By MsDimplz24

2.3K 9 1

Human Trafficking is a harsh reality we all have to deal with. Just remember this is FICTION/FAKE and in no w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 35
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 13

43 0 0
By MsDimplz24


zura came awake thirsty and hungry and she needed to go to the bathroom. With the last need in mind, she sat up and stretched and as the furs fell away she felt the draft of cold air against her skin. Oh my God! I'm naked! She shrieked internally then pulled the covers back up to her chin and looked around. She was in the Prince's room. Memories came with that realization and she felt wet and sticky between her legs.

Azura whimpered as she jumped out of bed and hustled to the bathroom to relieve herself. She felt no pain, so she wondered what else did he do besides the thing she didn't want to name? She went into her room dragging his furs with her to the shower. She paid special attention to her lady parts, so see if any damage was done but couldn't find nothing wrong except a persistent ache which got worse every time she pictured those ice blue eyes between her thighs.

Refreshed she stepped out of the shower and dried off on the way to the walk-in. She selected her clothes and was stepping into her panties in front of the mirror when she screamed. Mila came running into the walk-in.

"Madam, what is it?"

"Nothing!" I answered hastily covering my breasts, but Mila had already seen and blushed before turning around and saying. "Madam must be hungry, there's fresh water in the pitcher, I will see what the cook has prepared." Then finally she left.

I turned to face the mirror once more, my body shaking in rage. I had red marks everywhere! He covered me in hickeys! My neck, my jawline, my breast, under my breast, a trail down my stomach and inner thighs. He had the proverbial feast while I slept! Out of curiosity, I turned and glanced at my reflection behind me. They were down my back and on my ass!

I smiled a little when I thought about him kissing my black ass then got serious. He wasn't allowed to touch me! But just how far did he go? I covered my vagina protectively as though he was there then collected myself and dressed. I stormed out of the walk-in then swayed as dizziness took hold. Food and water first, my brain demanded then deal with the asshole.

The pitcher shook in my hand as I poured the water causing me to wonder, just how long was I asleep? I almost gagged as I tried to drink the water greedily and my throat hurt like it was in the desert. Mila returned with soup and said. "Leia said you should try this first and if it stays down then something more solid."

Soup was the last thing I remembered besides icy eyes between my thighs. I sipped it carefully and it warmed me up and cleared some fog out of my brain.

"Mila, how long was I asleep?"

"A day and a half." Mila replied simply.

"What!" I spluttered thinking about the lessons I missed and Mila. "Does he know why I fell asleep?"

"No." Came Vlad's response from the doorway. "Why don't you tell me?"

Mila made to leave but he stopped her saying "You stay too Mila. I want to make sure your story matches with hers."

"My Prince, I meant no disrespect..." Mila begged but Vlad held up his hand stopping her excuses.

"Why were you so tired?" He asked me.

"I-I-I-I" I stuttered, too ashamed to speak the words aloud.

"Well, what was so important that you didn't sleep at night."

"I studied!" I blurted out and Mila nodded quickly. It was partially the truth.


"Yes!" I replied quickly warming up to the lie. "I wanted to do well in my first semester. I may have overdone it."

His eyes narrowed as he watched me then he said something my mother always said, "You're a poor liar Azura." Mila started to sweat as he turned his gaze on her "The truth Mila, now."

"Leave her alone!" I told him, and he raised one eyebrow at me.

"Then tell me the truth!" he growled.

Instead, I changed the subject. "Why am I covered in hickeys?"

His head jerked back, then he smiled, sliding his hands in his pockets, "Is there something wrong with me trying to wake my wife that way?" He teased.

"Yes, I wasn't conscious dammit!"

"And whose fault is that?" He asked softly.

And like a fool, I blurted out "It's yours!"

He smiled like the Cheshire cat before stepping closer "And how exactly is it my fault?"

"I-I I" I stuttered again, and Mila smacked herself in the head.

"Mila," He said softly "I will double your bonus if you tell me what she's trying to hide from me."

I watched Mila weaken. We both knew if she didn't take the offer, he would not be so nice the next time.

"I didn't want you to...sleep ...with ... me." I admitted in a whisper.

