Endless Affection ❅ Dr Stone...

By TsumikiHikari

27K 539 224

"For so many years humanity's been petrified...but still my feelings for you remains." True partners complete... More

Rules For Requesting
❥#stayathome [s. ukyo]
❥weakness [yandere! s. ukyo]
『Ukyo Animatic』
❥when they show affection [hc]

❥thoughtful present [s. ukyo & i. senku]

3.1K 84 41
By TsumikiHikari

Ukyo x Reader x Slight! Senku

You walk towards Senku who's focused on doing his experiment for God-knows what. You knew that he sense your presence but decided to ignore you. You don't mind though, he won't ignore you once you started a conversation anyway.

"Hey, Senku...if you could, can you--"

"I refuse."
His quick response cuts you off before you get the chance to even said to him what you want.

"Hey! At least let me finish my sentence!"
You shouted at him with an annoyed expression. He simply heaves a sigh and makes the same equal annoyed face.

"You're probably just gonna ask me to help you with something anyway. I'm busy as of right now so could you please play somewhere else."
He makes a hand gesture as if he's shooing an animal which irks you.

"RUDE!!! Come on, Senku! Won't you help a friend who's in need for you??? As a price, I'll work twice my part for the upcoming projects. Pretty plissss...."
You beg him and give him your best puppy eyes to get him to help you.

At the mention of you willing to work yourself twice your part for the upcoming projects, Senku's eyes glint and he grins devilishly at you.

"You'll really work twice your part? Well, now that's an interesting deal. Kukuku...You can't go back on your words now, just to let you know."

You choked internally and sweats uncontrollably. It seems like you have just asked for the help of a devil. And as for exchange, you're offering him your soul--- I mean, your labor lol.
(JSHK reference anyone lol)

"So, what do you want me to help you with?"
Senku asks, now fully focusing his attention to you. You fist pump internally while still maintaining your calm composure. Can't let him know how badly you wanted to grin from ear to ear as of right now.

"Yeah, actually I want to ask you to help me make a present...."
You timidly admit it while fidgeting with your fingers.

Senku glances at your fidgeting fingers then stare at your face. He could almost see where this conversation is going at.

"For Ukyo?"
He finally asks and your head jerked up, eyes glittering at him.

"As expected of my best friend! You do know what I'm thinking after all!"
You laugh loudly while slapping his back so hard it will most probably leave a mark.

"Hey, stop that! If you want a help to think of a present to give to a person you're interested in, I'm not the guy. Go ask someone else. Taiju, or Chrome, or Gen, or Ryusui or someone else."
Senku quickly shows his disinterest and turns his face away from you.

"Okay, first of all, there's no one here whose name is 'someone else'. Don't know why you suggested them twice though. Second of all, I can't work with any of those guys! I'd like a help from someone with the modern world knowledge so Chrome's out. Taiju is too honest and he's helpless in this type of thing himself. Gen is okay since he's a mentalist and all but I don't want him to meddle in my business and be a matchmaker or something. As soon as he knew I have a crush on Ukyo, he's gonna make a big fuss of it, I'm sure of it! And Ryusui.....I get a feeling that the percentage of our work will only be 5% while the other 95% is just him flirting or something....Anyways, you're my only hope so please...!!"
You slide in a pinch of sarcasm before you reject all of his suggestion. You then continue to beg for his help with your clasped hands.

"There's a ten billion percent you just made that up for your own convenience."
Senku smirks bitterly at you. You just pout at his nonchalance.

"You actually wanted to make something of the modern tech, right? That's why you came to me. You probably just wants to make something that can't be obtained in this stone world."
Senku exposed you and you just blinks blankly at him.

"Well, you're not wrong there but that's not the main reason."
You stare at him confusedly with your head tilted to the side.

Senku was caught off guard at this and he stares at you curiously.

"You're my best friend, Senku, and you know me well. You're the one I can trust and rely on, Senku."
You said with a genuine smile. Senku didn't react at that and just scoffs at you.

"You know I'm not the emotional type so why bother saying those?"

You smile wryly at his response but just shrugs it off.

"Since we're talking about Ukyo here, making a new bow and arrows for him would be fine. It's convenient for him too."
Senku starts to take a piece of paper and starts scribbling something.

