ShadAmy Request+ One-Shots

By PeachesAndReam

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I wrote some requests for Tumblr so I thought why not published them here too? I am always open for requests... More

Unexpected Mistletoe
Spring (Request)
Names (Request)
Memories (Request)
Gardening ( Request )
Who You Are (Request)
New Beginning (One-Shot)
Switched: A Story about '143' (One-Shot for now)
Not A Love Spell (Pt.1) One-Shot
Not A Love Spell (Pt.2) FINAL
it had always been you
Red and White, may be Blue
Silent Princess
Dark Prince
Team: Dark Prince Pt.2
Not You
Star-Crossed (Request)
Two Souls, One Origin
The Book of Life X ShadAmy
Death of a Bachelor
I am but a shadow and you are light
I am but a shadow and you are light pt.2
I am but a shadow and you are light Pt.3
I am but a shadow and you are light Pt.4
Do you hear the dogs barking?
I am but a shadow, and you are light (END)
New Year's Dress
The Cake
The Bike
The Team Dark Rose
The Deal
10 Things About You
Wedding Dress
The Great Hedgehog
Before disaster attacks
A Perfect Night
Amy's Survival Guide
The Fanfictioner
Unexpectedly Good
By Accident
When Disaster Strikes
Love Potion
By Accident Ch.2

Lock Screen

918 42 14
By PeachesAndReam


Synopsis: Shadow doesn't know he has a crush on Amy although it is very obvious to everyone else. One day they go to an adventure together and that might change their fate. 


Everyone seemed to know knew what was going on between them.

Amy didn't show it as often, but Shadow?

He couldn't be more obvious.

After the war with Eggman ended, the Resistance had come to an end and the Restoration took place. Many things happened, some people left while others stayed. Mobians felt inspired seeing Sonic and the famous Team Dark go in heroic adventures and

they started to create groups to help protect the world from Eggman.

Team Dark came to the Restoration HQ once in a while just to get intel information or if they didn't have anything else to do, they would request a mission.

However Rouge was very perceptive and she was aware of the soft look the black hedgehog would give to the pink one.

Even he wouldn't realize it, but Rouge knew that Shadow wanted to go to the Resistance more and more often just so he could see her.

"Why don't you go by yourself this time?" Rouge asked the black hedgehog. Team Dark was currently at their shared apartment, planning what to do next. "I was planning on taking a small vacation on Angel Island."

"As if Knuckles would let you,"

"That's why he isn't going to know I am going."

Omega entered the living room and as soon as he did, Shadow directed his attention at him.

"Omega, let's go to the Restoration HQ and request a mission," Shadow said. He was standing next to the sofa, arms crossed and an angry look on his face.

"Request: Denied,", Omega said.


"I'll be doing maintenance to my system with Miles,"

Shadow sighed as he rubbed his forehead in frustration. Seeing his current annoyance, Rouge proceeded with her plan.

"We have been taking missions for two weeks straight! We come back from one and you want to another one right after!" said Rouge. "Don't you also think you need a break?"

"I don't need a break, I am the Ultimate Life Form-"

"Or is it because you want to see a certain pink hedgehog?"

Shadow perfectly knew what she was talking about. However, he didn't want to give her the satisfaction.

"I don't know what you are talking about, I am just doing my job-"

"This ain't job honey, we ain't getting paid," said Rouge. "Just admit that you like Amy."

"I didn't even know that was her name," Shadow responded.

"My detector says: Shadow is lying,"

Omega stepped in as he took a sit in front of Rouge. He, just like Rouge was very perceptive. However, everything he knew was due to the reserved facts he had in his memory system. Temperature, voice range, face and body reactions, if any of these things changed it meant something.

And of course, Omega knew that Shadow had something going on between the subject, Amy Rose.

Whenever they would go to the Restoration HQ to ask for a mission, Shadow would be doing the talking which is unusual since Rouge always does the talking.

However, Shadow will stand in front of them as if to prove that he is the leader of the famous Team Dark. Whenever he was standing in front of Amy, he straightened his back to look taller although he was only five inches taller than the pink hedgehog. He pushed his chest forward trying to show off his nonexistent muscles. Whenever he would talk to her, he will deepen his voice trying to sound more attractive to her.

There was no question about it ... Shadow was trying to copulate with the pink hedgehog.

But of course, he didn't know that.

Shadow would never admit that he felt betrayed by his robot friend, he knew Omega was just as blunt as Rouge. "I am not lying."

"My detector says otherwise, body temperature, face gestures, among other things says that you are lying. If you would like I can print you out a report," said Omega.

"Don't even bother Omega," said Rouge as she crossed her legs. "Shadow wouldn't know what romance is even if it punched him the face."

Shadow didn't know if he should feel offended or not. After all, Rouge was right, he didn't what romance was nor even cared about it. It's not like he felt any of those primal emotions towards anyone.

"Correct. According to my previous reports, Shadow has feelings but he doesn't seem to realize he has them," Omega said.

"Are you with me or against me?" Shadow asked annoyed.

" ... I am with Rouge on this one."

Shadow raised his hand, signaling he had given up on the conversation. Still, a little tingling feeling on his heart bothered him. Was it the betrayal of his robot friend? Or the fact that they indeed were right? Maybe both?

"Glad to know I have a team that supports me."

And with that, the sarcastic black hedgehog left.


Alright, Shadow wasn't expecting this. The moment he entered the Restoration building he thought it would be as lively and ... annoying like always but it wasn't that way. It was empty and he began to wonder if his trip over here was even worth it at all.

He reached the Main Room of the Restoration and as the automatic doors open, he could see pink fur moving around the room.

Shadow entered and it seemed like Amy hasn't noticed his presence yet. She moved from side to side across the room and typing on her computer. Shadow watched her from the door, waiting to be noticed. He didn't know but he was enjoying the sight, her intrigued face, the way she moved her body and her mannerism was kinda like a spell.

"Ahh!" Amy screamed a little and her body jumped as she finally noticed the presence of the black one in the room. "Shadow? What are you doing here?"

It took Shadow a few milliseconds to get out of that spell to finally be able to formulate words. "Where is everyone?"

"The agents have been working really hard and I gave them a small vacation so they can go to their towns and visit their family," said Amy as she calmed herself. "But you haven't answered my question-"

"And you?" Shadow asked as he got closer to her.


"Why are you still here?"

