♚ ℑrust the Just ♚ // Edmund...

By INstrumentAlVirUs

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❝❞ ༻ ♞༺ (Y/n) fin... More



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By INstrumentAlVirUs

(Y/n)'s POV

I lay in bed, basking in the warmth still encasing me. It was incredibly cozy and all I wanted to do was stay. I had woken up a few minutes ago but I didn't want to get out of bed. I was still processing the fact that yesterday happened and that I was still in Narnia. Then I started to think about my family and how I kinda missed them. But I did always want a 'vacation' from them- yeah I should focus on the positives considering I don't know when or how to even get back.

I still felt guilty and worried about them but I couldn't do much so I just had to chill. It'll be fine.

"Good morning (Y/n)," Lucy came in, " it's time for breakfast," she happily said handing me some more clothes.

"I got you an outfit to change into. It's a causal outfit that doubles as an outfit you can wear when we train, you said you'd prefer trousers so I got you some!"

"Oh my god thank you, Lucy," I smiled widely looking at the fit. The loose mute dark (preferred color) shirt, vest, trousers, belt, and ankle boots that were cute.

"I'll meet you in the dining hall when you're ready," she said, leaving to give me privacy. I threw on the clothes and went to freshen up. I checked myself in the mirror and smiled. Damn, I am looking good! I felt pretty good about myself which did help a little with my mood but I still felt meh. Once I got out, I quickly realized I was lost. I wasn't sure which way to go so I did the only reasonable thing, explore!

I walked down the hall, looking into the open rooms, I passed the sleeping chambers, the lavatory, and then the studies. I eventually got to a big stone balcony overlooking part of the ocean and beach, so of course I went on it. Two columns were holding these big vases full of plants by the entrance. The sides were covered in vines with flowers that hung gracefully. I sat on the railing, letting my legs hang. Now this is my new favorite spot!

Closing my eyes, I let the morning ocean breeze kiss my face and the sunrise warmed my cheeks. I watched the ocean waves sweep on the shore, wanting nothing more than to go for a swim.

I definitely need to go later today I thought, then I remembered where I was supposed to be. Fuck.

"Oh there you are, we've been looking for you," Edmund said joining me.

"Ed, hey!" I looked over to see him resting his arms on the rail, "yeah I kinda got lost and I was on my way to the dining hall but I got distracted," I said chuckling.

"At least I found you, mind if I join," he asked, sitting next to me and smiling. I punched his shoulder lightly as if to tease him. He dramatically gasped, and then we laughed it off.

"Isn't lovely, the view?" He said looking at me and then to the beach.

"Yes, I want to go there later today actually," I said.

"The water is pretty nice, maybe the girls will want to join you," I said.

"Yeah so I don't get lost again right," I smirked and we entered the hallway.

"You said it not me," his tone was playful as ever and we continued to have some witty banter before we both trailed off into silence. It wasn't uncomfortable though.

"Anyways Gaston made some eggs benedict and ham, freshly baked bread and pastries, some kind of soup, and Earl Grey tea," he gave me the rundown. My stomach growled and I laughed because I'm a giggly bitch.

"Even your stomach wants you to come to breakfast," he teased.

"I hopefully won't be late next time but no promises," I said, "thanks for taking me the rest of the way."

"It was my pleasure," he then walked ahead of me and into the dining hall where everyone was waiting.

"Finally!" Lucy exclaimed, sighing with relief but excitedly sat down.

"What took you guys so long?" Susan asked.

"I got lost, then Ed found me," I said.

"Then we both got lost," Edmund made his way to the table and I followed.

"More like lost track of time, seriously I'm starving thanks to you two," Peter complained.

"Then what are we waiting for," I said as I began to dig in. It looked so good and by some miracle was still warm.

"Hey, how are your guys injuries?" Lucy asked.

"Um I'm just a little sore but alright, how about you Edmund?" I looked over to him.

"Well I just took some medicine so I'll be alright," he said shifting in his seat.

