RESCUE ; colby brock

By lcvelywriter

2.2K 72 25

❝You don't need an escape, you need a rescue.❞ in which a girl finds her lost passion within a certain tattoo... More

00 ; rescue
01 ; shell of myself
02 ; sweetcheeks
03 ; sex-crazed neighbor
04 ; song of understanding
06 ; a kiss of death (not really)

05 ; bad intentions

221 8 9
By lcvelywriter


"When there's Colby Brock, there's trouble," A voice sounds, coming from Katrina's door. I turn around, and my eyes are met with a pair of large brown ones. Leaning against the door frame, her stance radiated confidence, something I did not possess in that moment.

Her beauty took me aback, and she arched an eyebrow. She opened her mouth to add on to her statement that left the room in an awkward silence, but was cut off by Katrina's bubbly tone, "Tara! Don't scare her."

Tara only rolls her eyes in response, "If she's going to write a song about him, might as well know what she's getting into."

The mention of my song was enough to bring a blush to my cheeks, to which I scolded myself for.

"Don't mind her. That's Tara, my roommate! She had a little thing for Colby, but it didn't last," She whispers the last part to me, and winks.

I shudder in response, she had a thing for Colby? If she did, there was no way in hell I would have a chance, even if I didn't know how I felt about him.

"I don't even like him, so there's nothing to worry about," I say through gritted teeth, hoping to get rid of the hanging of my negative thoughts.

"Well, your song says otherwise," She says, squinting her eyes at me. I take in a deep breath, and turn back to the mirror.

I glared at my reflection in the mirror, and an uncomfortable silence fell over the room.

Katrina chuckles awkwardly, "Time to head out! Tara, are you coming?"

I secretly hoped her answer was no, seeing as we both did not enjoy each other's company. Much to my dismay, Tara mutters a "Yes, let me get ready," and disappears into her room to change.

I sigh in relief as her presence leaves the room, but I knew the relief would not stay there if I tried.

"Cassie?" Katrina's voice rings, and I quickly shake away emotions of embarrassment and shame, "Hey... I know, Tara can be a handful. But she's nothing to worry about, just a short girl with pent up emotions."

I slowly nod, but Katrina's words didn't really comfort me. At all.

"She means no harm," Katrina continues, putting a hand on my shoulder.

Before I could confide in Katrina, Tara comes in and announces she was ready.

Little did I know, I was not ready for this night.


The vibrations through the house, the little room for personal space, and the loud music and chatter was enough to make me nauseous.

This was not my scene at all.

Not noticing my discomfort, Katrina grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd of dancing bodies.

"Isn't this fun?" She screams, over the music, her voice almost lost in the noise.


I attempted to match her enthusiasm but failed immediately.

Tara and Katrina made their way to the back, Katrina's hand still locked on my arms.

"Jake!" Tara exclaims, seeing a platinum blonde haired boy, and jumping into his arms.

Jake? What about Colby?

"See, I told you. Nothing to worry about," Katrina whispers in my ear, and then turns to who I knew was Sam, "Sam!"

The only two people I knew were coupled up. Nerves piled up in my stomach, causing my body posture to become tight.

My body ran cold as I felt a foreign hand on the exposed skin of my shoulder.

"Loosen up," The person says, and I turn to them with wide eyes, "The name is Brennen."

A smirk danced on his lips, and I quivered in disgust. There was something about his eyes that made my nausea increase.

"You look like you could use a drink, you wait here," He says, walking away.

Once his touch left my body, I let out a shiver. I could only imagine his intentions.

I sent a pleading glance to Katrina, but realized she was too busy making out with Sam. I sigh in defeat, knowing I was not going to get her attention.

So much for not leaving me.

I didn't blame her, Sam was a total catch.

But a feeling of loneliness and sadness washed over me, as I realized I knew no one else at the party.

I slip away from Katrina and Tara, and end up in the backyard. I sit on the step and stare up to the moon.

What was I doing here?

