The Monsters Within (Reiner B...

By Bakubabe420Katsuki

7K 291 53

"You're not the only one with secrets" Valerie Ireese. She was found outside of the walls by scouts, all ter... More

Beginning of the End
A New Chance
It's Time
Who Are You?
Pride and Honor
Helpfulness and a Race to Win

First Day of Training

624 27 2
By Bakubabe420Katsuki

Valerie P.O.V

The ride was bumpy. I sat at the end on the right side with another girl, and after trying to get comfy, I opted for a different position. My left foot was on the bench, with my arm resting on my knee, while my other leg hung off the edge. The day had begun to leave, and the sky was becoming just a bit darker with time.

A while later, and we had finally arrived. The sun had begun to set, leaving a light orange hue on the large dirt field I just hopped down onto. It was dirt, and very large. A tall, bald man was waiting on the field and impatiently ordered everyone into multiple rolls and columns.

"Show me your salutes!" He yelled. Everyone quickly placed a fist on the left side of their chest, where their heart was. He walked down the rows and columns, observing everyone. He stopped once to yell at a short bald kid who had his fist on the right. Poor thing.

A while later, he stopped at me, his straight face now contorted into a sneer. "Valerie Ireese Smith, I presume?" Oooh, that's what it was. My family. He probably thought I'd be stuck up and prideful about my family. There were a few whispers here and there at the mention of  "Smith" because that was Erwin's last name. No doubt they were trying to put together a resemblance of the two of us.

Erwin was blond, and my hair was a midnight black. His eyes were blue, while mine were a forest green. He was pretty fair, and I was tanned and slightly dark from years in the sun. Some people were definitely confused.

I kept a straight face and answered him clearly, "Sir yes sir."

He looked down at me, attempting to intimidate me. It didn't work, and either he was too stupid to notice or he just wanted to scare everyone else. I was beginning to think the latter. "Well don't think that just 'cuz that old man is your 'father,'" he paused to roll his eyes, "that you'll get special treatm-"

I had to cut him off. Something about him blatantly disrespecting Erwin had set something off within me. "I don't want your treatment Sir! I AM HERE TO TRAIN, SIR!" I had yelled the last part, too angry to try and show respect.

He went silent at that, before nodding and turning around to address everyone. His name, all the good stuff I suppose. At some point he said "At ease'' and everyone had relaxed. I ignored pretty much everything, and was only snapped out of my thoughts from a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, uh, we've been dismissed." A deep male voice sounded from behind me. When I turned around, I was eye level with somebody's chest. Looking up slightly, my dark green eyes met golden ones. He had blond hair, and after taking a small step to observe him better, I noticed he was fairly buff. "Everyone's heading off to eat supper." He offered a small smile, and I couldn't help but offer one back.

He accompanied me to mess hall, and had even invited me to sit with his friends. I gladly accepted. From there, he introduced himself, as did his friends. "I'm Reiner, Reiner Braun. This is Bertholdt Hoover, and this is-"

He was interrupted by the female sitting next to me. "I have a mouth, Reiner. You know what it's used for? Speaking for myself." Oh damn, she was sassy. I like her. "My names Annie Leonhart. Now all of you shut the hell up so I can eat my food." With that happy note, she went back to her food. I did too, I was starving. The food was actually pretty good.

"So, Smith huh?" Shit, I was kinda hoping nobody would bring that up. Nevertheless, I nodded politely, not entirely keen on explaining who my family is, or was. "Does that mean you're related to Erwin Smith, like the commander of the Survey Corps, Erwin Smith?" Reiner's voice was deep, and his voice came out a bit louder than expected. Conversations died down, and the only sound remaining was the small scrapes of utensils against plates of food. I could feel eyes on my back, and it sent small goosebumps over my body.

"Yeah, what about it?" My whole demeanor had changed, cold, sharp, and on edge. My fists were beginning to clench, and I was feeling my nails digging into my skin. Reiner chuckled nervously, and slowly, chatter resumed. I guess they got the message. "Uh, sorry about that. But he actually adopted me. So, not really related, I guess you could say?"

It wasn't entirely a lie, he did take me under his wing, and we are definitely not related. I looked straight at Reiner, silently asking him to keep asking questions. I did not have a worthy explanation as to why he adopted me, without mentioning my parents, or the authorities. He took the message, and didn't ask anything more. In a sense, I had answered his question.

After a while two boys began arguing, a boy with brown and black hair, and another with brown hair and blue and green eyes. It looked like a fight was about to ensue,  and my interest had begun to pique. Just as it did, the bell rang, loud and clear, signaling that it was time for bed.

I immediately claimed a bed in the corner, on top. Thankfully, it was also near a window, so I was able to get a nice view of the night sky and stars.  A girl named Mina was below me. Any light remaining was now gone, and an aura of sleep surrounds me. My eyes droop once, twice, thrice, before I fall asleep.

The day is finally finished.

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