
By brealexus

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Alexis is running for her life. Running from a deal her father made. In order to gain an alliance, he gave he... More

Chapter 2: Treason

Chapter 1: Wanted

750 23 3
By brealexus

I ran as fast as my legs would pump. Branches scraping my arms, causing small tears in the sleeves of my white cotton shirt. My sneakers pounding hard against the ground. I wanted to shift knowing I'd be able to move faster, but I couldn't. If I wasted the time to shift they would surely catch me.

My breath raged in and out. My lungs felt like I was breathing fire. The fear of being dragged back to that pack was my motivation to keep moving. I wouldn't go back to that place. He wanted to use me as a breeder. Not as the Luna he promised my family I would be.

There was no way papa could've known his use for me. He wouldn't have made the alliance if he did. I was supposed to be the Alpha's mate. The Luna, the packs heart. Not locked in a room.

I had been in his pack for two weeks. From the first day I saw how cruel he was. His pack members tip-toed around him. Afraid he would execute them on the spot. Why anyone would choose to stay in a pack like that, I don't know.

He brought me up the west wing tower to show me my room. The pack house looking like a medieval castle, how fitting. When I walked in to inspect the room. He shut the door. Locking me in to what was supposed to be my forever prison.

It wasn't until later that day a handmaid had told me his plans for me. He was planning to only impregnate me. I would be locked in that room until I carried the child to term. Then he would have an heir for his pack. After that I would be of use no more.

"She's about to cross!" One of the trackers yelled from right behind me. Pulling me from my thoughts. I wasn't sure what pack line I was about to cross into. All I knew is that it meant they couldn't follow, not unless the Alpha wanted to start a war over me.

I had been smart leading them through human towns and heavily populated areas. Knowing they wouldn't risk the secret by shifting. Forcing them to stay in their human forms as I had. 

As I crossed over the invisible barrier. Into another packs territory my chasers came to a halt. I still did not stop running. I glance back quickly watching as they followed the pack line not giving up the chase. Hoping they'll be able to catch me when I cross out of this pack.

Taking a chance I decided to venture in a little more. Trying to get more of a head start on the trackers. I wasn't sure what pack I have crossed into. I really should've paid more attention in geography.

As I slowed my pace down a little to a jog. I could really start to feel the effects of the chase. Now that my adrenaline was winding down my legs were screaming at me. My muscles aching from running for so long. I could feel the dampness on my back that my shirt kept clinging to as I was drenched in sweat.

I knew I had to pick up my pace soon. Or else I would loose my head start. I also needed to stay somewhat close to the border. The more I ventured into pack land the more at risk I was at. Most Alphas didn't take kindly to surprise visitors.

As I started gravitating towards where I assumed the pack line would be. I heard a snap of a twig about a hundred feet from my right. Coming to a halt I sniffed the air. The only scent that came with the wind was a rabbit. Still I stood still, assessing my surroundings. My muscles taut ready to fight.

Once I felt it was safe to start moving again. I picked my pace back up to a run. Sprinting to what I assumed would be the way to the packs border. I could sense it was close.

Before I could reach it a group of five wolves blocked my way out. My breath hitched in my throat this is not good I thought to myself. I am a trespasser on this packs property. Not seeing another option I took off running. Being chased by the wolves patrolling the borders.

If I was able to cross back over. I would still be chased. The difference between these wolves and the ones on the other side of pack lines is these wolves will bring me to their jail. There I might be able to explain to someone who I am. Then I can get back to my pack. Not to the monster those other wolves want to bring me to.

Well I was deep in thought I didn't notice the wolf to my left launch at me. Knocking into my human body with full force. My body collided with the ground, hard. It knocked the wind out of me as I tumbled through the dirt and leaves on the forest floor. Twigs and dirt getting stuck in my long espresso brown hair.

As I laid there gasping for breath, four of the wolves surrounded me. As I sat up on my elbows trying to come up with a solution to my current predicament. The wolves bared theit teeth at me. Snarling at my movements warning me that they wont hesitate to end me. With a sigh I collapsed on my back. A sign of defeat.

A naked man walked up. His ankles the only thing in my line of sight. He must be the one that took me down. My eyes trailed up his naked body landing on his face. He held a smug look, obviously proud at himself for taking down the intruder.

"What is your purpose crossing into our pack?" A piece of me wanted to laugh at this wolf. As he pretended like he had some type of authority in this pack. I could sense he was nothing more then a pack warrior. I held more authority in my pinky then he did his whole body.

"Oh you know. Just passing through." I said between trying to catch my breath. Giving a charming smile. As if that would help me out of this situation.

"Take her to the prison. Put her in with the other rogues." The man spoke to the other wolves. Two of them shifting back into their human forms in order to grab me.

"Wait! I'm not a rogue!" I spoke out frantically, "I need to see your Alpha." I wasn't sure which pack I was even in. Though I knew that even the Alpha should know who my father is. Even if our pack is small and tucked in the western part of the united states.

Without even acknowledging I said anything the two wolves grabbed me by my elbows. Lifting me off the forest floor. Dirt stains covering my white shirt and jeans. "Please, I'm not a rogue. I'm not meant to be in a prison." I cried out.

As they walked pulling me through the woods. I kicked out hoping to slow them down so I could get free once again. "Stop struggling." one of the men growled out to me. Obviously annoyed I was making his job that much harder.

