The Dawn Of The Dragonheart

Bởi Demonsorrow

18K 970 244

A celestial dragon, a being that could bring peace to the land of Babylon, ending the war against dragons and... Xem Thêm

Human Realm
The Dominion Ruler
Ziggurat Castle
Duties Of A Ruler
The Monarchy Ruler
Blood Pact Ceremony
The Celestial Dragon
The Dark Witch
Bull Of Heaven
Where Are You?
A Burning Feeling


895 71 6
Bởi Demonsorrow

Several hours later, they finally arrived at Gilgamesh's kingdom in the heart of the desert, finding the city protected by massive walls. In front of the main entrance there were dozens and hundreds of guards clad entirely in armor covered with red-painted metal scales. These soldiers wielded curved swords forged entirely from bronze and held shields covered with intricate designs depicting scenes from ancient mythology.

Merlin stopped the carriage a short distance from the city of Uruk, safe from attracting unnecessary attention.

"It seems that King Gilgamesh knew of our arrival, I don't think the gate is always so guarded." Lancelot watched curiously, pointing towards the heavily guarded main entrance to Uruk.

Gawain narrowed his eyes suspiciously and asked skeptically.

"Or maybe they were expecting someone else?"

Merlin stroked his chin thoughtfully for several moments before responding. "Anyway, we must meet Gilgamesh, he needs to hear what I have to say."

With that settled, Merlin urged the horses to advance slowly, approaching the city of Uruk carefully, avoiding attracting unwanted attention.

However, once they neared closer, the guards immediately spotted them noticing unknown visitors approaching quickly. Several soldiers charged aggressively, blocking Merlin's path, brandishing weapons menacingly. Merlin stopped abruptly, just a few meters completely separated him from the defenders of Uruk preventing entry, forcefully rejecting the entry of strangers without permission granted in advance.

Merlin stepped out of the carriage, calmly raising both hands, peacefully and willingly surrendering himself to their custody. Lancelot and Gawain did the same shortly after, imitating Merlin's actions precisely. Several guards approached cautiously, tightly surrounding the trio, instantly prepared to violently counterattack, should circumstances escalate unexpectedly.

"State your business, stranger, King Gilgamesh tolerates no intruders within his kingdom." The lead guard demanded firmly, holding the spear close to Merlin menacingly.

He took several steps forward, addressing calmly. "We come in peace good sirs, I am Merlin, Sorcerer Supreme of Camelot. I request an audience with your king Gilgamesh, there are important matters that require immediate attention."

The guards whispered among themselves quietly for several minutes, hotly debating whether or not Merlin poses a threat to Uruk.

They finally came to the conclusion of unanimously agreeing, escorting Merlin and his companions into the city of Uruk, respectfully granting permission. The soldiers led the three into the city, guiding them through streets packed with thousands of merchants selling exotic goods imported from distant lands.

Citizens strolled leisurely through Uruk, routinely going about their daily activities and performing various tasks necessary to maintain the stability of their prosperous nation.

Finally they arrived at King Gilgamesh's castle, which stands proudly in the center of the city, completely surrounded by guards who fiercely protected the royal residence. Inside, servants were constantly busy meticulously tending to all of King Gilgamesh's needs, fulfilling their responsibilities to faithfully serve their lord. 

Merlin, Lancelot, and Gawain were escorted further into the castle, guided directly to the throne room where King Gilgamesh currently resided sitting on the throne as he attended to important matters, Siduri at his side telling him what to do next. The guard entered the throne room alone, leaving the guests outside, because he must first speak to his king about the sudden human visitors.

He knelt down respectfully and reported obediently. "My Lord, the humans have requested an audience with you."

Gilgamesh raised his head slightly and narrowed his eyes. "I know, however, I don't have time to listen to them right now."

Siduri bowed apologetically and explained softly. "King Gilgamesh is very busy today, he has many things to attend to. Tell the guests."

The guard bowed respectfully and left the throne room, then politely informed Merlin and his companions waiting outside. The wizard frowned in disappointment as he realized that Gilgamesh would not be seeing them anytime soon. He turned around, intending to leave, but just as they were about to leave, Xaiver passed them and hurried to the throne room, ignoring his surroundings.

"That boy, if I'm not mistaken, is the  the monarchy and the dominion ruler."

Merlin stared at him.

The reason they came to the dragon realm was to ensure Xaiver's safety and make a peace treaty with King Gilgamesh, but knowing that the king can use clairvoyance, he probably knows what Merlin wanted and still refused to meet him.

Merlin decided to follow Xaiver and entered the throne room even though he had previously been denied access. Lancelot and Gawain restrained the guards, feeling a little concerned at the sudden change of plans. Gilgamesh saw Merlin entering along with Xaiver, frowning in displeasure at the unexpected interruption, clearly upset that his orders were blatantly ignored.

