[BTS Jimin FF] Genetical

Galing kay TaizenYoung

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A BTS Jimin fanfiction. Y/N is a young girl who was bred in a laboratory. She has no experience with the out... Higit pa

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23

Episode 3

276 26 4
Galing kay TaizenYoung

J-Hope's P.O.V.

Jimin: >on the phone< "Surch for more clues, we need to know what this madman built there!"

Worker: "Sir, we have found another room in another cellar!"

J-Hope: >Yon the phone< "Jimin, I have to hang up, the workers have found more, I'll call you back later!"

I finished the call and followed the worker down another exposed staircase.

J-Hope: "What, what's this all about?"

Carefully I approached one of the water tanks and wiped the glass clean with my hand. I drew back, startled.

J-Hope: "These ... these are human bodies! Or at least what's left of them! It ... it's children, not older than 14 to 15 years I guess! That bastard, what did he do to them ?!"

Disgusted by the sight, I distanced myself. These children seemed to have been dead for a long time, not just since the explosion.

J-Hope: "Get them out there and bury them properly!"

Although I belong to the Mafia, but I do not tolerate the way he deals with children.  Thoughtfully, I went up the stairs. The fresh air that awaited me above, I breathed greedily.

???: "What's going on? You look kind of tense!"

J-Hope: "That's what you would look like if you had seen what I saw!"

I leaned against a wall and closed my eyes to push the pictures out of my head. Steps came up to me.

Suga: "Calm down, what did you see?"

J-Hope: "That ass, did experiments on kids!" I answered and opened my eyes.

Suga raised an eyebrow in disgust.

Suga: "Such a perverted bastard! Luckily our spies are already searching the whole city for him."

J-Hope: "Let's go back to the headquarter, we have a lot of work to do to evaluate all this data."

Suga: "And the children?"

J-Hope: "I told the workers to bury them, they deserve their last rest in peace!"

Suga: "That's good, this place looks like it's the beginning of the end of the world! Let's get out of here."

I went to the car with Suga and got in.

Suga: "Did the workers find out why everything exploded?

J-Hope: "Yes, it was a self-destruct program, designed to destroy all important information."

Suga: "Does not seem to have worked completely!"

I started the car and drove off.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I was still walking down a street when a car came up to me. I watched attentively as the car came closer and drove past me. Although it was very dark I could see that a man was driving. Who was sitting behind I could not see because the windows of the car were black behind. Quickly I turned my eyes off as the car came closer. My eyes are luminous in the dark. It was because of my genetic changes that I could almost see pervect in the dark, much like a cat.  Actually, I was only 5% human. The rest was a cocktail of countless other genes. The 5% human genes only served to make me look human. What did not work to 100 percent because my eyes had an almost unnatural ice blue color. My jet-black hair and my slightly bronze skin made my eyes stand out even more. Curious, I watched the car behind. Whenever I showed curiosity or lack of understanding, I tilted my head slightly. Like now.  For a moment, my thoughts returned to my brother. He could see warmth, much like a snake could. Lost in thought, I went on and winced as a sharp pain drove through my feet. Surprised, I looked down and noticed that I had stepped into broken glass. The pain did not bother me much, so I went on towards the city, when I suddenly heard how the car which was driving past me slowed down and stopped.  Slowly I retreated to the shade of a tree and watched as the car turned. At first I thought about running away, but if they were people from the lab I should kill them better. The fewer people me and my brother knew, the better it was. Alert, I saw how the car came back. Quietly I hid behind the tree. The car stopped where I was on the road before. I heard two car doors open. Unfortunately, I no longer had any weapons with me because I no longer had ammunition. A woman's voice spoke softly

Woman: "Come out my little one, I've seen you! You do not have to worry, a girl should not walk alone on such a street at night!"

I did not know this woman and I had never heard her voice before. She sounded gentle and calm. I wanted to see her face, so I stepped out of my hiding place. My eyes wandered past her, studying the man who had previously driven the car and also got out. He was armed, that I could see on the right bulge of his coat on one side. This man was watching me closely. The woman, however, was unarmed and did not give me the impression that she was a fighter. I said nothing and just looked at the two.

Woman: "Oh my God, what happened to you !?"

The woman took a few steps toward me, but I backed away.

Woman: "Do not be afraid, my little one, I just want to help you!"

I looked directly into the woman's eyes and realized that she was not lying. Her heartbeat was not elevated, I could tell from her carotid artery. She did not show any typical behavior of a lying person. My body relaxed, but I kept an eye on the man all the time. He was alert, too watchful for my taste. The woman followed my gaze.

