The Azgeda Queen

By KimOfFloukru

203 2 0

Ageda Queen follow me on a the 100 fanfic โค๏ธ๐Ÿ–ค More

1 - Oso tai choda op kom jus.
3 - Locked In Hell Pod + Praimfaya (We will meet again )
4 - "Where I Stay".
5 - Tiena {Part 2} - Take A Life With you".
6 - Heda's Last.
6(Part 2 Final) - Final story part 1) ๐Ÿ–คA Raven's Sacrifice๐Ÿ–ค
past Cover books (Just for fun)
7-9 update.

2 - "Like rome yu was built ona ashes".

23 1 0
By KimOfFloukru


Karla POV.
Karla Queen Nia says as me and the other nightbloods in hiding was training..
Sha kwin nia.
Em's time leksa kom trikru ste hir kom test.
I shook my head.
Ai'm nou ready nia her men will kill me.
Do yu fear wamplei? karla kom azegnda osir nou fear wamplei - wamplei ste the beginning gon a new klir travels.
Your sis bri gon azegda formerly was ascending gon age 7 your ready trust me yu'll soon be Nia smiles.
Where's the night blood child? Lexa voice rangs of annoynce that we're taking long.
Kwin nia - heda? karla azegeda hir's your opppent..
As a tall man walked in I instantly recoiled him.
Lexa smirks.
Karla linkon kom trikru.
Lincoln I whisper.
Strik karla! Lincoln hugs me.
Your not little huh? Your ascending at youngest? Lincoln looked at Lexa and Nia.
Ai'm nou strik linkon kom trikru ai'm 14 en ready kom become the heda gon hogeda clans I smiled.
Pleni gonplei leksa yells.
I nodded .
(The 100 scene of Ocativa being beaten up pretend it's Karla and Lincoln).

Heda ai cannot Lincoln pleaded.
Come ona linkon end me I spit blood out.
No heda ai'm nou sorry ai'm nou na kill a kid odon your petty gonplei kom kwin nia.
Lexa then stares back at Lincoln.
Lincoln then is caught by Lexa's sword as he stares Right back not afraid of death.
Heda Queen Nia starts but is shushed.
Bri pov - ai was sneaking raun when ai heard linkon en ai sis ascending. No ai gasp as leksa sword kom linkon neck, nou heda gon trikru!.
Lexa head turn around to see me as she was shooken.
Your banished an yu dare come back ! yu gonplei ste odon!.
No! Karla says stepping in front of Lexa.
Beja heda grant disha won time en no won will ever step kom yu gon yu shown em mercy en chit mercy gon leksa kom trikru could do I begged.
Em's stedaunon Lexa spits.
I frowned.
Who? I said.
Raven gon skai kru was beaten en ruthlessly killed in a unmercifully wamplei.
As Soliders started to round by us.
Raven gon skai kru yu gonplei ste odon Lexa chanted as we all did.
As promised ai'm nou na kill banished bri gon azgenda ba klark gon skai kru will.
Den leksa starts kom walk out as the skai kru appeared gon the door when leksa's bow went flying en hit me as I was striken down as I held my chest. Blood spilled out as Bri was beside me.
Ai'm so sorry karlanin gon azgenda yu gonplei ste odon as She grabs her knife.
Ai'll save her linkon said.
As he picks her up and started to dart off.
Riders escort skai kru kom their homes en den pick the banisher up en bring me her head Lexa says before walking out.

Bri POV.
Nia then hits me as the guards posing out.
Your stupid gada yu risked your sonraun en your sisters sonraun gon gon wamplei? yu no mo brianna gon azgenda(Your stupid girl you risked your life and your sisters life because of death? You no more Brianna of Azgenda).
I started to cry when Nia grabbed me up.
Your wamplei will nou be mourned en your body will nou be burned kom leksa kom trikru(your death will not be mourned and your body will not be burned with Lexa kom trikru)
Nia I gasped.
Ge out gon ai face scared gon wamplei gada.
I then grabbed my bags before getting out of here and I had to go see Bellamy before they get back.

Bri? Bellamy says as I was crying .

I have to say goodbye and tell you my story I said.

"It's like Queen Nia used to say, war makes murderers of us all".

Bri (born Hope is a major character after initially appearing as a recurring Azgenda Solider .

