โ„™๐•ฃ๐• ๐••๐•š๐•˜๐•ช (Hiro X Reader)

By fufuvie

3.1K 104 56

Prodigy (Big Hero 6: Hiro Hamada x Fem!Reader) After his older brother's death, Hiro Hamada is isolated in th... More

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1.4K 35 26
By fufuvie

Prodigy: Chapter One
Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

Hello and welcome readers to a new book that I'll most likely forget to finish. This is Prodigy, Hiro Hamada x Reader. Chapters are pretty long and this first one will be confusing but I think it'll be better.


Anyways, before reading, I only mention these terms in the chapter. I'm sure you know them but here is the guide:
  • Y/n - Your name
  • F/IC - Favorite ice cream
  • H/C - Hair color
  • E/C - Eye color

═══ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ═══

Today is a a gloomy day in mid-July, clouds covered the sun. The incense flourished the air with a scent but it couldn't blind Hiro Hamada of death. In front of him stood the photo of his lost loved one, his older brother, Tadashi Hamada. Beside the frame was another picture of Dr. Callaghan, the teacher-to-be to Hiro.

Tadashi would've shown Hiro the ropes of the institue as Callaghan would've shown Hiro what the future holds if it weren't for the devastating fire that ended the pride and achievement of entering Sanfransokyo Institute of Technology to Hiro.

Candles were lit and it was silent all could only hear the whimpers and muffled cries of everyone who came. Hiro could feel his Aunt rub him comfortingly on his back but he felt numb to the gesture. Nothing could comfort him at death. Nothing could compare to the embrace of his older brother.

Lightning cracked and in the blink of an eye, Hiro is at his brother's funeral. He never imagined this day would come. Never should his brother die. Never should it be this early. The man who spoke of Tadashi couldn't be heard in Hiro's ears as he watched the coffin gradually drift six feet below. The thud came silent but Hiro can hear it. Tadashi lay there, dressed in a suit and tie for his own funeral. And now, he'll be covered in sand that his younger brother would scoop with a shovel.

Death is quick. And the aftermath seemed the same. At Tadashi's wake, Hiro and all who came stood upstairs from the cafè, talking and reminiscing of the late Callaghan and Tadashi.

Aunt Cass wore her silken black gown, holding the collar of it and gripping it in her hands as she spoke to Tadashi's friends. Honey Lemon rubbed Wasabi's back as they sip tea and coffee and look down in grief. GoGo and Fred couldn't say a word, nothing could muster from their throat as they watched Honey Lemon care for Cass.

"How does Hiro feel?"

Hiro sat at the top of the stairs that was the entrance to his and his brother's room. He stared at his feet and the polished wood that sat below them. How does Hiro feel?

He felt nothing. He felt like what anyone would feel when they lose yet another member of their family. Hiro didn't know what he felt when he lost his parents. It is almost eleven years since the night happened. The cold, lonely night of his parents' death.

Three-year-old Hiro probably felt the same. But his parents aren't here as much as Tadashi was there for Hiro. And now he's gone.

How long will it be when they take Cass too? Hiro felt guilty to even think about it. He couldn't hear anymore of his thoughts and the words that were exchanged downstairs. And so, he got up from the creaking boards and fell on his bed.

═══ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ═══

It is a sunny day for Y/n as she stood outside her house. School would be starting next month and that meant her mother forced her to go outside after all the introverted isolation Y/n put herself through during summer break. Clouds were in the sky but it wasn't as bad as two weeks ago. Today is the perfect day to take a walk.

That's what Y/n's mother said while she pushed the girl out the house. And now, Y/n stood, quivering timidly as she observed her surroundings. She can admit that it is a great day outside. But the outside doesn't fit the anxious and shy girl well.

"She gave me money. I guess I could go shopping and buy an ice cream." That was Y/n's plan. But with the busy streets of Sanfransokyo, she grew unsure.

Actually, she's been unsure since the get-go. She never goes outside unless she's checking for mail or coming back from school. Being bribed shouldn't be an exception! It's personal boundaries!

Y/n knocked on her door when she heard her mother, "Don't knock on that door until you finished your walk." Well, he mother probably said it more harsh or softer but now Y/n can't remember. Despite the words being clear in her head, her mother's tone wasn't.

The young teen clutched the money to her heart and bit her lip. She dug the money deep in her pocket. Finally, the girl took her first steps off the porch. And there she went, straight to her favorite ice cream shop that she would go to everyday after school.

