One More Year

By Trekkiehood

88.1K 2.9K 741

One year. For foster kid Jack Kelly, only one year stands between him and freedom. All he has to do is keep a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 16

2.9K 114 36
By Trekkiehood

New Chapter!
I'm going to end up giving you guys three short chapters in a row as the next chapter (which is already written) is also short, but that's just the way it goes.

Please enjoy this chapter!

TW: Child abuse and rape


TW: Rape

Jack closed his eyes. The weekend had gone pretty well so far. Only a couple more hours and Snyder would go to bed. Then Jack could be sure that he had survived the weekend. He had a few new bruises, but overall, he was fine. His back was starting to heal. So long as he didn't put too much pressure on it he was fine.

Race had texted him multiple times to make sure everything was going okay. Jack didn't want to admit it, but the fact that Race and Spot seemed to care so much really meant a lot. He couldn't remember the last time someone, other than Crutchie, had cared about him.

Charlie was supposed to call him later that night. It was hard, because the group home only had one phone. They certainly weren't going to pay for cell phones, and most of the kids didn't have people to call. It worked well enough. There were some days where Jack couldn't talk to his brother, even if he wanted to. It was probably better this way if he was being honest.


Jack closed his eyes, pressing his face into his pillow. He just wanted to be left alone. Sighing, he deleted the messages from Race and slipped his phone into his pocket.

"Yes, Mr Snyder?" He stood in the living room, off to the side of the couch. The Spider was watching TV, beer cans scattered around. Hopefully, this would just be a 'get me another beer' and then he would be left alone.

Snyder looked up, his eyes slightly glossy, "Come sit down, my boy, don't be shy."

Jack didn't know what was going on, but he sat on the other end of the couch.

"Jack," Snyder frowned. Jack recoiled. He could never remember the man ever using his first name. "Why so far away? Sit with me."

He was grabbed by the arm and pulled so he was sitting directly beside, almost on top of, his foster father. Snyder didn't remove his hand. Jack felt his heart start to pound. He had no idea what was going on.

They watched in silence for a long time. Then Snyder spoke, "I had forgotten how pretty you are boy, it's a shame I had to mess it up." Jack's face was moved to the side and he felt a sickeningly gentle finger trail down a bruise on his cheek.

"Let me see." He said, pushing Jack onto his feet.


"Your back, I want to see."

Slowly, Jack pulled up the back of his shirt. He felt increasingly uncomfortable. Snyder came up behind him. Jack felt cold hands touch his waste. He dropped his shirt, spinning around. The hands fell off.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"It's sad that I had to mess up that pretty body of yours. Let's see if I can fix that, hm?"

Snyder grabbed his wrist and started pulling him towards the master bedroom. Jack's brain was whirling. He couldn't form a coherent thought. He didn't know what was happening. All he knew was that he didn't want it to be happening.

He tried to jerk his arm away but the man's grip was too strong. He kept pulling in the opposite direction, hoping for something, some way to get out of whatever was going on.

Snyder stopped pulling, causing Jack to stumble, then his back was slammed against the wall. He screamed, the world going white as pure agony ran along his still healing back.

A gentle hand reached under his chin, "Shh, everything is going to be okay."

Jack pushed him away but both of his arms were quickly grabbed.

Snyder held his wrists, tightly pressing them against the wall beside his head. There was something in his eyes that Jack had never seen before. The man leaned forward nearly on top of him. Jack's heart stopped and his breath got caught in his throat as he realized what was happening. All the pieces finally fell into place and his mind landed on what was actually happening. He was going to-

He was actually going to-

Snyder put his mouth right beside Jack's ear. "Don't be afraid, I think you're going to like this."

Jack acted on instinct, bringing up his knee into Snyder's stomach. The man let go of him, doubling over.

Jack ran.

He was in his room, almost to the window when he was grabbed from behind. "No!" He screamed, trying to get away.

Snyder shoved him down on the mattress, Jack trying to push him off. His legs were trapped by the man's body as he leaned over him. Then his hands were around Jack's neck.

"Don't fight me, boy. It's all going to be okay."

Jack clawed at the hands, trying to allow oxygen to get through. He couldn't breathe. He kicked his legs, not making any progress.

"Shh, shh, it's going to be okay, Jack."

He hated the way Snyder said his name. Hated it. It made him sick to his stomach.

The world was starting to go grey.

He was scared.


He pulled his foot up on the bed, moving it agonizingly slow. Then mustering all the strength he had left, he kicked out.

The hands came off and Jack rolled off the bed, gasping, trying to just breathe. He stumbled to his feet, trying not to let the dizziness overtake him.

Snyder made a final grab at him, managing to catch the shoulder of the boy's shirt. Jack yanked away, feeling the adrenaline give him strength he really didn't have. He heard a ripping sound. Ignoring it, he made it through the window, not even looking back.

He made it to an alleyway a couple of buildings down. He sank to the ground, sputtering as he crumpled.

He continued to cough, his breaths coming in a wheezing form. It was almost six. The sun had already set, casting odd shadows around him. He pulled his knees up to his chest, feeling the tears form behind his eyes. He didn't even know what he felt.

He was scared and hurt. The feeling of adrenaline was now completely gone, leaving him feeling drained.

What Snyder had tried to do.... He had tried to... He couldn't even think about it. He couldn't. He wouldn't. It didn't make sense. It wasn't okay.

He was scared.

A siren sounded in the distance, the idea that it wasn't after him didn't even cross his frazzled mind. Jack scrambled to his feet, taking off in a dead sprint. He couldn't stay. He had to get away. Get away from the apartment and, even more importantly, man inside.


That one was rough.
But necessary.

We're reaching our climax so be prepared for bad things, okay?
That's all I'm saying.

Next chapter is completely written. I will post it tomorrow, Lord willing. 

I hope you all are staying safe in these times.

I think I might write a fic based off a dream I had... you can read about the dream on Tumblr (@ Trekkiehood) and Instagram (@Trekkiehood3000). Let me know what you think.

Until tomorrow!

Stay safe and God bless,

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