"Ooh, that's nice. Using an upgraded version of a bow would be convenient too. As expected of you, Senku. You're a genius!"
You clap your hand once and look at him with admiration.

"Kuku, you can't butter me up with those compliments. You still have to stick to the deals, Y/N."

You click your tongue once and made a distasteful face at him.

"By the way, are you really sure of this? Wanting to make a present for a guy you like but having another guy helping you out with it, I mean."
Senku asks you this seriously.

"That's why I told you, I chose to ask for your help. I'd like to have as little help as possible while making it and since you don't like meddling with other's business too much, I asked for your help."
You shrug your shoulders and reply to him nonchalantly.

"'s that so...?"
He casts a sideways glance to you before focusing to his front again.

After a long (not) journey of hard work, you were finally able to finish the present.

"WOHOO! Finally! I did it!"
You jump in excitement and began making some crazy dance moves, satisfied with the result of your hard work.

"Kuku, don't be so happy. You still have to repay me with your labor, Y/N."
Senku crosses his arm and laugh at your excitement.

You turn to him and tackle him to a hug, catching him off guard.

"I know that, of course! Thank you so much for helping me, even if it was just little. You're really my very good best friend!"
You let go of him just as fast as you tackle him to a hug, leaving the shocked Senku still processing what just happened.

"Anyways, I'll fill you in on the details later, Senku! Thanks again!"
You ran out of the lab and began searching for Ukyo.

Senku plops down on one of the chair in the lab and stare off vacantly at his surroundings.

"If you have loved her, you shouldn't etlay go of her when you had the chance, Senku-chan."

Senku merely glances at Gen who appeared out of nowhere in the lab.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm too busy to experience such things like love."
Senku replies calmly, getting up from his seat and walk towards the door.

"It's useless to eignfay innocence. I'm a mentalist, y'know?"

Senku stops himself from going out and turns to Gen.

"Well, they do say that if you love something you have to set them free."
With that, Senku goes out of the lab, leaving Gen alone.

"Except that you miss something from that sentence. 'If they come back to you, that means they are yours.'. And you knew that that won't happen don't you, Senku-chan? Which is why you purposely left that out."
Gen heaves a sigh at Senku's attitude. Deep in his heart, he felt genuine sympathy for that friend of his.

First person POV

"Where is he...?"
I walk steadily around the village, asking anyone that knows where Ukyo might be while carefully carrying the bow at my back.

"Hey, Y/N."
I almost tripped myself when a sudden voice greeted me behind my back. I turn around to see Ukyo, on a tree branch, smiling at me.

"He must've heard my footsteps around here."
I thought to myself. At his smiling face, I could feel myself getting nervous. My heart won't stop beating faster by moments. I'm just afraid he'd hear my racing heartbeats.

"Hey, Ukyo."
I return his greetings with a bit of a sheepish smile. My face also is starting to heat up.

"Were you searching for someone? You keep going around here and there. I can help you with it, if you want."
Ukyo kindly offers his help to me. He then jumps down from the tree and close the distance between us.

"Aahh....it's okay. There's no need for you to help me search anymore."
I tried to hide my smiling face. I really want to let out a giggle as of right now. I just find it adorable and amusing that Ukyo's trying to help me find the person I was searching. I mean, that person is himself.

"Oh...Are you sure? I can really help you with it though?"

I couldn't hold it in anymore. The fact that he's trying hard to offer me help makes it even cuter.

"Ahaha....Oh God, Ukyo...You're too cute..."
I honestly said and cover my mouth, trying to stifle my laughter. Ukyo seems confused for a second before suddenly looking....disappointed..?

"You think I'm cute?"
Ukyo dryly says with a wry smile.

"S-sorry, Ukyo....I didn't mean it in a bad way. Ehem! Anyways, actually the person I was searching for was you, hehe."
I let out another giggle of amusement. At my statement, Ukyo's eyes widen in realization and he lets out a chuckle himself.

"Ah....now I see."
He continues chuckling with a small blush on his cheeks.

I stare dreamily at his face. It's literally illegal to be that attractive. I tried to turn away from facing him. Any longer than this and I might just explode from seeing him.

"Um, so why were you searching for me?"
Ukyo starts the conversation after calming down. I felt my heart skip a beat at the question. It's time!, I thought to myself.

