boys, but I also love watching them suffer.

We are finally dressed and ready to go. Mia decided on a light purple two piece bathing suit with full boy short bottoms and a tankini top which covers her full chest and flat tummy. I understand the boys' need to cover her up. She's so athletic, her body is really toned and high school boys are horn dogs.

She covers the bathing suit with a short pink floral dress and wraps sparkly sandals around her feet. Her hair is down in loose curls that almost reach her butt and her big brown eyes are lined with mascara and eyeliner. She looks gorgeous and I can't help but admire how different she seems in just the short time I've been away at college. She seems more confident and comfortable in her skin. She also seems more comfortable around the boys.

I've been wondering when that relationship would change from friendly to romantic. I've been waiting on pins and needles for years for one of these idiots to make a move. Cassidy said they are waiting for "the right moment," whatever that means.

My sisters and I are close, but I wish I would have tried harder to be a friend to Mia, instead of just a big sister. I feel like we missed out on some experiences most sisters should have, and by the time I realized it the boys had shown up. They just integrated themselves into Mia's life and they've been here ever since.

I used to be jealous of all of the attention they gave her and all of her attention she gave to them. It took me a couple years and some long talks with Cassidy to realize that Mia struggled more then we had with the loss of our parents. She still struggles, where Cassidy and I have tried to put that past behind us. Mia's boys feel her pain as if it's there own and I know their only goal is to make her happy.

We head out to the living room for the final inspection and I swear the guys' eyes sparkle as much as her shoes do. They are enamored with her and it makes me really happy to see. She deserves it and I really hope the four of them can make this work.

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