5 years before the fall of the sky people she was a member of Azgeda's royal guard who had been trapped in Mount Weather, where her blood was harvested until Bellamy and the others had rescued her. After the fall of the mountain, Hopes loyalty returned to Azgeda, and she participated in a plan to manipulate Skaikru and blow up Mount Weather at the behest of Queen Nia. Bellamy then didn't trust
Hope and They're relationship went from googly eyes to betrayed friends As
Hope(Bri) rose up against Trikru defeat and urged Former Queen Faria not to trust them. She remained loyal to her people only, until she was banished by Faria for cheating during the final conclave 3 years before Sky people fell out of the sky. Hope(bri) intended to kill herself out of shame, but was stopped by Indra, and she went into space with the other survivors from Becca's Island to escape Praimfaya 1.

. After learning it would take about ten years for Earth to be habitable again, Hope (Bri) entered cryosleep with the rest of them, but wakes up 125 years later to find out that they have been brought to a new habitable world.

Hope and the original girl who was named Bri was her best friend when she was still a child. Queen Nia visited them and on a certain point forced the real Echo to kill Hope or Queen Nia would let them both get killed. Ash then killed the real Bri in self-defense. However, since Sangedakru was expecting a girl named Bri she was forced to take her place by Queen Nia

She was born on Earth as a girl named Hope and when she was eight close to 9 old, Queen Nia and her army of Azgeda members took her people's land and her father resisted, but was killed by them as her mother hid with her in the cellar. One of the men send Her mother lock the door then they broke the door down and killed her mom. Her people were being killed when Azgeda started a fire, and Hopes mother was one of the victims. When Nia heard what happened, she executed the men who did it, and brought me into harsh training with Azgeda. Because of this, I didn't want to talk about my parents since.

Sometime during training the real me( Hopeiana) and Bri were forced by Queen Nia to fight each other. Hope killed Bri in self defence after Nia had told Bri to kill Hope to prove her loyalty. As Bri's first mission as a spy had been planned with her name known, Nia made Hope  take on Bri name and go on the mission for her. The death of my  best friend left me  heartbroken and haunted ever since to the point of not mentioning my real name to anyone.

Bellamy I said.
I love you I said.

What's your banished stories? Bellamy smiles.
I laughed.
Exiled from Azgeda 5x. First King Tabo (2 times), Heda Lexa 2 times and 1 from Nia I said.
Bellamy? I said looking down.
Black rain I gasped.
Come on Bellamy grabs me as we linked to the door in enough time.
I'm a night blood I smirked.
Indra told me you was a red blooded.
Well I was I said.
It changed thanks to Nia I mumbled.
Well your sky kru now he smiles.
I tried to kill your sister I said.

Your right..your screwed.
I laughed.
Bellamy? Ocativa yells.
Over here O Guess what? He says.
O then looks at me as she's coming around the corner.
Your banned again? She says.
Well I shrugged.
My sister ascended against Lincoln I said.
He's safe don't sorry he took her to get treated.
Black rain o says.
I'll go see if I can track him down I said.
No Nia may be or even Lexa kom trikru be out there looking for you I'll go with you tomorrow morning I promise O Bellamy says. O nodded. Let's get you patched up then O says grabbing my arm. I looked at Bellamy. I'll go make sure everyone's in the shuttle O.
As Ocativa fixed my wounds up the chancellor Kane came by.
Bri Of Azgenda He bows.
No ai'm nou bri gon azgenda no mo ai'm bri gon nothing I said.
Your wrong you know Kane says.
I looked at him.
How ? I said.
I heard your story I apologise I Left after just a spit second.
Your welcome Ocativa says.
No bri your right your nou bri gon azgeda your hope gon skai kru Ocativa says as The alarm Went off. Must be Bellamy Ocativa yells. As I ran after Ocativa as we got to the door we see Bellamy being carried by Lincoln and some of the sky Soliders.
What happened? I said.
Queen Nia Lincoln says. I'll take him I said grabbing Bellamy's arm. I'll help Kane says as The rest shut the doors.

×Hellamy×(Bellamy and Hope) Wound cleaning.
I'm sorry I said.
Nia did this because of me I sighed.
It's okay Bellamy says smiling.
I just get to spend time with you Hope He says.
I looked down before blushing as i finished patching him up. All right were good Kane walks in. I'm tired I'll be going I said as I walked out.
As I was going to my room a sky person whisper Azgeda spy.
What did you say? I said.
Hold your face Bellamy says as he gets in the guy's face.
Azgeda lover he spits before walking away.
My best friend voice.
No won understands osir bri osir souda be won clan( no one understands us just be one clan).
You okay? Bellamy says as he puts his musclar hand on my upper arm. His eyes full of worry. I'm fine Bell I stiffed smiled. I'm going to get in the shower and go to bed I'll see you tomorrow I said before walking to my bunk.

NDERAGE pls skip ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️.

