
By definitelynotareader

56.8K 2.1K 3.9K

"Do you ever think all of this can just go away?" The Southeast Asian country whispered through the barren wi... More

Uniform Design [A/N]
A Dream
Feeling Somewhat Like Shit
Dream a Little More
Market Time.
Character Drawings and Information [A/N]
Guitar Lessons
Insults in the Papers.
What a Day...
Wanna Talk About It?
Stop Remembering
.Marked Drawings.
Dance with me?


3K 118 331
By definitelynotareader

Philippines POV:




Something felt warm and cold at the same time...
A feeling I can't really describe...

My eyes slowly open almost in disbelief...

Am I awake?

I only saw the white ceiling in front of me almost blurry in a way...

I'm awake...

I felt the soft mattress moved up from my back when I sat up from my bed...
I felt noxious suddenly...

My palm slowly pressed against my head....thinking...

What did I just dream?
Why did I still remember it?

Questions spiral inside my mind as I inhaled the foreign scent of the dim-lit room I'm in...

I'm in my dorm...not in that mansion...
I look around the room and I notice my roommate isn't in his bed...

I guess his already up...

I should be too...

I stood up from my bed as I cradle my self up steadily as if it's my first time to walk...


My eyes widen a little...

I remember Dmitri...

My hand clasped around themselves as I move to the door...

I grabbed the doorknob as I twist it open to be met with a clean tidy kitchen...

I was bewildered that I still remember that blissful feeling I felt from that dream, is it even a dream though?

I stared endlessly at the coffee table but I broke eye contact when I gazed down to my hand...
Where I held tight on Dmitri...

Is...Is Dmitri even real? Or is it just a stupid dream that felt too real?

I closed my eyes shut as I shook off that feeling trying to forget it...
It's just a dream, calm the fuck down...

I open my eyes again and took a step in the kitchen...
What time is it?

I look behind me at The living room to see a clock hanging atop from the exit door...
4:30 Am...

So I have 1 hour and 20 minutes to prepare for school...
My hand slithered soothing on my chest still feeling...

I decided to ignore it...
So Russia left early, I was hoping that I can greet him in the morning honestly...
But it's not like he will even consider me as a friend or even something optimistic...

I sigh deeply as I started to open the stove and cook some eggs...

Nothing like breakfast to start off the day before stress will come...
I hummed gently as I check to see if there is leftover rice and happily there is...

I put the full cook egg and rice on a white clean plate putting it on the table, I took a seat as I started to munch on the food...

It was silent around me...
As I put down the spoon, I can't help but stare ahead on the empty seat across in front of me...

I'm used to eating breakfast with someone to start off the morning but I guess you have to get used to being alone...
Well, I am used to it...I'm not really into socializing but it doesn't mean I'm a distant person...
I'm just a person who likes talking to people and sometimes not...

My phone buzz frantically inside my pocket, I took it out and saw Indo texted me...

Indomie boi: hey, Phil sorry I can't join you guys to go to school this morning assignments are killing me 😭 😭...

I pursed my lips in disappointment but I know he just moved up from the ranks.
It's said that if you became a blue rank student, you are given more tasks and assignments to complete...
And most of all rules apply more strictly to you...

PureMAN: it's okay, let's just meet up after school

Indomei boi: thank you!!! I love you!!!
No homo though.

I snickered a little at the last part...
Indo is still Indo...

While I was still eating, I scroll around in Instaworld.
Seeing pictures of countries from my class and others...

I enjoyed seeing people having a grand time even though school is eating through us, it's good to see people still smiling...

I scroll some more until I saw a picture of Ame and Slovenia...

Something pained through my chest a little but I kept on scrolling trying not to see it again...
After what happened between me and Ame...
I felt something empty inside of me and I can't pinpoint why...

I will admit...
I used him...
But now all I can feel is confusion...

I closed the phone as I bring the plate to the sink to wash it, Look, I'm not the type of roomie who just leaves there mess everywhere.

If you're the type of person who leaves a mess everywhere without cleaning it, we need to have a long-distance from each other.

I put the clean plate and spoon where they belong as I scurry inside my room to get dress for school.

I closed the door behind me as I open the blinds to see the blue morning sky...
I saw students below my building walking around already in there uniforms...
I didn't saw Malay...
I guess he's not here yet.

I took my T-shirt and jeans Off while I was getting my uniform...
I first wore the Gray collar shirt and the darkish green pants and I layered it with my green and gold vest over it...
I picked up my tie and wore it on my neck around the collar...

I looked at the body mirror to see if I'm in good shape...
My hair was a mess so I just comb it with my fingers...
I don't have a brush cause...I'm lazy too buy something that will make me look good.
Like, bro, who cares about your messy stinky hair? That's right no one.