The question surprised Amy. This must have been the first time Shadow has asked something about her. "I can't leave the Restoration alone, maybe someone requests for help. That's why I stayed."

Amy waited for Shadow to continue asking questions but instead, he only looked at her as if he was waiting for her to give explanations.

"So, what about you?" Amy asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you had any mission request I could take," he responded.

"Well, we are empty for the week," Amy said. "I do have a mission but I don't know ... It seems dangerous and from what I see Team Dark is not with you. I don't want you to go alone."

"I am more than capable on my own," Shadow said. "Just give me the details."

Amy sighed in defeat, she went to her computer and Shadoe followed from behind. She began to type on the keyboard and Shadow was surprised at how skilled she was. He was good with technology as well, especially when it came down to the smartphone he was always carrying and of course only when it came to 50s technology which most of the time it was not very useful.

"In a city, a mystery gem was found-"

"A Chaos Emerald,' Shadow interrupted as Amy began to read the file.

"Not quite, let me finish," Amy said a bit annoyed. "A mystery gem was found although at the beginning it seemed harmless, interactions with the city folks have caused distortion in reality."

" ... The Phantom Ruby?" Shadow asked.

"Most likely," Amy responded as she closed the tab where the information was and looked over to Shadow who was unusually closer to her. She didn't blame him, after all, he was focused looking at the computer.

"The file contains coordinates of the exact location of the gem but I don't know, it seems a bit sketchy," Amy said as she opened another tab on the computer. "We don't know who provided this information, they didn't provide a name nor way to contact them."

"I'll still take the mission, just tell me the location and I'll be on my way-"

"I don't think so sir," Amy smiled teasingly. This was a clear payback for the last time he cut her off. "I won't let you go alone, I think it's either I go with you or I won't give you the location."

"I thought you said you couldn't leave the Restoration," said Shadow, he raised an eyebrow more intrigued than annoyed.

"This is a really important mission, so I am willing to be flexible with this place. Besides if anyone needs help I'll get notified with my wrist communicator." Amy showed Shadow what seemed to be a watch but instead, it had a small screen with small buttons and apps. Like a mini-computer sort to say.

Shadow didn't know what was stopping him. Maybe it was the small voice in head telling him that he didn't want to Amy in any type of danger. He still can keep ger at bay if he picked his words carefully.

"Whether you want it or not, you will slow me down," Shadow said. He moved away from Amy's computer and gave her some space. The last thing he wanted was to offend her and see that hammer of hers.

Amy smiled at him, such a smile that only showed when she knew she had the upper hand. "I wouldn't say so, my dear friend."

"I am not your friend," Shadow said.

Amy's smiled banished and instead she felt the heat rise to her cheeks.

"Of course ... we are not," Amy whispered. "Let me show you something."

Shadow could swear something punched him right in the heart. Was it guilt? No that couldn't be, he only stated facts after all. Amy and he only talked a few times. Mostly it was because of the missions and ... Well, that was basically it.

They walked through the Restoration halls as silence dominated them which was strange for Shadow. Whenever he was with Amy, there was always positivity and this calm atmosphere around. But it was different now, and even if it had been just a few minutes, he didn't like it.

"What I said earlier ..." Shadow said. "I didn't mean -"

"It's alright," Amy said as she walked in front of him, still not facing him. "It doesn't matter."

Shadow always thought that he might be getting sick or he had some type of heart disease. He knew that was impossible because of his immune system wouldn't let him. There was only one possible reason that his heart stopped for a second.

Amy's indifference.

She didn't care ... if they were friends or not?

They reached what seemed to be Tail's workshop. It was impressive all the technology and machines the little two-tail fox can create. His attention was drawn to the pink hedgehog again, who seemed, for a second, too excited to show him the thing she was pointing out.

Shadow knew exactly what it was. A motorcycle was covered with a huge blanket but still, the silhouette of it remind intact. He thought that whatever Amy wanted to show him, he will act surprised ... or act as if he was.

"Ta-da!" Amy said as she pulled out the blanket reveling a black motorcycle.

Alright, there was no need for Shadow to pretend that he was surprised because he actually was. It's been a long time since he had seen such a magnificent motorcycle. A shining black, the tires where clean and the metal that made out the entire engine was a beautiful silver.

It was as the bike was begging to be used for the first time.

"Well," Amy said. "Let's get going!"


There were many things that Shadow didn't know about Amy and what one them was that she knew how to ride a motorcycle.

His mind wandered off, maybe one day they could ride a motorcycle together.

"Like as in separate bikes of course! I wouldn't want her near my bike nor putting her arms around me!"

Shadow puts the thought away as he watched Amy riding the motorcycle. He ran next to her, and without noticing it he kept his eyes on her. The wind moved through her quills as she enjoyed the rush of adrenaline it came when riding. A soft smile plastered in her face and Shadow could swear she had little stars in her eyes. Her skin glowed under the moonlight and time had stopped for him the more he stared at her.

It didn't take long for Amy to feel eyes on her. She turned to her head to look at the black one who was looking at her with angry eyes.

"Why is he staring at me? Is he angry? annoyed?"

Amy tried to decipher him to fail. May be she should say something and ask him the reason of the disgusted look on his face.


There was no need as the next second Shadow was sent flying off the ground.

Amy pushed the break of the bike and immediately dropped it. She ran where Shadow had landed, his face still on the grass.

Shadow had always been careful. Always. He didn't know what was about Amy that distracted him. The only thing he knew was that he had stepped into a hole in the grass and at the speed he was going, it made him fly in the air.

When Shadow was finally able to pull his face out of the ground, his ruby' eyes met emerald ones. Her green eyes showed concern as she examined his body. She let out a gasp as her eyes landed on his right foot.

His body was in the right position, but his foot wasn't.

"I am alright, give me 5 minutes and my foot will recover," Shadow said as he straightened himself.

Amy looked at him in the eyes once again, "I think we should rest for the night."


"Are you sure you know where are we going?"

"Yes, we should get there in the morning,"

Shadow thought that would be the end of their conversation. He really wished it was. He knew a lot of things but the thing he didn't seem to comprehend was the certain annoyance he felt towards the pin hedgehog at the moment.

Maybe because she was the reason he got distracted. The reason for his evident confusion and the reason for his strange behavior.

He didn't like it. He just didn't like anything he didn't understand.

