BFB and OSO Oneshot Requests

By A_used_name

9.4K 82 230

Hello. Request ships I should do. I will also do some of my own. Read request rules on first chapter. More

Request here + rules and guidelines for requests
Just a fan: (Icelety)
I Still Like you: (Coinleaf)
Mimicing Love (Serverphone)
Ok so...

I Don't Hate You...(Fubble)

1.6K 19 65
By A_used_name


ALSO this is an AU that the game didn't split. But they're still objects.


3rd Person

Fanny hates everything. And she even hates hating something. But today, she was hating at Flower more specifically...


"Big fluffing deal that's not the only time I-"


Fanny was about to start crying, since their team lost and Bubble was still not here, she thought she would get eliminated for not being present.

Why didn't she recover her. Well, if she recovered her, everyone would start to think Fanny like likes Bubble because she never would recover anyone. Not even herself.

"Hey iancians, you guys are up for elimination, get over here!" Four yelled.

"Uh, Four, on the voting screen last episode, I wasn't on, what's up with that?"

"Oh, Liy, for just rejoining I gave you immunity for your first elimination back."

"Oh awesome!"

"iancians, we got a record of 41,839 votes!"

"We don't care!" Snowball angrily replied.

"Ruby! You got the least votes at 1,543!"

"Oh awesome! Wait, what's my prize?" Ruby asked.

"Oh, your prize will be explained later in the challenge!" Four replied.

"Next one safe is Lightning with 2,947 votes!"

"Phew! I was getting worried there." Lightning replied.

"There are now only 4 of you left. Haha, that's funny!"

Nobody laughed.

"Anyway, Fanny escapes the bottom 4 with 6,128 votes!"

Fanny was glad to be safe, but she was worried for Bubble, as she wasn't safe yet. She swore to herself that if Bubble was out, she would tell her what she really

"Flower. Despite killing Bubble without a care in the world, you manage to escape the bottom 3 with 9,869 votes!"

"Oh thank goodness."

Flower was sitting next to Fanny, though, and saw her worried.

"Uh Fanny, you look worried, you're already safe."

Oh no, Flower was catching on to her. She knew she would not be worried for Snowball because he almost killed her. So that left her with...

"Bubble! Wait, where's Bubble."

"She died, remember?" Ruby replied.

"Oh right! Well she safe! With 14,398 votes. And I'll recover her in a moment."

"Wait, then that means..." Lightning said.

"Yep! Snowball is going bye bye with a whipping 22,951 votes!"

Fanny sighed in relief. But that sigh gave Flower all she needed to know...

"WHAT! This can't happen! Wait! Lightning, I-"

Snowball got interrupted by Four eliminating him.

"Well, you guys can chill for a moment because I need to set up the challenge."

Fanny knew this would release her secret to anyone who listened, but she had no choice.

"FOUR! Re-recover Bubble..."


After Four recovered her, her whole team was in shock. Fanny, asking Four to recover someone. That was unusual. Unless...

"Hoi Foiny!" Bubble said.

"Oh, uh hey..." was all Fanny could manage to say, flustered.

"Hey Bubble, we need to talk."

Bubble's POV:

"Hey Bubble, we need to talk." Flower told me. She was with the rest of our team, apart from Snowball.

But she didn't care about Snowball, he could melt or something.

"Uh, whoit, ois, it?" I asked in my usual voice.

"Well, we were just up for elimination. You and Snowball were in the bottom two and Fanny was worried for you. But that jerk Snowball got out and she sighed in relief for you." Ruby explained.

I couldn't comprehend this. I mean, we are good friends, but I feel like it's more than that.

"Uh, woy wois this broight up to moi?" I was stuttering.

Then they whispered to me, "I think Fanny likes you..."

Fanny's POV:

Oh no, they told me they needed to talk in private, WITHOUT ME! I think it's hopeless now, I'm going to have to tell her sooner or later.

"I'll tell her after the challenge." I thought to myself.