"Well I finally found my healing cordial so I can heal your fracture and the bruising," she said pulling out a small glass bottle with an amber-red liquid inside it.

"Really it's alright, I don't want to waste it, but Ed should definitely take it," I said shaking my head. Why would I waste something that could heal any injury on my bruise that will heal by tomorrow or in a few days. Edmund however should take it considering he would have to wait a while for it to heal and during that time wouldn't be able to be physically active.

"Since when did you decide things for me," Edmund said raising a brow in reaction to my forwardness.

"You need it a lot more than me, besides if you don't you won't be able to train with us or do anything fun," I said reasonably.

"Precisely what I was going to say," Susan added. Edmund silently took a drop from the vile, rolling his eyes in annoyance but he knew we were right.

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah, thanks Lucy," he said, handing it back and going back to eating. I smiled, satisfied that he wasn't hurting anymore.

After breakfast, I met up with Peter and Lucy in the stable to begin our horse training. We were all given a sword and a horse, two things I did not know how to use.

"Oh it's Philip," I said greeting the horse.

"Hello (Y/n), good to see you again," he said. Lucy came around with a sword in its sheath and mounted on it. I looked at the black horse I was provided, her name was Clover.

"Guys I'm a little nervous about this," I said holding the sword cautiously.

"Well that's why we're here- to teach you, " Peter said as he walked in on his unicorn, a fucking unicorn. They were so pretty I wanted to cry.

"Do you need help mounting your horse?" Lucy asked.

"I'll try by myself first," I said walking over to Clover to introduce myself.

"Hello I'm (Y/n), your coat is very pretty," I said petting her. She was calm and her voice was soft but stern.

"Nice to make your acquaintance," She said, "hop on." I put one foot on the saddle and attempted to swing my leg over but missed, causing me to slip but I steadied myself.

"You alright sweetie?" Clover asked. She was so sweet, I felt so bad because I felt that I was annoying her.

"Ye-Yeah I'm alright, lemme try again," I gave it another go, and thank God I got it my second try. I shifted myself to find a comfortable spot and grabbed the reigns. It felt weird being this high up on another living creature, I don't know, the feeling was very new but I was excited to learn.

"Alright gang let's move out," Peter said leading us all out to the field. It was a beautiful day and it couldn't have been better. I was pumped.

"Alright so first things first is to learn to maneuver around on your horse as well as communicate," he showed me the reigns and showed how he was able to go left and right and stop, the basics. This was gonna be a long day

"I think I'm starting to get the hang of it," I said, moving to the left and stopping. Clover was really nice and patient. We made a great team. I turned around and picked up speed, wanting to attempt a medium-sized hurdle.

"You got this (Y/n)," Lucy cheered. Peter was wooing in the background.

"Here I go!" Clover picked up speed and I grabbed on for dear life, buckling my legs around and anticipating lift off. She jumped but I accidentally pulled on the reigns, making her stumble and we tumbled over onto the ground.

"Ow damnit!" I said, lying in the grass, "Sorry Clover" I freaked."

"(Y/n)!" Peter and Lucy rushed over to me.

"It's alright just don't do that again," Clover said chuckling, "are you alright?"

"I was gonna ask the same thing," I slowly sat up, rubbing the back of my head and lower back, "I'll be alright, uh let's just get used to maneuvers before I try doing anything fancy," I said awkwardly laughing.

"I'm glad you're okay, you sure you don't want to take a little break?" Peter asked.

"You don't need me to heal anything?" Lucy said.

"Yeah I'm alright, a little tumble won't stop me," I chuckled.

"Atta girl! That's the spirit," Peter grinned, helping me up. I faintly blushed and looked at Clover.

"Whenever you're ready," she said.

"Let's do this!" I said getting back on the horse.

After that, I met up with Edmund and Susan to do sword combat training.

"Alright the most important thing when sword fighting is your stance," Edmund said holding the sword and placing his foot just to the right. His stance was sturdy so I mimicked his behavior.

"There you go, that way you're body is balanced, and with balance, you are least likely to be caught off guard," he said and then moved so that he was facing me.