And he just didn't like Amy Rose for that solemn reason. He still didn't understand how in Mobius Rouge and Omega thought that he has some type of 'unware feelings' for the pink one.

And even so, Shadow watcher her every move. Under the tree, they were taking cover, Amy softly wrapped Shadow's right ankle and foot into a white cloth.

Before their small adventure started, Amy had brought with her pink backpack which had some food and first aid kit. Things that mortals like her would need. Something that Shadow would have never thought he would use.

But he did.

Not like he needed to, but Amy was too stubborn to let this pass. His ankle was alright, he was good to go and keep going but the pink hedgehog had something else in mind.

Another thing he didn't like. Why was she capable of making him do things he normally doesn't want to?

It was silent between them and only the wind and the night creatures could be heard. Shadow watched how Amy was ever so careful not to inflict any pain on him as if he ever felt anything in the first place. She finished wrapping his foot and once again Amy felt eyes on her.

She looked at him and their eyes met for a fraction of a second. Shadow instantly moved his head away as to pretend he wasn't looking at her. Amy backed out and she sat down next Shadow, sharing the tree under them.

Maybe it was time to go to sleep and-

"Hey, Amy, this is Sonic how are you doing?"

The silence was cut off by Amy's wrist communicator. The blue one's voice came like salvation to her. It was one of those days where he would call her, just to make sure she was doing ok. Their conversation didn't last for too long but even with that, Amy couldn't help but thank Chaos for the perfect timing.

"Hey Sonic, I am doing fine, how about you?"

Shadow didn't know it was. Sonic's annoying voice or Amy's sudden change of heart that made him the tips of quills frazzle with disgust.

"Great to hear that, I'll be passing by the Restoration HQ in a couple of days. I don't want you to be alone, so maybe we could spend some time together?"

Shadow kept looking at the pink one and of course, that look on her face showed again. Her green eyes shone and like a high school girl, she blushed and stutter a bit.

"Su-u-re! I'll be here waiting for you!" said Amy as she had her wrist communicator close to her mouth.

"Great, I'll see you in five days! Take care!"


Amy giggle to herself and she touched her face with her hands to hide her embarrassment. Shadow let out a loud growl as he rolled his eyes in disgust.

"What are you angry about? Amy asked as he looked at his reaction. "Jealous that Team Dark doesn't call you?"

"Team Dark does not have time to get involved in such ... frivolous actions."

This time Amy rolled her eyes.

"Come on, you three live together. Rouge doesn't mind affection nor Omega," said Amy. "I am sure they would like to call you once in a while if only you weren't so ... serious."

"Are you saying that you know my team better than I do?" Shadow asked, without noticing his body got closer to her. They were seated on the grass and to their surprise, they were comfortable with the proximity.

"No, what I am saying is that Team Dark is softer than they realized," Amy gave him a teasing smirk. "And out of the three, you are the softest."

"I tried to destroy a planet, have you forgotten that?" Shadow asked.

"But you didn't," Amy said. "I knew from the moment I met you that you were good at heart."

"You met me?" Shadow asked. "We met ... at the ARK?"

"You don't remember?"

"I remember you hugging me at Prison Island because you confused me with the faker," Shadow said. "But I don't remember seeing you at the ARK."

Amy had never talked to Shadow about what happened in the ARK. She thought that no further explanation was needed. That there was no need to recall the past. The silence filled the air and at that moment Amy knew that Shadow indeed didn't remember at the ARK or the moment they shared.

"Well not really meet, more as I saw you from afar!" Amy said in a hurry. She didn't know why she wanted to hide it but it was probably for the best now.

"Are you sure-"

"Did you know that we were fated to meet?"

Her words came out naturally, trying to stop the black one from asking any more questions. Although the wording didn't come out as she wanted, she was telling no lie.

"Days before we met in Prison Island, I read my tarot cards and they told me that I was to meet a hedgehog that was going to change my fate," Amy said. "In the beginning, I thought it was Sonic so that's why I went there. But it turns out ... It was you who I met."

Shadow stayed quiet as to let her know to continue her story and she did. "Of course I met Sonic later but I don't know ... I still think it was you who I was fated to meet that day."

Amy looked back to Shadow and she blushed again as she realized the black one's stare on her.

"But you know, tarots can be wrong!" Amy said. "They said I was destined to be with Sonic but as you can see, I haven't gotten any luck."

There were days in which Shadow wished he didn't know about the love Amy had for Sonic.

Of course, he knew, everyone knew.

Seeing her like this really pulled his strings in all the sense of the word. Amy was aware of the fact that Sonic was never to reciprocate her love and she accepted that. Even with all the love she had, and the current sad look on her face ... she still went after the blue one.

"I don't understand ..." Shadow asked. "It seems like you are in pain, whenever you think of him ... so why love him?"

Shadow knew more than better than to care. He didn't know what was going on his head to even dare to ask her such things. He honestly could care less about her life or just her in general.

But here he was, willing to listen.

"Honestly, I don't even know," Amy said. "Sonic and I even have different goals in life."

"What do you mean?"

Amy sighed, she looked up to the starry night. She couldn't believe she was about to have a heart to heart conversation with Shadow nonetheless. But it wouldn't hurt to try ... right?

"To put it simply," Amy started. "I want to have a family in the long run. I want a partner that will slow down for me once in a while. I don't want my kids to have an absent father and Sonic values his freedom."

Amy looked back to Shadow to see if he was still listening and he was.

"I know it's a bit crazy to think that we ever going to get married but at least for me, I wouldn't date anyone unless I see a future with them," said Amy. "I love Sonic the way he is, I love the way he is as free as the wind and I even love the way he doesn't love me."

Amy made a pause and she was surprised to see that Shadow was still paying attention to her.

"I wouldn't change anything about him, and even when we have different goals in life ... I don't know why I still love him," Amy said. "I guess the heart wants what it wants."

"So, you don't want to change Sonic," Shadow said. "You want Sonic to change only if he wants to."

"Exactly, if Sonic wants to slow down for me that would be great ... If not, I won't make him."

It went silent again. They didn't realize, but at some point, they were laying on the grass. Their backs and bodies relaxed as they enjoyed the smell of flowers around them. Watching the stars together, Amy proceed to ask more questions.

"What about Shadow? Do you have any goals in life?"

The question caught him off guard. Of course, he thought about it before. He had come to two conclusions one that sounded more logical than the other.

