Fighting for What I Believe In

By Wolfeine

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Trinity D. Grace A seventeen year old girl with a past she'll never forget, but does temporarily when her a... More

Flippin' Pancakes
Don't You Forget It
Meeting the Straw Hat Pirates
Finally Meeting the Kung Fu Dugongs!!
Let's Do This!
Holy hell! Problems in the Desert?!
Holy Hell! Problems in the Desert?! (Pt 2)
Problems Occurring
Problems Occuring (Pt 2)
Getting Along
The Making of Crystals
Devine Beasts and Spirits
Magic Crystals and A Sexy Performance
Tiny Angel and A-mad Beast
The Croc Throwing His Shot
Freedom And Kicking Some Gator Ass!!
Let The Battle Begin
Unexpected Surprise
It's Been Decided
Being Found by the Whitebeard Pirates
Introduction Part 2 Wishes!!

A Stupid Father

5 0 0
By Wolfeine

Trinity Pov.

"Forget it, you're not getting anymore food. So stop being so greedy."

"Luffy, stop stealing my food!!"

"Sanji, I'm 'ungry."

"Anything for you, Tiny-chan~!!!"

"That's not fair Sanji!! I want more too!!"

"Shut up, moron!!"

Amusedly I watched as Sanji kicked our sniper away, Luffy still eating his first mate's food as said swordsman tried to get it back. "Why must they act like this every time we eat?" I heard Vivi complain to Nami. "They're special" the navigator replied with a small giggle. A small smirk graced my lips as I cleaned off my second plate of food, something shiny catching my attention from a distance as I tossed my plate towards the dancing cook.

"What was that for?!" The sour patch shouted as my plate bounced off of his and Luffy's heads. "I was done" I casually responded. Giving him a lopsided smirk as he gave me an annoyed glare, I moved my attention back towards the flying hook while wrapping myself front the bloody tattered bandages. "Ah! What are you doing?!" I heard Chopper cry out in worry. "I'm fine. See?" Showing my scar free skin, I pushed some of my hair fly-aways away from my face before sharing a look with brother from another mother.

"'ow long do ye t'ink 'til he s'ows up?"

"I'd say a good ten minutes. Are you getting them or I am?"

"Who's showing up? And who're you getting?"

"I'm gettin' 'em!"

Digging my toes into the sand underneath me , I patiently waited until the pair of boys used the hook to steal the last of Zoro's food and run with it before chasing after them in glee. "Cool! Flying meat!!" I heard Luffy cry out from somewhere behind me. Chuckling at how silly he was, I glanced over towards Ace as he chased after me with look of realization showing on his face. "-Badlands." I forced myself to come to a stop as I realized that I was about to pass them up, Ace already beating me to the punch as he perched himself onto a boulder next to them.

"So your'e from the Badlands, huh."

"No f'ame b'ain, t'ey're f'om di sunny side" I retorted with a small eye roll. Said Fire Fist gave me a wolfish grin while giving me his attention, a glint in his eyes as I fought back shiver. Frowning at him when I realized what he was trying to do, I gave him birdie and gave the shivering boys my attention as the twenty year old let out a loud laugh. Pushing him off the boulder, I watched as his face ate sand before landing on his back so I could talk to the boys in a more comfortable position. "So kiddies, min' tellin' why yer so far f'om 'ome?" I tiled my head tot he side when I was given a glare from the eldest boy, my legs bent on either side of Ace's body as I perched my elbows on my knees. Amusedly I watched as Dip pulled out a gun and pointed it at him, his baby brother shivering even harder as he pulled on his big brother's shirt.

"Stay back!!"

"Dip have you ever even used a shot gun before?! Does it have bullets?!"

Chip began to actually tremble at this point as Dip said nothing, a Cheshire grin gracing my lips as Ace shifted from under me. "Are ye gonna s'oot or notta, kid?" I forced the twenty year old to stay under me as I felt him jerk, Dip's hands trembling as he finally pulled the trigger. A small sigh left me as I caught the bullet before it could possibly kill me, the boys' eyes wide in awe and fear as I snatched the gun out of their reach. "T' mine now!" I childishly cheered while skillfully spinning the weapon in my hand like the cowboy I wasn't. Grinning widely as they began to shake in their fear, I finally decided to get off of the grumbling Ace under me and stood beside him as he spat out the sand.

