Flames of Hope

By Coriwii

298K 9.1K 9K

Izuku Midoriya. A viridian haired boy with emerald eyes and constellation like freckles. He was born into a w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
I was Tagged!
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Author's Notice
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84-
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87

Chapter 2

15.1K 405 543
By Coriwii

Hello! I'm back once again! Just to let people know this story is also on AO3! Hope you all enjoy!

Training was painfully slow for Izuku, his 8-year-old body not really in a good condition, he was hungry and tired, but his spark, his fiery determination to help other powered him through it. His schedule was basically study, martial arts, dance, Dagobah cleaning combined with parkour after daily. Due to this extensive training over years, his abilities were all superhuman. He had a literal six pack and stood at almost 6-foot-tall, roughly about 5 foot 10 inches, at the age of 14, going 15, Puberty hit him like a bat out of hell. He also had to drop night training due to both his illegal parkouring, and other extra-curricular activities, garnering the attention of both heroes and villains alike.

However, for 2 years, Izuku had refused to use his quirk to spit his parents, those villains, why would he use their quirks? They gave him the scar that ran over his back, they left him, abandoned him, why use their quirks to forever remind himself of his painful past? It wasn't until he heard All Might giving a speech about quirk discrimination, and a part of his speech clung to him like a leech, repeating in his mind, loud and boisterous,

"A QUIRK IS AN EXTENTION OF YOUR BODY! IT IS ONLY YOURS TO COMMAND, NOBODY ELSE'S! A WISE WOMEN ONCE SAID, 'A QUIRK DOESN'T MAKE YOU A HERO OR A VILLAIN, THAT IS YOUR OWN HEART AND CHOICES THAT LEAD YOUR PATH'! REMEMBER THAT!" All Might Finished, flashing his signature smile. Nobody could see the tears that ran down Izuku's face or the sobs that racked over his body, and the spark that had grown into a blaze in his soul.

People at his school noticed the changes too, whispering how he had grown taller, had more defined muscles, (His shirts were all a little small, leaving nothing for the imagination) and how his hair is cut short, showing his scar off. He towered over his peers, and no one dared say a thing about it, not even Bakugou, who had a pure hatred in his eyes, probably wanting to 'put Deku in his place' as he once so tactfully put it. No one messed with him anymore either, as just months into his training scheme, classmates tried to bully him, but ended with broken fingers, concussions and one even had a finger permanently disfigured, and Izuku had no injures at all, so he was left alone.

During his years of training, he noticed how flawed the hero system is when he saw the Number Two Hero Endeavour brutally butcher a thief for stealing, said thief was poor and trying to get food for his starving family. So, Izuku took it on himself to change it, becoming a vigilante to help, especially in areas that none of the heroes patrolled, leaving crime rates to sky rocket there. Night was popular, he often stopped crime, with little use of his quirk, no matter the person or crime, he tried to help. He helped an elderly lady with her groceries, a kitten stuck in a tree, which he adopted calling him Spitfire and a boy being bullied, he just scared of the bullies with a glare, and helped the boy up.

Many heroes felt threatened by this vigilante stealing their fame and tried to hunt him down. Heroes like Eraserhead hunted him, mostly because he was a slight annoyance for them, or they realised that he was young and wanted him to stop to protect him; Eraser fell into both and was often referred to as 'The Moth' by Izuku. Other Heroes left him be saying that he was only trying to help. It was quite messy until he quit, left it behind so he could focus on getting into U.A, his dream school.

Secretly, he had updated his Quirk Registry, naming his Quirks: Adstrum. The ability to produce and manipulate flames, as well as absorb any kind of heat, such as explosions, and store it in his body, and the other part was Telekinesis, or Advanced Telekinesis, with the ability to move objects or people. Very powerful, especially when he can manipulate said flames to burn as hot as the sun, or not burn at all. Due to his past discrimination, he hid his quirk, wanting not to be in the spotlight too much, preferring to stay at the side-lines until he is ready to announce his presence to the world, to tell them that he is here to bring change for the better, a burning Symbol of Hope for a better world.

Currently, Izuku is aged 15, sitting at the back of his class room, waiting for the last bell to ring to signal the end of school and the beginning of summer. U.A's entrance exams are close, and he must be ready for anything. In the corner of his eye, he saw the teacher reaching under his desk to reach something before speaking up,

"I hope you have all picked a high school... Ah who am I kidding? You all want to be Heroes!" He announces while tossing all the papers around, a bit unprofessional, Izuku thinks. The Teacher decides to continue, "Ah Bakugou you want into U.A?" Murmurs spread throughout the class room, Bakugou, stood on his desk yelling out insults to the 'Extras'. The class room freezes however as the teacher says, "Midoriya, you too?" Then they start whispering about him, rumours had been spread about him, he never paid them mind, ignoring them, until Bakugou blasted his desk, shouting at him,

"You Deku are lower than all of these other extras, you're quirkless, and will never reach U.A" The teacher lightly asked Bakugou to back off, and as he did the bell had rang.

