Cancer. Gerard Way x Frank Ie...

By yeetus_burritus_

24.4K 565 947

Gerard Way is a stuttering, new kid in a new big school who suffers from a number of difficulties, not to men... More

The New Boy
Period 4
Gee's Lover
Blood and Blades
I love you too...
Valentines Day
Aunt Helena
A night to remember
Spring dance
Gerards life story
The Truth
Talent yet Broken
Gerard Arthur Way
Good news
School again
Theme parks
Quick Question, not a chapter
A Year Later...
updaet lel

The all clear

428 11 16
By yeetus_burritus_

Many months of intense chemo and radio passed. We never got one bit of bad news. He was getting better, finally. His face was getting its usual, rosy cheeks back. He was hardly throwing up anymore.

"Good morning baby boy." I said, bringing Gerard a bowl of cereal and orange juice on a tray into his hospital room.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well? Wowww, i'm starting to like this no stutter thing."

"I slept pretty well, you?"

"Eh. These beds are like rocks, so not very well. I can't wait to finally go back home and sleep in my own bed, and yours. I miss your bed so much."

"And when you finally come out of this shithole, i'll bring you back to my house and i'll hold you in my arms, in my bed, and we'll watch movies all day and i'll tell you how much you mean to me and how proud i am of you. I can't wait for you to be healthy-"

"I won't be healthy or cured, the doctors said we have to be cautious using those words when it comes to cancer, but i will be cleared to leave. But otherwise, yeah, i'm excited to get out of this hellhole too. As much as i love the nurses and i love preforming my violin to the children, i just want to get out."

"Well. Fortunately for the both of you, i have some very exciting news." Gerards favourite nurse said.

When the fuuuuck did she come in?
"What? What is it?" I said, smiling brightly at Gerard.

"If we look at Mister Ways white blood cell count, its stabilising and they're functioning properly again."

"I don't...get it." Gerard said.

"In short terms, he is making a recovery. He will be taken for a few tests and x-rays, and other scans. He will finally get to stop chemo if they come back clear. He will be allowed to leave. However, he will have to take some pills for some time to ensure the growth dosent come back, and he will be coming back to the hospital monthly, just to make sure hes not getting worse. We've scheduled his first scans and tests for later today."

I looked at Gerard who had an odd look on his face. He looked like he was going to cry, but he was also beyond happy.

"Gee? You okay?" I said.

"I...don't know...what to say...i'm getting healthy again?"

"Not exactly, but you seem to be on the right track."
Gerard ripped the duvet off him and dived into the nurses arms.

"Thank you so much!" He sobbed.

"It's been a pleasure Gee. Now come on, lets get you to your x-rays."

A few days passed. Gerard was terrified for the results. He was desperate to go home.

"Mister Way, we have your results." The nurse said.

Gerards POV

My heart dropped. I felt like i was going to have a heart attack.
"Why do you look so scared hun? You should be happy."


"Your results are really good. Everything came back clear. You're being given the 5 year all clear."

I sat there in silence. I didn't know how to react.
"Hun, you're clean. You beat it."

I felt my eyes flood with tears. I held Franks hand and gripped it tightly.

Franks POV

It was almost unsettling how quiet he was being. But i was so happy for him. I was prouder than proud, but i felt so smug as well. I remember telling him how if anyone could beat cancer, it'd be him. Now he was healthy. He beat it. When he seemed like he'd given up, when he was suffering and struggling to have a will to stay live, he pulled through.

"Gee, i love you so fucking much baby. I knew you could do it." I said, my voice cracking through my tears.

"I love you too. I'm so fucking happy."

Our foreheads rested together as our tears clashed together.

Months later

Gerards hair had grown back, not to its old length, but it was still beautiful. I was so proud of how brave and strong he was. My incredible Gerard Arthur Way.

"I'm so proud baby." I whispered.

I pulled Gerard to his feet.
"Ah come on, its been months since i got better, stop being all barfy."

I giggled. I lifted his shirt up and took it off him.

"You look so much better now."

"I'm not gross and skinny. Finally."

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