A Bullet is the Key.

By haleycomet246

1.7K 61 2

It was supposed to be simple... Except there is always the calm before the storm and in this case.. the silen... More

Chapter 1
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 2
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 3
The Bullet is the Key
Chapter 4
A bullet is the key
Chapter 5
A bullet is the Key
Chapter 6
A bullet is the Key
Chapter 7
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 8
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 9
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 12
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 13
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 14
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 15
A Bullet is the Key
Final Chapter
A Bullet is the Key

A Bullet is the Key

16 1 0
By haleycomet246

“Yeah Emma Bobby, he is the perfect one for you. I have to tell you something Emma and I don’t want you to get upset okay.”


“I want to be with Ryder and I am trying to get with him not Jamie.” She spoke way to simply and calmly for my liking and caused anger to flow through my veins.

“What?” I swear I think what has become my most used word that I have in my vocabulary these past few weeks.

“I mean me and Ryder are more alike than you two plus we both come from lower classes, don’t have that much money and parents who are rarely there.” Her blunt reply caught me off guard but her next statement shocked me, “We all cant be perfect and rich Emma like you and think the world only revolves around you.” I gapped at her.

“Chrissie” I gasped out her name and sat up on the lounge chair and turned to face her, her face showed no remorse. Who was she? One second she is nice and shows regret for her actions and the next she is a complete and utter ass to me. Did she really think that about me?

“Oh come on Emma your perfect and get everything you want in life” she said with a wave of her hand before sliding her glasses down her nose to look at me before sliding them back up.

“You think I a perfect?” My throat became clogged with unshed tears as I gazed at her with some much hurt on my face.

“You get everything Emma and you will not have Ryder.”

“You hate Ryder” I tried to keep my voice from breaking as I gazed at her longer taking in her subtle changes. Her long nails were freshly painted and filed to a point as her skin looked tanner meaning she just got it down recently.

“I don’t hate Ryder Emma it is actually quiet the opposite to be exact, you must already see that I am trying to steer you clear of him. It is because I am in Love with Ryder.” She sat up on the lounge chair and looked at me- well I think it was at me her eyes were covered.

“You love Ryder?” I questioned.

“Of course I love Ryder, I have been in love with Ryder for five or so years Emma.” Wait that means she met Ryder before that day I introduced them four years ago. Before I could say more I watched her body go stiff and her gaze linger on something behind me and I slowly turned. A figure stood behind the pools gate. Clad in all black from their shoes to the ski mask that covered their face only leaving their eyes exposed to the outside world. My heart stopped. The figure stood there just starring at us their hands casually hidden in the pockets of their jacket. Their eyes glaring at us with so much hate and distaste- though the force of the hate was directed at me. Standing slowly I grabbed my dress and threw it on, their eyes scrutinizing my every move, slowly Chrissie stood and did the same behind me. My small pool bag sat on the other side of the chair, which held my keys, wallet, shoes and phone. The figure took slow steps towards the other entrance into the pool area; fear caused the hair on my neck to stand on end. Behind me I felt Chrissie shake and tremble with fear as she moved closer to me and give me a slight shove forward. My body flew forward and I landed on my stomach on the lounge chair, the figure just now unlocking the gate and stepping inside. Grabbing my bag from the ground and Chrissie’s hand I took off towards the other exit dragging along a wailing Chrissie. It confused me to know why she was wailing behind me as I dragged her, the figures footsteps chasing after us. Letting go of her hand I dashed around the side of the house with her following me at least.

“Run Emma!” She screamed at me and that’s when I noticed the red mark on her arm that looked like something had been thrown at her as she ran. My eyes wide I began to breath hard. The red mark had been made from a large pellet that had been flung at her from a slingshot.

“Chrissie!” I screamed in shock, blood ran down her arm and she looked out of breath more so than I felt even.

“Run now!” She screamed and pushed me away from her sending me stumbling on my feet and almost crashing to my knees. Looking behind me I noticed the figure finally rush around the house and see me stumbling away as I corrected my steps and took off in a sprint. Glancing behind me I watched Chrissie dash the opposite way of me. Pain shot up my legs as I took off in a dash, the bag I was holding slamming into my side as I continued forward. Footsteps could be heard around me but I had no idea if they were the stalker or mine because I dare not look back to see if they were continuing their chase. I could feel my feet getting scraped by the small rocks that lay upon the concrete sidewalk, though I did not stop.

