Creator (book 3) - H.S

By fuxkingharrry

593K 12K 20.6K

I think she said I'm having your baby.... and it's none of your business. BOOK THREE TO STYLIST!!! IF YOU HAV... More

Chapter 1: Pan!c
Chapter 2: Home.
Chapter 3: Memories.
Chapter 4: Beside You.
Chapter 5: What Have I Done?
Chapter 6: Ease My Mind.
Chapter 7: All I Wanted.
Chapter 8: Ghost Of You.
Chapter 9: An Evening I Will Not Forget.
Chapter 10: Sweet Creature.
Chapter 11: Turning Page.
Chapter 13: All About Us.
Chapter 14: Let's Stay Home Tonight.
Chapter 15: Never Enough.
Chapter 16: You Are My Sunshine.
Chapter 17: One and Only.
Chapter 18: Bright.
Chapter 19: Something.
Chapter 20: Daisies.

Chapter 12: Stand By You.

30.6K 590 883
By fuxkingharrry

A/N: Happy update!! I have two new fanfic ideas, and I'm very excited for them, but if you love this fanfiction you should get excited for my new one called Cherry... Bout to be LIT.


    They said I had to wait twenty four hours to walk, and it was genuinely the most irritating thing. After the night gas wore off and I was more so myself all I wanted was to be near them. Which I got that time, I got to be with my kids, but they have to sleep together, sleep under more warmth than normal babies because they came early. The nurse said that we got lucky with them, that there's normally complications of some sort, but Garrison and Grace are close to perfect.Since holding them... Since being here it feels like life has come full circle. The weeks leading up to this were tough. It was hard to find light in the dark, and it was even harder to just stay happy, but everything changed the moment I held Garrison in my grasp, and Grace too. Both of them changed it all.

The warmest part of all of it was seeing Harry with the two of them all day. The way he won't leave there side no matter what, but he won't leave mine either. He was already protective before, but now it's like he's an actual guard dog. Anthony is also the sweetest. He's calling himself Auntie Anthony. My mom adores them as well. Keeps telling me that Grace looks like him more so than me.

    "Where's Harry?" My mom asks, coming back into the room as I sit up in the hospital bed.

    "He had to take a call." I tell her, Garrison in my arms, and Grace asleep in Anthony's.

    "I'm surprised he left the three of you.." She chuckles to herself and I smile.

    "It was important apparently, but every few minutes, just like clockwork he passes by the door, looking in." I tell her, as I watch Garrison's bright eyes look around. He's the sweetest thing, truly he is. "Do you hear that? Daddy's on a call..." I baby talk to him as he looks at me.

    "Have you thought of a nickname yet? I'm guessing you ain't gonna call him Garrison all the time..." My mom sits on the side of the bed, looking at him just as I am.

    "I have actually.. I was thinking-" I start, and Harry walks in.

    "No thinking without me! I can't miss anything. Did they say their first words yet? Tell me everything since I walked out the door." He goes to Anthony, holding his hands out for his daughter, and Anthony passes her over as carefully as I can. She starts to stir, and Harry places her up, holding her against his chest as her soft cries start to come. "Sh, sh sh it's just me darling.." He mumbles, but she doesn't stop right away.

He starts walking around the room, bouncing as he does to give her that movement. "Here comes the sun do do do do, here comes the sun and I say, it's alright..." He sings so lightly it's almost hard to hear, but I watch him carefully, and Garrison's eyes do as well, looking at his dad. "Little darlin, it's been a long, cold, lonely winter." He sings, and her cries become none with time, her head resting again, and her eyes closing.

    "You're going to spoil her with that voice of yours, you know that right?" My mom speaks up, and she smirks, and lightly shrugs his shoulders.

    "She'll be spoiled more ways than that... both of them will." He mumbles, finally sitting down next to me.

    "You spoil my daughter like that?" She asks, and he stares at me, the same glowing look in his eyes he's had the past two days since we came to the hospital.

    "Every chance I get." He mumbles, and I smile. "What were you talking about when I walked in?" He asks, and his voice is lower now that Grace is asleep on his shoulder.

    "Nicknames.. Personally I think Garrison should have the nickname Anthony, it really rolls off the tongue, and-"

    "Not a chance." Harry chimes, and he snuggles his head into his daughter softly. "I actually had an idea.." He tells me. "But so did you so go ahead." He tells me, and I look down to Garrison who is lightly sucking on the tip of my finger now, his eyes growing heavy as he rests in my arms.

