Highest in the Room


15K 424 112

when I'm with you I feel alive More

this my life, I did not choose
it ain't a secret, baby, everybody saw us
we gon' stay on top and break the rules
this is my life, you by my side
she saw my eyes, she know I'm gone
and we still in love and that shit don't stop
you and I till the day we die
when I'm with you, I feel alive
i promise we will be alright
i know you've been going through some things
just you and me time

close your eyes and let your feelings go

1.1K 35 12

Setting: E11EVEN Miami, Miami, FL

E11EVEN Miami was located in the heart of downtown, known around the country as the go to club for the rich and the famous. With its luxurious atmosphere, private rooms, and 24/7 sexy entertainment, there was no question as to why it was everyone's favorite club - if you could afford it. Six years ago, an infamous pop star had snagged the VIP section that was always reserved for one of the most famous athletes in the world. That's where their story started. A private booth that provided not only privacy, but a perfect view of the entire club so that they could always see what was going on. They could be watching everyone but no one would be able to watch them, and that's exactly how they liked it.

Usually, private booths got their own little shows from the strippers that graced the poles, the bars, and the tables of the popular club. And they got paid extra too. But tonight, they hadn't requested their own girls. Just a steady stream of bottle service and expensive appetizers. Today, that same pop star and football player had returned to share the section, caught up in their own little impenetrable bubble as the world moved around them.

"Keep moving like that and I really will get you pregnant again," Odell whispered into Demi's ear as she moved her hips in small circles against him, giggling and slightly tossing her head back as she ran her fingers over his professionally trimmed beard.

"Hmm, maybe I would like that," Demi breathed out before kissing the side of his jaw and continuing to move to the beat of the music. The song seemed to be playing just for them, and Demi couldn't help but to mouth along to the lyrics that she had danced to so long ago: "when I'm with you I feel alive."

"That must be Devonne talking because there's no way you would give in that easily," Odell chuckled, lightly pinching her side when she hit a particular spot that felt too good. He checked the time on his watch and tried to adjust his pants even though she was perched on his lap and probably wasn't going to move anytime soon.

"You wanna get out of here, baby?"

"You're getting old," Demi teased, leaning back and sealing their lips together before she stood up, offering him her hand.

"I'm just trying to make sure we have enough time to ourselves before your little demons wake up, since you decided you wanted them to come on vacation with us," Odell said as he stood up, taking her hand and taking the lead as they exited the club.

They went out the back way where Odell's car was parked to avoid paparazzi. Demi had been in the business for almost two decades, and Odell had been in the spotlight since college, yet they were still hot targets for the cameras. It annoyed Demi to no end which was why he was always trying to make sure to avoid those situations as much as they could, especially when their children were involved.

"Stop talking about my kids like that," Demi lightly huffed as they made it to the car that Odell had rented for the weekend.

He helped her inside then got into the driver's seat, letting the top of the electric blue Ferrari down as he peeled out of the parking lot and joined the late night traffic. Before they got married and before they had kids they could stay out until the sun rose. But marriage and starting a family had tamed their wild ways. They still knew how to have fun; they just had a different definition of it nowadays.

"Whatever, you know I love them," Odell responded.

Their hotel wasn't too far away because this was a very short trip. They had actually been in Costa Rica for family vacation before things got crazy in their careers again, but they had decided to make a stop in Miami to finish off the weekend.

"I love you." Demi's voice dropped an octave as she brought their intertwined hands up to her mouth and kissed the back of his hand.

Odell eyed her and smirked because he knew exactly how she was feeling. He pressed a little bit harder on the gas and they were in the parking lot of the hotel in no time. Thank God for valet. He didn't have to worry about parking. He swept Demi out of the passenger seat and carried her through the lobby of the luxurious hotel, her giggles sounding off of the walls and filling the elevator as they rode it up to the top floor.

"Remember when we first did this...the night before the Super Bowl?" Demi reminisced as Odell set her on the ground so that he could fish the hotel key out of his pocket.

"How could I forget?"

"And we were hooked to each other for life...and my pussy gave you good luck so you won the next day?" Demi giggled as the elevator doors opened and Odell threw his arm over her shoulder to help her keep her balance.