═══ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ═══

Hiro sighs as he stared at his robot. He can hear his auntie walk up the stairs and Hiro quickly shoved the robot under his beanbag chair.

"Hey, sweetie..." Aunt Cass greets. The older woman places a platter full of food on the desk beside her nephew. She notices that the other plate of food she placed just last night hasn't been touched. She knits her brows in concern.

"Hey, Aunt Cass." Hiro returns the greeting but never once looks up at his auntie. His eyes were fixated on the ground and were in no energy to look up. In fact, Hiro had no energy to even live. All Hiro was doing was talking a few words and swinging his chair left and right slowly. It seems he won't do anything else but that until the end of times.

Even with the lack of talking, Aunt Cass kept her attempt to start a conversation, "Mrs. Matsuda's in the caf." The older woman smiles slightly, "She's wearing something super inappropriate for an 80-year old."

Hiro didn't respond to his aunt's words. He kept slouching silently in his chair while it squeaks every time he turns to the side.

"That always cracks you up." Aunt Cass knows where this is going and she gulps, sighing. This repetitive routine started  since Tadashi passed away. She stood on her tip-toes and pulled the string that connected to Hiro's blinds. The plastic turned and light entered the room.

It pains Aunt Cass to watch her now only nephew isolate himself after such tragedy. Yet she can't change it. Everyone deals with death differently.

"You should come down." Aunt Cass suggests, she smiled poorly as she held the plates at her arm. She knows what he'll say. But she's desperately trying to save her nephew.

"Maybe later."

Aunt Cass sighs again, "The university called again. It's been a few weeks since classes started." The woman forced a smile and turned her heel, already on her way to leaving Hiro alone, "But they said it's not too late to register."

"Okay. Thanks. I'll think about it." Hiro replied almost inaudible. Aunt Cass smiled from her nephew's response and left the room.

Hiro, on the other hand, gets up from the beanbag to close the blinds, letting the darkness consume him and sits on another chair. He scoots it closer to his desk and turned on his computer. Once the screen flickered from black to the open window of Bot Fighting. A notification of a new video call popped into view.

With a click of the mouse, Hiro opened the notification to see Tadashi's friends: Fred, GoGo, Wasabi, and Honey Lemon. The group surrounded a single camera, all waving with apologetic smiles on their faces, "Hey, Hiro."

"We just wanted to check in, see how you're doing." Honey Lemon said. She wore nice clothing as always, a formal sweater with a collar and pink headband.

"We wish you were here buddy." Hiro can hear the pity in Wasabi's voice. The softness that he had as he stared sadly into the camera.

"Hiro, if I could have only one superpower right now, it would be the ability to crawl through and give you a big hug." Fred told Hiro.

Hiro closed the window, leaving the computer to shut off on its own. The young teen stood up from his chair to stare down at the letter from the school and his robot.

The teen picks up the letter and with hesitation, throws it in the trash. He picks up the other object, his robot. The boy turned heel to walk away from his desk when the bottom half of Hiro's creation fell to his foot, making a loud yelp escape from the teen's mouth, "OW!"

Hiro hissed, grabbing us foot and holding it tight to his belly before flopping on his bed. The boy groans, "Ow..."

A little sound rang through the bedroom and next came the sound of a familiar robot being inflated.


An awkward silence filled the room as Hiro stared back at the now inflated Baymax. How the charger and itself managed to get in Hiro's home is a mystery to Hiro.

Baymax looked around and walked sideways out of Tadashi's room. Hiro sat awkwardly, watching the scene unfold.

═══ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ═══

Y/n stood at the intersection, standing beside the pole that connected to the streetlights. The train drove by and the lights went green. She watched as all the cars drive past her and to a different destination.

"Hurry, please." The girl pleads as she repositions herself to stand differently.

Alas, the sign for pedestrians to walk went green and the girl takes a step. Two steps. Three steps. And more. Finally she was on the other side and a few more blocks to go, she'll be at the shop.

"Hey, watch out!" A man screamed. He was riding a skateboard and almost crashed into Y/n. "Sorry!" The teen shouts. She hopped in front of her to avoid collision and continued her walk.

"You're too awkward, Y/n..." The girl said to herself. She facepalms at her own actions.

═══ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ═══

Baymax and Hiro shared a silent stare before Baymax hurries to Hiro, dropping three books on the way.

The robot waddled to Hiro and waved his hand in a circle, "Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion."

Hiro stares at Baymax and stutters, "Uh-Hey, Baymax. I didn't know you were still active." Baymax looks down at the teen, "I heard a sound of distress. What seems to be the trouble?" The robot tilts his head.

