We Are Family

By SomeoneWeird19

322 16 34

Years go by. Everybody knows the four well known boys. Eric Cartman, Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, and Kenny M... More

Prologue: Who We Are
Chapter 1: The Project
Chapter 2: Say Goodbye
Chapter 3: Where Is He?
Chapter 4: Replaced
Chapter 5: Lies
Chapter 6: One Shot, Two Shot
Chapter 8: On The Run
Chapter 9: Safe At Last
Chapter 10: The Final Project

Chapter 7: Three Shot, Four

22 3 3
By SomeoneWeird19

-Craig Tucker-

I sighed as I continued to doodle in my notebook. Second period was by far the most boring class. I stopped and looked around the classroom. Kyle and Kenny weren't here. Strange, they probably ditched or something.

"Craig!" My teacher snapped, "Are you listening to me?" I nodded, "Yes sir," I said sarcastically. "Then what did I just say?" He asked. I thought for a moment and smirked, "You said 'Craig! Are you listening to me?'" The whole class chuckled. He only groaned and continued to teach as I went back to dozing off and doodling.

A few minutes went by until the intercom came on. "Mr. Feil?" She asked. "Yes ma'am?" He replied. "Can you send Craig Tucker, Tweak Tweak, Clyde Donovan, Token Black, and Jimmy Valmer up to the principal's office for just a moment please?" She asked slowly. "Yes ma'am," Mr. Feil replied.

I got out of my seat as well as the rest of the group did and we exited the boring classroom. "Why do you think they called us?" Token asked. "GAH! What if we're in trouble!?" Tweak replied. I rolled my eyes, "I don't know, did we do anything illegal?" Clyde shrugged, "I don't think so." "M-Maybe something happened to K-Ky-Kyle or Ken-Kenny," Jimmy suggested. I just shrugged and continued to walk.

I opened the door and our parents were there. I started to get worried. "Boys, please take a seat," Principal Victoria said. The group and I did so. She folded her hands and sighed, "I called you boys up here to tell you that your friend Kenny was brutally stabbed last night. He's still alive but he's on life support right now."

I gasped, "W-What...?" "W-Who stabbed him?" Jimmy asked. "That's something that we can't discuss with you boys right now," she answered. "We were wondering if you boys wanted to go see him and take you out of school for the day," my mom suggested. "Y-Yeah of course!" I said. I didn't want to go just because we got to leave school, he was our friend and he needed us.

We got signed out and we drove to the hospital. We decided to go by ourselves instead of having all our parents go. Clyde was eagerly texting on his phone. "Who are you texting dude?" I chuckled as I snatched his phone. It was a group chat that had the girls in it. He snatched the phone back and continued typing. "I'm telling the girls what happened," Clyde said. "Oh..." I said. The rest of the car ride was silent.

When we got to the hospital we found his room, but it was locked. Token knocked on the door. A young nurse opened the door. "Hi, um we're here to see Kenny," Token said. "I'm sorry, but he's sleeping right now and not suitable for visitors," she said. "Okay, thanks," Token said and we walked away. We exited the hospital and got in the car to drive home.

-Jimmy Valmer-

I was messaging Stan to get more information on what happened. 'Who stabbed him?' I typed. I waited eagerly for a response. 'Kyle...' he typed back. I nearly dropped my phone at that. There was no way that Kyle stabbed Kenny. "Hey gu-guys, guess what I fou-found out?" I said. "What happened?!" Tweak yelled. "Stan said that Kyle was the one wh-who stabbed Kenny," I replied. Craig slammed on the brakes and turned around, "No fucking way!" He sounded pissed. "Y-Yeah, I don't believe it eith-either," I replied. Craig sighed and backed up. He turned the car around and started going the other way.

"Where's Stan now?" Craig asked. "I think he's at the hu-hut," I replied looking over the previous texts. A few minutes later we were at the hotel. We got out of the car and followed Craig. We entered the hotel and stood out the hut's door.

Craig knocked on the door impatiently. Not even a second later he knocked again. The door opened revealing a tried and disheveled Stan. "Hey guys..." He said with fake enthusiasm. "Hey Stan, can we come in?" Craig asked. Stan nodded and moved away from the door. He shut the door behind us and followed. "So what brings you guys here?" Stan asked.