I looked at the green vest, thinking about why they chose the color green for my rank...
I guess it's because it's a simple and natural color...
Never know what the thought processes the designer have in these uniforms...

I took my brown satchel and put my phone in it...
I closed the bedroom door until I remember I didn't brush my teeth and wash my face...

Hair can be fixed easily but tooth cavity isn't.
I hurriedly went inside the bathroom and I was very shook how clean it is.

I put down my bag on the floor as I wash my face, I grabbed the towel and rubbed it roughly on my face...

I looked at the two toothbrushes in front of the bathroom mirror...
Which is mine and which is his...?

Fuck it, I'll choose violet over blue anyday forever.




"Dude, what took you so long?" The Malaysian rise a brown at me while I open the exit door from the building with him...
"Cavity needs to be fixed..." I mumbled as I held tight on the strap of my satchel...

"Typical" he mused as we walk to school, our feet steadily walked on the stoned pavement with the quiet comfortable silence lingering between us...

Indo is always the talkative one in our group but now his not here and it's quite sad to say at least...
"Indo is finally being responsible huh?"
I heard Malay with a soft smile...
I can't help but lopsided a grin "I guess being in the second rank... it's quite expected" I shrugged...
" hey Philip, if you finally moved in the blue rank...what's your new goal?" He questioned in interest...

My eyes drifted across the pathways in thought when Malay asked...

I honestly...
Don't know...
I mean...if I did get to the blue rank, I can get to the red rank but...
I never really thought about moving up...
I just work to be there without any goal in mind...
I guess I just want to finish high school?

I didn't make a proper plan for my life...
I just want to get by it as normally as possible now...
Yeah, I know I'm a country leader so I'm so-called 'Unique' because of that title...
But I'm not the only country leader to exist...
I'm just...normal...
And honestly, I like it that way...

"I don't know" I shrugged again mindlessly as we're almost at the United high gates...
"You don't have a goal?" Malay raised a brow surprised by my answer but I don't take blame, I too would be surprised as well...

"Still figuring out life, I guess" I smiled as we finally made it to the big brown fancy door that is open to see them clean and maintained hallway...The high school I attend to looks like a big goddamn castle mix with a mansion type...

Seeing flags from each student and even me planted at every side of the huge stone roof...
Talk about representation...

"Well, sooner or later you'll have a goal." We walked passed students from different classes and ranks...
It's honestly so new to me, seeing different ranks walking together and not divided...
It seems heavenly to me...

"What's with that goofy smile about?" Malay interrupted me from myself but I only scratch the back of my neck with a tiny wavering smile...

"I'm still overwhelmed by...this..." I silently gesture at every rank being together as equals...
Malays face went to confusion to a soft mood of enjoyment...
"Me too..."

We climbed the stairs to the second floor to find our lockers...
"How's your beauty sleep by the way?" He asked with a playful grin...
I pressed my lips seeing door room to door room as we pass by it.

I was still so goddamn confused about my weird dream...
Or can I ever consider it a dream?

My Mind wanders to the mansion...
The uneasy feeling I have with the unknown people around us...
And the enjoyment and curiosity I have with Dmitri...

Is Dmitri even real? If he is, good...
If he's not and just part of my unusual dream, I probably will never see again...
I suddenly felt gloomy in the inside...

I have to admit...his a good fellow...
Even a good companion to...

"Hello! earth to Philip?" I suddenly come to my senses realizing I past Malaysia and my locker...
I heard him snicker to my dismay...

I grumbled returning to him and to my lovely locker...
"You okay buddy? You seem out of it." I glared at him while he teased me more...

"I'm always out of it" I mumbled loudly as I open my locker to get my books for classes and put it one by one on my satchel...

"And by the way, my sleep is very peaceful, thank you very much." He turned to me with that grin still attached to his face.

"I'm just shocked that the Russian didn't kill you." I eyed him with the 'are you serious' kind of look.

"Don't tell me you believe those goddamn rumors they've been spreading around for the past week?"
He only shrugged lazily "not really, I just like trolling around with it cus it's fascinating." he pursed his lips when we heard the bell rung "well, time to go to class. see you later Phil" he waved goodbye as he walked in the opposite direction...

I stared at him till he disappeared right through my vision, I sigh in deeply as I went to my class...
I walked past lockers as My mind is filled with confusing thoughts about the dream I have...

but I try to stay away with that thought in my mind...
for now, I need to focus and get ready for class.

my eyes stared ahead on the warm hallways seeing students flooding to there classes till I got to the door, I went in to be met by students just sitting and some standing around talking to other people...

but I didn't bother and went inside passing the whiteboard and the desk with no teacher to be found, I guess Mrs, Egypt isn't here yet...
my gaze went straight to my chair but most prominently America being surrounded by girl classmates radiating some sort of admiration to the American...
Almost like me when I first met him...