"I am immortal," Shadow said. "I don't need goals."

"But you can still have them," Amy smiled at him.

Shadow stood quiet, Amy had shared something intimate about her. Maybe he could try. to so as well.

"Just keep saving the world, I guess," Shadow said.

"Really? Nothing more?" Amy asked. "I know you are more ambitious than that."

"No, that's it."

"So, let me get this straight," Amy turned her body to the side to get a better look at Shadow. Her right hand touched her cheek to provide support. Her body laid to the side and her legs touched each other.

"You are going to create a better world for the people so they can be happy but ... What about you? You have many, many years ahead of you and you don't have any goals you want to accomplish? I don't know, maybe a family?"

"That's not a problem, the problem is attachment," Shadow said. "Why be attached to someone when one day ... they will die? I have experienced that before and I don't want to experience that again-"

It was Shadow's turn to look at Amy. However, he regretted it the moment their eyes met. She had that sad look again. Shadow didn't know what angered him the most. That she pitted him or the fact that she actually seemed concerned about him. A sincere look of hurt on his face for his behalf.

"But of course, I don't have time to think about such things. I don't need them nor want them," said Shadow as he tried to light up the mood again. "Besides, who on their right mind would want ... this?"

"This?" Amy asked.

"Me," Shadow said. "Who would want me?"

Amy really tried her best to not let any emotion show in her face. She knew that the last thing Shadow wanted to be was to be pitted. However, Amy couldn't help herself. Shadow referred to himself as 'it' and the thought alone hurt her. He didn't think of himself as a living creature but as of a subject that didn't deserve love.

"I would," Amy said bluntly.

Shadow's eyes widen in surprise and to not let anything interpretation Amy continued.

"I mean, I think if I had never fallen in love with Sonic then ..." Amy made a pause. " I think I would have fallen in love with you."

"We never talk," Shadow said. "What makes you think that you will fall in love with me?"

"I don't talk to Sonic much either but I still love him," Amy smiled. "I've seen the things you have done. You saved the world, you care for people and you appreciate your team even if you won't admit it."

Amy paid attention to Shadow's mannerisms. She had noticed before that Shadow acted differently towards her, in quiet a sense she couldn't decipher. He would walk slowly in front of her and he would look down on her as if he was trying to dominate her. Now, it was different, he was more relaxed than before.

His eyes looked relaxed and a new look was plastered on his face. He looked ... content.

"Your actions are enough to make a girl fall in love ... I don't doubt it," said Amy. "If I hadn't met Sonic, then maybe you will be the one I will be chasing after ... can you imagine that? Hahaha!"

It only took that last sentence to let Shadow's thoughts run wild. He imagined it too well, to an extent that it even scared him. But it was there, a clear and sunny day. He imaged himself walking through the streets of Seaside City. Suddenly he hears his name being screamed cheerfully by no other than the pink hedgehog. He rolled his eyes and pretended to be annoyed but a side of him wanted her. He let his guard down as he felt her hands wrap around his arm.

"Should we go on a date, Shadow?"


Her voice brought him back to reality and he shook off the thought as soon as it entered his mind. Of course, that could never happen. At least not on this lifetime. Not now, not ever.

Not like he cared anyways.

He didn't care about Amy, nor her words.

Nor how good it made him feel whenever she said them.

Again, that unknown feeling. Again ... he was angry.

"I will never imagine that," Shadow said. "Let me make this clear, Rose-"

"Amy, call me Amy."

"I'll call you whatever I want, now listen," Shadow said. "I don't want anything in life, especially if my life has anything to do with you."

Amy didn't know what she said for Shadow to change so suddenly. She thought that they were finally having progress in their 'non-existent' friendship. She was waiting for him to say it. To deliver the final blow.

"Right, I forgot," Amy said, "We are not even friends."

Thre was something that Shadow couldn't catch on. Was it guilt again? No, that couldn't be. He couldn't be bothered with such feelings, especially if that feeling of guilt had to deal with Amy.

But there was a part of him, in which Shadow just couldn't see Amy hurt. In every sense of the word. He hated how Sonic easily made her sad but he also hated the fact that he was doing it as well.

So why couldn't he stop? Why were his mind and body pushing her away even though there was a small part of him wanting to get closer to her?

"But it's ok!"

Amy's voice broke his trance and her cheerful self began to show.

"I don't care if you don't see me as a friend," Amy said. "I still think you are my friend and I will love you regardless of anything!"

Shadow always had something to say but this must be the first time he was utterly speechless.

Amy's face shone, maybe even glowed in the moonlight. Her eyes would put to shame any gems he has ever seen and her genuine smile made his heart stop. She was utterly beautiful and it took Shadow long enough to realize that. A part of him was attracted to her because of her physic. Maybe he could get closer to her as long as he doesn't develop any feelings. Which he was sure he wouldn't. He never would, no he wouldn't. Not now, not ever.

Shadow sighed as he looked at the stars once again. "I don't need your friendship nor love."

Amy smiled at him and once again his heart stopped and that happy unpleasant feeling raised within him.

"Well, it will always be here in case you ever need them."


It was a long day at work. After coming back from a mission to dave the world, Shadow was content to finally reach home. A place he wasn't familiar with but surely it felt right. There were a lot of pinks which really threw him off but he didn't for some strange reason. It was if someone else had lived here before and he just barged in like a guest. He didn't feel like one, this was his home and he was sure of it.

When he opened the door, he was glad to meet that distinctive smell of food, which although he didn't need to eat, he appreciates it. He heard mumbling, a sweet song that it was all too odd and familiar at the same time. His eyes adverted to what seemed to be the kitchen and although he could only see her back, he knew at that moment who it was.

"Welcome back, honey," Amy excitedly went to greet him as she placed her arms and hands around him. "Did you miss me?"

She kissed him a passion and with such feeling Shadow had never felt before. It was all too strange but he just couldn't shake off the feeling of how right it felt. He instinctively held her waist and follow what felt natural to him. Their kiss deepens and the moment Shadow let out a small moan, Amy knew it was the moment to stop.

"Wait, we can't do this here," said Amy. She looked upwards were the stairs were and then turned her attention back to Shadow. "Last time we woke up the children, remember?"

He didn't know how to feel, what was this feeling rising in his heart? Was it confusion? Probably? Was there a small tint of happiness? ... Maybe so.

