Passing Strangers

By writersongchaerin

188K 4.9K 1.6K

"Is it only for us to find love but then lose it again?" Once upon a time - this is how a typical story begin... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Special Chapter
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Special Chapter: Drunk Nights

Chapter VI

5.8K 139 10
By writersongchaerin

"But this is too much, honey!" My jaw dropped in disbelief to find out that he gave me a Certificate of Title for a 1,000 square meter lot in Cheongdam-do, Gangnam registered before our names.

"Treat this as our first conjugal investment. I was thinking that instead of giving you something fancy like jewelry, I'd rather give you something that will be much more useful like real property or something. Do you like it?"

"Yes, I do but how much did this cost? I mean, we haven't talked about our property arrangements yet. We didn't even execute our pre-nuptial agreement."

"Nah, as I've told you, everything that I own is yours to keep. And besides, those separations of property contracts are just for couples who don't want to last for good. We surely don't need them."

"Thank you, I really appreciate this. I'm sure it cost you a fortune."

"Uhmmm... Not quite." I rolled my eyes while he was bragging.

"I really am happy with all the things you have given me... the land-air-water rides, the surprise event, and now this acquired property. But..." my calm expression turned into a devastated one. "Who was that lady who called you last night?"

"Lady? What do you mean?" His face looked baffled.

"Remember the one who called you in the car? That one call you refused to answer in my presence? The same number called you while you were in the bathroom. I got so curious about the caller that I answered your phone without you knowing," I was frantic. The thought of it made me want to choke him in an instant.

Instead of saying anything, he laughed at the top of his lungs. He seemed blissful with the idea that I was a venom called jealousy was in my blood. I hated his giggles. It made me look even more stupid. I pretended to be dense. He was rolling with laughter until he realized that it wasn't funny to me anymore. The only expression I could best give was my dull, infuriated stare.

"Do I look like I'm telling a joke?"

Then his mood shifted. "No, I'm sorry. I just find it so funny. Look at your face, it screams of jealousy!" Though he was trying to hold back, his eyes were still laughing foolishly.

"So again, who was that? Will you tell me or will you tell me?"

"Fine, fine! It was Ms. Lee, the one who ushered you when you arrived at the yacht club. Remember her?"

"Then why was she calling you last night?"

"Don't you still get it? I hired her to fix everything for me... for this surprise event."

"Really?" I suddenly felt ashamed of how I reacted. Still suspicious of him, I didn't let my guard down.

"Of course! Why would I even lie?"

"You mean, when she said you're gonna meet at the airport, you're both going here in Busan?"


"But why didn't you answer her call when I was around?" My brows were still aligned.

"If I did before you then all the preparations for this surprise will be useless, don't you think?"

Yeah, right... "Okay, I'll let this pass," I turned my back to him. My cheeks turned red because of embarrassment. How foolish of you Son Eon Jin to rage out of baseless jealousy!

"Come here..." He pulled my body but still I refused to face him. "So you really won't face me, huh?"

He started tickling me everywhere while flooding me with kisses. Urgh! How will I resist?

"Okay, okay! You win!" I said in surrender. I almost couldn't breathe. The room was filled with giggles and kisses.

It felt like I was Anastasia Steele for a moment when my Christian Grey led me back to the chopper. I thought we'll be flying back to Seoul but his surprises were just not over yet.

We strolled to see the city lights. I was amazed with how Seoul looked during night time. It was bright and lively. The view was one for the books plus I've got my whole life beside me. He held my hand and kissed the top of my palm.

"I'm sorry I can't date you in a fancy restaurant or in movie theatres. I don't want fans to run after us."

"No, no! Why are you so sorry? You have given me dates that I've thought were only possible in movies. You have given me so much that I couldn't ask for more."

"I ought to give you the best. I will work hard every day for you to realize that you made the right decision in choosing me."


"Should I come with you?" He asked while he's parking the car.

"No, just stay here in the car. It will be a long trip and you'll be driving. You should rest for a while. Make sure no one sees you, okay? I will be quick, promise." I got out of the car and hurried to do the grocery.

We were leaving for Daegu. It was my dad's birthday and we didn't want to miss it.

Before anything else, we dropped by the grocery to do last-minute shopping. I picked up some snacks, canned coffees, hot packs and all other things that we need for the trip. I asked him not to come with me or else, the LA grocery incident would be refuelled.

But I really must have married a hard-headed man.

"Hi, miss. Are you alone or are you with your boyfriend?" He was in his baseball cap, dark hoodies, tattered jeans and Jordans.

"My goodness, why are you here?!" I slapped his shoulders in panic.

"I'm here to help you. You know, grocery items could be heavy."

"I told you to stay in the car!"

"But I got so hungry so I grabbed some doughnuts. Would you like to have one?" He raised a bag full of little fried doughnuts.

"Get back to the car..." I walked fast to stay away from him but his steps were too big that he still was able to chase me.