    "Grey for him... We always called my dad Gary, but I don't want that to be his nickname.. I think Grey is better." I tell him, watching my son fall asleep.

    "I love it darlin... God what I'd do to have your daddy here right now.." My mom puts her hand over her chest, and I see her eyes well up, but she doesn't cry, just watches both of her grandkids.

    "I love it too...I just figured we'd call her G.. Simple and easy." He tells me, obviously talking about Grace.

    "Ellie Bug I love you so much.. And Harry I love you too, you're like I son to me you know that?" She asks, and Harry smiles.

    "You gave me the best thing that's ever happened to me... I love you more than you know Suz." He gives a soft laugh, and I smile at his words. He just lets things like that fall from his mouth as if it's not heart warming, and sentimental. He doesn't even realize it.

    "Ellie bug.." Harry looks at me, and then softly rubs the girl perched on his shoulder. "Little bug." He mumbles as looks to our daughter, and my heart actually turns into a puddle. My mom loses it too, her mouth opening into a gasp which is covered by her hand. "How's it sound? You like that little bug?" He asks Grace softly, but she stays asleep on his shoulder.

    "I just need you to know... You've written song and song about El, but that is by far the cutest shit you have ever said, and I will stand by that till I die." Anthony mumbles, perching his head up on his hand. We sit for a few moments, basking in the warmth of the room, and I hear a stomach grumble.

    "I'm going to go get something to eat... Do you want anything?" My mom asks, and I shake my head no, Harry doing the same.

    "I'm going to come with you." Anthony mumbles, winking at me, knowing I've hardly had time to be with Harry since having the twins. Both of them walk out of the room, and I turn to Harry. I watch the way he holds her, the way he holds her is the sweetest thing. The way he mumbles to her constantly, saying the kindest things, always telling her how much he loves her. They always say everything changes after you hold your kids, but I never thought it would be like this. It feels like we were put in a new world, put in a new life...

    "Who were you on the phone with?" I ask softly, knowing both of the twins are asleep.

    "It was nothing... How are you... Are you tired... You seem tired.." He mumbles, sitting himself up, and moving his chair closer to me.

    "Im- Harry... Who was on the phone?" I ask, wanting answers.

    "I don't want to worry you or stress you out... Everything is fine darling." He smiles at me, moving his free hand to mine, running his hand over my knuckles.

    "Harry..." I mumble, and he sighs, sitting back in his chair, softly moving Grace in his arms so he's cradling her instead of holding her on his shoulder.

    "I should know you better than to think you're just going to let something go." He sighs out. Grace rolls, moving herself a bit. "Shhh little bug, S'alright." He whispers. Little bug... so fucking cute my heart could burst.

    "Who was on the phone?" I ask again, and he looks up at me.

    "The police." He mumbles, and I furrow my brows. "Someone tried to break into the house in London. They weren't successful, and they were caught. Nothing was harmed, everything is fine, but they think the one who tried to break in is the same person who..." His voice drops off, and my muscles tense.

    "I understand." I mumble. It's thrown me off knowing they hadn't caught the people who took me, it's not as bad now that I'm oceans away from it, but I don't want to go back before they're caught... I won't.

    "I'm sorry.. I didn't want you to worry, or be upset by it, that's why I-"

    "I need to know these things... I'm fine too, I don't need to be protected from it..." I tell him, and he nods.

    "I know.. S'just.. Everything is so perfect right now, everything feels so right, and I don't want to ruin it." He tells me, looking up at me softly, his eyes wondering.

    "You can't ruin it... You are perfect... You've been perfect through all of this, nothing you tell me could ruin what we have right now.. I'm actually glad to know what you told me.. Glad to know they're figuring things out so we can go home." I tell him, and his eyes melt a bit.

    "London is home to you?" He asks, and I smile, looking down to Garrison in my arms seeing Harry in him just as I see him in Grace too.

    "LA is home to me... That's where our lives really began together... And Georgia is home to me. S'where I found out who I am, found out who I want to be, and it's where I had the greatest gifts I've ever been given... New York is home because without it I wouldn't be here... Wouldn't be doing any of this, wouldn't have met you, wouldn't have gone on tour... London... London is home because that's where you and I became us... We've always been together, we've always been in love, but we really became the grown up versions of ourselves. We became exactly who we wanted to be there... I fell in love with you all over again there... So yea, they're all home to me." I mumble, thinking about the days I'll get to show Garrison and Grace around there, and everywhere.