"You can leave now Mila." He dismissed then turned his anger on me "Let me see if I understand this correctly; you wanted to protect your precious virginity from your lawful husband and, so you stayed up all night making yourself so sleepy you almost drowned in a bowl of soup!" He finished shouting.

It actually sounded kind of stupid when he said it that way. In a normal marriage, I would look like the crazy one, but this wasn't normal, and neither was he.

"I can't believe..." Vlad began then stopped himself. Stupid made herself ill, just to escape sleeping with him! Him! Women threw themselves at his feet and this one...he was done with her anyway. "I tell you now on the blood of my ancestors, I will never touch you again." He promised softly then walked out.

No yelling, no beating, nothing. I was shocked for about five minutes after he left expecting him to come back and curse or something but nothing. I decided to finish my soup to discover it had gone cold, but I was so hungry I ate it anyway.

Full, I began to worry for Mila, would he take out his anger on her? I got up and went in search of Mila and as I passed the window on the second landing I saw the prince getting into the helicopter. I relaxed, knowing he was gone and Mila would be safe but continued downstairs anyway to get something more substantial to eat.

He was gone for the entire winter, Leia told me, back to the summer palace. She gave me a pitying look when she said it but all I cared about was peace for the entire winter. With him gone, I got some Lady of the House duties done. I made changes to the red visitors' room, changed the colour of the ladies sitting room downstairs and changed around the menus.

The new year came and went, and I started to feel a little funny like I had chased him out of his own house but then I remembered the things he did to me and I squelched it. I aced my tests and danced in the snow. I was happy with him not around and best of all the staff here were nicer to me. The under butler showed me how to ice-skate and the chauffeur was teaching me to drive. I wished he never came back.

I was getting my wish it seemed as the winter ice melted and spring arrived. He was always gone for months so this was nothing new. The only difference now was that I was his wife and the servants stupidly thought that meant something, but to quote my absentee husband "his ring on my finger changes nothing between us..."

I was always a fast learner and driving was no different. When the chauffer commented on how well I was doing I decided to test the strength of my new position. "Can I drive to the airport?"

"Of course! Your Highness." He replied dutifully.

"Can you show me the way."

"Uh, you've never seen the airport?" His shock causing him to drop the title.

"Of course but being driven is different than driving there myself." I lied smoothly.

I memorized every twist turn, sign and bump in the road then when we arrived at the airport I told him I wanted to stretch my legs. We walked around while I took note of gates and departure times. Then wondered how I was going to pay for a ticket to New York. I had no money, I wasn't given any and as the wife of nobility, I wouldn't be expected to pay. How much was a ticket to New York anyway?

If I had internet access this would be easier, the lack was another reminder of my prisoner status. Every kid back home owned a damn laptop and smartphone and I was a frigging Princess and owned neither. Light bulb! That's how I was getting my ticket.

"I want to go shopping!" I told my Chauffer with a smile and like the dutiful employee, he was took me to the most exquisite store. It was an electronics store in the airport.

"I need a smartphone." I declared upon entering and the chauffeur looked confused by my request but assisted anyway.

I didn't care about brands or features, once it could call out and get internet I would be happy. "I'll take it!" I said cutting off the salesman.

"Excellent!" He said, "Cash or charge?" and I frowned then I turned and pouted at the chauffeur.

"I did not bring my cards," I told him and like the helpful employee he was, he put in on his own credit card. I didn't bother to promise him repayment because one; I had no money and two; I didn't plan on being here to repay him.

The salesman set up the phone and showed me how to use it and I squealed in delight as he handed it over to me then I calmed myself remembering my audience and who I was and thanked him graciously and left. Once I was out of the store I couldn't wait to get home. The chauffeur had to tell me to slow down several times on the trip back and once I was back at the castle I parked the car and left the engine running as raced upstairs to my room.

I ran into the bathroom and dialled my mom's cell number. It asked me to add the code and I did shakily then redialled. I rocked back and forth as the phone rang on the other end waiting for her to pick up.

"Hello?" She answered, and I started to cry, I was crying like a baby after hearing my mom's voice after three long years. "Hello?" She repeated and after a beat, I whispered "Mommy?"

"Who is this?" She asked angrily.

"Mommy it's me, Azura."

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