She was definitely drunk. Demi wasn't shy in bed but she wouldn't get super sexual unless she was intoxicated. That dirty mouth was just a result of the Don Julio 1942 that they had shared together.

"You think you're the reason I won?" Odell questioned with a smirk as Demi eagerly nodded her head.

She leaned against the door and gave him a sultry look as he opened the door to the penthouse. It didn't matter if they were only staying for the weekend. He only wanted the best for his family and that's what they got all of the time. He wouldn't settle for anything less.

"Yesssss," Demi dragged out as they made it inside.

Once the door clicked shut behind them, she was on him, wrapping herself around him as their lips connected. Then their tongues were intertwining and she was desperately trying to shimmy out of her clothes but Odell wasn't too worried about that.

The thing is...they had their romantic moments. They could spend the whole day making sweet love to each other. They were so intimate that they knew what the other was thinking just by looking at each other. Everyone was quick to judge at the beginning of their relationship. They got together so fast. They got serious so fast. But it was because the energy between them was so magnetic, that it just felt right being together. They knew they were meant for each other and they were reminded of that every single day. So they could be sweet and romantic. But there were moments when that's not what they wanted, and they both knew that. And this was one of those moments.

"Odell..." Demi drew out as she traced little patterns on his chest.

The sun was rising and Demi knew they needed to get ready so that by the time the kids got up they could get them ready to fly back home, but Demi loved getting to bask in their afterglow. They didn't get to do it often, but when they did, it was one of her favorite moments.


He was drawing a line up and down her spine, occasionally tracing the tattoos that she had on her back. He knew where every single tattoo was without even opening his eyes, even the ones she didn't talk about because she was embarrassed, like the little O on the inside of her thigh that only he got to see. That was on a drunken dare, and she still hadn't gotten it removed. Odell was positive that she secretly loved it, because everytime he licked it she would squirm.

"I love you, you know that right?" She reminded him, as if he needed a reminder.

Everyday that he woke up and got to see her as soon as he opened his eyes, he was reminded of how much he loved her. Everytime he looked at their kids he was reminded of how much he loved her. He was head over heels for her, and he knew she felt the same. They didn't need to say it to each other to validate their feelings. They just knew.

"I love you more."

"In this life and the next?" Demi checked, causing Odell to smile down at her.

"In this life and the next."

enews: Demi Lovato was spotted out and about in Los Angeles with her two children, Gianna, and her son whose name we still don't know. Lovato is married to football player Odell Beckham Junior who was recently traded to the San Francisco 49ers. Beckham and Lovato have already made the move back to California after splitting their time between Cleveland and California for the past few years. Sources say that Lovato is happy about the trade, mostly because it'll take a lot of strain off of having to travel so much for her career, and she's hoping to get back into making music this year.
Liked by peoplemag, odemi_4life, and 21,679 others
ddlovato: 1. what sources do you have bc I literally never said this? 2. you have photographers taking unsolicited images of my children then wonder why you don't know my son's name. 3. clearly the blonde wig didn't throw anyone off. dully noted. 4. mind your business.

Setting: Demi and Odell's House, Encino, CA

As soon as Demi heard the rumors that Odell was being considered for the 49ers, she had drafted blueprints for the building of their house, and it had paid off. They both had property in Los Angeles but Odell had sold his place once the football season started back up and he had to return to Cleveland. Shortly after, when Demi found out she was pregnant with Gia, she had started to rent her condo out to Dallas, only returning when Odell was in his off season or she had to travel for work. For the past few years, they had lived between Cleveland and Los Angeles. Now that Odell would officially be with the 49ers, they had a permanent spot to live in the form of a massive 8,000 square feet gated property that included a chef-quality kitchen, a heated resort-style pool, and a custom guest house that was being turned into a personal training gym for Odell. Odell didn't really care what the house looked like as long as he had a gym and as long as Demi and the kids loved it, so she pretty much got to build it however she wanted. There was still some work to be done - like the gate and redoing the pool because it was too deep for the kids to really enjoy it - but other than that, it was their dream home and it had come together beautifully. Well, almost. They were still unpacking and they probably wouldn't be finished anytime soon because they had a week full of press events that couldn't be missed.