"Okay you ready," he picked up his sword, arming himself, "show me what you got." I mean the best teacher is experience itself, plus I was up for the challenge. I swung and he blocked quickly. I attacked and attacked but he dodged most of them, only being surprised a few times. He then caught my sword with his and twirled it out of my hands. That was pretty cool and not gonna lie kinda hot.

"Not bad, but you definitely have a lot of work though I do think you have the potential to be a really good swordswoman," he said sheathing his blade. I was flattered, feeling my ego go up. I'll enjoy it while it lasts. Now it was time for me to try arrows with Susan. They wanted to see which one I would be better at or which one I preferred. Edmund tagged along because he said he didn't have anything better to do. Okay, buddy.

"Okay (Y/n), just pull back and aim, like this," she demonstrated and hitting the target perfectly. I copied her movements and tried to aim. I just held it, unsure whether or not to release it.

"What's the hold-up?" Edmund asked, walking closer.

"I'm just making sure that I'm aiming right," I said moving it to the left a little. I bite my tongue in concentration, letting go of the arrow.

"Damn, I was so close!" I exclaimed. It hit dead at the point where the bullseye and the outer layer meet. Edmund and Susan both congratulated me.

"Do it again," Susan said, pointing to the other target. I ready my bow and aim. I missed it completely. Then I tried again and hit the target but far from the bullseye.

"Guess it was beginner's luck," I said.

"It's alright, you'll get better in time, " Susan said smiling.

"Yeah, now let's go freshen up and eat because I'm starving," Edmund said passing me my arrows.

Thank God practice was over, my body was sore and I was sweaty and tired. I was so ready for a shower. It was really kind of them to take the time to teach me, even with their other royal responsibilities. It was also a way for me to hang out with them which was a bonus. They were the only people who kept me in any real company.

Later we decided to go to the beach together to have some fun- of course from my suggestion. We went down and set up our spots. I sat down on the sand, scrunching my fingers and toes in the sand. The salty sea breeze mist kissed my face. Lucy and Susan were splashing each other and giggling. I watched, seeing Edmund and Peter join in. It was cute to see them together like this. Made me think about my siblings and the good times we had.

"Watch out Ed!" Peter splashed him causing Ed to trip over his own feet but caught himself. Chuckling, my attention was brought back to the Pevensies. Edmund splashed back and pushed him into the water. Laughter filled the beach. Lucy jumped on Peter's back and started attacking Susan and Edmund. Even though they were these powerful leaders, their spirits were still so young. It was lovely to see it hadn't weighed them down to a depressing and boring figurehead.

"Come on (Y/n), join us!" Lucy said, waving her arms over.

"Yeah, help us take down these two tyrants!" Edmund said moving around them to throw more water at them. Fuck it why not.

I ran into the ocean where they stood, water up to our thighs, and I spun around to splash all of them as much as I could.

"Ha!" I smiled but only to be caught off guard by Edmund throwing water in my face. His laughter was all I could hear but I took that as an opening. I shoved him and splashed some water towards Lucy who was coming behind me and Susan.

"(Y/n) It's four against one," Peter teased, " you better give up now." My attention was on him so I shoved in retaliation. My victorious laughter was shortly cut off by a pair of arms, picking me up. I screamed and looked to see who it was. Of course it was Edmund fucking Pevensie. Because why wouldn't be.

"Surrender and maybe we'll give you mercy," his words made my brain rattle and my heart beat fast.

"Put me down!" I said as I wiggled in his grasp. My laughter grew anxious because boy was I uncomfortable.

"Make me," his eyebrows raised, he looked to be enjoying this. I stared at his face, trying to get a read. I met his eyes and he smiled. My flight or fight mode was activated and I squirmed more to make us fall.

"Hey-" Peter shouted but I managed to throw Edmund off his footing. Everything began to slowly calm down, with all of us laughing and breathing hard. We made our way to the shore and rested. Edmund sat next to me, smirking.