"I should punish you for that" he grumbled . I snorted. "If ye can ca'ch me, ye may be able ta" I casually retorted. There was brief pause after my retort, a teasing smirk gracing my lips as we looked each other in the eye simultaneously with one of us having a major blush. "Real-really?" Fire Fist asked in a dazed and excited tone. I said nothing in response as I directed my attention back to the shivering boys in front us, Chip surprising me slightly as he suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist. I raised an eyebrow at him as he face stood eye to eye with my tits, my lips pursing slightly as he looked up at me with glimmering eyes.

"Miss! I have a favor to ask!"


"We need you to catch a man named Scorpion!" Dip exclaimed while pulling out a photo of his father. I blinked at him blankly before directing my eyes over to the overly tense Ace, his face grim as I tilted my head to him while placing my hands on Chip's head and shoulder. "Ask 'im. He's st'onger me" I lied while playing with the child's hair. "B'sides, didn' ye 'ear somethin' 'bout 'im beatin' B'ackbeard?" I smirked lightly when I felt him relax, the sound of my companions' footsteps reaching my ears as they slowly began to surround us.

"He defeated Blackbeard?!"

"No way, I don't believe it!!"

"T'en don'!" I laughed out while bringing Dip into Chip and I's everlasting hug. I snickered lightly when the elder boy tensed up a bit, his face red as he slowly wrapped his arms around my waist as well. Forcing myself not to giggle like a maniac, I glanced over towards a confused Adam as he stood by me with a small frown on his face. "Why are they hugging you?" He curiously asked. I shrugged. "Beats me. Don'o see me comp'ainin' t'ough" I stated in my natural voice. Adam snorted.

"That's because you like kids."

"Mi point 'xactly!"

"You're so kind, Tiny-chan~!"

"Where's Luffy?" I asked in mock curiosity while ignoring the swooning Sanji. I shared a knowing smirk with my pastel bestie as Nami said that he ran off somewhere, Adam clearing his throat to catch everyone's attention as I looked off into the distance. "...I think he'll be here soon" I heard my green eyed idiot stated. "Maybe even sooner t'en dat." I snickered lightly when when Usopp, Ace, and Chopper looked to where I was looking, Chopper easily stating out who was with our crazy captain.

"Ye better get 'eady ta fight, 'ot 'ead."


Giving the slightly confused cowboy a lopsided smirk, I glanced back over towards Luffy and let out an obnoxious laugh when he called out to his brother. "ACEEEEE!!! THIS GUY WANTS TO FIGHT YOUUUU!!!!" I flinched back at how loud my fellow seventeen was being, Scorpion being equally as loud as his kids hugged themselves even tighter to my body.


"Yeah! He's my big brother!!"


I completely forgot that Luffy was going to slingshot his way back over towards us, my hands clutching onto the back of the boys' shirts as I lifted all three of us into the air. A breath of relief let me as he ended up head butting his unsuspected first mate instead of me, Adam laughing his whorish laugh as he held onto his stomach. "That was great!!" He cried out breathlessly before pausing and glaring at me. "Stop calling my laugh whorish." Now it was my turn to laugh, my stomach cramping in pain as I gently lowered the boys and I back to the ground. Grinning widely when I made eye contact with my upset pet, his scowl soon turning into a matching grin as I moved my attention over towards the trembling old man.

"What's w'ong Sco'pion?"

"Noth-nothing! I'm just thinking of all the heroic tales about Fire Fist ends today!!"

"Don't be so stupid..."


Quickly I placed a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing again, my body trembling in effort as the old man let out a very audible gulp before putting up a brave front. "Before we start, have you ever fought a man named Blackbeard?" Ace asked. "Never did an' he never will. T'us' me, we know" I answered for him since Scorpion wasn't listening. Chuckling for the umpteenth time today, I watched as Ace sighed to himself before jumping over towards the elder as he pulled out his homemade bazooka and pointed at the twenty year old. "YOU'RE FINISHED!!" He shouted. I winced once again at how loud he was being, a small glare etched in place as Ace blasted the net that was made for him back to it's owner.

My body tensed a bit when I felt Chip and Dip tighten their holds on me a bit, my head pounding a bit as I scanned our surroundings."I guess I should thank you! If this was too easy, it wouldn't have been much of a victory!" Scorpion exclaimed haughtily. "I see you got a few tricks up your sleeve as well" Ace replied amusedly. My brows furrowed when I felt my head pound whenever they talked, my focus not as strong as it usually is as the sands shifted. "S'ut up. Yer loud" I childishly stated. I ignored whatever response I had gotten as I continued to survey the area, a rather large frown gracing my lips once again as my headache didn't go away.

Is it another beast...? No...I don't sense any danger....

