The Lost Carrier (USS Gerald...

By NoxturnalNinja

180K 1.6K 2.8K

Gerald Was Cruising (Vibin) In The Pacific Waters Then Suddently He Collapsed And Suddently Wakes Up In An Un... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Some Notes
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Thanks For 1k Reads
Some Changes
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Heavy Carrier Strike Group Nexus
Short Chapters: Tsundere Room
Some Changes 2
Chapter 9
BIO: 4 Shipboys introduced in chapter 9
Thanks For 10k Reads
Short Chapters: World of Warships
Sad Announcement
Where the hell is author!?!?!
Some things i guess
Uh guys
Chapter 11
Prior to chapter 11
Lazy today
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
A Very Special Chapter: Author's Birthday
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Some Notes 2
Major Character Rehaul
Chapter 16
Short Chapters: Quarantine
Some Announcement (Not a joke)
I just noticed...
Short Chapters: Red Ring of Death
Some Announcements and updates
an update and a sad note

Chapter 10

3.6K 31 122
By NoxturnalNinja

10:00 Am 4 Shipboys Pov

(We could see our MC's friends just cruising through the west until they detected some ships from the north and the east)

John: Hold on im detecting ships from the north and the east

Defender: Me too... i can detect them

Duncan: Shall we engage?

Jose: Not yet we still dont know the intentions of the ships

Defender: Then lets go straight ahead

(The 4 shipboys continued to head straight)

Azur lane fleet Pov

(We could see the 5 ships from the Cleveland class cruisers, destroyer Laffey and Javelin along with the 2 King George V class battleship then 2 aircraft carrier Formidable and Hornet)

(Cleveland detects ships from the front of them and the west from their view)

Cleveland: Wait i detect ships from the front of us and at the west

Wales: We dont know who the ships are in the radar

Montplier: One of these fleets could be a siren ambush so that they could intercept our fleet from coming to the 4 ships

Hornet: You do realise that 4 dots in-front are the ships we are looking for and the 25 ships at the west could possibly be a large sakura fleet or a siren fleet

Wales: Oh yeah your right

(Awkward silence...)

George V: You have an advanced radar yet you did not know who the ships we are looking for

Wales: Sorry sister my bad hehe...

Birmingham: Looks to me they are approaching us

Columbia: *Looks through her binoculars* I See Them

Hornet: Where?

(Then Suddenly a laser shot past them no one got hurt)

Laffey: Where did that laser come from??

Javelin: It was in the west

(The 4 shipboys appeared in-front of them along with 25 siren ships in the west)

4 Shipboys Pov

Defender: I detected that 11 ships is at front of us they have 5 cruisers, 2 destroyers, 2 battleships and 2 aircraft carrier

(AN: these guys along with the modern ships in their timeline actually uses world of warship radars meaning they can know what type of ships they are using and it has colours of green meaning allies and red meaning enemies)

John: Wait they are green but the fleet in the east are red

Duncan: so they're allied with us for apparent reason

Jose: How about we accept it?

Defender: I dont trust them

Duncan: Me either

Jose: Relax if they are enemies we can shred them

John: Wait i see them

3rd Pov

(Azur lane fleet and the shipboys met)

(Then they saw the laser that got shot behind the azur lane fleet)

John: Looks like that came from the east...

(Cleveland from the azur lane fleet then talked to them)

Cleveland: So you must be the 4 shipboys that the HQ mentioned

John: Well if it mentioned "4 shipboys" then yeah we are the 4 shipboys so you came to escort us to your base or something?

Cleveland: Well before that we have some sirens to destroy

Duncan: OH HELL YEAH!!!! Its time to kick some siren guts

Defender: You're right little brother we got some sirens to kill

Jose: They Kill i Kill - "BRP Jose Rizal 2020"

(AN: Since Jose Rizal is fond of making inspirational quotes i decided to meme on it for no reason)

(Duncan And Defender summoned a diamond sword and a portal gun)

(Jose gets a book and a quill to use as a weapon little did they know its some sort of elemental spellbook where if you write words relating to elements it would make it come true. example if you wrote "Whirlwind" it will actually summon a whirlwind heck he can even make black holes with them too)

(John's weapon is an AK-47 iron beast)

Duncan's weapon (Diamond Sword)

Defender's Weapon (Portal Gun)

Jose Rizal's Weapon (Elemental Spellbook)

John's Weapon (Ak47 Iron Beast)

(All the girls were dumbfounded some even amazed at their weapons)

Denver: So cool

Cleveland: So futuristic

Wales: Except for the person who is using that blueish weapon that is made of squares

Duncan: Shut it! Minecraft Best

George V: What is Minecraft?

Duncan: Its Nothing dont ever ask it ever...

George V: Ok?

Jose: So are we all ready?

Everyone: Yeah!

Jose: Then lets fight sirens head-on

(Everyone approached and attacked the siren fleet)

Back at the azur lane training/testing grounds... (11:00)

(Gerald was already done at his test here is his results

Strength: S
Accuracy: A
Speed: A
Defence: A
Planes: S++)

Gerald: Meh... could do better than that

Enterprise: Your performance is perfect and great

Belfast: You could be our keyrole in defeating the sirens

Gerald: Hey for a modern carrier its easy for us to destroy sirens

Enterprise: Alright you can go rest now

(Gerald leaves the training/testing grounds he was now walking at the harbor until he got a call)

Gerald: Huh a call?!? But no one uses phones here who's calling

(Gerald grabs his phone and saw whos calling... they were named "John (Little Brother)"

Gerald: JOHN? Is he here in this world?!?! Wait i gotta accept his call

(Gerald Presses the green button and puts his phone on his ear and said)

Gerald: Hello?

John: Yo Gerald its me John

Gerald: JOHN? Why are you here?

John: We came to visit you

Gerald: Visit me?

John: Yeah and the shipgirls along with Defender,Duncan, And Jose

Duncan: Hey Gerald

Gerald: Duncan is that you?

John: Yeah that was Duncan he is excited to visit you, we are going to your base but we dont know when we will arrive

Gerald: Alright, Call me guys alright

John: Alright

(John and Gerald hanged the call)

Gerald: Little Meme Brother i will wait for your arrival.. and restart the council of traffic cones along with Defender and Duncan

Chapter 10 End


Author: What?


Author: Oh About tha-

(Gerald Did a German Suplex to author)

Author: ACK! ACK! my head

Gerald: If you dont give me screentime by next chapter i will not come back and do actings for your fanfiction

Author: ACK! I will i will dont do that again please!

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