The Rider (Complete)

By EdwardMullen

9.7K 2.1K 205

Oxygen is the new currency. Those who have it, survive. Those who don't, die. Following a cataclysmic event... More

How this story came to be
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine

Chapter Three

363 57 9
By EdwardMullen

With his status set to unavailable, Kade was unreachable. He was not taking any new jobs for the immediate future. 

He left his apartment building around noon to run some errands. One of the things on his to do list was to visit his mother. She was sick and unable to work so Kade delivered groceries and other essentials to her every other day. As the world was consumed by a thick smog that choked the life out of nearly every living thing, those who survived often developed life-threatening respiratory ailments. His mother required constant care and Kade made it his life's mission to look after her. In many ways, her life gave him purpose — a reason to continue. Living in a world so bleak had a way of robbing people of joy and hope.

Kade entered his mother's apartment, greeted her with a hug, and then set two canisters of oxygen on the counter for her.

"How're you feeling?" he asked. "Can I get you anything? Something to eat?"

"I just made myself a sandwich. I made one for you as well. It's in the fridge."


"Where are you off to next?" his mother asked. "Another job?"

"I don't plan on taking any more jobs for a little while. I just want to stay in the city and be close to you."

"I'd really enjoy that, Kaden. You know I worry about you so much. Not a day goes by where I don't pray for you to come home safe and sound."

"There's no reason to pray, mum. If there is a God, he's not answering his calls," Kade said, walking to the air purifying system. He replaced his mother's air filter and put in a new oxygen canister. 

"As long as we're still alive and breathing, God is looking out for us," his mother said.

"I hope you're right about that."

Kade sat next to his mum on the couch and pulled a token out of his pocket. "Before coming to see you, I had a meeting. Look," he said, showing his mother a one-year sobriety coin. "I'm one year clean today."

"That's so wonderful, honey. Come here," his mother said, hugging him and shedding a tear. "I'm so proud of you."

"We should celebrate," Kade said. "Where would you like to go?"

"Dinner and a movie?"

"It's a date."

Kade spent the afternoon with his mother, and at around 6:00 p.m., the two exited the building. The city was dark and they lived in a rough part of town.

"I never leave the house this late," Kade's mother said.

"It's okay, ma, you're safe with me."

The streets were seedy. Nefarious and opportunistic criminals lurked in the shadows, looking for an easy target. Most of them were addicted to ghost, the street name for a synthetic drug that when inhaled delivered a power psychedelic experience of euphoria. The drug was widespread through the area, everyone trying to get their hands on it. It was nearly as valuable as oxygen.

"You know, this reminds me of a much more innocent time," she said. "Before the volcano, people went to work, went out on dates, met with friends, ran their daily errands... So much has changed. I hardly know any of my neighbours, most people work from home, and rarely do they go out and meet up with friends in person. Wherever I look I see unscrupulous characters littered all over, doing drugs and up to no good. It's a really sad state."

"I try not to think about it. This is the world I know. I was just a little kid when the volcano erupted."

"I wish you could have seen the way people lived back in the day."

"There's always videos online. I get the idea."

"It's not the same."

They continued down the dark streets, illuminated by the soft glow from the streetlights, Kade's mother clung to his arm. Her anxiety was spiked and she didn't feel comfortable being out at night.

While crossing a street, they heard a commotion in a back alley that sounded like a woman screaming. She was crying for help and fighting off her attacker. Kade continued walking, paying her no mind.

"Kaden, you must help that poor woman."

"It's best not to get involved, ma," he said, not breaking stride.

"That is someone's sister, or mother. You must help her."

"We live it a different world now, ma. If I help her, I might get jumped, stabbed, or shot. Is that what you want?"

"Of course not, but we can't turn a blind eye," his mother said, stopping dead in her tracks.

"Ma, what are you doing? It's most likely a trap. People out here are hustlers. They trick you into thinking there's danger, and when you go to help, five guys will surround you and rob you. Trust me, it's best not to get involved."

"I didn't raise you to be a coward. Now either you go help her, or I will."

Kade looked at his mother and realized she wasn't budging until he did something. Too often people, including Kade, would turn a blind eye to these sorts of situations, which were a regular occurrence. Rapes, murders, muggings, anyone in distress were left to their own devices. The problems were easier to ignore than to acknowledge. It was common for people to step over a dead body like a piece of discarded trash and carry on with their day without giving second thought. It was a harsh environment and human life, aside from one's own, just wasn't seen as valuable.

Withdrawing his gun, he entered the alley, charging into the darkness. He called out to the woman, whose screams had now subsided. Her attackers had fled. Approaching the woman, Kade was still cautious, looking around for a potential ambush. Still brandishing his weapon, he asked the woman if she was okay.

The young girl, no more than fifteen years old, was slumped over and sobbing uncontrollably. She looked up at Kade, but didn't share her profile with him so he had no way of telling what she looked like or how old she was. He at least could tell that she was emotionally distraught and in need of help.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you," he said, discreetly tucking the gun into his jacket. He then extended a hand to help her up. Kade helped the poor girl to her feet and escorted her back to the main street, where Kade's mother was waiting with open arms.

"My name is Kade, what's your name?"

"My name is, Kirin," the girl said.

"It's nice to meet you, Kirin. We're here to help you. Is there somewhere you'd like to go? My mother and I can walk with you to make sure you get there safely."

"A young girl like you shouldn't be out on these streets alone," Kade's mother said. "It's not safe."

"I appreciate your help and concern, but I should go."

"Are you sure?" Kade's mother said. "Let us walk you home at least."

"No, really, I'm fine. Thank you," the girl said before darting across the street in a hurry.

"What has this world come to?" his mother said.

"People are just reverting to their animalistic tendencies. There are hunters, and there are prey."

"I don't believe that," his mother shot back. "What are you? What am I?"

"We're prey. We're just not the weakest targets yet."

"This poor girl shouldn't have been out at night. These streets aren't safe."

"It's a concrete jungle, ma," Kade said, reflecting on the situation. "Survival of the fittest out here."

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