I love you (Tony Stark x Joke...

By Kkbpodr

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After the events of the Civil War and Siberia, everything changes in Tony Stark's life changes. (I am the wor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

477 6 3
By Kkbpodr

(Two years later)

In one of Belle Reve prison, Tony Stark now known as Wild Card was chained to the wall wearing a muzzle, a straight jacket with chains around him and a collar which was also chained to the wall since he was so dangerous.

"Hey, Mucha Cho dinner time you have a choice between water and an oreo milkshake with fettuccine on the side" one of the guards taunted him Wild Card growled from behind the mask.

(S.H.I.E.L.D secret base)

The Ex-Avengers, Pepper, Rhodey, Spider-Man, Shuri, T'Challa, Bruce Banner, Thor were waiting in the debriefing room by Fury and some woman

"Everyone this is my cousin Amanda Waller as you all know there is a danger to the world so you will be accompany some army soldier and very dangerous criminals of Gotham cities" Fury explained Waller walked over and dropped files onto the table

"Who do want to start with first" everyone pointed to the first file

(After 2 hours)

There was one last file and Natasha just so happens to have picked it up when she first opened she dropped it in shock

"What is it Nat," Clint asked the assassin

"Is this for real Waller" Natasha asked

"Very much so Ms. Romanoff the last file will someone read it" Waller asked

Dr.Banner picked up the file and opened it took a deep breath as he scanned over then began to read it out loud

"Aliases: Wild Card

Name: Tony Stark (noticeable)

Gender: Male

Lovers: Harley Quinn and Joker

Age: unknown ( between 22 and 26)

Details: extremely dangerous, would harm anyone who insults Harley or Joker, completely insane and unstable, extremely clinging to Harley and Joker, hand to hand combat

Weapon: androids, guns, bats, knives

Weakness: Harley Quinn and Joker" Dr. Banner read over

"That can't be" Rhodey snatched the file and scanned it over

"I'm not surprised that he is a criminal" Wanda snickered

"They get here soon Amanda a word" Nick walked out with Waller right behind him once the doors were closed

"You didn't think to tell me about my own godson what the hell Amanda" Nick yelled whispering

"Nicky he's fine more to speak that is" Amanda walked away

(Belle Reve)

The criminals were being wheeled out and were being injected into the neck a lot of them were yelling threats at the person injecting them once they loaded up to leave the plane took off.

(Base camp)

When they were unhooked from their wheelchair they stretched

"Hey, boys what I should kill every single one of them and escape... oh sorry it was the voices I'm kidding that's not what they really said" Harley giggled Deadshot looked at El Diablo and made the crazy sign El Diablo chuckled that's when Killer croc was rolled in and the Avengers plane landed.

Captain Boomerang, Slipnot, and Wild Card entered the scene not soon after the avengers new and old reaction of seeing Tony chained like an animal was scary

"See you later scumbag," a lady soldier said to Wild Card Slipnot head butt her everyone turned to him

"She had a mouth" Wild Card caught sight of Harley and ran towards her once he got to her Wild Card put his head onto hers

"Hey Surga that looks very unco'forta'le Flagg do you mind," Harley asked looking at the soldier

"Unlock him" Flagg ordered one of the soldiers

"But Waller said-" the soldier said

"I don't care he's just kid anyway now do it" Flagg ordered

The soldier did so hesitantly unlocking his straight jacket first then his collar then his muzzle last.

"Th'nk ya boys I was in dat thing for too lon'" His strong accent came out that's when Steve stepped up

"Tony is that you," Steve asked Wild Card jumped behind Harley and Deadshot

"Maledetto inferno non-intrufolarti in me e il mio nome e Wild Card per te" Wild Card shouted from behind Harley and Deadshot

"What did he say," Clint asked

"Nothing important now let's get to business," Deadshot said standing protectively in front of Harley and Wild Card

"You six criminals have a chip injected into your neck if you disobey me, try to escape or vex me you die it might be small has the same explosive compact of a hand grenade" Wild Card held his hand up

"We're kno'n ta be 'exing just 'air warnin'," Wild Card said

"Shut it kid" Flagg smirked he shrugged

"Is that your pep talk?" Deadshot asked Flagg nodded

"That sucked dude not even going to lie" Slipnot chuckled Wild Card giggled

"Just grab your stuff" Flagg shook his head Wild Card ran past the avengers over to his trunk when he opens it he looked like a kid on Christmas

"YAY!" Wild Card jumped up and down Harley smiled and walked over to him

"Darlin' p'ck me out som'thing 'lease" he pulled out his best puppy dog eyes

"Only 'cause ya asked nic'ly" she kissed his lips he crossed his legs watched attentively smiling

"I can hardly understand him any more pepper" Rhodey frowned watching as Harley picked out his friends outfit

"I know he changed so much," Pepper said

"Darlin' dat one dat one" He clapped excitedly Harley handed him, his outfit then went get herself change he changed in front of everyone they saw all his scars, bruises, and tattoos Pepper covered her mouth and Rhodey looked horrified when Wild Card finished getting dressed he felt eyes on him he turned around to see Pepper and Rhodey looking at him so he walked over.