I shook my head mentally trying to focus to get to my seat...
I went to my row but was blocked off by girls surrounding the sunglasses-wearing country, I felt my eyes pierce a little in annoyance but my mind circled a little if I should ask them to move a little so I can get to my sit...

I felt a little anxious to ask not wanting dirty stares to get on my direction but I seriously need to sit down so I called out not caring less...
"Excuse me please..." I whispered but they didn't hear me...

I started to get irritated but I held it in wanting to be polite "Excuse me, I need to get to my seat" I said a little louder now...
some turn to me and of course dirty stares came in my direction but I really don't care...
"What is it?" her voice vile but kind off polite I guess, I still held my tired gaze and pointed at my seat "I need to get on my seat" I spoke out...

some of them politely move and some not and just glared at me "ladies, please let him pass, never want the teacher to see you all here standing" America grinned as the girls whined but moved...
I breathe in secretly muttering a 'thank you' to the spandex country as I sit down right next to him.

"don't sweat it, dude, what are friends for" he gave a big grin as I only nodded with a smile but a tight one...
it's hard to smile in front of the man you like for a long time but at least I don't like him anymore...I guess...

I grabbed out my notebook and my pens when I saw Mrs, Egypt came to the classroom, golden folder in hand.
we were about to stand up and greet her Until her hand paused us to stop "no need for a greeting, Let's just start shall we." she smiled as she leaned down her folder to get a few papers out...

Mrs, Egypt is a good teacher I must admit, she's one of the oldest countries next to Greece to be alive in this world...
and goddamn she really loves architectures and I guess that's the reason why she became an architect teacher here...

"Is Philippines here?" I heard her call out for the attendance, I raised my hand "here!" I spoke and lowered my hand as she still continued calling...

I felt dazed off...

My mind whispered...

Who is he?...

My eye narrowed at the blackboard...

I need to do research at the library there must be an explanation about it...

"turn your book to page 163"

I snap out of my dazed.

we heard her called out and we did what she asked...

She lectured while I listen reluctantly...

But I was clouded by thoughts and speculation that it really bothered me...
Who is Dmitri? What the hell did I dream about...?

My eyes stare across the blackboard and the teacher...

Dmitri sounds like a European name...
Maybe he lives in Europe somewhere...

"Hey, dude."

The American asked me as he taps me on the shoulder.
I snap out of my thoughts again and gave him my attention...
"Y-yes?" I mentally slap myself for stuttering...

"You okay? You seem dazed." I was surprised by his concern towards me...
I feel heat swarm on my face...

No Philip stop it goddamn it! You goddamn nerd!

"O-of course" I looked away as I cough silently on my fist "why wouldn't I?" Finally, my tone is normal or even stern...

I only heard him chuckle quietly but didn't reply...
I begrudgingly murmured mentally to my self as I look down at my book...




The bell rang as I put my book back in my bag...
Nothing really happened at Mrs, Egypt's time we just read, read and read...

While I desperately want to focus but can't...
And it seems like my gaze can't stay put in one place because I get easily distracted...

I was handling a pen sketching in my notebook while I wait for our lovely art teacher Mr, Greece...

I was still bothered by...everything right now...
The underlying mystery with that dream is not going away anytime soon.

Sometimes I want life to show all it's enigma so it won't be confusing anymore...
But life is going to be one hell of a secret in my eyes even if I like it or not...

I was sketching Dmitri and all his goddamn glory...
Drawing his top hat and head and his fancy mask on...

I was never a good artist by all means.
I just like doodling stuff while I wait...
I guess it's just a hobby I like per taking.

"Woahhhh-- did you sketch that?" I was taken by surprise by the American a bit by his booming voice but I stayed calm feeling my heart rage again...

"Yes..." I murmured still looking at the paper as if I was shy to look at him which I am...

I'm not used to being praised and all but it's coming from America by all people, my...old friend since childhood...

It's been a long time since we talk...

"How did you do that?" He pointed at my sketch...
"Practice..." I felt him huff in disappointment "you artists always say that as if you guys are hiding a secret for eternal life." I can't help but chuckle...
I guess talking to him maybe isn't bad after all...
I mean...atleast for now...

I looked at him wanting to reply but I stop for a moment...
America was looking at the sketch in...


As if...he knows this man...

My eyes shone in interest...

"Hey, Ame..." His eyes snap back at me when he heard the old Nickname I gave to him...
I felt my throat dry realizing what I said...
I look back at the paper as my hold tightened on the pen slightly...

Its...been long since I spoke his nickname...
My heart clenched... felt hurtful...

But I carried on with my question not looking at him.
"Do you know who I'm sketching...?"
I felt him look away from me as he coughs.


