♚ ℑrust the Just ♚ // Edmund...

By INstrumentAlVirUs

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❝❞ ༻ ♞༺ (Y/n) fin... More



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By INstrumentAlVirUs

Edmund's POV

"Wha-" and before I could even finish my sentence, a random girl was on top of me.

"Damnit...." She croaked out. I groaned in pain moving slightly. My back was aching and I'm pretty sure my ribs were bruised now. I couldn't really move much because she was on top and I was facing the ground.

I needed to get up and figure out what the hell happened.

"Get off me," I hissed as I slowly rolled out once she lifted herself off. Her eyes widened and she tried to move quickly but her injuries prevented it.

"He-Hey, easy you're only going to hurt yourself more," I slowly turned around, supporting myself on my elbows. "Listen I'm not going to hurt you," I finally got a good look at her. She was in a jumper layered with some necklaces, and cuffed jeans, barefoot. Her (hairstyle and length) was (h/c) and her eyes were (e/c).

"You're not from around here, are you?" I was starting to think that she was a daughter of Eve.

"What gave you that impression," she sarcastically said. She made an attempt at getting up but failed, crying in pain, "Ow fuck, my sides hurt."

"Well, What were you doing up in that tree for?" I said sitting up, then trying to pick myself up, "Were you spying on me?"

"Yeah, because I didn't know who was coming, all I knew was that they had a horse and a weapon, " she slowly stood up, and wiped her hands on her pants, "thanks for the little gift by the way!" She had pointed to the arrow I had launched earlier in the grass. I couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Um, yeah sorry about that," I said, "I'm Edmund, and you are?" She huffed a little.

"I'm (Y/n)...can you tell me where I am, what is this place."

"in The Owlwoods,"

"Where's that exactly?"



"You're in Narnia, you've never been around here before?" I asked just to clarify my suspicion. She shook her head and said "I wasn't here, what I mean is I'm not sure what's happening at all. First I was in my room and now I'm here in Narnia."

"So that means you're...you're like me," I said.

"Like you how exactly, do you mean you came from my world, like Earth?" Her expression was contorted with confusion and curiosity.

"When you phrase it like that it sounds ridiculous. My siblings and I are from Finchley, England." The fact that someone else has now experienced what my family has was wild to me. I didn't think about the possibility of it happening.

"Wait how long, when, I mean what is Narnia and why are you here and why am I here, I don't understand-" her movements became spastic with every new question she threw at me.

"Hey, calm down, I can explain as much as I can on our way to Cair Paravel," I walked to Philip, ever so gingerly due to my back. She took one step and then stopped.

"Where are you taking me?" (Y/n) was still, her eyes inspecting every inch of me, "I still don't know if I can trust you."

"Just the castle, I promise I'm not going to hurt you, Philip tell her," I gestured to my horse.

"What's your horse gonna say-"

"Edmund is a respectable young man, besides you don't seem the least bit threatening," said the horse.

"Hey!" (Y/n) said offended, "how- you know what I shouldn't be surprised but here I am, stuck in Narnia with a talking horse and a beanpole."

"Well considering you're the one who tackled me, we-" I gestured between Philip and I, "should be the ones who can't trust you, tree gremlin," I smirked and mounted myself.

"Once again, you were the one who shot at me, it was merely a self-defense, string bean," (Y/n) crossed her arms.

"Alright, clearly neither of us trust each other," I rode closer to her, "but I can't leave you here alone and injured." I shifted under her gaze, trying to find any comfort in this situation.

"Alright, I'll go with you, BUT don't think you can pull a fast one on me," she said. I put my hand out to help her up and as soon as I tried to pull, my back started to burn and ache. (Y/n) hissed and held her sides tight. I guess we both forgot about that little detail.

"Damn...here I'll-" I was about to get down when she grabbed around Philip and pulled herself on. That had to have hurt. I wasn't sure if I should offer help but (Y/n) seemed like she didn't want anything to do with me.

We didn't move for a solid second and I'm sure it's because the both of us were avoiding what was to come next. We were both in pain but also not comfortable being this close to a stranger. Needless to say, it was way out of our comfort zone.

I cleared my throat and looked at her over my shoulder, "It's alright...you can put your arms around me." She then wrapped her arms around my waist and placed her head on my back. I jolted at her touch. "Not too tight, it's sore," I moved a little as she adjusted her pose.

"Sorry," she quietly said. Her warmth oozed into my body and my cheeks became flushed. It was unusual but I didn't completely mind it. It was soothing to my injuries, and now thinking that over makes me want to gag. Yeah, never mind I hated this.

"I can start answering your questions if you'd like?" I said as we made our way to Cair Paravel. We needed to pass the time with something anyway. Anything to get my mind off this feeling.

"Alright, what's Narnia?" She asked.

"Well it's complicated, it's like a dimension of sorts, I'm not entirely sure how or why about its existence or why we're here but I do know Aslan is probably waiting to meet you," I explain how my siblings and I got here and how we haven't gone back since, about Aslan and all the other creatures and adventurers I've been on. She listened and then interrupted,

"Wait you're a king?" she asked in disbelief.

"It's true, we were all crowned a few years ago So we're still pretty new to this but I think we're doing good."

"Wow, how's it like?" (Y/n) asked.

"It's not like how I dreamed of to be, there's so many responsibilities but there's also a lot of perks. I like being able to have some kind of power and help make decisions that will benefit us all." Thinking about my family made me subconsciously smile.

"Besides I have my other siblings who share the responsibilities and we make a pretty good team..." I realized I went completely soft and (Y/n) seemed to be enjoying it by her smile.

"But-But it's not like they aren't a pain in the arse," I said and she laughed. I hope I still had some of my dignity left.

"I'm glad to know you do care about your siblings, I think it's sweet you can admit it," she looked away, a soft look in her eyes, "but I get it, siblings are people you can't live with but can't live without." I'm glad she didn't tease me about that, it was nice to just be honest about how I feel, and have something we can relate to.

"So then do you think you could help me, figure out what I'm supposed to do here?"

"I'm thinking I don't have a choice," I playfully teased, "and besides, you could have come to Narnia by random so just enjoy it. Either way as a daughter of Eve, you have some importance here so we gotta look after you."

"Is that so?" I felt her eyes staring at me, smirking, "Guess I'm stuck with you."

"More like I'm stuck with you," I smiled and she did the same. At least she was fun to talk to, so this couldn't be all that bad. However then I started to wonder, what was about to happen and how would (Y/n) play into all this, that is if anything was to come from her arrival. I hope Aslan comes soon because we need answers.

- ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2 -

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