Many feelings were going through him but there were a few he could recognize. Disappointment, envy, and anger. Anger was especially predominant because he knew this was all a lie. A taste of paradise he could never have, something so beautiful that he wasn't worth it of.

"Shadow .... are you ok?"

Strangely enough, it was she who felt comfortable with. He had to admit that there was always a part of him in which always wanted to see her more. He was curious about her, and a part of him was attracted to her beauty but anything more than that? No, he didn't love. He honestly couldn't care less about her. It was his primal instinct that wanted to be with her and it was becoming too strong.

It was only an attraction.

That's it.


Rouge and Omega had everything packed up and they were ready to leave their apartments for a well-deserved vacation. It was early morning and Rouge gave one last look at their apartment, just to make sure everything was turned off. She walked around the kitchen, where she found Shadow's favorite bag of coffee. It was opened and she closed it with a pin to make sure no insects would get inside. Her mind went to the black one and how their last conversation went.

"Glad to know I have a team that supports me."

Rouge sighed as she turned to face the red robot. He was in the living room and with a concerned face, Rouge approached him.

"Hey, Omega ... Do you think we were a bit harsh with Shadow yesterday?" Rouge asked. By now, she knew Shadow a bit too well. His comments don't usually bother her but she still needed the comfort of some sort.

"Proceed to explain," Omega was a robot of a few words, but he still could process many things. Although he was still trying to understand Mobians and affection, he was very willing to learn.

"Yesterday, when we were saying that Shadow has a thing for Amy," Rouge made a pause. "He was very angry and annoyed. I've teased him before like this but I had never gotten such reactions."

Omega was smart. His memory storage was almost infinite and the information varies. He had storage books, articles and movies even. The movies section could vary too, action, drama, romance. He remembered this particular movie he watched with Rouge and from that, a lot of deduction was made.

"According to my investigation," Omega began, "Shadow acted angrily because he can't seem to recognize his feelings. Amy Rose confuses him and everything Shadow can't understand makes him angry."

"So, what you are telling me," Rouge rubbed her forehead, trying to assimilate the facts. "Is that Shadow the Hedgehog got angry because he has a crush on Amy Rose? And he doesn't know he has a crush on her?"


A few seconds of silence passed and then Rouge burst into laughter. She placed a hand on her chest as she tried to calm herself, her lungs already hurting from laughing so hard. She wiped her tears as she sat down on the sofa, facing Omega.

"How didn't I noticed before? I mean I was just teasing him before, but now that you mention it ..."

Rouge drafted into a memory. Almost too sweet for her to ever think that it was Shadow's doing.

There was one time in which Team Dark had stayed at the Resistance after a mission. While talking in the Main Room, Amy had expressed her sadness at how the war had destroyed the many flowers around the Resistance's building. In the room, it was only her, Omega and Shadow.

In the following days, Rouge received a call from Amy. Rouge was cooking and had Amy on speaker. They talked about many things but what caught her attention was when Amy told her about the flowers that had suddenly bloomed around the Resistance and that it was more beautiful than ever.

Rouge turned for a fraction of a moment and from the kitchen she saw Shadow in the living room, watching TV and from afar she could swear ... that Shadow had a small smile on his face.

"It's so obvious! How didn't I see it before?" Rouge talked to herself as the realization hit her. "I mean I know Shadow has been interested in girls before and even gotten intimate with a few of them but ... actually, liking someone? I had never seen this before."

Omega saw Rouge with amusement and simply said, "Should we call Shadow and tell him about our discoveries?"

"Yes, we should call him later on but right now I need to go bother a certain echidna and you need to go to Tails to get maintenance," Rouge stood up from the sofa and walked towards the door where her suitcase waited for her.

"I'll call you later Omega, please take care!"

She exited the apartment with shades on, a devilish smile plastered on her face. "I am so going to tease him!"


One moment Shadow was sleeping and the other he was riding a bike, well Amy was driving. Now there he was, his head laid on Amy's back and his hands were wrapped tightly around her waist. The sunlight woke him up and he wondered if it wasn't because of the sunlight, how long would have he kept sleeping?

"Well, you are a heavy sleeper," Amy said. "I tried to wake you up but didn't even flinch. I had to carry you."

"You carried me?"

Shadow made another mistake and that was looking at her. She was beautiful from afar but up closed?

She was astonishingly beautiful.

He could see her dark under circles, her messy hair and the small imperfections on her skin. Her moles on the back and even the small freckles in her face. He could smell her as well, flowers ... vanilla ... fruits ... it was sweet but soft and Shadow couldn't get enough of it.

"Of course I did!" Amy said she wasn't looking at Shadow but on the road. "I am a strong girl after all!"

She was strong indeed, and when it came down to force, Amy probably was as strong as him. Shadow noticed that his hands were still wrapped around her small waist. His hands ever so sightly touched her tights. Shadow passed down saliva as he tried to keep his mind away from such ... unnecessary thoughts.

"When were we getting there?" Shadow asked the thoughts went away.

Amy smiled and said, "We are here."

Startown was known for how quickly it grew after the war. With an initial population of 3,000 settlers and now 7,000. It was on its way to becoming a small city. Small houses, buildings, and shops were across the whole town. It was very lively, families walking down the streets, couples holding the hands and children paying around.

"Who shall we talk to now?" Shadow asked, knowing that at this point, Amy knew better about the situation than him.

"The town's Mayor." Amy said, "If there's anyone who may know of 'distortion of reality' in the town, it must be him."

They arrived at the town- hall where they were taking in immediately. The government officials were quick to recognize them and accepted their presence. They were now on the board office, waiting for the mayor to appear.

"So, once we get the Phantom Ruby-" Shadow said but Amy cut him off.

"If, it turns out to be the Phantom Ruby," Amy said.

Shadow let out a small growl, a bit annoyed. "If it is the Phantom Ruby, what are we going to do with it? Destroyed it?"

"Of course not! We should give it to Tails so we can study it. Maybe we can use for good," Amy whispered to Shadow as she noticed that the government officials were entering the room meeting.

"The Phantom Ruby should be destroyed it's dangerous."

"We can use it for good, it can't be that bad-"

Amy shut her mouth the moment the Major entered. It's not like she was intimidated by him, it was more out of respect than anything else.

"Thank you for coming today," the Mayor, an old-looking rat sat on his chair as he looked at the two hedgehogs. "Now, if you may inform us of the reason for your visit."