I felt...very suspicious...
To suspicious...
But I didn't push it on him...
I'm not that kind of person who pushes people to answer forcefully...

And it almost opens a new wound from me...
I only close my eyes for a moment...


I breathed feeling disappointed but I tried to ignore my heavy heart-pounding...

I finally realize Mr. Greece is here with his energetic smile come into place as he slid his hair properly...

Here we go again...




after Mr, Greece is done with his lesson, I put back my art materials inside my satchel...
for a small bag, it can really carry so much. it's like a small bag from a fantasy Movie! if you know what I mean...

I heard America groan in horror while I raise a brow at him in curiosity but I still don't know if...i'm okay with him...
I look back at my notebook filled with sketches but my eyes trained at Singapore whose just writing on his notebook seriously...

I felt my eyes soften while I look away...
Singapore really did change, huh? 
its been a long time since I've hung out with him...
I kinda miss him if I'm going to admit it...

my palm was pressed against my cheek while my elbow leaned against the desk steadily...
while my free hand just tap the pen on the notebook waiting for the teacher to come...

I don't mind waiting for the teacher, I'm quite okay with the spare time of not doing anything but I was impatient for recess to start so I can see my two dumbass friends...

a small smile slightly showed...
just thinking about them made me at ease for some reason but hey, I'm okay with it...

"Good Morning, Class" 

we heard a soft British accent greeted us tiredly, we greeted him by standing up from our seat, putting our hand on our chest and bowed with a crowd of voices saying "Good morning Mr. Britain" 

but the other side of my non-existent ear America didn't say anything as he was holding a large smirk on his face and with a glare on The teacher's way.


he intrusted and we did what he said.

Britain looks at my direction but not really to me no, he was looking at America with a deadpanned look "heya dad" America cooed as he crossed his legs together, Britain only glare at him and looks away wanting to maintain a professional image to his student.

"As you can understand all, I'm a mental health teacher" he started explaining the things we needed to do with the project he assigned to us.

"Our health is as important just like our people, maintaining an-"


America groans cutting of Britain who only scowls at his behavior.
some classmates snickered while I was confused.

Britain cleared his throat ignoring the American altogether "As I was saying, our first task to do is research on how to maintain an image that well is fitting to you." he pointed out as he took a blue folder out "it's easy, really, all you have to do is present yourself in front of the class and be at your best as you explain your culture in front of the class and of course your history."

he explained furthermore "but you need a partner because it's not about maintaining the best you have it's about communicating and sharing your opinions with others."
he looked at the folder as he leaned against his desk.
"Because Allying is the most important thing for your defense and Economy, importing your product with them and them importing there product to you with no bad blood between the two of you," he spoke out more.

"think about friendship but this friendship has a political commitment to one another and all that jazz" he Opened his folder as he started to say the partners are.

"Poland and Saudi Arabia."

He called out one by one.

"Timor Leste and Singapore."

I perked up a little still half-lidded as I sigh silently...
I started to zoom out while looking outside the window...

It's an odd calming day from the aftermath I have...
Sometimes I wonder if things are easy in life if I'm done with school and stuff.

I pursed my lips a little as I gave myself food for thought...

I know ruling a country isn't easy and stuff.
Heck, my two older brothers even admit it themselves that ruling is not their thing...

My small smile almost disappear...
I felt...emotions bubbling up again...

I close my eyes a little with a pitiful smile...

I really do miss them...

My chest heaved a little...

But I open my eyes again as I stared across the blackboard.

I tried to push aside the warm yet harsh feeling I have that weight my chest...

"America and Philippines."

I froze a little stopping what I was thinking altogether.


"ayyy!!! looks like dad finally made a good decision for a long time now!" America laughed a little being given a glare by his dad at the same time, he only shrugged it off and look to me.

his stare content towards me with a wide smile that made my heart hurt in such a...weird way
"guess were partners huh?" he said softly...

I felt my stomach burned a little as I nodded hesitantly "y-yeah" I stuttered as I look away from him " we can start tommorow...if that's fine to you?" he suggested still staring at me...
I finally calmed down...besides, I don't want to look like I resented him being my partner...

"yes...that's fine..." I slightly give a lopsided grin towards him, he brightened up a little 
I guess he noticed how uncomfortable I am earlier...
"We can do it my place then!" he said aloud with energy "if...that's okay with you too...?" he wavered a little embarrassed by how he was acting...


I almost choked on a mental capacity "yes! yes! that's fine a-okay!" I really want to slap myself...

"Thanks for agreeing with me" he replied more softly as he looks at me in an an...endearing way...

my face flustrated...


I hope my old feelings for him won't appear again...

it's not worth pursuing that feeling like I use to...

my eyes slightly closed as I look down at the desk with a tired smile...

so much for a decent day...

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