"Ya k'ow I mi'sed ya too a lot and I'm guessin' y'all missed me to 'ight?" Wild Card asked

"Of course we missed you kid," Rhodey said younger man eyes sparkled he was about to say something until Harley called him

"Surga come over here" Harley called

"Comin'" Wild Card yelled he waved bye at pepper and Rhodey then skipped over to Harley and the others

"Why ya go ov'r ta 'em they didn't hu't did they," Harley asked the young man shook his head as she helps put his choker and bracelet

"They wouldn't do dat not 'em an'way the others I can't say" Wild Card sighed

Wild card felt a presence behind him so he got out one his knives he whipped around ready to attack when he saw it was Steve he held the knife to his neck everyone stopped the Avengers got their gear out a pointed it at Wild Card the same happened with the soldiers

"Surga put down th't knif' there's a lot of weapons po'nted at ya and I don't wa't ta see ya hurt" Harley walked closer putting a hand on his Wild Card reluctantly removed the knife from his neck Flagg ordered everyone to put their weapons down

"I told 'ot ta sneak up on me" Wild walked over to Deadshot and decided to mess with him when he caught sight of Deadshot masked he took it and played with it

"don't ya ever c'me near 'im" Harley warned walked away from him

"what you do that for Steve," Natasha asked walked up to Rogers

"New mission guys get Tony back at any cost," Steve said watching Wild Card jumping on Deadshot back giggling when Flagg came back he had a tablet in his hand

"Behold the voice of God" Amanda Waller and Nick Fury faces popped up on the screen

"Uncle Nick" Wild card tilted his head, Nick nodded

"For those of you who don't know us officially... My name is Amanda Waller and this is my cousin Nick fury there's an active terrorist event in midway city" Amanda said

"We want you to enter the city, rescue HVT-1 and get them at safety" Nick continued Deadshot raised his hand

"I'm sorry for those who don't speak good guy, what is HVT-1," Deadshot asked

"The only person that matters in the city, the one person you can't kill, complete the mission, you get time off your prison sentence fail the mission, you die." Fury continued

"Anything happens to Colonel Flag, I'll kill every single one of you-" Wild Card interrupted Amanda

"me too," Wild asked Amanda nodded he looked offended

"Remember, I'm watching I see everything" the screen went black Wild Card jumped off of Deadshot's back and moved to the back got out a tablet and started to hack into their chips to get the chips to disable.

"There's your pep talk you happy" Flagg commented the criminals turned to him and smirked

"Flagg compared to you they killed it" Captain Boomerang joked the rest of the criminals chuckled Wild Card looked up then looked back down at his tablet

"Are we a suicide squad I'm onl' askin' that 'cause it feels like we're being se' up to f'il 'nd if we do make it out ali'e 'nd if we do win 'hey wou'd just 'ake the cr'dit" Wild Card pointed at the Avengers most of them looked offended the criminals, on the other hand, nodded agreeing with him Flagg walked over to him with a bracelet

"Hey, kid, could I see one your wrist right quick," Flagg asked the younger man held out his left wrist without looking up Flagg put the bracelet on his wrist

"What's dis 'or," Wild asked looking at his wrist

"This is to make sure you don't try to hack into the system Waller wants you to wear it" Flagg explained wild nodded

"Everyone gets your stuff and head out" everyone grabbed their things and headed to the army chopper but Steve stopped them

"Why not take our helicarrier," Steve asked wild card seemed a little uneasy which the criminals, Flagg, Rhodey, Pepper, T'Challa and Peter noticed

"it's faster taking the chopper actually," Flagg said Peter walked towards Wild card

"Tony" Peter whispered Wild looked at him raising an eyebrow El Diablo looked pissed

"'id wat are ya doin' 'ere" Peter smiled sadly

"you know 'im Surga" Wild nodded his head

"you brought a kid here what is wrong with you man" Diablo glared at Steve the man in red, white, and blue stepped back

"Guys we have to get going world to save and all come on got to go" Deadshot pulled Harley and Wild towards the army chopper the rest of the criminals followed them Flagg and the army team right behind them

"Steve don't do anything stupid you got me" Captain Marvel warned he nodded his head The avengers went to their helicarrier following the chopper

Translation: Bloody hell don't sneak up on me and my name is Wild Card to you

Word Count: 1769

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