Lean On Me

By CaviarandCigarettes

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News of the World has premiered throughout England receiving rave reception. But record releases always mean... More

Flying the Friendly, Foul-Mouthed Skies
Sin City of Angels
American Hospitality
How to Talk Dirty
The Purple Tart
Champagne and Socialites
The Rapture
Watch Your Tongue
The Cactus Sentiment
Agony and the Ecstasy
One of Those Girls
In Case of Dork: Turn Around
The Familiar Things

California Dreams

1.1K 40 12
By CaviarandCigarettes

“Oh! Oh look, Mary! I never thought I was able to wear maroon but it turns out I look nice in it!” Freddie said, admiring himself.

 “Yes, that’s nice.” Mary didn’t look up from the magazine she was reading. Freddie was quiet for a moment and re-appeared at the open door where the bathroom tile met the carpet.

 “These are just delightful! Would you like to feel them!? They are just divinely silky! Ooooh la la!” Freddie said happily, rubbing his hands over the fabric and seemingly having the time of his life.

 “I’ll take your word for it, Fred.” Mary answered, lighting a cigarette and giving him a glance. He got quiet once again and disappeared.

 “Stripes! Wide alternating pink and burgundy stripes! Clever isn’t it?” Freddie asked of Mary, pushing his robe back from his hip and striking her a most lovely post.

 “Mmm hmm…” she mumbled, cigarette between her lips.

 “This is so much fun!” Freddie laughed and returned to the bathroom. He gasped only a moment later. “Mary! These are novelty! Look! Look! They say ‘special delivery’! Oh! I should give these to Brian!” Mary sighed.

 “Freddie…I love you, but…I am gonna’ be forced to never speak to you again if you give Brian a pair of novelty underwear that says special delivery.” She shook her head and tried to look away from Freddie’s incessant underwear modeling. Unfortunately, he and Mary had gone out antiquing for the day. They had arranged to have $18,000 US dollars worth of things mailed back to London. It was mostly furniture and art but Freddie Mercury was the only man on Earth who would also be enticed by a box in a consignment shop marked: Deadstock Designer Underwear $5 Entire Box. Now, Mary was getting her own personal fashion show. She was tired from their day, her feet were killing her and all she wanted was a nap…but no. It was time to watch Mr. Mercury work the catwalk from the bathroom sink to the edge of the room.  “Hey, you want me to order us somethin’ to eat? I’m gettin’ rather hungry.”

 “You’re hungry for….watermelon slices with the CD Christian Dior logo!” Freddie said opening up his robe for Mary. She sighed again and looked at him, throwing her magazine aside.

 “Are they seedless?” she asked. Freddie gasped and pointed at her.

 “Mary! You naughty girl!” Freddie winked at her before hurrying over beside her, throwing his terrycloth clad arms around her. “I have an idea, love. I’ll wear the watermelon underwear, we can order in some room service and eat right there on our lovely kitchenette table!” he said, grinning all over. Mary smiled.

 “Very well. Are you gonna’ put a shirt on with those watermelon briefs?” she asked.

 “Of course I am. I’m sure I have something just fabulous!”” he said, reaching for the room service menu which was quite extensive in nature.

 Out in the streets of Los Angeles, Brian and Chrissie had walked hand in hand along Hollywood Boulevard, close to where we had been the night of my birthday party. They had spent the entire afternoon in every bookstore West Hollywood had to offer and they had picked up a few things for Jimmy at an infant and toddler specialty shop nearby. Hollywood was lined with specialty shops as far as the eye could see. It didn’t matter if you were after an armoire or an armadillo….you could find it along the streets of Hollywood. Brian had taken at least a million pictures. They had already been to the Chinese Theatre where Chrissie took Brian’s picture with his hands in the imprints of those of Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra….and Darth Vader. They admired the stands that sold fresh flowers and how beautiful they were before eating American hotdogs and French fries on a park bench right in the middle of one of Los Angeles’ scenic parks.

 They were now at the next destination of the day. Chrissie had arranged it and Brian was as excited as a small child at Christmas. Chrissie had booked a private tour and lecture with one of the astronomers in the planetarium of the Griffith Observatory. They had a cab pick them up from the park and were to arrive at the observatory at 6:30. Once they had arrived, Brian could hardly contain himself.

 “Brian! You act nervous!” she laughed at him as she squeezed his hand and they stood in the parking lot. 