"We received an anonymous email saying that in your town there was 'distortion in reality', we believe-"

"Whoever said sent you that email must be mad." The Mayor raised his voice as he interrupted Amy. Shadow immediately sent him a death glare for being so disrespectful. The Mayor continued, "Nothing is going in my town. Now if you excuse me, I have a very busy schedule and-"

"She's not done yet," Shadow stood up from his seat. He already wasn't liking this guy and most of the time his senses never failed him.

Amy placed one of her hands on Shadow's arm to calm him down. "No, it's ok Shadow. We are done."

"Please, don't leave like this. Stay as much as you like, we even have a ball tonight so please, do stay," the Mayor turned to his assistant, who was next to him. "Please give our guests invitations and make sure they are ... taken care of."


At this point, Amy didn't know who was angrier. Her or Shadow. They were left with nothing, except the two invitations for the ball tonight.

Amy and Shadow walked in silence for a couple of streets and to light up Amy's disappointment, she opened up the ball invitation.

You are invited to

20XX Foundation Day Masquerade Ball

Come celebrate with us Foundation Day

with food, music and beautiful decorations.

Amy could be less impressed. This was a ball dedicated to the townspeople, and although she could careless, something caught Amy's interest.

10*N,30*E 15.23556,-30,67890


It seemed like they were going to stay in town for a little longer.

Now Shadow and Amy found themselves in a hotel room. Shadow was waiting for Amy to explain her sudden change of heart. She literally dragged him to the nearest hotel without saying a word and he was starting to question her right sense of mind.

"Alright, spill it," Shadow said.

"Sorry, but I am sure you knew that they were following us," Amy said.

"Yes, but that still doesn't explain why you dragged me into a hotel room," Shadow was next to the window but he looked at the single bed. "What are we gonna do? Sleep?"

"The last thing we are going to do in this room is sleep,"

Amy regretted her words the moment they left her mouth. She didn't mean to say it in ... that sense but it seemed like Shadow did. Amy noticed his change, he looked away in embarrassment. His stance softened, and she could tell his mind was going wild.

"Because we are not going to be staying long!" Amy said she was embarrassed as well. "We are going to the ball, get the Phantom Ruby and leave."

Shadow was still looking at the bed, he knew he was attracted to her ... but he didn't know it was that much. His mind was getting the best of him and he shook his head as he tried to get rid of the thought.

"And how are we going to do that?" Shadow asked.

"The assistant of the Mayor gave me the coordinates through the invitations, they are hiding something and we need to find out what it is," Amy walked towards the bed as she sat down on it. "So, get ready we are going to a ball."

Shadow didn't know when was it when he stopped hearing. Was it when she sat down on the bed? Maybe so, but his mind just couldn't stop. Just the mere thought of it drove him while. Her soft moans as she is under him, his growls as he dominated her. Both of them combined in a sweet rhythm as they mess up the bed with their movements.

"Shadow?" Amy asked again, "Are you alright?"

Shadow shook his head as he let go of the thought. "Yes, what makes you think I am not?"

Amy thought that his actions were cute, she had never seen such side of Shadow before. She let out a giggle and said, "You are waving your tail."


They spent the rest of the day getting ready for the ball and creating a plan. Nonetheless, everything went pretty smoothly. Shadow went to get a suit while Amy went to get a dress. It worked as confusion for the people who were following. Which was exactly what they wanted, for them to think that they were just a couple going on the ball.

It was already 9 p.m. and Shadow was just waiting for Amy to get out of the restroom so they can go with their plan. Shadow laid on the bed as he rested for a while, he closed his eyes. Maybe he could sleep for a few minutes and-


Of course, he can't get two peace minutes of sleep. He looked for his phone in the right pocket of his pants. He felt it vibrating and immediately took it out. He looked at the screen and sighed at who was calling him.


"What do you want?" Shadow asked as he answers his smartphone, he rolled his eyes even when he knew the white bat wasn't looking at him.

"I just wanted to check up on you," Rouge said from the other side of the line. "Did you take on another mission?"

"Yes, and right now I am really busy," Shadow said annoyed. "So, if you don't have anything else you say, I need to leave-"

"Since when do you like Amy Rose?"

Now, Rouge was entering dangerous territory in which Shadow didn't approve. A million thoughts were going through his head, especially denial.

"I don't and I will appreciate if you can drop that-"

"It's so obvious! I mean, I am not saying that you love or anything like that! It's probably just an attraction or even a small crush, but still!" Rouge let out a small giggle. "Who would have thought you like pink hedgehogs?"

Shadow was done. He didn't want to hear it anymore. He had come to terms that yes, he was attracted to her physically. But as much to develop feelings for her? No, absolutely not. A crush? Never.

And he was just tired that his teammates were pressuring him on having feelings he definitely didn't have.

"Listen to me Rouge," Shadow said with a growl, "I will never, never have such feelings for Amy-"

This was the second time Amy has left him speechless. She came out of the restroom wearing a long dress that accentuated all the curves in her body. Small heels made her just a little bit taller, the neckline showed just the right amount of cleavage letting the rest for the imagination. Instead of her classic small gloves, she was wearing long ones that passed her elbows, making her elegantly beautiful. Her hair was accommodated into a small bun and she let out small strings of quills making her look chic.

Shadow didn't give it a second thought. He ended the call with Rouge and discretely opened the camera app. He pretended to be using his phone but in reality, he took a picture of Amy without her noticing. In all honesty, he didn't know what part of him told to do so, but he was glad he did. He wanted to keep all of her beauty to himself and for now, his phone will be the only one to keep that secret.

"So, how do I look?" Amy said as she did a little turn. Her back showed and Shadow didn't think he could control his current blush.

"I've seen better," Shadow said as he stood up from the bed. "Let's get this over with."


The plan was simple. Go inside the ball, make sure they go by unnoticed. Input the coordinates in the GPS and follow them. Reach the room, Shadow will get in while Amy covers him by the door. Shadow retrieves whatever it's inside and they leave the ball without a hint that they were there.

Everyone was wearing a mask, which Shadow hated because he didn't know who to mentally punch in the face. He had his reasons, a lot of males were looking at Amy, looking up and down at her body. Shadow knew very well what they were thinking because he thinking the same thing as them.

But Shadow tried to restrain himself ... and they didn't.

Amy felt how Shadow placed a hand on her waist and moved her closer to his body as they entered the ballroom.