Since making the big move back to California, Demi had decided that it would be the perfect time for her to get back into her career. She had been on and off since her last huge album. She had released an album and toured after Gia was born and then she took a break. She released collabs, performed at a few shows, and even dropped an EP but once Gionni was born, she completely stopped everything that she was doing. Scooter was fine with her taking a break but she was itching to get back to the studio. She wanted to sing, she wanted to act, she wanted to model...that had been her life for so long that apart of her felt lost since she had stopped doing it for a while. But the kids were getting older and she felt like it was okay for her to go back to work now without the guilt completely killing her.

Speaking of kids, she had to get them up before Scooter came over. Odell had already left for an early morning workout with the team so he wouldn't be back until later. They had their schedule worked out pretty well. Demi handled waking them up while Odell handled bedtime. He liked to get his work done in the morning while she was more of a night owl.

"Gia, princess, it's time to wake up," Demi cooed as she lightly shook her five year old.

Demi loved her kids but they were a lot to deal with. A LOT. Gianna, affectionally referred to as Gia, was almost six going on sixteen. Her little brother Gionni was just trying to follow in her footsteps...when Gia would actually let him. Gia was literally their gift from God and they treated her as such. So, when she learned that she had a little brother coming along, she really wasn't warmed up to the idea. She still wasn't. Everyday was a battle between the two and Demi was over it.

"I don't feel well, mommy," Gia whined as she curled further into herself. Demi knelt next to her bed and felt her forehead. She was a little warm but she wasn't burning up.

"What's wrong? Your stomach?" Demi asked, causing Gia to nod in response. "Like you have to throw up?" Another nod.

Ugh. The only thing worse than dealing with fueling kids were sick kids. Demi hated when her kids got sick because she felt like she could never do enough to make them well again. No matter how much medicine she gave them or how much soup she cooked them, the sickness just had to run its course.

"Okay, just stay here and I'll get something for it."

Hopefully Gio wasn't sick as well. Demi immediately sent a text to her mom to see if she could come over and help out while Demi met with Scooter. Odell wouldn't be back in time and Demi just wanted to make sure that Gia would be okay.

"Good morning, Gio!" Demi exclaimed as she entered the room across the hall. Gio was already sitting up in his bed with a wide smile on his face.

Gia and Gio actually balanced each other out so well. Gia was fire. She was sassy but could be sweet when she wanted to. She was marching to the beat of her own drum and keeping all of them on their toes. Gio was the opposite. He was a literal angel; calm and sweet and peaceful. Gio never got too hyped up. He didn't throw fits or anything. If anything, he was just clingy. When he was with his sister, he could be hyperactive, but that was about it. They definitely got the best of both worlds with their children and Demi wouldn't trade them in for anything.

"Hi, my little prince. Did you sleep well?" Demi cooed as she picked him up and kissed his cheek. It didn't take her long to get him ready. By the time she was finished, her mom was ringing the doorbell.

"Hey ma," Demi greeted, stepping aside so that Dianna would have room to come in.

Demi didn't always like to call her mom or Odell's mom when she needed help with the kids, but she also wasn't comfortable with the whole idea of a nanny. Her and Odell really had this whole thing figured out without having to bring complete strangers in to assist them with their children.

"Morning, let me take him and get some breakfast started so that you can get ready," Dianna said, immediately taking Gio out of Demi's arms. Demi combed her fingers through her hair as she checked the time on her phone.

"Gia is still in bed. She said her stomach hurts and I think she has a bit of a fever. I didn't get a chance to take her temperature though."

"Okay, Dems, go get ready and I'll take care of it. You know I've got this," Dianna reassured her, kissing her cheek before sending her upstairs.

Demi checked on Gia one more time before she went back to her room. She went back to sleep so Demi put the trash can in her en suite bathroom next to her bed instead before she made her way to her master bedroom to get ready.

After getting undressed for her shower, Demi sent Odell a quick picture so that he would have something nice to motivate him to hurry home after training. It took her another thirty minutes to get completely ready. By the time Scooter was in her living room, she was brushing through the long locks that Odell had convinced her to grow out.