"No, I don't like!"

"Get back to the car or you'll be paying a shameless amount again for your sloppiness?"

"Who cares? Just let me eat in peace, honey," he seemed to enjoy his doughnuts. His head was banging with the music of the grocery store.

"You can eat inside the car!"

"It will be messy and you'll get mad at me," his excuses were terrible! For the love of God, why is this man acting like a kid?! "And why are you so scared? It's not like we're doing something illegal like stealing. Besides, to remind you Mrs. Kim, this store is a high-end membership store. Fans won't expect to see us here."

Facepalm - exactly was my reaction. He was really annoying. I looked at him and his mouth was filled with powdered sugar. He was like a kid without a mom. "Go now or I'll leave you here in Seoul? I can drive myself to Daegu alone." I threatened him.

"Fine, fine! I'm leaving. But I will wait for you at the exit. I'll help you carry the grocery items, okay?"

I shooed him away. Thank God, he finally was out of my sight and thank God, my threats still work on him.

After paying, I found him waiting for me at the exit. He grinned upon seeing me and ran to me as soon as he caught me in sight.

We were almost running to get back to the car.

"No one saw us right?" I asked.

"I don't know and again, who cares?"

I just shook my head.

Daegu's a three-hour drive away from Seoul. We could have just taken the plane or the train for much less travel time but with the eyes of the public on us, these public utilities were not the best options.

He seemed to enjoy road trips such as this. It was an opportunity for him to flirt with me while driving. I wasn't wearing anything sexy but he still managed to slide his hand on my thighs. He was caressing my legs and inner thighs while driving like a pro. He'd run his fingers until they'd reach my delicate flesh. I didn't have the power to resist his flirting. It felt uncomfortable at first but it eventually became fun and sexy... just like in the movies.

I was enjoying the playful atmosphere so I responded by rubbing my palm against his knees, up to his thighs to shaft, giving him a light massage down there. I loved how I could make him hard by just touching him. He was grinning like a fool the entire time. The very challenge of the trip was to not stop by the shoulder of the road for a quickie. But to be honest, we almost did it.

The joys of being newly-wedded spouses, really!

We parked on a pit stop and grabbed some refreshments.

He buckled my seat belt and sexily sniffed the side of my neck, leaving wet kisses. His tongue was swirling on my neck down to my collar.

"Should we park somewhere else and continue this? I've been wanting to make love to you. I wanna bite this..." He bit the cloth covering my breast. Despite the covers, I was still able to feel the sensation. Goodness gracious, how flirty! Thank the heavens for dark car tints. He could freely fuck me in the car if he wants to.

I pulled his head away from my breasts as I was tempted to accept his offer. I had to stop him or else we're doomed.

"No, Dad's waiting for us and we don't want to miss his birthday party."

He sighed loudly which made me laugh. He was the cutest when sexually frustrated. Imagine him pouting... Yup, that's how he has been reacting each time I turn him down.

The drive was smooth. We stopped by on photo-worthy spots for pictures. The husband has been a photograph aficionado ever since. During out of the country trips, he'd usually be in-charge of our photos. I wished I could upload all our cute photos together online. But those photos were all sweet and clingy; Fans could never ever handle the cheesiness.

In no time, we reached my hometown. I thought my dad would just have a simple birthday dinner but my sister, who just came home from LA, decided to throw a huge party for my dad in one of the hotels in Daegu. We arrived at my parent's two hours before the party so we had the chance to fix ourselves. And since it was a grand party, my mom wanted us to wear something really formal, or a traditional Hanbok to be exact. Good thing we got some decent ones at home.

"Woah, you look just like a King from a historical drama." I fixed his Hanbok. He looked extra dashing.

"Stop flattering me. It's no big deal!" I smacked his chest. He has been so confident about his looks which usually makes me roll my eyes.

"You remind me of your character in Rampant. I attended your VIP premiere for that movie right?"

"Yeah, I was so glad that you attended. At first, I was quite disappointed that you didn't respond to the RSVP. But I knew that you wouldn't let me wait in vain so I kept looking for you in the crowd. I only felt a sense of relief when I saw you walking on the red carpet."

"Really, you waited for me?" I half smiled.

"Yes, of course," he nodded his head.

"But do you know why I attended?"


"Because someone told me I would be able to see you naked in that movie. It's rare for Hyun Bin to go naked in a movie, right?"

"So, did you like my sexy back in that movie?"

"Definitely yes!" I said seductively..


When we arrived at the venue, it was already filled with guests.

"Happy birthday, Dad!" I hugged my old man who was smiling from ear to ear upon seeing us.

"Happy birthday, Father!" Hyun Bin embraced my dad and handed him our gift.

"I'm happy you made it! Come, Tae Pyung, let me introduce you to my friends."

All our closest friends and relatives were there since my dad wanted to introduce to everyone his current favourite son-in-law. The program began. Later on, the host called us for a family photo but Hyun Bin was out of my sight. So I looked for him.

