I Promise (Male SWAT Team Rea...

By PrimordialPhoenix

63.6K 814 377

This one has been in the back of my mind for a while, and I can't help but make it now. I don't know how long... More

The Raid
Guard Duty
Welcome to Beacon...
The Beginning of the End


4.9K 93 48
By PrimordialPhoenix

Yang's PoV

The paramedics quickly rushed passed me with Y/n on a stretcher. They wheeled him into an operating room and shut the door immediately, while I just had to sit and wait.

What do I say to him when he wakes up? How do I tell him that I love him? Do I just say it? Do I just kiss him? I've never done this before (despite what one may think).

I decided to just sleep on it, I'm so unbelievably exhausted that it's a miracle that I've managed to stay awake this long. My eyes feel like they have cinder blocks tied to them.

Several hours later

I awoke to one of the nurses shaking me up. He's in recovery, and he asked for you. I nodded, trying to hide the fact that my heart is beating out of my chest.

I walked into the room, trying to stay calm, but when I sat down and saw the dull look in his eyes, I just started to cry.

I felt him grab my hand, and I looked up at him.

Y/n: Calm down, I ain't dyin'.

Me: You got shot!

Y/n: It's not like it was a first time thing. I've been shot before. I guess I got unlucky and got hit in a weak point in my Kevlar. Missed my stomach though, not by much, but it didn't cause serious damage. I'll be fine to go back into work in a few weeks, thanks to my aura.

Your PoV

Yang placed her head on my chest. Her voice was shaky, and it was taking her a lot to keep from stuttering and crying, her words came out in a low tone.

Yang: Y/n... I nearly lost Summer, and I lost my real mom, I can't take losing another person that I love.

I let out a small laugh.

Me: Well, damn. If I had known that you loved me, I would have been more careful.

I lifted her head by the chin and stared into her eyes. Our motion seemed natural as we slowly moved toward each other. There was a jolt of electricity as we finally connected, but it didn't hurt, it felt nice.

She leaned into me, vaguely showing how much she longed for this.

I slowly ran my fingers through her hair, she wouldn't let anybody but me do that and now, I know why.

The only reason we separated was because of our absolute need for air.

We broke away gasping, but that didn't stop a loving look from emerging from her beautiful face.

Me: I'll be sure to be more careful now. I wouldn't want my girlfriend to worry.

Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. It was the most adorable thing I have ever seen.

Me: I need to rest now, do you want to climb into bed with me?

She was too in the moment and tried to make an innuendo out of that, she smiled and nodded and carefully got on my left side since I was shot in the right, and I wrapped my arm around her.

She nuzzled into my neck and almost instantly fell asleep, which I judged by her quieted breathing and light snores. I kissed her on the head and fell asleep myself.


Well, I'm fully recovered and back on duty. Today is my first raid since I got back on my feet. It's a raid at Beacon. Toby is giving us a rundown of what's going to happen.

Toby: Alright, listen up. We have reason to believe that three people are posing as students at Beacon. Every facial recognition test comes back as a complete match for all three of these individuals. Their names are Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, and Mercury Black. Cinder is wanted for murder, theft, and breaking and entering. Emerald is wanted for theft and murder, Mercury is the same.

Damn, these guys are assholes. Let's see them rot behind bars.

Toby looked at me.

Toby: Y/n. Let's get you back into rhythm, you're breaching.

I nodded and kept cleaning my weapon and finished by putting the magazine in and racking the bolt.

We all climbed into the truck and took our seats. I turned on my helmet camera and activated the visor.

I checked my weapons one more time, holstering my pistol and sheathing my knife.

We hopped out of the truck and started moving toward the school. It's the middle of the night, nobody is awake, but hell, after the yelling, they're gonna be. We purposefully waited until nighttime when we knew the assailants would be asleep. People who are asleep won't be able to fight back as fast, giving us enough time to break through the door and get them in cuffs.

We reached the door and stacked up, we have our dogs muzzled to not bark and wake them up.

Everyone who hadn't, chambered a round and stood at the ready.

I looked to both sides who nodded. I rushed forward and kicked the door open putting all my available force into a single kick. The door splintered and flew off the hinges, letting me rush in.

Me: Police department! Get off the beds and onto the ground!

The people were so startled that they fell off their beds, allowing us to get cuffs on Emerald and Mercury, however, Cinder was able to use some kind of power to summon a fireball, but, reaction is faster than action, so I was able to put three rounds from my M4 into her chest before she even threw the fireball.

She fell to the ground, while I got on the radio.

Me: 11-41 Shots fired! Shots fired!

Dispatcher: 10-4, an ambulance is en route.

I ran up to Cinder's body, she's still breathing, but I need to get her in cuffs in case she wakes up.