As the rest of the class filed out, Izuku stayed behind, slowly placing his belongings into his bag. Behind him, he felt a presence, so he spun around and jumped into a defensive pose, only to see Bakugou and his posse, then the angry Pomeranian spoke,

"Hey Deku, if you want a quirk so badly, why don't you take a swan dive off the roof and hope for a quirk in the next life!" Bakugou and his group felt a chill run down their spine, killer intent flooded the space around them as they set their gaze upon Izuku who looked at them with contempt and anger, and then it stopped. Izuku simply stood up and left, leaving the three others frozen in place by fear.

Not wanting to go home, he went the long way around, until he went under an underpass. He felt tingles spread up the back of his neck, danger imminent, so he spun on the heels of his feet to see a mass of flowing sewage? Coming at him. He wasted no time in sprouting his ever-green flames and throwing them at the sewage, he continued until it passed out, reaching the boiling point of the substance. Using his telekinesis, he gathered the thing in two sturdy bottles, and walked away from the scene, and as he left, he heard thundering footsteps behind him, so he turned to attack then he saw a flash of yellow, red and blue and stopped the flames being produced.

Standing tall, All Might posed proudly, an intense aura of power surrounding him. His yellow bangs flowing in the wind, blue eyes scanning over Izuku's frame, then noticing the villain ensnared in the bottles. All Might boomed out a laugh, then said

"YOUNG MAN! WELL DONE! YOU CAUGHT THE VILLIAN I WAS AFTER!" He was so loud. Fanboying, Izuku spoke for the first time in months,

"Ah A-A-All Might, Sir, C-Can I have an A-A-Autograph P-Please?" His voice hoarse from the lack of speaking. Quickly, All Might signed the notebook, then moved off, shouting

"I MUST THANK YOU, I'LL TAKE THE VILLIAN FOR YOU! GOODBYEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee" As he jumped into the air and away from Izuku who looked like a ghost. Shaking, he left, walking back home and preparing an intense work out for the next few months until the exam. That was over shadowed by the giddiness of meeting the number one hero!

It wasn't too long after the meeting that he heard an explosion ring out, smoke dragging up into the blue sky. He ran towards it, knowing that he might be able to stop whatever was going in. Running, he spotted a gathered crowd, and pushed passed them to see the exact villain he caught running rampant, damaging the surrounding with explosives. Moving a little closer, he saw that the slime had a hostage, red eyes pierced out begging for help, Bakugou. Veridian eyes scanned the area, no heroes were helping him, shouting that their quirks can't help deal with the villain at hand, and the had to wait for back-up. Without thinking, Izuku sprinted towards the villain, shouts of surprise and shock rang out but silenced as he dodged the explosions thrown carelessly at him; He grabbed an iron rod that had been from the rubble and retaliated for those attacks by throwing said bar into the eyes of the slime, causing it to flinch back and loosen it's hold on Bakugou, before he yanked out the boy from the sewage. With Bakugou out, he went on the offensive, using his ever-green flames he made a katana, his favoured weapon, to slice up the liquid, who couldn't fight back against this trained boy, before he collapsed and was captured. By now, everyone watching was dumbstruck by this random plain looking boy defeating a villain with skill and finesse that the heroes themselves lacked.

Cheering erupted for the boy who defeated the villain with little effort, Izuku simply looked at the flaming buildings before he pulled the fires towards him, extinguishing them, once again the crowd cheered for him. The heroes at the scene pulled him aside, giving him both praise and a scolding for using his quirk, but mostly praise for how powerful his quirk was. He nodded along not bothering to listen, and left soon after, not liking the attention, and needing to plan a new routine for his training to U.A, the school that taught All Might. It's going to be tough.

Even with all his training, he failed to notice crystal blue eyes look at him from the crowd...

One month into training, he finally finished his work of cleaning Dagobah beach of its trash, and was the first to see the beautiful sun rise, casting Mustafa in a warm orange glow. Now he needed a new training routine to replace cleaning Dagobah now that it was clean. As he was clearing up the rest of the trash, his eyes caught the sight of a tall, sickly looking blonde looking at him, with one side on his right side, and a dribble of blood leaking from his lips. Totally not creepy...

Izuku soon left the area, and went home.