    "As long I've got all of you I'm home... I was thinking back to something the other day... One of the times from the tour, the last one." He tells me, and I nod, listening to him. "We were in Rome, and we were in the hotel, and I mentioned the thought of family... Just the thought of it, and you were terrified." He mumbles, and I nod.

    "I remember. We talked about it before then, but the pressure of the tour, and all the clothes, and just our lifestyles when you mentioned it I was so scared." I admit.

    "And I tried to calm you down, but you got so upset with me... I sat you down on the bed, and I brushed my hand on your face, and I told you that it was going to be alright... Told you we'd have a family when we were ready to, and that there was no rush but either way I wanted it with you and only you... Told you we could bring them with us on tours sometimes if we wanted to, that way you didn't have to stay behind...It feels like that was so long ago, and now I'm sitting in a hospital holding my daughter in my arms, and watching my wi- watching you hold our son..." His words trickle, getting softer and softer, and I smile, tilting my head.

    "What was that... Watching you're what?" I ask, and he smirks as he looks at Grace, playing off of my joking manner.

    "If you must know I almost called you my wife... Sometimes it just rolls through my head when I think of you." He looks up, the smirk still present on his face as he leans back into the chair, his face challenging me.

    "Well that's silly because I'm not your wife, just your girlfriend." I push him, and he shakes his head as he stands up.

    "Darling if it were up to me you would have already had a ring on your finger eight months ago." He mumbles, walking to the crib, putting Grace down , making sure she's wrapped up tight. He comes back over to me, holding his hands out, and I pass Garrison over, letting him place our son next to his sister. He comes back to me, and sits on the side of the bed, taking my hands in his. "You know... You know I was going to ask you right, there was a specific date, everything was all planned out." He tells me, and I tilt my head.

    "When?" I ask, feeling a swarm of butterflies just thinking about having a wedding ring on my finger, the feeling of knowing one day I won't be El Montgomery...

    "The day I found out about them?" He cocks his head to the side towards the sleeping babies, and I furrow my brows, thinking back to the day. He made me put on a dress, he made dinner, it all makes sense.

    "The dinner, and the dress, and... well dammit I ruined it." I mumble, and he laughs softly.

    "Technically I did, I was the one who found the papers, but either way... I just don't want you to think that I don't want to... Because I do. I have a family with you, and the last thing that matters is a huge wedding, and all that comes with it, but... but I would really like to be able to call you my wife darling.." He mumbles, and I smile.

    "One day." I mumble, and watch as he closes in. He moves his hands to my face, cupping my cheeks, pressing the sweetest softest kiss to my lips. I melt into him, loving the feeling I get just from this. It's like the warmest liquid pours down my throat, and into my chest, enveloping me in heat. I miss this with him... I miss his touch, his kiss, I miss his physical love. Emotionally he's been the best, but physically I haven't been able, and I miss it. He presses his forehead to mine, and then leans up, kissing me there too.

    "I love you so much darling... I'm proud of you." He reminds me, and that's something he never lets me forget. He never lets me go a day without telling me how proud he is of me, and it helps. Mentally I'm still not where I need to be, I have a lot more work to do, but he's pushing me along, making sure I'm up and going every single day.

    "I love you... M'happy I stopped being a little bitch, and finally gave into you four years ago." I mumble, and he rolls his eyes, pulling back but keeping a smirk on his lips.

    "Alright momma, how are you feeling?" The nurse walks in, and keeps her voice down, noticing the twins asleep together.

    "A lot better today than other days." I tell her, knowing I'm still somewhat sensitive, but I've been on pain meds to help with all of it.

    "Well it's the two day mark, and we checked all your incisions, everything looks good so it's actually about time to get you up and walking... Perfect timing too now that they're asleep." She points one hand to the twins, and then reconnects her hands to her hips.

    "Hmmm, on second thought I'm feeling really bad, feeling sore, and all that good stuff I think I'm gonna sit this one out." I mumble to her, but notice Harry shaking his head. I want to walk, to be up and moving, but now that it's actually right in front of me I feel sick to my stomach thinking about it.

    "She's joking, she's always joking." He mumbles to her, crossing over, pulling the covers from my legs as he reaches me.

    "I wasn't joking.. Think I'm coming down with a fever too." I fake a cough, and Harry stands in front of me.

    "Come on baby. Need you up and walking so you can help me raise those two. They might be calm now, but I have a feeling they'll grow to be tyrants just like their mother." He boops my nose, and I thin my eyes at him.

