By The_Black_Spy

219K 7K 5.5K

A love/hate relationship between Snape and Y/N. But can you really trust what you read? [EDITING 03/23/23] More

1: Very Odd
2: Family Businesses
3: First meeting
4: Potions? Yuck.
6: Draught of Living Death
7: D'Dark figure
8: The Quidditch
9: The Philosophers Stone
10: Diary
11: Lockhart
12: A Gut
13: Obliviate
14: Scenario
15: Flipped
16: Beautiful Thing
17: Yellow Light
18: The Girl
19: Family Traditions
20: The Unexpected
21: Janus Thickey Ward
22: Bladder
23: Black
24: Boggart
25: 394
26: Obnubilate Figure
27: Scabbers
28: Mysterious Book
29: Hogsmeade
30: Truth and the Lie
31: Quidditch World Cup
32: Trelawney's word
33: The Age Line
34: Letter of Smith
35: Y/N Astor
36: Swear to me
37: The Unbreakable Vow
38: The Order Of The Phoenix
39: Wish Lists
40: Love, Y/N S.
41: The Epilogue
1: Very Odd [REVISED]
2: Family Businesses [REVISED]
3: First Meeting [REVISED]
4: Potions? Yuck. [REVISED]
5: Detention [REVISED]
6: Draught of Living Death [REVISED]
7: D'Dark figure [REVISED]
8: The Quidditch [REVISED]
9: The Philosophers Stone [REVISED]
10: Diary [REVISED]

5: Detention

7.9K 252 447
By The_Black_Spy


I didn't expect myself to glared back at this git.

It's been 1 hour since I have been scrubbing every cauldron in this damned room.

My palm are already hurting and my arms are numbing. This is the first time I ever experienced this kind of torment!

Now now, I feel really sorry for Chigo because he has to do alot of household chores. Maybe I'll write him a letter, also my mom. I would tell them that there's a stuck up git who's very an ignorant, irritating and suck up man!

Well he thought he is winning this game but he's wrong!

I noticed that he's grading papers, bunch of papers actually and I didn't clean the cauldron with peace. Instead, I hum into a very energetic song entitled 'Hot n Cold'

You change your mind
Like a girl changes clothes

I smirks when I heard him groaning from afar. He must be annoyed just like how I wanted him to be.

Yeah you, PMS
Like a bitch-

I heard him get up from his desk so I pretend to focus on scrubbing the very last cauldron on the supply room.

"L/N..." he growled and I flinched. Excuse me, I am not still used to someone growling like a dog.

"Yes Professor?" I put on my most annoying smile and most annoying tune that I could ever emmit.

He sneered at me and put his slender hands on his waist. "You really don't get it do you, stupid girl? Very well then, one month detention with me and brew Draugh of Living Death as your key to pass this subject. You have one month Miss L/N..." my eyes went wide as I watch his thin lips turn into an annoying evil smirk.

"What if I failed to do so? What will you gonna do? Fail me huh? It's not even for 1st years!" I sarcastically snapped and he smiled evilly.

"Yes. L/N... You won't be able to complete your 1st year because you failed Potion. Also, you'll become nothing but a disgrace to your family once they hear you failed to pass this subject. Pity." he enthusiastically said while looking down on me. He is so unrighteous!

"You're really crossing the line! I will tell the headmaster about this!" I shouted infront of him.

He thought he's the God? I hate him!

I tried my best to stop myself from crying and rush towards the exit of this disgusting room.

But before I could touch the door knob, a slender hand tightly gripped my right wrist.

He harshly pulled me close to him and my heart beat begin to increase.

I can feel his manly chest on my head and his tough back. Of course I accidentally wrapped my hands around his waist!

I gasp for air and stared at him with fear as he lifted my chin. "L/N... If -- you -- don't -- start acting responsible... -- I will teach you how to act like one -- Do. You. Understand?"

My lips are shaking and my throat went dry as I try to emit any words but failed to do so. I just nodded my head and look down on the ground.

I can't stand to look at him.. He looks so scary and seriously tough.

My heart is still beating so fast that I might go crazy right now. But... Why do I like listening to his voice all day? Y/N snap out of it! You hate him!

The door suddenly opened and Potter surprisingly opened his eyes wide as Snape abruptly pushed me away from him.

With a swish of his cloak, he walk harshly towards Harry and snarled at him.

I gulped hard and went to follow them. "Potter! Why are you intruding without knocking? Didn't your parents taught you a simple etiquette?" he said with viciousness as Harry went to look at me.

I bet he just wanted to make Harry feel very miserable because everyone knew that he doesn't have amy parents.

"I-I am just wondering if Y/N is already finished with her detention as I owe her a dinner, Professor." He bravely look at Snape in his dark orb.

The git just smirks and glance at me. "Well, sorry to disappoint you Potter but L/N will be spending her dinner with me."

I quickly glared at him. "What?! You said that I only have detention with you on my free time and after lunch!" I complained as he rolled his eyes.

"Blah blah Miss L/N. End of the discussion. Now move that unlovely face of yours Potter. Out." he raspingly pointed to the way towards the great hall and Harry just look at me with apologetic gaze.

I went to whisper something on his ears. "It's okay Harry. Maybe next time and You can just sneak me some dinner." We giggled and he quickly walk away.

I sigh heavily and followed Snape inside the Potion Room.

"What do you want me to do besides murduring my hands Professor?" I smiled impolitely at him and raised my right brow.

I have an attitude, I admit it. But I am using my attitude to the right person which is the jerk sitting on his desk, still grading papers.

"You can now start creating the Draught of Living Dead now Miss L/N...if you don't want to then forget on dreaming to be on 2nd year." his face remained unreadable as he grade the papers with ease.

How will I brew that damned potion?! "You really are stupid. Be productive stupid girl!!" He yelled, throwing the book on the ground near me... He glance at me for the few moment then back on the papers.

I can feel my cheeks flush and my eyes become watery. I search for the book and opened it harshly.

I search for the Draught of Living Dead and grab myself a cauldron and the ingridients from the cupboard.

Tears start streaming down my cheek as I think of my mom and dad. What will they gonna say now to me? I am really an embarrassment to my entire family...

I sniff the liquid that started to drool down on my nose and start to move my ass.

I wanted to prove myself to this greasy bat that I am capable of creating this difficult potion that only 6th years or talented sorcerers can do!

I stared at the's making my stomach sick!

- 2 cups of cold water

- 1/4 cup of asphodel in an infusion of wormwood

- 2 tablespoons of valerian roots

- Juice of 13 sopophorous beans

- 1 pinch of cloves

I shouldn't have interfered earlier... Another tear escapes my eyes... No. It's absolutely right! Harry didn't deserve the treatment he got from the bat!

"Merlin Y/N...stop it stop it!" I annoyingly hit my head again and again until I finally let my frustration out.

"Hitting your brainless head wouldn't help you L/N." I heard Snape mutters. I dont care anymore.

I wiped my tears away and snuff away the mucus on my nose.


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