Hiro, with an odd change of voice, says, "Oh, I just stubbed my toe a little."

"I'm fine."

A square in Baymax's chest lights up, "On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?"

Hiro's eyebrows lift up and he shrugs, "A zero? I'm okay, really." The boy gets up from his bed, "Thanks, you can shrink now."

"Does it hurt when I touch it?"

"That's okay. No touching." Hiro pushes Baymax back as the robot points at Hiro's feet. "I'm fine-"


Somehow, Hiro managed to slip on a toolbox and get stuck inside the crevice of his bed and dresser. He grunts as he pulls his hand out and sighs, "ow."

"You have fallen."

"You think?"

Hiro strains and attempts to get up by grabbing on his shelf only to have his shelf break and have numerous of his toys fall on him.



Hiro grunts at the toys as Baymax continues asking, "On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?"


"It is all right to cry." Baymax grabs Hiro from the floor, much to Hiro's defense.

"Crying is a natural response to pain."

"I'm not crying!"

"I will scan you for injuries."

"Don't scan me." Hiro points.

"Scan complete." Baymax says as he stares up and down at Hiro. "Unbelievable."

"You have sustained no injuries. However, your hormone and neurotransmitter levels indicate that you are experiencing mood swings common in adolescence." Baymax looks at Hiro and checks for symptoms. He detects GPR54, high levels in GnRH, increase in pituitary activity, high testosterone, vocal fluctuation, and emotional instability.

His diagnosis?

"Diagnosis: puberty." Hiro shouts, "Whoa, what?!"

"Okay, time to shrink now." Baymax drops his pointed finger to watch Hiro slide the charger to his part of the room. Baymax continues speaking, "You should expect an increase in body hair, especially on your face, chest, armpits, and..."

Hiro slams the charger on the boards and jumps on Baymax, "Thank you! That's enough!"

═══ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ═══

Y/n stepped inside the ice cream shop, looking at the long line ahead of her. "Maybe I should turn back. It's not too late to tell mom. ahh! What do I do? What do I do?!" Y/n thought.

Before she could turn around to exit, two more shoppers entered and bumped her in line. "S-sorry!" Y/n apologized. She grabbed her hand, holding it as she bit her lip. It was an awkward stance.

Five more people in front of her.

"It was good, and you?" Y/n rehearsed, "Oh, may I please have a waffle cone of (F/IC)?" Y/n smiled to herself. It was a perfect way to order. "Oh, two scoops please!"

═══ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ═══

Hiro jumps on Baymax, climbing over the marshmallow as he attempts to put him away to cover his embarrassment.

"You may also experience strange and powerful new urges."

Woah! What?! Urges? What kind of urges?!

Hiro hoists himself with his hands and pushes down Baymax's face. It is a funny look to say the least and if Aunt Cass entered, who knows what her first reaction will be.

"Okay! Let's get you back in your luggage." Hiro says. The sounds of Baymax's skin rubbing against himself was like plastic or two balloons rubbing together to make an awkward and irritating sound. With all of Hiro's struggles, you can expect for Baymax to pop. But he didn't.

"I can not deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care." Hiro gets up and grunts, "Fine. I.. am satisfied with my..."

"Whoa!!" Hiro hopped off Baymax, kicking him from behind his head and bellyflopping to the wooden boards. As he exhales, he now notices the rustling under his bed.

His microbot.

The toy was whirring and the faint sound of clicking glass is ticking beside Hiro. As the boy reaches for it from his jacket and picks it up.

Why is it here? They should've been destroyed in the fire.

"My microbot? Thi-This doesn't make any sense."

Baymax also stands up to stand beside Hiro, "Puberty can also be a confusing time for a young adolescent flowering into manhood." Baymax says, looking down at the pubescent boy.

"No. The thing is attracted to the other microbots, but that's impossible." Hiro placed the microbot in his glass, and thus is continued clicking, "they were destroyed in the fire."

Hiro shrugs, "Dumb thing's broken."

But it wasn't broken to Baymax. No, it was working well in the robot's eyes. So as Hiro sat in his chair to repair his other robot suited for botfights, Baymax picks the glass up gently and examines it.

"Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere "

"Oh yeah? Why don't you- uh- find out where it's trying to go?" Baymax nods at the monotone boy, "Would that stabilize your pubescent mood swings?"

Again with this puberty thing!

"Uh huh. Absolutely."

Hiro heard his door open and close. He heard the bell chime and it was only four seconds since he told Baymax. Oh gosh. Oh no.