The moon was accompanied by stars, and I was jealous of its place. It would never be lonely, it had stars as its friends.

Me on the other hand... in that moment, I remembered who I was.

I've always been lonely. Ever since that day...

The sound of my broken voice pleading "Carson!" rang through my head.

Attempting to break the silence, and shield myself from the thoughts that haunted me, I start singing to myself.

I once wrote a song about Carson... my other half.

I start singing the lyrics, as I try to recall the melody.

"A part of me died that night, along with you by my side. You were my rock, you were my sun, and now it's killing me inside. I lost my life, lost the light, now I'm scared to move on. Never got the chance, to thank you for all the memories..." I trail off into a whisper, my voice weakened by my own thoughts. A tear escaped from my eye, and I let it roll down my cheek.

My thoughts were cut off by a familiar voice, "What song was that?"

I quickly wipe off the tears that had fallen, and snap my head towards the direction. My probably lightly red eyes pierced into his blue eyes, and he curiously holds the stare. Thank God, it was dark.

"I-i.. It's an original," I say, looking down again, a blush covering my cheeks. I wasn't expecting anyone to hear me.

"I applaud you, Andi. You do possess a talent," He says cheekily, and I raise an eyebrow to the nickname and his kind words. This was different.

"Andi?" I repeat, attempting to not show my satisfaction with the name.

"The last time I saw you, you told me your name was Cassandra. I wanted to give you a nickname," He says nonchalantly, shrugging, "What was that song about?"

I looked at him, and for a moment, I felt a sense of home. His eyes held a softened look, and I was going to give in.

For a moment, it felt like he cared.

When there's Colby Brock, there's trouble.

Tara's voice rang through my head, and I looked down to his hand, and noticed a tattoo wrapping around his wrist.

Noticing my silence, Colby accepted that I wasn't going to answer, and he instead asks, "How is this party going for you?"

I roll my watery eyes, and scoff at his question, "Horrible. Horrible! God, I want to leave."

He laughs at my outburst, and scoots in closer. The sound of his laugh comforted my thoughts and the negative thoughts my mind held disappeared.

"Like, I have no idea why people think these are fun. From the like five minutes I was inside, I was ready to leave," I let out a breathy laugh, and Colby smiles in response.

"I get that, parties, especially frat parties, are not a good first time," He responds, a smile dancing on his lips.

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"Tell me about you," He says, leaning in closer.

It was at this moment, I realized how close we were. His lips were very close to mine, I could feel the warmth of his breath on my lips.

My stomach was doing flips, and the beating of my heart wanted to close the distance.

I was tempted to give into my desire, my curiosity. The danger that surrounded him... it was something that I wanted to explore.

But before I could, a drunken voice boomed from the door, "There you are, beautiful. I thought I told you to stay where you were."

His voice brought chills to my body, and his vibe was enough to bring back a nauseating feeling.

"Oh! Hey, Colby. Didn't know you'd be here. Sorry to say it, but this one is mine," He says, tumbling on his words.

"Brennen. Leave," Colby deadpans, not even looking at him. I could feel Colby's eyes still on me, I could feel his disappointment as I turned my head to Brennen.

"But I want her," He drags out, whining drunkenly.

He took Colby's silence as an answer, and quickly says, "Okay, fine. You can have her. Bet she's bad in bed anyways. Good luck, Colby. Make sure to tell me about it later. Have fun!"

Brennen leaves, without knowing the impact of his words.

When there's Colby Brock, there's trouble.

I thought about my stupidity, the actuality in my feelings.

There was no doubt I felt something for Colby, and that I wanted to kiss him.

Without a word, I get up, Colby lets out a sigh.

But that's it.

As I walked away from him, and back to my building, Colby remained silent and still.

I was hoping he would stop me, and tell me he had no bad intentions.

I had hoped he would stand up and yell after me, telling me the thoughts going through his mind, maybe even walk me home.

But he didn't.

And in the end, my thoughts only hurt me.


a/n seems like cassandra has realized something about her feelings

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