I had no idea where I was going or where my steps were taking me until I looked up and into the familiar front yard of Ryder's house. The grass crunched under my feet as I scampered up the front steps and started banging on the door hoping for him to answer. My fists continued to assault the door as I looked behind me and saw no one chasing me, must have changed course and took off after Chrissie. The feeling of wood soon vanished from my fists and I connected with soft flesh of someone's face their groan reaching my ears. I froze turning slowly I came face to face with... Ryder standing in the door way with his sweats only and water running down his body. He just got out of the shower I thought as I just starred at the boy before me I heard his deep chuckle rumble through his chest resulting in my deep red blush. In an instant I remembered why I was running and looked at him with wide eyes before pushing him backwards into his house and slamming the door shut behind me clicking the lock in place as well. I was breathing heavy my hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath and cease my speeding stampede heart.

"Bell?" His sweet voice broke me back to the present and I crashed to the floor in an exhausted heap.

"S-someone w-was chasing me Ry." I wheezed out, his body’s warmth soon surrounded me as he sat down beside me and pulled me into his lap. Slowly he began to rock me back and worth whispering sweet nothings in my ear as he smoothed my hair down on my head in the process. It was silent and neither of us spoke the first word, but then the banging on the door that I was still currently pressed against shattered it. 

"Agh" I screamed with a jump as I turned around to look at the door like it would come to life and eat me.

Slowly Ry stood up and brought me with him as he pushed me behind him he opened the door to a frantic... Jace.

"What up man?" Ryder still stood between us in the doorway, I knew he was harmless but Ryder was on guard.

"Chrissie... in... my... car" he was wheezing between each word as if he had been running, which if he had his car then this made no sense.

"Breath man" Ryder said with worry in his voice as he stepped forward to grab Jace's shoulder to steady him more as he breathed deeply.

I could feel Ryder's shock through the door as it radiated outwards form him. Looking around the boys who stood in the doorway I saw Chrissie huddling in the passenger seat of the car. Tears were running down her face and the pellet wound that she received no more than ten minutes ago was bandaged and cleaned up. 

"Dude why are you out of breath if you drove your car over here?" Ryder asked him with confusion in his voice. Slowly I took cautious steps out from behind Ryder and made my way towards the car parked at a weird angle in the driveway, I let the bag slip from my shoulder and crash to the ground as I made my way forward.

"Well its a funny story actually" his breathing was slowly returning to normal as I took slow steps towards the car and knocked on the window scaring Chrissie at the sound. She just looked at me before rolling the window down I reached through the window and wrapped her in my arms each of us holding onto the other for dear life.

"Well I have time," Ryder said from behind me.

"Its okay Chrissie, it will all be okay." I mumbled into her shoulder as we continued our uncomfortable hug we were currently doing through the window of a car.

"I know who that was Emma," she cried into my shoulder causing my blood to freeze as I finally came to the conclusion that the figure that had chased us was my stalker.

The boy’s laughter drifted towards us and brought us away from our hug and towards the two boys making their way towards us, smiles on their faces.

"What are the smiles for?" I asked the with my eyebrow raised at them in a flash Ryder jumped toward me and scooped me up into his arms and swung me around before placing me on my feet once more.

We starred into each other’s eyes and totally forgot the rest of the world around us as Chrissie and Jace drove to god knows where. Ryder's arms wound their way around my waist and smiled down at me before pulling me flush against his chest and laying his forehead on mine.

"Hi mia Bella" He whispered softly his breath fanning across my face in a sweet serenade and sending me close to my eyes as I took him all in. Tangling my fingers in the nap of his hair I held his head close to mine enjoying the peaceful aftermath of my exhausting run I just did. The balls of my feet hurt and my lungs still felt like they were still on fire for the running I just did, I mean it wasn't a far run but it still made your lungs pump.

"Hi handsome" I said back to him speaking no louder than a whisper afraid that it would shatter the moment.

"I have a question my caro to ask you." I kept my eyes closed, as I loved the way he called me things in Italian it made my heart flutter. Caro that was new.

"Yes Ry?" 

"Wait!" He said jumping away from me in a flash and running inside with a goofy grin on his face, I stood there frozen in place with a confused look on my face as I waited for him to return. It didn't seem like he was gone that long but it felt like he had left me standing outside for at least thirty minutes when it wasn't even that long. I watched him run out of the house dressed in a pair of jeans, white V-neck short sleeve shirt, his black leather jacket hung over his shoulder and his blue vans on his feet. Locking the door behind him he skipped down the stairs and came to a stop in front of me with a huge smile on his face a smile that I knew all to well- this smile meant he was up to something. That was when I saw what was in his hands. The keys to his black motorcycle dangled in his hands the shiny silver star I bought him when we were twelve reflected the sun as it gleamed before me and my mouth hung open as I looked at him then at the bike behind him.

