Sinful Attraction

By SinfulFairy

496 70 10

All things supernatural and paranormal are fiction! None of those things exist outside of books and movies, p... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Four

51 8 0
By SinfulFairy

Ezra leaned against the bar beat as her first week of learning the ropes ended. It was a harder job waitressing here than she'd ever dealt with before. For one, there were so many more people here than at the diner, and that was just in one night. 

She wouldn't be able to keep up with her other three jobs if she didn't get used to this schedule soon. She closed her eyes, her mother's sweet face appearing and she knew she couldn't give up. Regardless of the schedule, she would continue to work, continue to push herself as long as she needed to until she achieved her goal.

"Why hello," A growly voice murmured from Ezra's left. "I've never seen you here before, are you new?"

Ezra peeked her eyes open, just to be sure the dude spoke to her and sure enough, he was looking at her, obviously waiting on a reply. Technically she was off-shift but she supposed she couldn't go making a rude comment to the dude even still. 

"I am. I started last week, I just finished my learning week." 

The newcomer smiled, his eyes almost so dark they appeared black. For some reason, Ezra didn't necessarily find him dangerous. He was, of course, she could feel the underline danger in his energy. She could see the darkness swirling around the orangish coloring of his aura, but he wasn't a danger to her, at least, not yet. 

"My name is Cale Bradstone, I'm a friend of Bleu and Shade's." He extended his hand and Ezra hesitated to accept it. She hated touching people. She'd learned a long time ago that by touching someone she was inviting more feelings in. Feelings that weren't always her own.

She'd learned very early in life she was different than a normal child. She could feel energy, see aura's, and again could sometimes feel what another felt or sometimes even get glimpses of thoughts just by a simple touch. Her mother knew and so did Tinsley, but no one else. 

No one would accept her for who she was as a person and if anyone else found out she would be labeled a freak. When she looked back up at Cale, she saw his eyebrow raised in question. Her body tensed, preparing itself against the feelings and possible images she'd see as she stuck her hand into his. His warmth was the first thing she noticed as his large fingers encased her hand.

Then the feelings came. She flinched involuntarily as they rushed through her body but she found herself instantly relaxing when she only felt safety, a promise of protection, and while that confused her she found relief in them. 

She even managed to smile, "Ezra Wilde." She froze when she looked into his eyes, no longer were they near black but almost a vibrant gold. She blinked a few times, confused and mystified. Had she just imagined the darkness of his eyes?

"A pleasure, Ezra. You'll make a fine addition to Sinful, just don't let Bleu and Shade bully you around. They're all bark and no bite." Cale seemed to smile at some sort of inside joke while she was just confused as to who Bleu was. She'd learned through her week that Shade was the man who'd interviewed and hired her but she hadn't met a Bleu.

"Thank you. I don't see Shade much unless he's yelling orders at someone but I haven't met Bleu. Is he the other owner?" She asked, knowing at least that there were two owners to Sinful.

"Aye, Bleu was the original founder of Sinful. He had some work to do which is why you've not met him but I had heard he was back in town so you should be seeing him sooner or later."

Ezra tried to ignore the prodding and intense attention she was gaining from Cale. It seemed as if he were trying to figure something out but wasn't really getting what he needed. After a moment, Ezra decided it was time for her to leave and get home so she could sleep and prepare for her next job. 

"Well, it was nice to meet you Cale but I need to get home." Ezra wasn't prepared when he suddenly straightened and wrapped his fingers around her arm. His hold was gentle yet firm as he walked with her towards the door. 

"I'll walk you to your car. You never know what weird-os are out." 

Relaxing completely, Ezra laughed. "At six-thirty in the morning? I imagine smart people went to bed last night and maybe getting up for a nice cup of coffee about now."

"Oh, there are so many more things that others would be doing right about now. However, I feel as if this isn't the time for that kind of talk. The blue ford yours?"

Ezra tore her eyes from Cale, looking towards her car. "Yeah." When they reached her car, Cale finally let her go. "Thank you for walking me to my car. I'll see you around I'm sure." 

"Most definitely, frumos." 

Ezra shut her door and turned her car on, rolling down her window. "The next time we meet I'll want to know what frumos means." She smiled when he nodded, pulling away from Sinful.

She felt an instant connection with Cale even though apart of her still seemed wary of him. Still, she couldn't deny that she hadn't felt or seen any horrible feelings. In fact, she'd only felt calm and safe with him. Now she couldn't wait till Monday. 

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