    "If anyone is a tyrant in this relationship it is you. I've seen you on stage... Have you seen the way he dresses? Ridiculous." I lean around him, and ask the nurse. She laughs, and shakes her head at us.

    "You make my clothes... That's your own fault." He laughs along with the nurse.

    "You two are a hoot.. Alright, we're going to stand on each side of you, hold your hands, and all you've got to do is push up, and stand. You'll be fine, just a little bit uneasy at first, take a second to get back on your feet, but I think you'll be just fine." The nurse comes over to me, and I move my legs from the bed, swinging them to the side of it.

I take Harry's hand, and then the nurse, and slowly push myself from the bed, my feet connecting with the cold floor, the sticky hospital socks pressing down to the cool linoleum. The nurse let's go of my hand but Harry stays, holding me, keeping me steady. "Now all you've got to do is take a step." She motions, and I look to Harry.

    "I've got you.. You're gonna be alright." He nods his head, and I step. It's a baby step, but it's a step. I take another, this one being bigger, and the next is a full step, and it feels normal again. Still a bit uncomfortable because of my stitches, but nothing I can't handle.

    "Would you look at that.." I mumble, taking my hands from Harry's and putting them on my hips. "I'm still a badass." I smile, and he nods his head.

    "We knew that, come on, let's go over." He nods his head, and he takes hold of my hand, both of us walking to the crib.

    "I'll leave the two of you to it.. Don't move around too much, but keep active alright?" The nurse mumbles, and I nod.

    "Thank you." I smile at her, and she walks herself out. Harry and I walk slowly to the twins, and when we get to them they're cuddled together, laying in their newborn clothes we brought them. I hope they love each other and support each other. I hope they stand up for each other, that they're best friends...

    "You did that... It was all you darling." I look at him as he stares at them, every bit of wonder in his eyes as he does.

    "Thank you..." I mumble, and he looks up at me.

    "For what? I didn't do anything, I just said that it was all-"

    "Not that... Thank you for staying.. I've been, well lately I've been gone. I've been somewhere else, and I know it's bothered you. I know it hurt you, and I hated it. I know I haven't been myself though, but I want to be, for them, and for us... for you. You always say I'm doing great, and that you're proud of me and all of that stuff, but... but I don't give you enough credit for what you do for me. For how you take care of me. You dropped your entire life to move here, to make me feel okay again, and you're standing by my side, and raising them, and loving them even though it wasn't part of your plan... I just.. I appreciate you, and I love you, and I'm more than thankful for you... I just don't say it enough." I tell him, and he pulls me in.

    His arms wrap around my neck, and mine wrap around his back, holding him tight, feeling him breath. My head is pressed to his chest, my forehead on his cheek as we look to what we made. We did this, not just me.

    "It wasn't just me either... If you hadn't been here, if I didn't have you by my side through all of this then then I don't think I could have done it and I mean it... This was us." I mumble to him.

    "I'll always be by your side.. I'm by your side forever darling.." He mumbles it out. His voice is light and airy as it fills the room. Soft wines start coming from Grace's lips. Her arms struggle and move, one of her hands peeking from the top of her blanket. Harry doesn't move from me, just puts his hand out, holding her tiny hand between two of his fingers. "S'alright darling, I'm here, I've got you... M'by your side too.. Both of you." He mumbles to the twins, and I nuzzle into him more as one of his arms holds me, the other holding our daughter's hand. This picture is one I want taken, saved forever.

This moment is something I'll never be able to put into words, I'll never be able to share this exact part of my life, but I don't think I want to. I'm selfish with this moment, and every moment like this because it's only me... It's only me who gets to feel the immense, overflowing love that pours from the man next to me. It's only me who is lucky enough to feel that love, and do everything in my power to give it back to him.

It's funny thinking back knowing I thought I was incapable of love, I thought I wasn't capable of being loved. He came in and changed everything. He changed my heart and my mind. He changed my life, and now I do love.. I love as hard as I can, and I feel the love too.. I'm glad that my life changed too. I'm glad it's all different now...

It's what he deserves..

It's what we both deserve...


Song: Stand By You by the pretenders

OKAY BUT LIKE(,::: my heart is a wreck.

Also if you read my story You Should See Her In A Crown then I'm sorry if I made you emotional.. as I was writing that certain part I realized what I was doing but it fit SO IM SORRY IF I HURT YOU BUT BABIES(,:

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