 “Do I? Oh, I certainly am.” He gave her his most awkward smile. “I cannot believe we’re here! I’ve heard of this observatory. I’ve read about it.” He told her. “I just…I can’t believe it.” Chrissie had to laugh at how excited and nervous he was as they made their way through the front door and into the main lobby. Brian gasped audibly as he took in the sights around him. Everywhere, something to be learned or discussed or seen. Brian stood there, looking above him and feeling a bit on the dizzy side as he gazed overhead.

 “I need to check in with the docent.” She said to Brian because leaving his dazed and baffled self to report in to the observatory guide stand. It didn’t take them long to be lead through the lobby and into a more private lab area where immediately Brian gushed like a young girl upon meeting one of the astronomers that was employed full time at the observatory. The plan was to have a tour of the facility, including the planetarium before dark. The real treat of the day was Brian’s being able to look into the nighttime Los Angeles sky to see what could be seen through the observatory telescope.

 There are times in your life when you witness something truly spectacular, something that makes you feel very small. For me, it was the road trip Roger and I had embarked on that morning along the Pacific Coast Highway. We had begun by renting a blue Ford Mustang Convertible. We left the Ritz-Carlton before dawn that morning. Our first venture was to get on the Scenic Highway at route 101 West out of Los Angeles and follow it until we got to Malibu. It took Roger at least an hour to feel comfortable driving on this fruity side of the road which all of America drove. By 6:45 that morning I was freezing my arse off but we had arrived in Malibu. It was here that Roger and I watched the sunrise bundled up in a blanket as it burned over the desert. He took pictures but we both knew the developed film would not do this humbling sight justice. We sat there in the peaceful morning, alone, while the crickets and the doves serenaded the rising sun. We had tuned the radio to a local station and listened to the scores of the American sports teams and the morning talk radio. The sun’s rays cast eerily beautiful purple gray shadows across the rocky terrain as Roger and I sat there, wrapped up in a blanket on the bumper. He had his arms out to adjust our camera of course.

 After we drank in the sunrise, we took off again with our next destination being Ventura. Our final destination of the day would be Monterey. As we drove along, the morning sky chasing us, I couldn’t believe how blue the sky was. We were approaching the portion of the Pacific Coast Highway where you could clearly see the Pacific Ocean and it was unlike anythin’ I can put into words. Waves crashing along rocky coastline and the highway rising into the cliffs above; it was mesmerizing.

 Back at the Ritz-Carlton, a very different kind of afternoon was unfolding. Veronica’s forehead was covered in sweat and she arched her back to the point of near breaking it in two…that was if she and John didn’t put a hole in the drywall of the suite first. Veronica had gotten so loud and so intense, the front desk actually got a call to make sure everything was okay in the suite…apparently whomever was staying in the adjacent room had called to report noise. They had talked all morning and their talking culminated in a few tears, a lot of I love you’s, and some very intense, passionate, lovemaking. They wanted each other horribly and it could be felt in their touch and in their actions. Veronica had let go of the ghost that haunted her which in turn, made the post-partum seem so much less consuming. Sure it was real and it was present, but now, confronting the demon that was post-partum would be a cinch for her because she had her husband back….though she never really lost him to begin with. She only she only thought she had. Well, now, he was in ‘er and she had forgotten just how truly great that was.

 Even though Chrissie was the least adventurous in her bed, Veronica was a close second. Sure she was loud, she could put on quite the show but she rarely ventured into territory that involved leaving missionary. That was until this moment on a California afternoon when she got a bit of a wild streak and got on top of John. Needless to say he simply loved it….everythin’….the view, the feeling….the view. Veronica channeled a side of her that she didn’t know was hiding underneath the wife and mother of the year. Veronica had never fucked John a day in her life but she was certainly close. Almost out of that intense lovemaking and into something that transcended it. When she climaxed, she couldn’t feel a single extremity in her body and John didn’t even know his name. They looked at each other as if they had both committed some cardinal sin and were completely unashamed. In fact, the way Veronica’s lower lip trembled and the beads of sweat chased each other between her breasts would have made the devil himself blush.

 It wasn’t a hole, but they did manage a very discreet rub from the back of the headboard onto the wall. She fell to John’s side in a lifeless blob and he put his arms around her as if she may slip away from their bed. It was one of those emotional hugs that brought you to ya’ knees and they didn’t give a shit that the sheets beneath them were damp with sweat.