"Demi!" Scooter exclaimed once she finally made it down the stairs.

He engulfed her in a huge hug because although he was her manager, it had been a while since they had seen each other face to face.

"Hey Scoot," Demi greeted before greeting everyone else as well. Allison was there along with Demi's assistant Lauren.

"Do you guys want some coffee or anything? I'm sorry for the mess. We're still getting settled in," Demi apologized as she walked towards the kitchen.

The thing she loved most about the house was the open floor plan. She could be in the kitchen and still see what the kids were doing in the living room or outside in the backyard.

"Just some water would be nice," Allison said. Dianna helped her grab a few water bottles to take out to them.

"Okay, so first off, you need to stop getting into it with these news accounts, Demi," Scooter started off, causing Allison to chuckle as Demi playfully rolled her eyes. "I know instagram is really the only thing you control, and I don't want to take that away from you, but you can't go after every page that posts your kids without your permission. Trust me, I understand how infuriating it is and that you just want to protect them, but you can't do it like this."

Before Demi had kids, she hated being famous. She hated the paparazzi, the media, the gossip, the rumors, the tabloids, the nosy fans...she hated all of it. Now that she had two kids, Demi loathed it. She hated having her kids exposed to all of this but at the same time, she did love her job and she had come to an understanding that it just came with the territory. People could take all of the pictures of her that she wanted, but when it came to her kids it felt very violating.

"Second of all, I have a few projects that I want to bring to your attention. I know we're going to do the album and maybe another tour, and we can plan the rollout for all of that later. Youtube actually reached out to me and wants to do another documentary. I know ESPN reached out to Odell for a documentary as well, so Ryan Seacrest actually wanted to consolidate those two ideas and do a show, like a ten episode arc just to see if this is something that people want to see," Scooter explained, causing Demi to furrow her eyebrows.

"You just got done reprimanding me for cussing out gossip sites and you think that I want to do a reality show?" Demi questioned as both Scooter and Allison laughed like they knew that would be her response. What were they expecting? Demi really tried her best to control what she shared about her life and a reality tv show would contradict all of that.

"Don't think of it as a show. Maybe more of a docuseries? Ten episodes and that can be it. There's just this interest in you and Odell, especially with him getting traded, and I would not be a good manager if I didn't bring this amazing opportunity to your attention," Scooter justified.

"My answer is already no but I'll talk to Odell about it."

"Okay, well let's get the schedule for this album rollout sorted just so you know how much time you have to spend in the studio and everything."

By the time Odell made it home, they were almost finished with their meeting. Scheduling the album rollout is what took the most time because that involved studio sessions, promotion on radio and TV, live performances, photoshoots, and so much stuff that Demi had forgotten about it. Odell usually showered at the gym so he wasn't shy about greeting everyone then taking a seat next to Demi. They were definitely involved in each other's careers and usually didn't make huge decisions about confronting the other.

"Where are the kids?" Odell asked after greeting Demi with a kiss.

"They're upstairs with my mom. I think they're both sleeping because Gio was still a little tired and Gia has a fever," Demi answered as she leaned against him. "Do you want me to make you something to eat?"

"I got us sweetgreen. What's the plan for the album? Did you get everything sorted out?"

"Scooter obviously forgot who is client is because he asked if I would be okay with doing like a ten episode docuseries thing...like for both of us," Demi stated, causing Scooter to laugh again.

"She told me her answer is no but she'd talk to you about it," Scooter said to Odell who just shook his head.

"I don't care, but if the queen says no, it means no," Odell chuckled, causing Demi to lightly pinch his arm.

"Okay, before we really set this thing in motion, let me just ask since you're both here. Are you guys planning on having another kid anytime soon?"

Coming from anyone else, the question would've been extremely violating but Gio had been a pleasant little surprise that threw nine months worth of plans away, so Scooter kind of had a right to ask. Kind of.

"No," Demi quickly answered.

Odell made a noise like he didn't agree so Demi looked over at him, daring him to contradict her. In the end, he didn't say anything. The queen said no, so it meant no.

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