"N-no" I stuttered I hated his bike and I was only wearing a dress over my bathing suit with flimsy flip flops that I had slipped on while I waited for him to return. Though he had taken my bag inside with him.

"Yes Bell" he said simply as he walked over to the bike and turned around leaning his back against it as he crossed legs at his ankles and his arms over his chest... he looked good all he needed were shades and the whole 'Bad boy' image would be there. It was if he read my thoughts cause he smirked at me before taking out his sun glasses from his back pocket and sliding them on his face and I swear he looked hot! The way he leaned there made my breath catch and shivers of pleasure to run down my spine and send my cheeks on fire. With the sun shining down on him it created almost like a halo around his head and gave him this overly godly look of strength, power, admiration and masculinity.

"Take a picture caro it will last long" The smug look never leaving his face as he moved to climb onto the back of the bike and turned around to face me with his hand stretched out with his leather jacket. Slowly I walked towards him and grabbed the warm leather jacket firmly within in my fingertips and pulled it from his grip.

"Please take a ride with me I really want to tell you something." I could tell his eyes were pleading behind his glasses and with a sigh I slipped the jacket on and climbed on behind him securing my arms around his torso after I zipped up the jacket to keep me warm. His back muscles shivered under my touch as I pressed my face in between his shoulder blades.

"Bell nothing will happen, I promise to always take care of you. Put this on." He said softly as he handed me a small pink helmet, I never even knew he had gotten me or had with him as I pulled my face away from his back to look at his hands. Slowly I unwound my arms form his torso and grabbed the helmet and slide it on my head my fingers fumbled with the latch until I felt rougher larger hands cover mine. I let the straps go as I felt Ryder's finger brush my chin softly as he latched my new helmet to my head before turning back around and putting his on his head. 

"Hold on mia amaro." With the keys in the ignition he revved the engine then pressed on the gas sending the motorbike forward and moved in and out of the neighborhood with great skill and expertise.

I pressed my face harder into his back, well it was more of the helmet digging more into his back as I kept my eyes close as we zipped past cars on our way where he was taking me. It was nice not worrying about the car that had been stalking me, the attacker from earlier and all the threats because while on the back of his motorcycle I felt all my fears vanish and peace washed over me. I sighed in content against his back and I almost let go when I felt him take one hand off the handles and pat my hand before placing it back in its correct place. With a jolt he sped the bike up zooming in and out of the cars around us as we continued on our way towards this location, soon we took a left and I could sense where we were ending up the moment I turned to the right and saw the trees. Soon the bike came to a stop and I finally pulled away from his back to look around me and I was at a lost for words because he had brought me to one of my favorite places in the world. 

"Ry?" The only word I was able to speak as I slowly slid off the back of the bike and made my way towards my own personal heaven and serenity. I could barely hear his soft footsteps behind me as he followed me as I was in a trance. Before me stood the cliff my father took me to when I was younger and before my mother passed away, the sight before me brought tears to my eyes. Trees enclosed us in our own personal cocoon creating its own form of warmth and happiness; you could hear the slight whisper of the water crashing against the rocks at the bottom of the cliff. The lake was a sight for sore eyes because as you got closer to the edge you could see for miles and miles without any sight of houses or manufactured buildings. Our own little personal heaven located in the valley of New York away from the busy city life. We were standing in one of the last few natural creations in our small little town the lake went on for miles, twisting and winding through the hills of the valley. Green grass rolled over hills for miles giving off a simple elegant peaceful feel; the trees spoke secret stories of the past as the wind whistled through the leaves. Turning towards the right side of the cliff I saw our tree- the tree my father and I carved our names in along with my mothers circled by a jagged heart. It was the last of our perfect little family before my mother passed away and left me alone to almost feel like Cinderella with a new step mom and a little brother but my little brother is not evil and I love him. It was silent as I walked forward slowly and traced my finger over the heart; tears began to fall down my face as I remembered the day we carved it. I barely registered Ryder come to stand behind me and pull me into his arms and hug me to his chest as the memories flashed in my mind while tears still fell.