I heard running from the hallway, so I swung around and pointed my rifle at the door.

It was Yang.

Yang: Y/n? What's going on?!

Me: Yang, you shouldn't be here. This is a crime scene.

Yang: What did they do?

Me: We're about to read them their rights.

My teammates placed the two conscious perps in front of me.

Me: Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black. You are being placed under arrest for theft and murder. From this moment forward, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney and may have them present with you during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you before any questioning if you wish. You can decide at any time to exercise these rights and not answer any questions or make any statements. Does each of you understand these rights?

Emerald & Mercury: Yes...

Me: With these rights in mind, are you willing to proceed with questioning?

They didn't answer, so I let the others take them to the truck.

The paramedics finally showed up and took Cinder without a word.

While I was setting up crime scene tape, I felt Yang hug me from behind.

Yang: I heard three shots and then heard you yelling when I realized what you said, my heart sank. I didn't want to risk you being hurt, so I ran over.

I turned around and hugged her.

Me: I'm not leaving you, not if I can help it.


It's been ten years since then. All three of the perps admitted to the murders and theft, as well as planning invasions of all four schools, along with planning the murder of Professor Ozpin as well as being ordered by another person by the name of Salem. This was, of course, wasn't going to be a police job, but a job for the Huntsmen and Huntresses. My, now wife, Yang, was present on the raid of her castle. And they are proud to say that she is no more.

A lot of things happened in this amount of time. I learned of the maidens and the brother gods, who, after the "removal" of Salem, returned them to the world of Remnant, bringing back magic along with them.

The White Fang went back to their original ways, now once again governed by Ghira Belladonna. Still, though, some Faunus don't believe they got the equality they truly deserved.

Though I fail to understand this, segregation is a thing of the past. There are no Humans only or Faunus only restaurants, hotels or bars. Faunus have the same opportunities as humans do now.

Some of them believe that Faunus are the superior race, though. And that led to the formation of splinter cells of The White Fang, ones that still commit terrorist acts.

Today, I'll be going on a raid with my team to snuff out one of them.

Did I mention that Yang is also pregnant? One more month and then I'll have a son.

She isn't an angry pregnant woman, she just gets very needy. Which surprised me, from someone whose semblance is a literal temper tantrum.

Yang's PoV

Y/n has a raid today. Which means he's going to leave me all alone and cold.

A few hours into watching my favorite show, I heard a knock on the door, I assumed it was Y/n, so l practically skipped over to the door (about as much skipping as I could do) but when I opened it, I saw a police officer standing there with a solemn look on his face.

I didn't understand at first, but he took off his hat and knelt down.

Officer: I'm sorry, Ma'am.

Then he handed me Y/n's badge.

I dropped to the floor. Tears suddenly attacked my eyes.

Me: Tell me you're lying! Please!

Officer: I wish I could. Honestly.

Y/n was one of the few people I've had for a long time. I have no idea what I'm going to do without him.

Officer: The Chief is making a statement soon, would you like me to take you?

I could only nod and get the cruiser. My mind was blank for the entire ride there, but I had my wits about me enough to at least know when we arrived.

I sat in the front row of the crowd, the surrounding officers gave me looks of sympathy.

The chief walked up to the podium and gave me the look as well.

Chief: Officer Y/n M/n L/n was shot and killed at 10:30 this morning. He was shot six times in the chest and twice in the stomach. It is estimated that it was the first round, which struck his heart, was the one that killed him. He felt no pain, and he didn't suffer.

My crying turned to a wail as he spoke.

Chief: Y/n was known to go to Faunus rights protests in uniform and protect them from rioters. Officer L/n leaves behind a wife and unborn son. We will be taking donations to help support them, but the station will be paying for the funeral.

The Chief stepped down to let someone else speak. It was Toby.

Toby: Y/n was with us since he was sixteen. I watched that kid grow up. I was even his best man at his wedding. He was like a son to me. The second I saw him go down, it was too late. But it wasn't too late to but a bullet through his murderer's skull. I'm gonna miss that kid.

I could see his eyes watering as he finished.

Chief: That will be all.


It's been six years since Y/n's death, but while I never really recovered, I have a son to take care of.

I just finished telling my son, who I named after his father, how his father was killed.

Me: And that's how your father defeated our enemies and helped save the world.

Y/n: Was my Papa brave?

I teared up again.

Me: The bravest of us all. Because he was never afraid to embrace the things he didn't understand.

A/n: And boom, that wraps things up. This story was an absolute rollercoaster to write. And to be honest with you, this was hard to write. It took me two days because I tried to make it as emotional as possible. I hope that you guys enjoyed this experience as much as I did, and I hope you all have a wonderful day or night.

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