I tilted my head to the side as I tried to figure out what was going on with my body, a small frown gracing my lips once again as I glanced down at the sand before my feet. My eyes narrowed a bit when the sands shifted, my head snapping back to the battle as it suddenly finished with Ace, obviously, winning. "'Uzzah! F'ame b'ain is di winner!" I childishly cheered. I already knew that Nami and Zoro were staring at me in suspicion, their eyes burning into my skin as Chip and Dip ran to their father.

"Why is he being so dramatic?"

"Who knows bestie. Yer askin' di w'ong pe'son."

Adam shrugged in response as we watched the family trio hug it out, a small 'a'h leaving my lips a is remembered what was about to happen next. Glancing upwards as the bazooka went off, I watched as it hit the boulder above them with a nonchalant face before launching myself forward.


Third Pov.

A collected gasp echoed into the air as the group of seven watched as Trinity placed ed herself in harms way once again, Ace moving to stop her before getting stop by Adam as the nineteen year old shook his head.

"Just watch."

Doing as he said, Ace watched with slightly wide eyes as the boulders fell towards Scorpion and his children, Trinity appearing between them with her hair loose from it's braid and an uncharacteristic nonchalant look on her face a she looked at the falling rock. Miniature moon-like eyes made a brief appearance as she raised her hand towards the falling pieces of rocks, visible air soon to appear as she called out a move.

"Air Pulse...!"

The smaller rocks were quick to be blown away as the move ceased, Trinity's hair flying upwards as she called out one more more to finish the rest of the bigger rocks.

"Fire Vo'tex...!"

A tornado of light pastel purple and blue fire swallowed the rest of the rocks whole and burned them to ash before they could harm the small teen. The ash fell like black snow as Trinity continued to levitate in the air, her focus somewhere else as she looked off into the distance.

"What wrong with her...?" Usopp wondered out loud while staring at her. "Cool~!" Luffy excitedly exclaimed with stars in his eyes. "Is another strange creature coming again?" Chopper worriedly questioned while looking up at the small female. As if hearing their words, Trinity glanced down at them and gave them her usual Cheshire grin before dropping beside widely smirking Adam. "Welp, dat was fun!" She childishly exclaimed. Ace chuckled at her as he made his way over to her side, one of his hands moving to his hat as it pick it up from his head and placed down on Trinity's.

"What's up?"

Trinity only widened her grin in response before placing her own hand on top of his hat, a small snicker leaving her as she childishly hopped away from him. "I don'o what yer talkin' 'bout." Sticking her tongue out at him, the silver eyed beauty moved her attention over towards the pair of boys and their father before giving them a soft smile. "See ye soon." A soft laugh left her as Chip and Dip instantaneously turned bright red, their father joining in on her laughing fit as he realized how quick she captured his kids' hearts. "An' b'fore I ferget, yer notta leavin' 'til we get ta 'uba. Got it?" Tiny pointed one of her small fingers at Ace just as he opened his move to say goodbye, a small sweat drop appearing on the back of his head as he let out a sheepish chuckle.

"Whatever you say Tiny."

Rolling her eyes in response, Trinity let out a small huff while crossing her arms over her chest before moving her attention over towards their campsite. "Now dat, dat's settled, let's get a move on, s'all we?" A mature smile made it's way onto her lips as she stared at the shocked people surrounding her, her magic quick to pack their belongings and bring them over as Adam pulled out a extra hair tie to redo her hair. "I never realized how long your hair was until now..." Nami wondered out loud while tapping a finger on her chin in curiosity. "Well, it's lon'er t'en me if dat answers yer question" the female seventeen year old retorted as her best friend finished her hair. She heaved a small sigh of relief when the blanket on her head was out of her face once again, the fly-aways ever present as Vivi caught her attention.

"Why is it that you want Mister Ace to continued with us?"

"Cause its' impo'tant. Now let's continue wes'wa'd fer 'uba."

Vivi stared at her fellow female with a confused frown as Luffy cried out for some meat, his exclamation causing the smaller woman to let out a loud laugh a she began to levitating in the air. "You should let me carry you until we reach Yuba, Trinity" Ace proclaimed with a boyish smirk on his lips. "I will when pigs fly" said female instantly shot back with her own lopsided smirk. The second commander let out a small chuckle as he since he knew he wouldn't get his way, the gentle look on his face causing Trinity to blush and Adam to scowl as she instantly looked away before anyone could realize what was going on with her.

I can't let him have her....

With hands clenched tightly into fists, Adam forced himself to relax as sparkling grey eyes looked at the group from a great distance.

"To think...she may be the one..."

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