It was beautifully decorated, red curtains fell from the ceiling and a chandelier shone the entire room. Chatter filled the room and the music complemented the elegant atmosphere. Some Mobians danced while the others talked and others drink. A waitress offered Amy a drink and she accepted a glass of champagne. Shadow looked at her amused.

"I didn't know you drink," Shadow whispered on her ear and it sent Amy a small shiver down her spine.

"You have to pretend to enjoy the party, Shadow," Amy said. "There are still following us."

Amy was right, they needed to wait for a while to make sure the people who were following thought they were only there to party. They diverted to make their job a bit more difficult. Amy went to the buffet while Shadow went to the bar section to get a drink. He followed her with his eyes and his quills frazzle up a when he noticed male approaching Amy.

They were talking a little bit too close to Shadow's liking. What he disliked the most was the fact that Amy was enjoying the small talk. He had never seen Amy been so ... flirtatious. Was she like this when he was with Sonic? She giggled and even touched his arm.

And that male was just getting the best of him. He placed his hand around her waist as he pretended to take her to the dance floor. What really ticked him off was that the guy dared to touch one string of her loose quills and placed it back where it belonged.

This was it, Shadow was going to go and punch that guy on the face-

"Did you fight with your girlfriend handsome?"

Shadow's attention was now driven towards the female seated next to him. From what he could tell, the female was a blond hedgehog. She was wearing a short red dress, a diamond necklace that ended on her bosom. Long legs and high heels, a perfect combination. She was the epitome of sensual.

"I don't have a girlfriend," Shadow said as he took a sip of his whiskey.

"Then, why are you looking at that pink hedgehog so ... eagerly," The blond hedgehog asked.

"Not your business," Shadow replied.

The female hedgehog let out a small giggle, "How rude, I was going to help you get her back."

Shadow knew this female was interested in him to pass by time and maybe even release some sexual tension. But if Amy was having fun with the male wolf then he can have fun as well, couldn't he?

Shadow got closer to her and he let out a smirk. "What is your plan?"

The female placed her drink on the counter as she moved her body closer to the black hedgehog. She placed her hands on his bow tie and began to untie it. She was happy to find the white chest fur that was underneath the suit and she smirked at him seductively.

The female kissed his cheek and as she parted she said, "We can start with this."


Amy wasn't jealous. She was angry at the fact that Shadow was kissing to be the most beautiful girl in town without any worry about their mission. She tried her hardest to leave the handsome wolf boy that was accompanying her. He was insisting a lot on taking her dancing but Amy had to deny when she noticed Shadow was very ... occupied.

She reached the bar and awkwardly, she approached the kissing couple. Amy tapped on Shadow's shoulder and he rapidly moved away from the blond hedgehog.

"Can't you see that I am occupied?" Shadow said sarcastically, he was pleased to see that Amy seemed to be angry.

Amy wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her angry, instead, she played his game.

"I was occupied too," Amy said as she placed her index finger on her lips. "But you know I am professional too and I need to finish my job."

Shadow didn't know what to get angrier at. The fact that Amy was implying that she was making out with someone or the fact that he had lost in his own game.

"Seems like you will be busy babe," The blond hedgehog said as she moved away from Shadow. "I'll be leaving but if you want to meet again, give me a call."

The girl handed out Shadow a small paper that contained her phone number. He accepted it and placed it on his pants pocket, lastly, he smirked at her while she left, placing one last kiss on his cheek.

"Can we start with this already or are you going to look for someone else to make out with?" Amy asked annoyed.

"Says the one who was all over that wolf-boy earlier," Shadow said sarcastically. "Where did all the love you had for Sonic go?"

There were many things Amy let go of. Shadow's rudeness, his indifference, and sarcastic remarks. But one thing she couldn't let go was her being questioned of her love for Sonic. If there was one thing she was sure of in her life was how much she loved him. And she was not going to be questioned by the likes of Shadow.

"Let me make this clear," Amy said as she got closer to Shadow. "There are many things I can stand ... but I won't let you question my love for Sonic. I love him and I won't be doubted by someone who has never known what love is."

The assertiveness in her voice made Shadow's heart tumbled in fear in the possibility that it might break if she continues. She looked away, he would be lying if he says that he doesn't feel anything. But on the contrary, he felt many things at the moment. Mostly disappointment. This is what he gets for spending so much time with her. There was only one hedgehog in Amy's heart and that was Sonic.

Shadow let go of the thought. Good thing she made things clear.

"Let's start with the mission already," Shadow said as he stood up from his seat.

Seeing Shadow's look of disappointment made Amy's heartbreak into little pieces. She regretted being so assertive towards the black hedgehog and she made a mental note to apologize to him once this is over.

Once they made sure that the people who were following them didn't do so anymore, they followed the GPS and it took them to a room that was taken care of by two guards.

It was easy to take them out, Amy with her hammer and Shadow with his force, they hide their unconscious bodies in the other hall.

"It's your turn, go ahead," Amy said as Shadow entered the room and Amy stood by the door. Shadow nodded, this should be easy to him knowing that he was a top spy. When he entered the room, he was content to find that the thing they were looking for was there. Indeed, the Phantom Ruby was there in all of its glory and there was no doubt the Mayor was using it for Chaos knows what.

This was very easy for Shadow. The townspeople were amateurs and clearly, they didn't know how to guard a power gem.

The Phantom Ruby was inside in a circular glass container and underneath it were laser detectors. A very easy job for him, he used his rocket shoes and fly above the layers and he reached the container of the Phantom Ruby.

"Hurry Shadow, I think someone is coming!" Amy said from the door, loud enough for him to hear.

"Almost done," Shadow said as he picked up the glass container and with the other hand, he grabbed the Phantom Ruby. He instantly felt a power wave run through his body, very similar to a Chaos Emerald. "I got it!" Shadow said.

He flies back towards the door where Amy was placed himself behind her.

Amy noticed that two guards were coming their way and Amy began to panic. She took grabbed Shadow by his tie and took him out of the room. She pushed him against the wall and to Shadow's surprise ...

She kissed him.

Their lips didn't move but Amy kept her eyes close as Shadow had them open in surprise. They were really close, her chest against his and her arms wrapped around his neck. Shadow decided to close his eyes and he deepened the kiss. Now, it was Amy's turn to be surprised. He placed one hand in her waist and the other at the back of her head, making her be as close as she could to him. He was enjoying this too much and Shadow realized he was entering dangerous territory. One that he may not want to get back from.