Woman: "Jack, go back in the car! She's scared of you! Probably some men have done something to her!"

The man did not seem pleased, but he obeyed and got back into the car.

Woman: "Wait, give me your jacket!"

Man: "But mistress!"

The woman looked at him with a raised eyebrow. She stretched out her hand demanding. With a humming the man gave her his jacket. She tore the jacket from his hand and went to me. Carefully, she put the jacket around my shoulders. I flinched at her touch.

Woman: "Shhh ..., everything will be alright!"

Confused, I tilted my head. What was this woman up to? Was it all a trap ?! My body tensed to escape at any time. My eyes scanned the area for hidden enemies.

Woman: "Oh my gosh, you're really scared! Come with me, I'll help you! You need something to eat and a warm bath and you're hurt too!"

I still watched my surroundings. I could hear birds in the trees sitting silently on their branches. I could hear the rain fall to the floor and the distant hum of the city. However, I could not discover anyone else except the two. Slowly, I took a step forward, leaving a bloody footprint on the floor. But I did not pay attention to the pain. Worried, the woman looked at me.

Woman: "Where are your clothes and shoes?"

My eyes met hers. I did not answer. It was strange to talk to someone, so I just decided to say nothing.

Woman: "It's alright, you do not need to talk if you do not want to! Come in with me in the car. We're going to my house!"

Her hand reached for mine and carefully she led me to the car. My insecurity caused tears to rise in her eyes.

Woman: "My poor girl! You remind me so much of my son when he was little! Everything will be fine, nobody will do anything to you! I'll take care of that!"

A tear ran down her cheek, and I slowly reached out to her and caught the tear with my finger. Fascinated, I looked at the tear on my finger. Never in my life had I cried. A soft laugh broke my thoughts.

Woman: "You are so cute, now come and get in the car!"

Without thinking, I got into the car. The car was nice and warm from the inside. With one hand I stroked the leather of the seats.

Woman: "Do you want to tell me your name? My name is Katharina."

Slowly I looked at her. Should I really trust her? I looked at my hands and exhaled slowly.

Y/N: "Y/N ... my name is Y/N."

A friendly smile spread on her lips. Gently, she took my hand in hers.

Katharina: "Hello Y/N nice to meet you!"

The driver started the car and drove off towards the city. After a while we reached a house where we drove up. The driver drove straight to the front door and stopped. Katharina gently grips my hand. Together we went to the front door she unlocked with a key. She led me into the living room.

Katharina: "Sit on the sofa there! I'll get the first-aid box."

I sit down on the sofa and look around the room. A burn pulled through my soles as she began to remove the broken glass. But as always, I ignored the pain.

Katharina: "You're so brave, hold on, I'll be done soon!"

After removing all the broken glass, she put on some ointment and wrapped my feet in a light bandage.

Katharina: "So much better, right? Come on, I'll show you your room, then you can take a nice
bath, I'll help you with it if you want !?"

I nodded slowly. Katharina led me up a staircase and opened a door. Behind it was a bedroom. With wide eyes I looked at the room. It all looked so nice and comfortable. In the lab, we just had pictures of that and we never slept in a bed. I remained impressed in the room and turned around in a circle.

Katharina: "Wait here for a moment I read water in the bathtub!"

I just stayed where I was. When she returned to the room, she laughed briefly.

Katharina: "You could have sat down quietly! This is your room now! Come on, I'll help you
take off these weird things!"

She did not need much time to undress me completely and wrap me in a bathrobe. Again I flinched as the soft fabric touched my skin. I was not used to feeling something so soft on my skin. A hand touched my shoulder.

Katharina: "What happened to you? Do you want to tell me?"

I quickly looked away.

Katharina: "Ok then maybe later! Come with me."

The warm water made my muscles relax. Relieved, I sighed. Next to the bathtub, Katharina sat and picked up a sponge. Carefully she stroked the wet sponge over my back. The water smelled pleasant. I looked at Katharina questioningly.

Katharina: "That's jasmine fragrance!"

Katharina: "You have a beautiful and remarkable body! Are you a dancer?"

Y/N: "Something like that."

Katharina: "You should talk to me more often! You have a beautiful voice! It sounds almost like an angel!"

My eyes met hers. If only she knew that I was more like a demon than an angel. After I was clean, I got out of the bathtub. Wrapped in a towel she combed and combed my hair. The dress she gave me felt unusually on my skin. Katharina looked at her work with a smile.

Katharina: "I've never seen such a pretty girl!"

My eyes became sad. So the people from the lab were right when they said that they had done a good job in my external creation! Together we went back to the living room.