"Everybody, its challenge time!" Four said.

Four and X were giggling to each other, much like in BFB 12.

"Uh, Four, why are you so giddy?" Tree asked in his usual Australian accent.

"Well, it today's challenge! You and your team are going to play spin the Bottle! One person will have to spin the Bottle on your team, and you have to kiss the person you land the Bottle on!" Four explained.

"Begin!" X announced.

"Uh, Four, what about, you know, THE BOTTLE!?!?!" Donut exclaimed.

"Oh right! Well, the first part of the challenge is to find one. However, iancians, here is your prizes!"

Four handed us each a bottle. This is going to be difficult. I'm hoping it doesn't land on me...

3rd Person:

"So team," Pen said, "what is our plan?"

"Tehee! Use me as the Bottle!" Bottle suggested.

Pen slightly blushed because he has a minor crush on Bottle.

"If you do that Death PACT, whoever Bottle lands on she has to kiss." Four reminded.

"Wait, wha-" Bottle was interrupted by her team spinning her.

She landed on Pen...

Pen was blushing madly. Bottle too, but she said;

"Well, if I'm kissing this cutie, then I'm okay with it... I guess."

"Well, here goes nothing..."

Pen kissed Bottle on the cheek.

"Death PACT is safe!" Four announced.

"What! That's not fair, one of their teammates is literally a Bottle!" Robot Flower stated.

"Hey TV, calculate the coordinates of the closest littered bottle!" Golf ball said.

TV displayed coordinates of bottle's locations and they set off.

"Hey girls, we can use one of my empty Fork Repellent cans!" Lollipop said.

"Oh okay." Taco said.

"Hey Cloudy, mind looking in your collection to find a bottle?" Ballony asked.

"Oh, thet'z a ghreat idea Ballony!" Cloudy said, and went to search.

"Hey Yellow Boy!" Foldy said, "Does your department store sell bottles?"

"YEP!" He replied.

Time passes.

"Beep is safe! Gabop is safe! A Better Name Than That is safe! Free Food is Safe! Which leaves Iance, Team Ice Cube and The Losers!"

"Oh shoot! We gotta think fast!" Pin said. "I know! I'll get Better Name's bottle!"

Pin steels the bottle. But Golf ball wasn't going to let another challenge they did all the work for go away AGAIN.

Meanwhile, Iance was struggling to begin the challenge...

Fanny's POV:

"Well, one of us has to spin or we'll be up for elimination again! And I won't have immunity so I'll sure to be out!" Liy stayed.

"Fanny, spin the bottle already!" Flower yelled


"Fanny" she whispered, "we already know you like Bubble, just spin it."


"You were so worried for her."

"Okay fine, I like her. BUT IM STILL NOT SPINNING!"

"Team Ice Cube is safe!" Four announced.

"Please do it!"

"I can't. If I do this, the only person I don't hate may HATE ME!" I was crying.

"Foiny? Whoits wroing?"

I was now blushing and crying.


"B-Bubble, I don't hate you. In fact I love you!"

"Yo- you foil the soime way?"

"Yes. Wait, you like me back!"

"Of course Oi do!"

"Uh, girls, hate to break the moment but PLEASE SPIN THE BOTTLE OR WERE GONNA LOSE!" Ruby reminded.

"Oh shoot! I'll spin!" I said, hoping to land on Bubble, because I hate everyone.

Everyone but her.

It landed on Bubble.

"I guois it's now or elominotion."

"Yeah" I replied.

I kissed her, not on the cheek, not on the arm, but on the lips. It was the best time of my life.

"And with that, Iance is the last safe! And the Loser, quite ironically, lose!

"So, ore we a thoing?" Bubble asked.
"I-If you want to be."

"Or coiurse!"

"Aww!" The rest of Iance said.

Woooooooo I love this ship so much! Please request I need ideas!


"Aww, they're so cute together!" Flower said.

"Hey" Ruby said from afar.

Word count: 1316.

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