Amy pushed Shadow away in embarrassment as he directed her attention to the guards.

"You can be here, have your act in another place," the guard said as he walked towards them.

"Our apologies, we will be leaving."

Shadow grabbed Amy by the hand and he dragged her out of the area. They entered the ballroom again and Amy couldn't let go of that kiss.

But right now it wasn't the time. It wouldn't take long before the government officials discovered that the Phantom Ruby was missing.

Shadow kept holding Amy's hand and as fast as he could they exit the ball. They walked to the parking lot were Amy's bike was waiting for them. This time Shadow was going to take the initiative and be in charge of riding it.

Amy climbed on top of the motorcycle. She placed her arms around Shadow and he turned on the bike.

As fast as he could Shadow drove the bike across the town, Shadow never thought that he would be in such a situation. Amy kissed him and he kissed her back, his heart was racing and he didn't know if it was because other cars began to follow them or because of how tightly Amy was holding on to him.

Then gunshots were heard.

They were aiming at them and although Shadow didn't mind he was scared that one of them might reach Amy.

"Amy, I am going to place you in front of me," Shadow said.

"You what?"

Shadow kept driving as he extended his right hand and moved his body towards the same direction. He grabbed Amy by the waist and using his strength he moved Amy right in front of him. Now they were in a hugging position. They were facing each other and the closeness made Amy blush instantly.

This most be the second-worst decision Shadow has ever made. Amy's legs soft were on top of him. Amy's hand was holding onto his shoulder's and if their faces were just a few centimeters apart.

Amy had to admit that Shadow looked really look. He had a concentrated look on his face, his eyes were focused on the road and his arms were strong around her as he kept driving the motorcycle. Maybe that was the reason she was staring at him for so long.

Another gunshot was heard and Amy went back to reality. She just couldn't let Shadow get hurt. She took out her hammer and with her good reflexes, she diverted each bullet that was aimed at them.

"Can we agree on something?" Amy asked Shadow as she kept using her hammer to dodge the bullets.

"What is it?" Shadow asked as he made a turn, they were almost out fo the town.

"Let's never do a mission together ever again."

Shadow let out a small laugh without thinking too much about it he nodded. "Deal."

Shadow smiled devilishly as he thought of an idea. He made another turn, which caught Amy off guard. They were already out of the town but the cars were still following them.

"What are you doing?" Amy asked.

"I am taking a short-cut," Shadow responded.

"You what-"

Amy turned her head and noticed that Shadow was driving them towards a cliff. A very, very tall cliff.

"Shadow, stop!" Amy screamed. Was this hedgehog crazy? There was no way they were going to survive this. Well, maybe him.

Shadow looked at Amy who was hugging him tighter. "Do you trust me?"


He rolled his eyes and he whispered to her ear. "Well, maybe after this, you will."

Shadow drove the motorcycle as fast as he could. He felt Amy hold on to him for her life and he was surprised to see how well their bodies fit together. Perfect for each other.

The road was no more and Shadow reached the end of the cliff, the motorcycle ended up flying in the sky and it began to fall down. Shadow hear with pleasure Amy scream in fear and with that, Shadow knew it was time to end the act.

"Chaos Control!"



Amy opened her eyes slowly and stopped screaming as she realized that she was safe on land. "Did we die?"

"If that was the cause, I would be in hell," Shadow said. Amy was still in front of Shadow on top of the motorcycle.

Amy looked around her area, she knew her surroundings. She turned to her left and right in front of her was the Restoration building. "Did you ... did you use Chaos control?"

"Yes," Shadow replied.

"With the Phantom Ruby?" Amy raised her voice as she got angrier by the moment. "How did you even know that was going to work?"

Shadow was amused at the sudden anger and he even found it cute to an extent. "The Phantom Ruby has the same energy as a Chaos Emerald, so I just deducted it could work."

Amy crossed her arms around her and she let out a pout. "Would you mind telling me about your plans next time?"

"Would you mind telling me when you are going to kiss me next time?"

It was late but even under the moonlight Shadow could tell Amy was blushing a thousand shades of red. She looked to her side as she tried to escape him. Unfortunately for her Shadow was still holding on to the accelerator and brake with one hand and with the other he was holding the handgrip of the bike. She was trapped.

"I-I- panicked! I only did it so the guards didn't suspect od us!" Amy defended herself. The position she was in was very uncomfortable. She was still in front of him. Her legs on top of his and she had her hands around his waist to keep her balance.

"We could have taken them out, just like we did with the other guards," Shadow got closer to her face, only a few centimeters away from her lips.

They were really close to reliving that moment they shared a few hours ago. Shadow's eyes closed and although there was a part of Amy who wanted to return the action, she pushed him away

She looked nervously to the other side as she noticed that Shadow was parting away from her. "Do you have the Phantom Ruby?"

Amy tried to change the subject as quickly as she could. She didn't like the face on Shadow's look. Again, that disappointed expression but most of all ... he looked hurt.

"Yes, it's on my pants pocket," Shadow responded as he let go of the grips of the bike. Letting go of Amy and of his grasp if she wanted to. This was the thing he was most scared of. Getting attached.

If there was one thing he found out on during this small trip was that indeed, he was attached to Amy.

And maybe ... just maybe ... he could have the tiniest, almost nonexistent crush on her.

Amy's hand reached Shadow's pants pocket. He didn't move and with her hand, she looked for something round that assimilated the Phantom Ruby. She grabbed the first thing she felt, she pulled it out of his pocket and to her surprise it was Shadow's phone.

"Oh, sorry, here hold it-"

With the moment, Shadow's phone turned on, reveling the lock screen.

Amy's heart began to beat faster and everything made sense to her. She didn't know if Shadow was aware of his own feelings. But at this point, Amy knew what Shadow felt for her. His actions and this was more than proof enough.

She looked up to meet Shadow's red eyes. Which were as beautiful as ever, their bodies were close and they shared their warmth in this cold night.

It was more than obvious that there was something unknown blooming between them.

Shadow's phone lock screen showed Amy something that his heart desired. Although Shadow will never admit it out loud, his heart raced the moment Amy looked at him with those emeralds eyes of her. Maybe his phone's lock screen showed him something obvious or it reminded him of the reason why he was here.

The lock screen had a picture of her.









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