 Taking a man wearing Christian Dior briefs with watermelon slices all over them and a cropped tank shirt seriously was a daunting task for anyone. Mary someone managed to do it. With sheer curtains fluttering in the breeze she listened as Freddie talked rather incessantly about California. He told her over and over how she was the only one he would have ever dreamt of taking on this trip. She sat there smiling at him as he babbled about how comfortable he had been the night of the premiere because of Mary’s presence. He continually stroked her hand and made Mary a hundred promises she knew he would never keep. She smiled sweetly knowing Freddie would never take an extra month off to plant flowers with her in the back beds of his lawn. She knew they would never sit on the back patio in early morning with tea, listening to the crickets and watching the birds at the feeders. She laughed sincerely knowing he wouldn’t dream of moving the Victorian chair in his front living room to the sitting room. Mary knew that the cat loved to sleep on it and that was the only reason Freddie left it where it was. She gave him the most tender of eyes when he said he was going to marry her. Freddie had been saying that since 1974. She knew it would never come to pass and as she interlaced her fingers with his she didn’t hold it against him. She would return, to Garden Lodge, unpack with him and resume their separate yet together lives. She studied him carefully. “I love you, Freddie.” Love. It was the one thing Freddie chased and only Mary knew how to deliver it in it’s purest and most unconditional form.

 The huge, beautiful and toothy grin across his face could melt the hardest of hearts. Mary’s words were all he needed. “Here, you can have the last eggroll…I promise I won’t eat it from you this time!” he said. Mary laughed. That was a promise she knew he could keep and as far as she was concerned, the only one that really mattered. She still swiped it off the plate quickly, just in case Freddie gave in to temptation.

 Brian was absolutely speechless. He pulled his face away from the powerful telescope as the cool October breeze blew soft curls away from his face. He gazed to the blackened heavens and then to Chrissie. She immediately noticed the lump in his throat. “Come look.” He choked out. She smiled at him, sliding over to where Brian and the astronomer were fixated into the heavens. Brian put his hand in the middle of her back as Chrissie knelt down and pressed her face against the cool eyepiece of the massive telescope. She gasped as Brian did.

 “Oh my god!” Chrissie’s voice had the breath stolen from it. She had a near similar reaction as Brian had. “It’s…it’s like a diamond canvas…” she said softly, pulling her face away to give Brian the eyepiece back. He had to wipe a tear from his eye as he kissed her. The astronomer gave Brian some guidance as he peered into the eyepiece again. He shifted his focus and moved the massive base only a little and opening up a new world. He shuddered in humility.

 “We’re so small…” he uttered as a million stars stared back at him. It was no secret that Brian was awestruck, not even able to discuss things with the on-site astronomer with whom he had been talking all evening. While Brian continued to peer deep into the heavens, Chrissie walked toward the railing that circled the observatory perimeter. She looked out into the night, the lights of LA looking like a ball of amber fire from this high up in the night sky. The horizon was dotted with rows and rows of orange and gold. A faint, faraway murmur of traffic could be heard but the Los Angeles noise was completely drowned out by humble silence the millions of stars and small distant planets created upon seeing them. As Brian stood back from the telescope, sliding an arm around Chrissie; he still couldn’t find the words. There were no words to explain the view from above.

 “Brian! Brian, please hurry! Look!” The astronomer quickly turned the eyepiece over to him. A asteroid shower, like a hundred stars falling from the heavens, leaving tails of fading light in their wake. This world was full of miracles. Brian had one before his eyes, one at home in England and one right beside him with her arms lost in Brian’s jacket she wore.

 Roger and I had arrived at Monterey Bay, the final destination of our Pacific Coast Highway jaunt. This was the end of the line before Roger and I headed back to LA.  The beaches at Monterey reminded me very much of the beaches of Perranporth  except that the waves were far larger and the rocky clumps were fewer here. The pacific coastal breeze was quite strong as he and I walked into it stopping to take a few pictures long the way.  “Hey, let’s ask that lady up there to take our picture. We’ve got a million of just you and just me…and maybe three of you and me.” Roger said, winding our camera again. He had a good point. We continued to make our way down the Monterey beach which was only a short walk from the public parking lot where we had parked the Mustang.

 There were several people having their pictures taken by others in the surf or along the rocks not to mention the families who had decided to picnic on the sand despite the relentless coastal air. “Look! See? You and I need to wade out to that rock where the waves are breaking and ask someone to take our picture. That will make a wonderful picture!” Roger said, thinking this was a fabulous idea. I had to hand it to him, the Pacific Ocean was beautiful and he really did have a good idea.