Katharina: "Stay here and make yourself comfortable, I'll make something to eat."

As she walked into the kitchen, I looked around the living room again and saw a mirror on the wall. Only rarely had I ever seen my reflection in a mirror. Uncertain I went to the mirror and stopped in front of it. My reflection looked back skeptically as I looked at myself. For a brief moment I had the desire to smash the mirror. I hated what I saw. Everything about me had been built according to a plan. Built to cover my deadliness. My fingernails scratched the table at the edge I clawed myself. Taking a deep breath to calm down, I turned away from the mirror. Fresh wind blew in through the open patio door. I stepped on the terrace and enjoyed the wind.
Breathing deeply, I closed my eyes. Where my brother was? I hoped so much that he was fine.
In the distance I heard a car approaching. I opened my eyes and saw that the car drove on the
driveway of this house. I quickly went into the house and into an adjoining room. Katharina returned to the living room and looked around in wonderment. She went into the hall and called my name, but I did not answer. When she returned to the living room, a figure suddenly stood there leaning over the plate of food she had just put on the table. She froze as she recognized the figure.

Jimin: "Hello mother!"

Katharina: "J ... Jimin, what are you doing here?"

Jimin: "What, is not it permissible for me to visit my own mother ?!" * smiles condescendingly *

Katharina: "Should not you be better in the main quatier ?!"

Jimin: "That should not interest you!"

Jimin approached his mother and kissed her on the forehead. Katharina felt his smile on her forehead.

Jimin: "What, are you still afraid of your own son?" * laughs bitterly *

Katharina: "Of course not Jimin!"

Jimin: "And why are you trembling then?"

Katharina: "How did you get past Jack unnoticed?"

Jimin: "I have not passed unnoticed, I told him not to let you know!" Did you forget that I'm the head now?! Even your faithful servants obey my word! Everyone is listening to my orders and you should do that better, too! "

Katharina: "Jimin do you actually hear yourself talking, that's not you!"

Jimin: "Oh mother ... you have no idea who I am! I'm just what my dad made of me!"

Katharina: "Be quiet Jimin and do not talk about your father like that!"

Jimin: "Where is father? Surely he is looking for a new slut!"

A loud clap could be heard when Katharina gave Jimin a slap. Then I heard something fall over
and break on the floor. Anger rose in me. With lightning speed I run out of the room and stood next to Katharina  who crouched on the floor and held her red cheek. Jimin shouted at his mother.

Jimin: "How dare you, and who is this?"

I helped Katharina to get up. At the same time I was watching this Jimin all the time.

Katharina: "That's none of your business, she's my personal assistant!"

Jimin laughed.

Jimin: "Oh, how cute! What do you need an assistant for?" * Scoffs *

Katharina: "Since your dad is not here most of the time, she will help me with everything!"

Jimin eyed me condescendingly. My eyes bored right into his. It took all of my willpower not to attack him. Protecting, I pushed Katharina behind me.

Jimin: "I hope you made her clear from the outset that she also belongs to me!"

Katharina: "Y/N does not belong to anyone!"

Jimin: "That's what we'll see! I would be interested to know what you probably want to do if I
just take her!?"

Katharina: "Stop Jimin! Please!" * bursts into tears *

Jimin moved away and clenched his fists.

Jimin: "Funny that a stranger means more to you than your own son!"

Katharina: "Jimin, you know that's not true!"

Jimin: "And why did you never stop Father ?! Why have you never protected me? WHY HAVE YOU NEVER HELPED ME AS FATHER HAS TORTURED ME?!"

Katharina: "J...Jimin..."

Katharina: "Jimin ...! I was still a child myself when I gave birth to you! I was only 17 years old!I was also afraid of your father."

Jimin: "Then you should never have given birth to me, I do not know if I should call you mother at all!"

Katarina burst into a loud cry.

Katarina. "Jimin..., please stop that, it's not you who speaks out of you!"

Jimin: "Yes, you're right, I should end this ...! Never look me in the eyes again! For me my mother died!"

And with that, Jimin turned his back on us and left the house. Katharina yelled Jimin's name and started to run after him, but I held her tight. As far as I could judge Jimin's body language, Jimin was ready for anything at that moment. Katharina was in total shock. Her body was shaking in my arms and she was crying unstoppably. It was not long before she became unconscious. Carefully, I picked her up and brought her upstairs. When I put her to her bed she was totally pale. Confused, I thought about the dispute. Although I could understand the topic, but I did not understand the emotions and feelings behind everything. I did not know such feelings since I never had parents. But I knew the feeling of loneliness and despair that Jimin had in his eyes ...

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