I take out the packaging of the bow behind my back and hold it out to him.

"I made this present for you."
I send him a grin, trying to hide my anxious self.

"Ah....a present....Wait, huh? What, huh?? F-for me...?"
Ukyo started stuttering at his words. I felt the urge to hug him at his cuteness but I restrain myself. His face was a blushing mess and from there, I could deduce that he's probably not used to having receive a present from a girl.

His bashfulness makes me equally as bashful. He then takes the package with a slightly trembling hands.

"Um, thank you, Y/N...."
Ukyo mumbles those words. I stare at him with wide eyes. Certainly, while I really hoped he would accept the present, I didn't actually expect him to accept it. I mean, people don't normally give others present out of nowhere so it would be understandable if he had been a bit creeped out by me but.....he didn't. That alone made me happy inside.

"This is really amazing! I was just thinking of making a new bow so you giving me this is a really great help."

My smile widen at his comments. I'm glad he's happy with the present.

"Actually Ukyo...I have another thing I want to say to you..."
I softly mumble to him. His attention diverts from the bow to me, his expression showing his curiosity.

"What is it?"

My beating heart gets louder by every second, it literally reaches my own ear as if I'm listening to the heartbeats of another person. I tried to calm down by breathing in and out. I don't want to ruin this confession by stuttering or anything.

"I...I like you, Ukyo. I really, really like you. Um, it's okay if you don't feel the same. I mean, that's totally fine but I just hope we can still be friends, y'know? And if---"
My blabbering is suddenly disturbed when my body was pulled into his embrace. I blink several times at myself, trying to process what just happened.

When the realization hit me like a truck, my embarrassment of being embraced by my crush came in to me so suddenly I felt my heart might stop.

I tried to look up at him but when I do, my vision turned black. I then realized that he hid my face using his cap.

"Just...don't look....at my face right now..."
He mumbles that into my ears. His breath makes me ticklish but I try to restrain myself from wiggling out of his grasp.

I slowly return the hug. I could have already guessed his answer by his actions now.

"Ukyo...Do you..."
I tried to ask him but my sentence came out as muffled words.

And of course, Ukyo being himself, he totally heard me.

"Yes. That's right. I like you too, Y/N. I'm so happy you felt the same."
I could hear him smiling through his words. He really is genuinely happy his feelings are reciprocated. And so am I.

"Yeah, me too. I wouldn't have known how to face you after this if you didn't feel the same. I mean, I have taken some measurements just in case you didn't but deep inside me....I just don't know how would I actually act. Wait, I'm sorry, I'm babbling nonsense now."

Instead of loosening his embrace, he kept on his grip. Even after listening to my nonsense babbling just because I was nervous.

"No need to be sorry. I love every bit of you, even if you think it's nonsensical."

I could feel his hands playing with my hairs and twirling it around. I could literally melt at his sweetness. It almost feels like I'm in a dream. Or maybe in a fanfiction.
Author: LE GASPPPPP this girl has known too much. CAN'T. LET. HER. LIVE//KICKED kay sorry for that little ad. Proceed please.

After God-knows-how-long we were in each other's embraces, Ukyo finally loosens his hold on me and I freed myself away from him.

But now that we're facing each other, I just realized one thing.

I don't know what to say next.

Which means incoming awkward silence.


While I contemplate on what to say next, I could feel my hands being entwined with Ukyo's. He then lead me to making our way back to the village.

He slightly look to my side and sends a smile that literally shot through my heart. But anyways, EVERY smile of his DOES shot through my heart so...

When we finally reach the village, I finally let go of his hand and turn to him.

"Well, I'll be going now. See you later--"
As soon as I wave him goodbye, I feel my body being pulled into his and our face comes closer by seconds. In less than a second, our lips come in contact and I melt into his kiss.

It took me by surprise but not wasting any time at all, I returned the kiss. No words could describe how warm and fuzzy I felt inside. I was so happy I might even cry.

Ukyo finally part our lips and give me a peck on the forehead. He sends me a smile that I interpret as "See you later" before making his way back to his place.

I made my way in silence but deep inside, I can't wait to get back to my house and scream internally while smacking everything around me.

The End

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