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By wiiped-outt

45.5K 2.2K 2.3K

Deku has a plan. Does it involve lying to an entire school, faking his relationship with Todoroki, and bringi... More

author's note
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one

chapter four

2.1K 112 133
By wiiped-outt


I'm terrified.

I was standing by one of the walls in the common area, trying to stay calm but failing as thoughts ran through my head. Something bad has definitely happened.

Around me, panic ensued. Bakugou was storming up to his room, sending random explosions up into the air. Kirishima ran after him, trying to calm him down, while Aoyama paced back and forth by the windows, mumbling to himself. Hagakure was shaking and holding onto Ashido, who was trying to distract herself by putting on music.

The others were huddling together in small groups, anxiously guessing as to why Mr Aizawa had just locked the dorm house.

"No one is to leave this building," he had said right before locking the doors from the outside.

"I bet a villain threatened the school," Kaminari said loudly, bringing me back to the present.

"We should help!" Uraraka responded.

"Mr Aizawa told us to stay in the house," Iida said, shutting her down, "so we need to stay here."

Jiro spoke up. "But what if the heroes are in trouble?"

"They'll be okay on their own," Iida answered. "We can't go outside."

"The doors are locked, anyway," Ashido added.

"I'm scared," Hagakure said, her voice trembling. "What if something really bad happened?"

"The heroes will handle it," Yaoyorozu stated. "We'll be okay."

"This is scary," Tsuyu said. "Ribbit."

Tokoyami and Shoji joined the group. "This may not be important," Shoji said, "but Mr Aizawa's standing outside of the house."

"It looks like he's waiting for someone," Tokoyami added. "He keeps looking around."

"Maybe he's trying to see if there's a villain?" Kaminari suggested.

"I don't think so," Tokoyami answered. "He didn't look scared, just stressed, but that's usual for him."

Suddenly, everyone went silent. I moved closer to see what had happened and heard the door being unlocked. My sight of the door was blocked slightly since the group of people were standing in front of me.

Everyone was staring at the door, barely even breathing, as it slowly creaked open. It was so quiet that even the sound of a pin hitting the ground would be overwhelmingly loud.

Mr Aizawa walked through the door and held it open for something behind him. He turned to us while he waited for whatever was hiding to appear in the doorway next to him. "Now, kids, I know it's been a long time, but please do your best to not overwhelm him—"

The black-haired teacher was cut off by shouts of shock. I assumed that meant that whatever Mr Aizawa was waiting for had come into view, so I tensed up, getting ready to fight if necessary.

However, the people in front of me weren't prepared to fight at all—in fact, Uraraka was crying.

Why is she crying? I though, confusion flooding through me. Isn't there a villain to fight?

Then it occurred to me that there probably wasn't a villain. Oops.

I walked around the group of students, who were all either crying or at least freaking out by now. Uraraka wiped the falling tears from her eyes, trying to calm down enough to speak.

"D-Deku. . . ."


No way.

I got around the group and looked at the door. Mr Aizawa was smiling—something I had never seen before. It wasn't a cheeky smile, though. It was sad and subtle, and he was looking at the rest of his class as they cried.

Next, my eyes moved to the person next to him. His hair was wild and green, his cheeks were smeared with dirt, and his jeans were ripped at the knees.

"Deku!" Uraraka cried.

Realisation slapped me across the face. That's Midoriya.

His green eyes were bright and filled with tears, his lips were trembling as he tried not to cry, and there was dirt was smeared on his cheeks. He looked like had fought ten villains just to be here.

He looked up and saw me. Our eyes locked, and for a minute, the sounds of the others crying completely disappeared. It was only me and Midoriya.

He's here.

Without realising, I had started crying, too. Warm tears were rolling down my cheeks, but I brushed them away quickly.

He's really here.

Suddenly, realisation seemed to hit everyone at once, and they all rushed toward Deku. I stood off to the side, not wanting to add to the shock of having eighteen people run at you at once.

Mr Aizawa walked into the building and closed the door, then stood by the wall while the students were bombarding Midoriya with questions and hugs.

"What happened?" someone asked. Everyone was speaking at once, so it was hard to tell who had asked the question.