Hiro hears cars honking and tires screeching on the road. That can only mean a few things and he worries it was Baymax. Hiro jumped up to the blinds to look through them hastily to find just that.

Baymax is going to help stabilize Hiro's mood.


═══ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ═══

There is just one more person and Y/n is sweating with pure teenage anxiety. Oh gosh what if she stutters? What if she forgets the whole lines completely? What if-?

The girl shakes her head. She's too anxious for being so young. Maybe that's why her mom forced her to go out. Would that help with her social anxiety?

The girl looked back from her to look at the mirror. Cars honked and people screamed. Odd.

The girl turned back after hearing the much older teen say, "Hello? Could you order please?" Talk about great customer service. If you don't like the job, don't get hired.

Y/n smiled, masking her inner thoughts as she looked up, "May I have a waffle cone of F/IC?" She asks.

"How many scoops?"

"Two please!"

"That'll be 3.15." The male says, looking down at the cash register. In his gloves hand is Y/n's ice cream.

As she hands him his money, she couldn't help but notice his eyes on the window. The girl turned around to notice a giant marshmallow-y figure walk on the road.

The girl gave the man money and snatched her cone away, sprinting to the marshmallow figure.

═══ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ═══

Baymax walked, scuttling past the cars that drifted to the side to avoid danger. Hiro was behind at a far distance.

"H-hello!" The voice of a young teen shouted at Baymax. The robot looked up then returned his eyes on the microbot, cupping it in his sausage fingers as he walked the longer distance.

"Baymax!" Hiro shouts. Baymax didn't hear as he continues his walk. That's when he year another voice call.

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother but you're going to get hurt over here, let me get you to the sidewalk real quick." A girl's voice says.

Baymax looks up to see a young teen pull him to the sidewalk. She wore a ponytail and had a baseball cap on. After she got him to the sidewalk, she waved with a smile and left him.

Baymax ignored the odd encounter and continued walking until he reached the train, he stepped on and waited for the train to go.

Hiro was closely behind until the train took off. "Baymax!"

═══ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ═══

"Hold on there!" Y/n shouts, finding the marshmallow robot in the center of a market. Behind her, she heard an unfamiliar voice call, "Baymax!" Maybe that's the figure she's about to meet.

The girl grabs the squishy arm of the robot and asks him, "Hey, I'm sorry to intrude but you're heading to the alleyway, where you going right now? Maybe I can help."

Baymax looks down at the microbot after examining the girl. She has H/C hair and E/C eyes. She looks fairly local and had a welcoming smile. She also has an ice cream in her hand that is spilling it's melted liquid over her fingers.

Baymax continues walking with the girl as she continued to speak, "I am Y/n... I noticed you were making quite the ruckus. Do you have anyone with you? You should know it's dangerous to walk in the middle of the road."

Baymax and Y/n heard a cat yowling from behind, as Y/n looked back, Baymax continues walking. And that's when he reaches the door to an abandoned warehouse.

Y/n catches up and finally looks down at the glass that Baymax held. In it is a tiny object. A little shape that was rolling at the edge of the glass.

"Can I see that real quick?" Y/n asks as she grabs the glass and turns it. The little figure in it is facing one area only, no matter how much she changed where the glass faced.

"Are you crazy?! What are you doing?!" A boy shouts. Y/n and Baymax turn their heads to see a boy. A boy the same age as Y/n.

"Hello, Hiro. This is Y/n and we have found where your tiny robot wants to go." Y/n looks at the boy.

Hiro. Hiro looks like an average boy. He has messy, pure black hair and a blue, unzipped jacket. Underneath his jacket is a red t-shirt and khakis. As Y/n observed Hiro, Hiro did the same.

Y/n to Hiro is the same thought that Baymax had. A local towngirl with a welcoming smile. She wears a black, skin-tight shirt with loose, grey sweats. She looks like she just got out of the house and just woke up with her outfit.

Hiro looks up and down at the girl until he returns his attention on Baymax, "I told you, it's broken. It's not trying to go..."

Y/n crosses her arms and looked at the glass, "Hey, pardon me, but I am very confused."

Hiro and Baymax seems to ignore her as they focus on the figure, "huh?" Hiro grabs the glass from Y/n's hands and turns it, noticing the robot turned in only one direction.

Y/n looked at the door and held up the chain. "It's locked... Do you know where else we can enter?" The girl asks. Hiro looks up from the glass to her and they both exchange glances when Baymax looks up.

"There is a window."

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