Siduri looked at Merlin in confusion, wondering why he came in even when he was told otherwise.

Xaiver felt a presence behind him, turning to see a tall man with white hair. Merlin smiled at him, making him raise an eyebrow.

He asked confused. "Who are you?"

Merlin introduced himself politely, bowing respectfully. "My name is Merlin. It is a pleasure to meet you, Ruler Xaiver and King Gilgamesh."

Gilgamesh leaned forward slightly, looking closely at Merlin and recognizing him almost immediately.

"So, you are the supreme sorcerer of Camelot, Merlin. I know the reason you came, however, only those with value can ask me for an audience."

Merlin responded respectfully. "I understand King Gilgamesh, however, this matter is much more urgent than you can imagine."

Gilgamesh replied bluntly. "Unfortunately, I don't care."

Merlin couldn't understand his attitude, not when he already knows the reason why the wizard of Camelot came to Uruk. Could it be that he refuses to accept what he saw? If so, Merlin will try to convince Gilgamesh by any means necessary.

Xaiver could not understand anything, he simply decided to ignore it and approach Gilgamesh, since he had been sent to bring tea for the king.

Gilgamesh glanced out of the corner of his eye, looking at Xaiver, he ordered him to stand at his side. The ruler nodded obediently, walking towards him, standing next to him, placing a golden cup on the throne near the king.

"If you want me to listen to what you have to say, then prove your value." Gilgamesh said coldly.

Merlin responded firmly. "Value? What do you mean exactly?"

He explained briefly. "You must prove yourself, only then will I decide if you are worthy of my time."

Merlin pondered Gilgamesh's words carefully, trying to figure out what he meant by proving one's worth. Lancelot and Gawain watched from doorway, seeing that everything went south, they had no choice but to wait for Merlin to complete whatever task set before him.

Gilgamesh rose from the throne. "You don't have to think too hard about it, weak humans are what I hate the most, so show me that you and the knights of the round table have what it takes to change my mind."

Merlin stated confidently. "Then allow us to show you how strong we are, King Gilgamesh."

Gilgamesh smirked mockingly. "Don't regret it later." A stone book materialized in his hand, then countless small magical orbs appeared behind him, aimed at Merlin.

Lancelot and Gawain drew their swords, preparing for battle.

Gilgamesh declared arrogantly. "Now prove your worth."

Merlin raised his staff and cast a powerful protective spell, creating a barrier that blocked the attacks simultaneously. Gilgamesh increased the power, increasing the pressure on him tenfold, pushing him back slightly. Lancelot and Gawain joined Merlin, fighting alongside him, showing off their incredible sword skills and counterattacking whenever the opportunity presented itself.

Gilgamesh further increased the power of his magical spells, launching a second attack, forcing the knights to retreat narrowly evading the fatal blow.

"I'm not even fighting with all my might, is this all you've got?" Gilgamesh taunted arrogantly, grinning.

Merlin gritted his teeth angrily, realizing that they are at a disadvantage against Gilgamesh, especially since he doesn't want to cause too much damage to the castle. Lancelot and Gawain fought bravely, unleashing all their power, attacking Gilgamesh relentlessly, however, none of their attacks hit him directly. The king continued to bombard them with magical spells, forcing Merlin to focus solely on defense, while Lancelot and Gawain desperately tried to defeat Gilgamesh.

Suddenly, the dragon teleported behind Lancelot and quickly struck him with a great axe, sending him flying across the chamber crashing straight into a pillar. Gawain's eyes widened and he turned to check if Lancelot was okay. During a brief moment of distraction, Gilgamesh kicked him in the chest, sending him flying, crashing through the window and falling outside. Gawain crashed onto the hard ground below, causing the entire castle to shake slightly, shocking everyone nearby. 

Merlin lowered his barrier and ran outside, checking Lancelot's condition worriedly, hoping he wasn't seriously injured. Gawain staggered to his feet, coughing up blood, feeling a sharp pain in his chest, obviously broken ribs.

Gilgamesh walked over to the broken window, glancing indifferently at the defeated warriors below.

He proclaimed arrogantly. "Humans like you are truly pathetic, you are no match for me."

Merlin clenched his fists tightly, unable to hide his anger towards Gilgamesh, he lost control and cast a powerful spell aimed at the arrogant king.

A large black sphere materialized in the palm of his hand and flew rapidly towards Gilgamesh, causing a huge explosion destroying part of the castle. Siduri screamed fearfully, running away from the throne room, fleeing to a safe place. Gilgamesh protected Xaiver, so they both emerged from the thick smoke, unscratched from Merlin's strongest attack, looking at him with contempt.