"Shh Bell" He soothed before pulling away slightly to wipe my tears away with his thumb moving across my cheeks and sending tingles down my spine as he turned me to face him.

"I didn't bring you here to make you cry caro even if they are happy tears mixed with some sadness as well." Leaning down he captured my lips in a sweet passionate kiss, his hands grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to his body. The kiss wasn't rushed or rough it was simple and sweet like he was cherishing each touch, each caress and each taste of my lips on his.

Slowly I wound my arms tighter around his neck pulling myself closer to his body trying to morph us into one. Slowly I felt his hands move up and down my sides in a soothing manner causing a moan to slip from my lips eliciting a deep growl of approval from the deepest part of his chest. That simple kiss soon turned fiercer, full of want, and stronger with passion. My hands gripped the back strands of his hair and gave a soft tug a deep groan rolled out of his mouth and out between our lips. His grip on my sides became tighter before he sank to his knees bringing me down with him before laying me flat on my back and climbing on top of me supporting his full weight on his arms so not to crush me. Our kiss never broke as he continued to caress my sides his rough but smooth hands running up and down my sides, slowly I felt the edge of my summer dress start to rise up leaving my legs exposed to the mans touch who lay above me. 

Soon I felt his fingers skim the exposed skin of my thigh catching my breath in the process, his lips left mine leaving a trail of hot kisses down my neck and back of to catch mine in a searing kiss that rocked my world once more. Though the hot moment was stopped when I felt him pull back and lean his forehead on mine, I opened my eyes not realizing that they had even shut to begin with and gazed up at the boy before me. My breathing came out hard, as his kisses always seemed to take my breath away and send me into my own personal heaven one I did not want to leave. 

"I have to ask you something Bell." He said his voice was deep husky and sounded oh so sexy that I was once again left breathless by the man I was so helplessly in love with, his kisses set me on fire and set me off to cloud nine. 

"Yes Ry?" I asked still breathless from our kiss, his hand still lay smoothed across my thigh as he began circling the skin there with his thumb softly. 

"I meant to ask you this for awhile now but it never seemed like the perfect moment to ask and well it seemed like I didn't have to ask because we don't need to express what we are to each other. It is just Jace made a comment earlier that made me think of something and realize maybe she wants me to ask maybe she needs to be assured I am not going anywhere."

I looked at him with tears springing to my eyes out of happiness because he was right we didn't need words to express our relationship but the fact he went through all this to find the right moment and ask me.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled huge and leaned up pulling him down on top of me his body crashing on top of me because I had caught him off guard and he had lost his balance. Our laughter filling the air around us as I nodded at him hopping he could understand my answer was a yes from the hug. 

"Of course I will be your girlfriend Ryder I have only been waiting and dreaming for this moment since I could remember ever since I started to crush on you all those years ago." 

The smile that took over hi face left me breathless once more in a small of minutes because that smile spoke a thousand unspoken words told me everything I needed to know. A smile that put the sun to shame because it shinned so much brighter and left you truly blinded by its raw, simple, sweet and natural beauty. Because this smile was all I needed to see to know that he still loved me like I loved him and one day those three little powerful words would finally come out.

Our relationship and new beginning was sealed with a slow passionate kiss one that cast a spell on you and left you spell bound. A kiss created by the heavens them self and sent you craving, wanting, needing and loving more of it as each second passed. The ride back to his house was blissful though somewhere else someone’s night was not as blissful.

“You shot the wrong person” a voice seethed through the phone line. The person just took the screams and angry words as the person sounded mad on the phone.

“I-I didn’t mean to” the voice sounded scared and small as they replied.

“You wanted to help me and you failed me this time, next time I tell you do something you do it!” The voice screamed. No words were spoken, as they both did not know what to say.

“I didn’t mean to hit Chrissie but Chrissie moved Emma out of the way so she wouldn’t get hurt. How was I supposed to she would do that? You were the one that said Chrissie was on our side.” The voice took on a tough tone bringing out the last of their strength.

“I do not know but you should have aimed better and I told you before Chrissie seems reluctant to help me lately so you must do it.” Their voice was harsher than before. The second person had nothing else to say because they were right Chrissie had become distant lately and reluctant to help lately, it had taken a lot to get Chrissie to say what she did today to Emma.

“You do the next thing that I tell you to do and you do it right we do not have much time left to scare her before the big day.” Both lines went quiet, as the phone call had been ended leaving them to their own thoughts and evil ways.

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