"We need to talk about the murder," Craig said. Stan sighed and sat next to Clyde on the couch. "What do you want to know?" He asked. "We need to know exactly what happened that night," Criag said. Stan sighed, "I-I don't know, I woke up and Kyle had blood on him and- I don't know guys, I'm just really tired."

"Look dude, it's really important," Clyde said. I looked at Stan who seemed really tired. His hair was a mess, his clothes were stained, and he had bags under his eyes. I felt bad for him. Tweek's focus went to something on the ground. "Stan, have you been drinking again?" Tweek asked. Stan looked at the two bottles on the ground. He kicked one away from him, "No..."

Silence filled the room. I was waiting for someone to say something because I sure the hell wasn't saying anything. "Stanley, how sure are you that Kyle did this?" Token asked. He sighed and leaned back, "Dude, I don't know I'm just so tired right now."

The conversation faded away from me as I looked around the room. A blinking red light caught my eye, it was a security camera. "H-Hey Stan? Did yo-you notice that?" I asked, pointing to the security camera in the corner of the room. Stan stood up and walked towards it, "No..."

-Stan Marsh-

I stood up and looked at the camera. I swiftly took the chip out of the camera and got my laptop. I put the chip into a drive and plugged it into the computer. The rest of the gang watched from behind as I fast forward the video. I gasped as something caught my eye. It was Aron stabbing Kenny and then framing Kyle. I closed the laptop and pulled out the drive. I walked to my bunk and grabbed my phone.

"Hey hey hey! Who was that? And why was he stabbing Kenny?!" Token asked. I ignored him as I looked around for my gun. "Damnit Stanely Marsh, answer us!" Craig yelled. I ignored him and continued to search. "STANLEY!!!" Clyde yelled. I looked up, "WHAT?!"

"Who was that and why was he stabbing Kenny?" Token said more slowly and aggravated. I sighed, "Guys, I promise you I'll explain everything to you guys later. I just need to do something, so can you guys please leave." Craig scoffed, "We're not going anywhere until you tell us what in the world is happening!"

The only ones who were not trying to be involved in this argument were Jimmy and Tweek. I sighed, "Please guys..." The group looked at each other and sighed. "Fine, but you better tell us what happened," Craig said. I smiled, "Thank you." The group started to leave. "Sorry you had to be a part of that," Jimmy said as he followed the group.Once they were gone, I started to think of how I could get Aron back. I couldn't believe Bebe was right, and I didn't believe her. 

-Aron Benjamin-

"So when should we kill him?" Richard asked. "Not anytime soon. We should let him suffer. Once I deal with Stan, then we'll discuss that." I said while looking at Eric. My phone pinged and I saw a message from Stan.

Victim 3: Hey meet me at the hut, I have some good news

I smiled, "I'll be right back, I have to go handle something at the moment." I left the basement and made my way to the hut

-Stan Marsh-

I waited two days for this moment. I didn't understand why it took so long but I did. I heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" I said. I held the gun behind my back as Aron entered. "Hey you needed me?" Aron asked in his fake accent. "Cut the bullshit, I know who you really are," I said. Aron looked confused, "Excuse me, what?" I groaned and pointed my gun at him, "You're Aron Benjamin, one of the richest sons in the world. You use bands to get money. You take each victim out one by one until you have full power over the band. Your father Arnold Benjamin did it, your grandpa did it, and so on. Your father died after he was shot by one of his victims, and your mother left you to be with someone else."

There was silence until Aron chuckled, "You caught me! Congratulations..." I growled and stared at him. I cocked the gun slowly. Aron stood still until he reached for something in his pocket. I quickly reacted and shot him in the chest. He fell to the group and groaned in agony. I dropped my gun and ran to him. I looked through his pockets and found a card with every little detail on it. It had his phone number, address, and full name.

I shoved the card into my pocket and grabbed the keys. I ran out of the hut and got into my car. I called Bebe while driving to the police station.

-Bebe Stevens-

"Oh my lord I'm so bored!" I said while dragging out the 'O'. I laid on my bed and stretched out. "Same girl, you wanna go shopping later?" Nichole asked. "Yeah, but not right now, I'm so tired," I said. "Maybe we can work on our project," Tammy suggested. "Ew, we have all month to do that," Wendy said while looking through her phone. "Whatever," Red said. A moment of silence filled the room until my phone rang.