I wasn't raised to give up. So the whole fifteen minute walk to their pack prison. I kicked, I screamed, I demanded to see their Alpha. I even tried insulting them to hopefully crack through their stone cold facade. Nothing, all of my attempts didn't help me. 

As they approached a stone building at the edge of the woodline. I was lead down a dark and musky smelling stone staircase. There was moss climbing up the walls. With old school torches being the only light.

When we got to the bottom I saw multiple jail cells. Filled with men and woman. My eyebrows furrowed at this. The woman looked at me with pity in their eyes. I looked at the warriors stone cold faces as they continued down the corridor of jail cells.

As we approached the last jail cell I could see about five male wolves spread around the cell. My eyes went wide. One of the men licked his lips as he eyed my body. "Are you gifting us with her?" He asked the guard. His slimy voice sending goose bumps along my skin.

"No!" I screamed as they tried putting me in the cell. Afraid of what these rogues would do with me if left alone. My arms came out grabbing on to the warriors. These men could kill me or even worse. "Please don't leave me in here. I need to see the Alpha." I cried out.

One of the guards I could tell was growing tired with my constant struggle. Without flinching he pulled his fist back. Hitting me square in the cheek. Successfully stopping my grabbing hands. They pushed me back my rear end colliding with the cement floor. As the metal barred gate closed, it made that latching sound you hear in movies. They walked away leaving me as good as dead.

Hot tears sprung down my cheeks. Getting up I ran grabbing onto the bars. Hissing as the skin on my hands sizzled slightly. "Silver bars, dear. There is no escaping." As the man spoke I could hear him moving closer to me. I turned to face him, not wanting my back exposed to the men in the cell.

"You're a rogue?" the man asked. Eyeing me up and down as if he didn't believe it.

Putting my shoulders back to make myself seem more powerful then I was I willed my voice not to shake, "No. I am an Alpha's daughter." adding a smug smile as if daring him to touch me.

His laugh left me chilled to the bone. Obviously not finding me threatening at all. "I've always wanted to taste an Alpha's daughter." his words had my face falling.

His arms came out grabbing me around the waist. "Hey, after you it's my turn." Another man who was sitting on a bench spoke up. My eyes grew wide in horror.

"No!" I screamed. Pushing against the man, though he was much stronger than me. His palm came out striking my cheek. I could feel the outline of his hand still on my face as it stung. I knew it would leave a bruise. I wasn't just going to lay back and let this happen so I kicked my leg. Connecting with his manhood.

"You little bitch." He grunted out bending over to cradle himself in his hands. I backed up until I was flush against the wall. Realizing I really had no where to go.

"It's okay honey. It's not that bad." A she-wolf from a few cells down yelled out. Trying to console me in a weird way.

"Hold her down." The man ordered well unzipping his pants. Two of the other men in the cell grabbed me pinning me down on the floor.

"No!" I screamed out as the man who was more of the leader of the group reached down ripping the front of my shirt. Leaving me exposed in just my bra.  

Thrashing around trying to get myself free I was able to successfully bite one of the men in the arm. He grunted out in pain as I continued screaming for help. Suddenly the man grabbed at my jeans. Roughly pulling them down my legs.

The small scrap of fabric the only barrier between this man and my core. Tears started falling faster as the weight of the situation really sank in. As the man came closer to line himself with my entrance I shifted my hand my wolfs claws replacing my fingers. I slashed it across his face causing him to scream out in pain.

Lunging forward he grabbed me by my shoulders. Slamming me down into the cement. My head bouncing off the floor. Stars clouded my vision. I was fighting to stay conscious.

As I heard footsteps coming down the staircase I tried one last time to gain someone's attention. "Help please." I screamed out. Tears streaming down my face as the rouge repositioned himself between my legs.

Just as I was about to give up. The sweetest scent I've ever smelt invaded my senses. It was a mix of sandalwood with small hints of citrus and mint. It was a scent I could get addicted too.

As I laid there on the floor the scum bags hands on my thighs it was as if time was moving in slow motion. I could hear boots walking down the hall coming closer and closer to the cell I was in. When a pair of black combat boots came into my view. My eyes followed up to land on the man standing on the other side of the cell door.

He was wearing a pair of jeans. That seemed to be made for his body. His black cotton T-shirt clinging to the muscles underneath it. His arms decorated in multiple black and grey tattoos. My eyes came up to land on his face.

He was staring back at me. His honey eyes staring into my chocolate brown ones. I saw his jaw clench and unclench. Mate was the word that kept flashing through my mind.

"Get off of her." He growled out. His voice like velvet caressing my skin. The scumbag who was attempting to violate me scrambled backwards away. Fear evident in his eyes.

All the warriors behind him had wide eyes. Trying to figure out why he was acting like this. I was just trying to figure out one thing. Did I really find my mate?

Coming into the cell he grabbed the rogue by his throat. Pushing him up against the wall. The rogues face turning red from lack of oxygen as he frantically grabbed at this mans arms. 

As I laid there on the floor in just my bra and pantries. Frozen to the spot. Trying not to drool over the muscular man in front of me.

Letting go of the rogues neck he dropped to the ground. Gasping for air. The man turned toward me his eyes assessing me more. I started feeling self conscious.

Without another word he walked right by me. Exiting the cell. He made eye contact with one of the warriors as he passed by. I assumed he was mind linking him. I watched as he walked back towards the exit of the prison. Confused as ever over what just happened.

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