"Did you happen to see Hyun Bin? We're gonna take family portraits now." I asked my brother-in-law.

"Ah yeah! He's at the dessert table. You should call for him."

I went to where the dessert table was and I found Hyun Bin, in his royal-looking Hanbok, carrying my niece, Sophia, who was eating chocolate pops.

My heart melted in an instant. He really loved kids and I was sure he'd be a good dad to our children.

"Honey!" I went closer to them. They're both enjoying what they're eating.

"Oh my, Aunt Ye Jin is here. Hello, Aunt Ye Jin!" He waved Sophia's hand. My giddy niece bowed her head and hugged me.

"Hello, Sophia!" I pinched the cheek of my niece. "We should come up to the stage now. We'll be taking family photos."

"Let's go, Sophia?" he looked at the kid in all smiles. He held my hand and we all came up to the stage together.

Sophia really liked her Uncle Tae Pyung ever since I first brought him to LA. Hyun Bin was so patient with her and he loved playing with her. They got along so well. I have always been envious of my sister since she already has Sophia. Watching Sophia grow into a smart bubbly kid made me want to have my own child more.

Everyone was in awe when my dad formally announced that his youngest daughter already got married. He politely asked everyone to keep the information within them as we will announce it in due time.

"You look so happy, my little sister," My sister sat beside me and handed me a glass of wine.

"Yes I am, unnie! I've never been so happy." I raised my glass and offered a toast.

"Mom and dad are so happy too. Now, they won't have to worry about you living alone in Seoul. How's work, by the way?"

"Nothing's new. I'm going to rest for a while. Bin and I agreed that I would take some time off from work. We want to have our own Sophia as soon as possible, too."

"That's great. You should keep yourself healthy. You've worked hard like a cow all these years. Is your husband good to you?" she asked.

"Yes, he is. He's been treating me so well."

"I trust that he's a good person. When you first brought him to us in LA, I liked him immediately. There is something about him that made me feel comfortable giving you away. Even my husband likes him. Look at them..." She pointed out our husbands having a great time drinking. "They seem so close, right?"

I looked at Hyun Bin who was really having a good time with my brother-in-law and our dad's friends.


"Yeoboooo!" Hyun Bin, all drunk and wasted, has been screaming for my name. "Yeoboooooo! Where are you?"

"Eon Jin, go get your husband. He seems so drunk," My mother worriedly ordered me.

"Omo! You're here! My wife is here," he happily said. He flooded me with kisses.

"My goodness, you reek of alcohol!" I spanked him really hard. I had to carry this six-footer to the parking lot. He was too heavy, plus his drunkenness added more to his weight. "Can you walk?"

He was too drunk to even answer. He just wrapped his arms around my neck which made walking more difficult. Basically the reason why I hate to let him drink in public is because he's the type who binge drinks until he passes out.

I drove the car on our way home. Luckily, when I reached my parent's house, some helpers were there to help me bring the drunken Hyun Bin upstairs. We tossed him to the bed. He remained unconscious. He was sweaty and he smelled really bad. I got a warm, damp towel, removed his clothes and wiped his face and body.

"Ye Jin,"

"Hmmm?" I was wiping his face to get rid of the smell of alcohol.

"Son Ye Jin!" He screamed even harder.

"Sssshh! Please don't shout. My parents are just next door."

"I love you.... I love y-you!" He kept repeating those words even with eyes closed.

"You will surely regret being this drunk tomorrow. You should sleep now."

I was about to stand up when he pulled me causing me to fall into him. "Please don't leave."

"I will just get changed. I won't leave."

But instead of letting me go, he embraced me more. Our nose touched. He pulled my head closer to him and our lips met. He started kissing me passionately. I was trying to get away from him since I hate the smell of alcohol on him but he was so strong that I wasn't able to save myself from his kisses.

He owned every corner of my mouth. He invaded it with his tongue.

I slowly removed his arms around me. That's when I was able to stand up.

Alcohol made him lose his ability to control. Hence, he surrendered and fell asleep.


I woke up with rays of sunshine on my face.

I got up and went to the kitchen downstairs. My mother was already up and preparing for breakfast. I was actually going to cook some hangover soup but my super mom has already prepared it.

"Give this to your husband. He was badly drunk last night. He will surely have a headache once he wakes up."

I went up to my room and found Hyun Bin sitting at the corner of the bed. His hands were pulling his hair.

"Feeling bad?"


"Here, have this," I handed him a bowl of hangover soup. He immediately sipped it.

"Feeling better now?" I worriedly asked.

"Yes, much better."

I put him to rest again after I gave him some red ginseng. His hangover was pretty bad. His face and eyes were swollen. They had too much to drink last night.

Everything was quiet and peaceful until someone opened the door.

"Son-in-law, get up! It's time to grind."

Uh-oh, you'd be in trouble Kim Tae Pyung!

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