When I saw it was Stan I sat up and answered, "Hello?" "Bebe! I'm so sorry, you were right about Aron all along," Stan said. I smirked, "Oh how'd you find out?" "Jimmy pointed out the security camera that I forgot about and it showed the real footage and all- look I don't have time right now," Stan said in a hurry.

"It's okay Stan, me and the girls know what happened. Where are you going anyways?" I asked. "I'm going to go bail Kyle out of jail, I have the card and everything," Stan said, "Well I'm here, I'll talk to you later." "Okay, bye Stan, but before you go. HAHA I was right all along!" I said in a singing voice. Stan groaned, "You've been hanging around Eric too much." My smile immediately faded as I remembered Eric. "Well I got to go," Stan said. "Okay bye," I said and hung up.

"Who was that?" Heidi asked. "Stan, he was telling me some information..." I said. "Are you okay Bebe?" Tammy asked. "Yeah, just something crossed my mind," I said while thinking about Eric.

-Stan Marsh-

I entered the office and went to the front desk. "Hello how may I help you?" the lady asked. "Look, my friend Kyle Broflovski has been framed for the murder of Kenneth McCormick and I have proof. I'd also like to say that at the South Park hotel, there is the real murderer. His name is Aron Benjamin and he is in the basement." I said out of breath.

The lady was typing on her computer, "Okay can I see the proof?" I nodded and grabbed the USB flash drive from my pocket and handed it to her. She plugged it into the computer and watched the footage. She nodded, "Okay and you say Kyle Broflovski is innocent and Aron is the one who is the murderer?" I nodded, "Yes ma'am."

"Okay can you wait right here please?" The lady asked. I nodded, "Yes." I sat in one of the chairs and she left the room. A few minutes later a cop came up to me. "Hello young man, may I ask you a few questions?" He asked. I nodded.

"Okay so who did you say was the real murderer?" He asked. "Aron Benjamin, I shot him at my hut. It's located in the basement of the South Park hotel," I answered. He nodded, "Okay, that's all I needed to know, thank you." I smiled and nodded in response.

It felt like hours had passed, it was now dark out and I was getting impatient. I texted my girlfriend Malinda -who lived in Florida- about what was happening. I was now scrolling through Facebook until the door opened. I looked up and saw an officer with Kyle. I put my phone in my pocket and stood up.

"Kyle!" I yelled and ran up to him and hugged him. He hugged me back, "Stan! God, it is great to see you." I let go and smiled. "You are free to go," the lady said. We exited the station and got in the car. "Dude, what took so long?" I asked. "They kept asking me a bunch of questions and shit, but that doesn't matter, how did you find out!?" Kyle asked.

"Security cameras," I replied. He chuckled, "Of course." "Look we need to go to the hospital," I said. "Why?" Kyle asked. "I need you to stay with Kenny, I have some unfinished business to take care of. Maybe you'll get lucky enough to stay the night at the hospital." I said. Kyle nodded and started the car. There was a reason why I kept the card, I needed the information to do what I have to do.

As we passed the hotel, Kyle slowed down. There were cops and an ambulance at the scene. I could see Aron being taken away in cuffs. I smiled and Kyle continued to drive.

We finally arrived at the hospital and entered. "What room is he in?" Kyle asked. "Room 169," I said, "I was here yesterday." We ran down the hall and found Kenny's room. I opened the door and saw Kenny there. He was asleep and still breathing. Kyle put his hand on Kenny's head and sighed.

"Excuse me? What are you boys doing here?" The nurse asked. "Ma'am, I'm Stan Marsh and this is my friend Kyle Broflovski. He was wondering if he could stay with Kenny and possibly spend the night," I said. "Look I don't think I can-" She started. "Please! It's an emergency!" I interrupted. She looked at us for a moment and sighed, "Okay, I'll see what I can do."

I sighed in relief, "Thank you so much." I looked at Kyle, "I need the keys." He grabbed the keys from his pocket and gave me them. I took the keys from him and gave him a thumbs up. I exited the room and went to the car. I slid in the driver's seat and called Bebe. "Hello?" She answered.

"Bebe? I need your help with something, and it ain't gonna be easy." 

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