"Here to punish me? You hold me like that was punishment enough," I snarked with a half-hearted laugh. My brain was fried and my pride was hurt. Don't get me wrong I had fun it's just I was severely overstimulated. I don't know I felt lots of things and now I was just trying to comb through them.

"You alright (Y/n), did I upset you?" Edmund said now with a more concerned tone.

"It's fine, I just wasn't expecting that," I looked at him quickly then at my feet.

"You sure..." my breath hitched, "look I'm sorry, I thought we were having fun." He seemed just as anxious as I was.

"No-no we were it's just I'm flustered is all, it's cool, seriously thank you Ed for the apology," I said, looking at him, giving him a smile to reassure him.

"Alright then." And with that, he left it. I felt a sigh of relief escape my mouth.

Lucy then walked over, peering down to look at me face-to-face. "You alright (Y/n), why do you look so sad?"

"It's just- my family...After today and everything really," I sighed and looked at the horizon, hoping to find some solace in it. "I just miss them and I'm worried about them, what if my absence is hurting them? " I started (a nervous tick you have). The other two came over.

"Hey (Y/n), what's the matter?" Susan asked, sitting close to me.

"Did you do something Ed?" Peter asked, giving him a look.

"I didn't do anything, honest" Edmund defensively replied, "(Y/n)'s just homesick and she's worried about her family," he said softly. I nodded quietly, trying not to speak because I was afraid of getting emotional. I wasn't that comfortable around them to do that, granted I'm usually not comfortable doing that in front of anyone. The last thing I wanted to do was cry.

"No worries (Y/n), they'll be fine, I promise," Peter said, patting my shoulder.

"Yeah, Narnia's weird like that, when ever you do go back, it will be like you never left," Lucy said smiling, "you'll return to the same minute right before you left." That was a relief.

"Really?" I said, feeling a lot better.

"Really, so don't worry so much," Edmund said. Their comforting words made me all soft and I wanted to cry. Now I really missed my family but at least I know they won't be looking for me or wondering where I was.

"Thanks, guys," I said getting up, " it's getting late, we should go."

"You're right, come on," Susan said helping us pick up our things. "I'm sure Gaston has cooked up something scrumptious," Lucy said happily.

"His cooking is so good, I wonder what we're having tonight?" I asked.

"Guess we'll see," Peter said smiling.

Dinner was amazing as always, chef's kiss. It was late and I couldn't sleep. It was just one of those nights. I decided I would revisit that balcony I had been to that morning. I quietly snuck out of the sleeping chambers and made my way to the entrance. I stopped dead in my tracks, seeing Edmund had already beaten me to the punch.

"Great minds think alike huh?" I said quietly, walking over to him.

"Oh (Y/n), what brings you here?" He whispered. We didn't want to alarm anyone so keeping it down was only polite, and also not to blow our cover.

"Can't sleep, my mind is too awake ya know," I said nonchalantly, resting my arms and head on the stone railing.

"Same here...are you okay, I mean from the beach?"

"Yeah I'm just still thinking about them you know, it's all so strange," I said looking out to the stars.

"Yeah I know what you mean...if it means anything to you, just know we're here for you and we have your back."

"Thank you, Edmund, you're a good friend," I said looking at him sincerely. He returned the look. It was sweet and almost charming before it developed into a smirk. That only made him more attractive.

"We're friends now?" he quipped his eyebrow up.

"We are now," I said with a smug grin.

"I'm honored then." We looked at each other and exhaled.

"Let's go to bed before we're caught," I whispered.

"Sounds good to me, I can't stand to be here with you for another minute," he joked. I elbowed him and he gasped.

"Shhh," I quietly shushed him then giggled.

"Very funny," he pushed me a little. We ended up walking back to our rooms, silently goofing around all the way.

- ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6 -

Author's note ✎-

I feel as though my pacing in this chapter was rushed but I just didn't want to drag out every little thing and wanted to progress the story, soon the plot will start so hang in there. Hopefully, I will be able to write the rest of the chapters that are like this at a better pace. Later ♥

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