I undressed Myself as the water was getting hotter I Quickly jumped in before being pushed into the wall.
Ai wanna fuck yu hard hope gon skai kru Bellamy's voice very raspy. I moaned before turning around as he grabs me by my waist before we tangle our toungs together.

Ai hod yu in belomi I Whispered as looked Into my eyes before turning me around.
Your so fucking cute when your screaming ai name he whispered into my ear. I smiled lightly.

I moaned loudly.
Ai'mma cum hogeda odon yu babygirl Bellamy says as I knew he was about there. I giggled. What? Bellamy says.
Teik me suck your dick I moaned. Bellamy chuckles.
Shut up! I laughed.
I love you Too he says.
As we finished I put my hair in a messy bun before crawling into bed. I was thinking about so many things when Bellamy wrapped his huge arms around me. I smiled. I love you Bellamy I said. I love you too Hope Blake He says as I blushed under the covers before falling asleep.

{First Morning As a Sky Kru Member } Day 1.
Good morning Sunshine Bellamy kisses me as I'm rubbing my eyes. What time is it? I moaned. 9:10 my shift for lookout is in 5 minutes Bellamy says as he strapped his gun strap on his belt. No I mumbled. He chuckled before kissing my head. Get up get some clothes on eat breakfast meet me in an hour for A supply run he says before walking out.
I groaned.

My outfit below.

Make-up/Hair -

As I finished eating breakfast I hurriedly grabbed my gun and my knife before going to meet Bellamy at the post. Hey Bri! A voice called. I looked over to see Clarke. Bellamy's already gone She said. I frown. Look I need your help with something She said. I nodded before walk with her.

What's this about I said as we was far into the woods. I'm being hunted Clarke what the hell!? I exclaimed. I know she says as Heda Lexa Kom trikru appeared alongside Indra and Anya. I growled. You tricked me!? I said. I'm sorry Bri of Azgenda your fight is over Clarke says before walking away presumably to provide a watch over.

Then Lexa threw her sword as it hits my arm as I scream before tackling her.
Lexa kom trikru I didn't run away from our conclave because I feared I would lose I did it because I knew I was going to win and I payed the price For it I said.

Yu gonplei ste odon Lexa says.

No! Bellamy voice rangs as Bellamy started to run towards Lexa but Indra threw her sword as it had Bellamy grabbing onto the tree as he's Striken down. Bellamy I whisper.
Belomi en bri gon skai kru may yu don klir travels ona your next journey, meet me ona the other side o bout(Bellamy and Bri of Sky Kru may you have safe travels on your next journey meet me on the other side or not).

Ai grant both gon yu sonraun ba your legacy will be remembered bilaik yu bri gon skai kru bilaik your a nightblood chon betrayed her own kru got banished 5 times en ste no good gon any clan teik alone trikru. As gon yu belomi gon skai kru your wamplei will be caused by either your sis ocativa o klark o actually your new found gada bri(I grant both of you life but your legacy will be remembered that you Bri of Sky Kru that your a nightblood who betrayed her own people got banished 5 times and is no good for any clan let alone Trikru. As for you Bellamy of sky kru your death will be caused by either your sister Ocativa or Clarke or actually your new found girl Bri). I looked at Bellamy.
En the only reason why your be alive kom even don kids o even tel your story o finish ste gon ai leksa kom trikru showed yu mercy Lexa says before riding with Indra and Anya. I ran to Bellamy. Let's get you to the medic I said walking past Clarke wanting to fucking punch her in her damn Lexa kom trikru bitch face. I'm fine He mumbled sightly holding his arm. What happened? Abby says walking up a bit faster. Lexa kom trikru showed us Mercy I said. Abby then grabs Him. Go make sure that The Rover is cleared out Please ? Abby says. I nodded thank you Abby says before they're in the medical room.
Hey Bri ! Clarke voice sang.
Go away or I'll put you through the damn ground Clarke I said seething. Wait! She says.

(Bitched slapped a bitch).
Clarke yelps as A few soldiers came to hold me back. Get away ! I yelled.
Then the chancellor Kane came running. What happened? He says. She hit me Clarke says. She declined to stop talking to me she's pushy I said throwing my arms up. Enough you Hope Of Sky Kru to the pod 4 days in there once your time is up medical for 2 months Kane says. Clarke your room now he says pointing. I sighed as Bellamy was walking out when they dragged me.
What the hell? Bell says pushing the guards. Your people are assholes Bell I spit. As 3 Soliders came to hold Bellamy.

4 days ain't bad one of them said. Just saying he mumbled as I rolled my eyes.

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