His calendar showed he still had nine months till the U.A Heroics entrance exam, and without Dagobah to clean, he lacked a large portion of his work out routine. He still had his dance and martial arts lessons but lacked any sort of strength training. Gyms were too expensive for Izuku, he barely had the money to pay for food, luckily his... parents... had paid in full for the flat, so he needn't worry to pay rent, but gyms were way out of his pay grade. Suddenly, an idea popped into his mind, build weights using the junk from the beach, his fire could melt down metal into dumbbells, and increase the weight using his telekinesis by pulling down on them.

Mind made up, he went to collect some heavy pieces of trash from the dump yard he placed it all, and brought them home so that he can forge his dumbbells. Chills crawled up his spin as he went out of the dump yard into the cold night time air, he never noticed he took so long, but oh well he can only do so much. The deserted land around him would do good so that no one could see him using his quirk illegally to melt the gathered objects into what he needed. The flames licked at the metal, heating it up fast, causing them to glow cherry red, until they melted and oozed into casts made in the ground like honey. Now it was time to wait, the liquid was extremely hot, obviously, so he had to wait for some time before they cooled into usable tools for training, the mixture of metals would also make them heavier so that he could push himself to the absolute limits of his strength.

Izuku now had the tools to push his limits for the exam, and oh boy did he do that. The forged dumbbells weight close to 250kg each, and each time he tried to lift one of them, (He had four), he could feel his muscles tearing themselves apart, but he pushed past the pain, and kept training, and over 3 months, he could finally lift up the first one with little effort. Then he moved onto lifting up two, totalling his weight lifting to 500 kg, give or take. This time, it was a tiny bit easier, however was still extremely difficult, he was no professional, but his unrivalled determination and spirit kept him going, pushing him, and with only two months to the entrance exam, he could life at least 500 kg with relative ease. Every time he went to train, he noticed the same sickly skinny blonde watching him with those electric blue eyes, it was too unnerving and left if he ever saw the blonde.

Two months had flown by, and relaxed on is weight training, and focused on his flexibility and dexterity so he could be well rounded, and not a one trick pony, and had an ace up his sleeve. His new muscles weren't very flexible, but with time and effort, a whole ocean of effort, he could do jumping splits hat could make the best gymnast jealous. Until finally, the Entrance Exams arrived like comet, and that's how Izuku found himself in front of U.A and walking towards the exam hall, or he would have if he hadn't tripped on a loose rock in the road.

Guess I'll die, Izuku thought as the ground came thundering towards his face, until it stopped as he floated away from it. A hand had found its way onto his shoulder and stopped him from collapsing to the ground. A feminine voice rang from behind him,

"Hi! I stopped you with my quirk! I'll be off now, good luck!" She ran off, leaving Izuku to look at her retreating back with confusion. He shrugged it off and He went in. Carefully, he sat down at his place, many staring at the scar on his face, but he didn't mind, everyone did. Present Mic came on stage, then shouting,

"HEYYYYYYYYY LITTLE LISTENERS, ARE YOU READY?!" Silence resounded in the room, very awkward. Bravely, he pushed on with his speech, "TODAY IS THE U.A ENTRANCE EXAM, ARE YOU EXCITED, YEAHHH?!" Poor Mic still had no responses, but powered on anyway, "THE WRITTEN EXAM IS 2 HOURS, THEN THE PHYSICAL PORTION IS 15 MINUTES OF FIGHT ROBOTS! YEAH!"

With two hours, Izuku along with the rest of the examinees did their written exam; this paper was easy he thought, with an hour left. He checked his answers over and over until he was satisfied. Relaxing, he sat back and waited for the physical part of the exam, with an hour he could plan out different strategies for the physical, the best he could think of is using his fire to make a katana that is hot enough to cut through metal. Present Mic's shouting caused the written part of the exam to finish, and the physical to begin.

All the exam takers sat nervously in their seats, this is possibly the hardest part of the whole exam. Once again, Present Mic appeared on stage, and using his quirk, exclaimed,

"HELLO AGAIN LITTLE LISTENERS!! WELCOME TO THE PHYSICAL SECTION OF THE EXAMINATION!!!" He began, "ALL OF YOU WILL BE BATTLING ROBOTS, OF WHICH WILL BE TEIRED BY DIFFICULTY, AND WILL GIVE MORE COMBAT POINTS, THE HIGHER THE TEIR!!!" Mic explained, his eyes scanned over the tense crowd gathered, his smile fore telling of pain in the very near future. He moved, laser pointer in hand. Where did he get that from? Izuku thought, watching the Pro explain the robot points, a 1-pointer, 2-pointer, 3-pointer and a 0-pointer, the last being an obstacle, before screaming at the top of his lungs,

"NOW SAY IT WITH ME!! PLUS ULTRAAAAAA!!!" Thistime, everyone responded to him, and he grinned at them.

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