 “Okay, be hold on to me while we go out there.” I said, dropping our pack in the sand and preparing to roll up my pants. We didn’t want to get anymore soaked than we needed to and wading through the waves wouldn’t be an easy task.

 “S’cuse me? Pardon us, we don’t mean to bother but would you mind takin’ our picture out there. You just press this button here.” Roger asked of an older woman on the beach.

 “Oh my certainly! I’d love to take if for you! I’ll wait until you’re on the rock to take it! Now, when you two get out there be sure to look right my way.” the woman said happily. I stopped to adjust my pants again before Roger and I stepped foot into the salty water. I yelped a bit because it was cooler than I had expected it to be.

 “What?” Roger looked back to me, losing his footing a bit. We were both tried from out extensive road trip and this Monterey Bay stop proved to be the break we needed from our scenic journey.

 “This water is colder than I had expected.” I said, carefully wading further into the water with Roger. I yelped again because I wasn’t ready for the wave that managed to crash into my waist. “JESUS!” Well, so much for getting wet because that wave just soaked everything I had from the waist down. It was also in the moment I managed to look up and notice the waves breaking around the clump which we were headed. “Rog, those waves are breakin’ a lot. Are you sure about this?” I hadn’t noticed the wave activity from the beach and it wasn’t like we were going far out.

 “Lyd. There’s like four eight year olds on that rock. If they can do it, we can do it. SHIT THAT WAVE IS COLD!” I laughed at Roger because I was secretly a little tickled that he had just gotten soaked from the back. “Okay, come on! Come on! Come on! They’re done! Let’s get up there!” Roger awkwardly reached out for my hand as the tide pulled sand out from under us little by little. He made his way on top the flat rock, reaching for my hand. We looked like idiots trying to fight both the strong coastal breeze and the waves. I screeched because another wave broke at my waist nearly knocking me over. Naturally, that only made Roger laugh at me and he lost his grip on my hand and into the water I went. “Lyd! Get out of the water and up here!” he yelled at me through his laughter. 

 “Christ Roger, I’m soaked! I’m fuckin’ SOAKED! Look at me!” I yelled. I really needed to learn how to watch my language around the kids. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up beside him, my foot feeling the transition from sand to rock. He couldn’t stop laughing. “ROGER, FUCKING SHUT UP AND SMILE!” I yelled at him again. Neither of us could stop laughing as we looked to the woman whom I’m sure was mortified at my mouth. Nonetheless, Roger wrapped his mostly wet arms around me as we looked to her in our stupid laughter. We saw her give us a thumbs up sign signifying she had gotten the shot. I looked up to Roger, my face and hair drenched.

 “I love you!” he told him, both of us trembling a bit trying to maintain our footing in the wind. I got a very nice kiss out of it before Roger pulled his lips away from mine. Almost with perfect timing, a massive wave hit us both, pushing us into the sand and not leaving a single spot on us dry. I screamed bloody murder and the words that left our mouth would surely get us evicted from the beach. My god, it was like getting steamrolled by cool California water.  I had a mouth full of saltwater and I had never spit like that since the time….never mind…I had never spit like that before. Yes, wet, sloppy and rolling around…Roger and I were quite good at those kinds of memories.

 Veronica rolled to her side and smiled. “I’m sorry.” She said softly. John shook his head.

 “Please don’t apologize.” He said sincerely. Veronica sighed sweetly and it was the most comforting of sounds to John.

 “You know I’m…I’m kind of looking forward to goin’ home. I miss the boys. But, I also hate it….that I’ve missed so very much of LA.” She confessed.

 “We have a big day planned tomorrow. I think you’ll live up every minute of it, yeah?” he smiled at her and rolled over to his stomach. “You know, you have good friends. You have good friends who love you and have worried about you.” He pushed the hair from her face.

 “I have a good husband too…thank you not givin’ up on me.” She said.

 “I’d never give up on you. I just hate seein’ you drown the way you have. You can always lean on me, I'll need you to lean on that's for damn sure.” He reached an arm out to her, taking Veronica into his embrace. As far as she was concerned, she could lie like that for the rest of the day be serenaded by the LA noise since the white noise in her head had been eradicated.

 “I have a question.” She asked, her face buried into John’s shoulder. “Why in god’s name did you go to the hotel gym?” John laughed.

 “I…I just…I really needed to talk to Roger. We didn’t work out! Shit, we…god no. I’ve never worked out a day in my life and Roger trying to work out would be like…like…well, me trying to work out.” John laughed again as did Veronica. It was California dreaming, our own versions of it and it was all perfectly played out.

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