"Where did you go?"

"Did you have to fight a bunch of villains?"

"Are you okay?"

Midoriya just laughed and tried to answer the questions; however, more kept coming, and he wasn't able to speak for long enough to answer without being interrupted.

"Alright, kids," Mr Aizawa said, making everyone back up. "Let him breathe. Also, I'm sorry for putting you all on lockdown, I'm sure that caused some worry. Principal Nezu didn't want any of you to leave so that you could be the first to see Midoriya. Where are Kirishima and Bakugou?"

"Bakugou was upset about getting locked in and went to his room," Kaminari answered. "I think Kirishima followed him."

"Can someone please get the two of them and bring them down?"

"Yes, sir!"

Kaminari and Sero ran to the stairs and disappeared up them.

Deku opened his mouth to start answering questions, but then he turned to the side and looked directly at me. His eyes were sad but he was smiling.

Suddenly, he was running, and then he was in my arms. His arms wrapped around my waist and his head was next to my chest, his wet tears seeping through my white shirt slightly.

"Izuku," I mumbled, holding him tightly. He's here. He's really here, I repeated to myself in my head, he's really here and he's in my arms.

I unconsciously ran my hand along his back, just making sure he was truly there. I kissed the top of his head, even though his unruly hair poked my face.

He's really here.

Izuku looked up at me and smiled brightly. He stood on the tips of his toes and then our lips were connecting—I was smiling and he was smiling and the world around us dissolved as if we were the only two people left.

"I've waited four months to do that," Izuku mumbled, taking a small step back. "I missed you so much."

"You're here," I whispered, mostly to myself.

"I'm here, Shoto."

I looked up from him for a second and saw the rest of the students staring at us and happily freaking out.

"You guys are cute," Uraraka said, making me look away as my face heated up.

"I'll be in the teacher's room if you need me," Mr Aizawa said casually. "Let Midoriya rest soon."

"Yes, sir!"

Noise coming from the staircase made us all look towards it. Bakugou practically jumped down the stairs, followed closely by Kirishima. Sero and Kaminari soon appeared, both panting.

"Man," Sero said weakly. "Bakugou can run fast."

"Deku!" Bakugou screamed angrily.

Izuku, who was still standing next to me, waved at the blonde boy.

"Where the hell did you go? Did you fight villains without me?"

Even though he was screaming and sounded pissed, Bakugou's words had some care in them. He had missed Izuku too.

Midoriya laughed nervously, cautiously stepping closer to me in case anything bad happened.

"We should give Midoriya some space," Iida announced. "Then, if he wants to, he can tell us what happened."

I walked to the couch and sat down next to Izuku. He leaned on me as the other students sat down with us, though some remained standing.

Slowly, Midoriya explained the story of his experience with the League of Villains, how he was kidnapped, and how he escaped just earlier that day. Everyone was listening intently, taking in every detail.

When he was done, Izuku's eyes were drooping and he looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"It's a quarter to eleven already," Yaoyorozu stated, checking her phone for the time.

"It sounds like he's had a long day," Uraraka said. "Maybe we should let him go to sleep."

I nodded in agreement just as Izuku's head fell onto my shoulder; he had already fallen asleep.

"I'll take him upstairs," I said. Careful to not wake him, I stood up and turned to face Midoriya. I picked him up bridal-style and he stirred, resting his head against my shoulder again. "Goodnight, guys."

"Goodnight, Todoroki."

I carried Izuku all the way upstairs to the fifth floor, where my dorm room was. I would have taken him to his room, but it had been locked when he disappeared, and Mr Aizawa still had the key.

I opened the door and set Izuku on the bed, then I quietly walked away to get ready to go to sleep.

Once I was ready, I grabbed a pillow from the bed and laid down on the floor next to it, wanting to respect Izuku's space. He started moving, though, and looked over at me.

"Come onto the bed, Shoto," he mumbled, exhaustion overpowering his voice. "You don't have to sleep on the floor." He yawned.


Izuku reached down to grab my hand. "Please?"

I obliged and laid down next to him, putting my arm over him gently.

Slowly, I drifted off to sleep as I listened to Izuku's steady breathing. He's actually here.

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