Merlin collapsed exhausted, kneeling on the ground, struggling to breathe due to severe exhaustion, expending almost all of his mana. Lancelot coughed up some blood, struggling to get up, unable to fight any longer. Gawain limped towards Lancelot, helping him up, supporting each other, barely able to fight.

Gilgamesh teleported in front of Merlin, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him effortlessly, tightening his grip slightly.

"Wait, stop this madness." Xaiver approached Gilgamesh, lightly touching his arm.

Gilgamesh loosened his grip, letting go of Merlin, letting him fall to the ground, gasping desperately for air.

Xaiver knelt next to Merlin and asked worriedly. "Are you okay?"

Merlin nodded weakly, thanking him gratefully and smiling slightly.

"Leave Uruk and the dragon realm, I don't plan to listen to some weaklings." Gilgamesh commanded.

"Are you afraid that the dominion ruler will eventually choose King Arthur and leave your side? Have you seen anything like that?" Merlin questioned boldly, despite being severely weakened.

Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes angrily. "Don't provoke me, mongrel."

"That's not going to happen, I don't plan on leaving Uruk." Xaiver stated firmly.

Gilgamesh turned to look at Xaiver, staring at him, smiling with satisfaction.

Merlin stood up slowly, leaning on his staff. "I beg you, King Gilgamesh, please listen to what I have to say, it is extremely urgent."

Gilgamesh remained silent, deep in thought, considering Merlin's request. Xaiver approached him, touching his arm again.

"I think forming an alliance with King Arthur is a good idea." He suggested firmly.

Gilgamesh stared at the ruler, regretting the decision to tell him what he saw with clairvoyance. However, the dragon cannot deny that Xaiver is absolutely right, forming an alliance with Camelot is a wise decision, however, the king refuses to admit it openly.

"Fine, I'll listen to what you have to say." He reluctantly agreed.

Merlin sighed in relief, smiling warmly at Xaiver.

"But remember this, if I don't like what you have to tell me, I won't hesitate to kick you out of Uruk." Gilgamesh warned threateningly.

"I won't take up much of your time, and trust me, it won't be a waste." Merlin assured.

Gilgamesh returned to the throne room, sat down comfortably, and crossed his arms impatiently. Xaiver returned to his side, standing next to him, waiting patiently for Merlin's explanation.

Merlin explained briefly. "King Arthur wishes to form an alliance with Uruk, so that together we can slay the gods of Mesopotamia."

Gilgamesh laughed out loud, finding Merlin's proposal absurd. "What a joke, kill the gods? Are you serious?"

Merlin replied firmly. "Of course, this is serious."

Gilgamesh grinned mockingly. "Impossible, killing the gods is nothing more than a dream impossible to achieve, the gods are immortal creatures, nothing can harm them."

Merlin countered boldly. "Wrong, there is a way to kill the gods, and he's right at your side."

Gilgamesh glanced at Xaiver briefly, narrowing his eyes suspiciously, wondering what Merlin means exactly.

Xaiver spoke uncertainly. "Me? How can I kill the gods?"

Merlin explained calmly. "You possess the power of both rulers, monarchy and dominion, if you can awaken both the secret treasure and the dragon heartcrystal, then killing a god will not be impossible for you."

"Do you really think that one human can sustain the power of both rulers?" Gilgamesh questioned crossing his legs.

"I can't answer that question, only Xaiver has the answer." Merlin replied honestly.

"I have been training recently, strengthening myself fiscally and mentally, however, I have not yet received the necessary amount of mana from King Gilgamesh to awaken the dragon heartcrystal. Someone as weak as me cannot drink dragon blood." Xaiver confessed sadly.

Merlin stated encouragingly. "Don't worry, take your time, don't rush."

Xaiver thanked him gratefully, nodding obediently. Gilgamesh stared at Merlin, thinking carefully about what the wizard of Camelot told him, weighing his options and deciding what is best for Uruk. After several minutes of consideration, Gilgamesh made his final decision, informing Merlin accordingly.

"Camelot and Uruk will form an alliance, you will help us destroy the gods of Mesopotamia." Gilgamesh declared firmly.

Merlin smiled warmly, relieved to finally form an alliance with Uruk, bowing respectfully. "Thank you very much, King Gilgamesh."

"Once the ceremony is over, I will leave for Camelot along with the ruler, you three can stay in Uruk, or return if you wish." Gilgamesh informed briefly.

"We will stay in Uruk to witness the ceremony." Merlin replied firmly.

Gilgamesh ordered. "Siduri, guide them to a place to stay, but not here in my castle."

Siduri bowed obediently and led Merlin and his companions to a small empty house outside the castle, offering them shelter.

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