๐ƒ๐„๐€๐ƒ ๐Œ๐€๐ , stiles st...

By trgdycoils

455K 20.5K 13K

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5.3K 305 80
By trgdycoils

no one can break my heart.


AT THE LAST BELL FOR THE END THE OF THE DAY, ADRIAN AND EVERYONE ELSE WERE ALREADY IN THE LIBRARY FOR THEIR DETENTION. Scott and Stiles sat next to each other, meaning Adrian had to sit across from them with Erica by his side.

"Oh, we can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools." Jackson told Harris as he stepped in, pointing towards the table Adrian, Scott and Stiles sat at.

"All these tools?" The teacher questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Stiles turned in his seat. "No, just us tools." He pointed between himself, his boyfriend and best friend.

"Fine. You three, over there." Harris directed them to the empty table next to theirs, the three boys grabbing their bags to move. Scott sat beside Adrian, Stiles sitting across from them.

Scott looked across at the table Jackson, Allison and Matt was currently sitting at. He shook his head at the boy he had just fought. "I'm gonna kill him." The werewolf breathed heavily.

"No, you're not." Stiles shook his head, pointing a lecturing finger at the boy. "You're going to find out who's controlling him and then you're gonna help save him."

Scott looked back at Jackson for a short while. "No. You were right." He looked back at his friends. "Let's kill him."

"Nobody is killing anyone!" The redhead hissed silently, fingers rubbing his temples. He let out a sigh. "Especially since I'll feel it."

"Hey, what if it's Matt?" Stiles suddenly whispered to them, looking at the boy across the room. "I mean, this whole thing comes back to the video, right?"

"Danny said that Matt was the one who found the two hours of footage missing." Scott mumbled in response, his chin leaning on his arms.

"Exactly!" Stiles exclaimed in a whisper. "He's trying to throw the suspicion off himself."

The three boys collectively glanced at Matt, seeing him casually eating crisps like a normal person. Adrian didn't really see it. Sure, Matt was a creepy guy and the Martin wasn't fond of him at all, but surely he didn't have anything to do with this, right?

"So he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of Argent's hunters, and the mechanic working on your jeep?" Scott listed, not sounding sure of Stiles' suspicion as he reminded Adrian of his dreams where he watched them all die.


"Why?" The Martin boy gave his boyfriend an unsure look, leaning more towards Scott's side.

"Because . . ." Stiles looked back over at the boy still eating his crisps innocently. "He's evil."

"You just don't like him." Scott reasoned.

"Yeah. I'm don't like him at all either, Stiles, but you don't see me accusing him of murder." Adrian chipped in, crossing his arms as he slouched in his seat.

Stiles' gaze didn't leave Matt at he spoke. "The guy bugs me. I don't know what it is. Just look at his face." The two boys looked back towards Matt, seeing him offering a crisp to Jackson.

Still not convinced, they turned back to the buzzcut teen. "Any other theories?" The werewolf raised his eyebrows.

The three stopped talking when they saw Jackson suddenly stand up, wincing as he held his head in pain. "I have to go to the bathroom." He told Harris.

"Are you all right?" The teacher asked, rising from his seat behind his desk. "Hey, you don't look so good."

"I just need some water." And with that, the athlete was out of the library.

Mr Harris looked back at the rest of the students at the tables. "No one leaves their seats." He warned, following after Jackson.

As soon as the teacher was out of the room, Stiles, Scott and Adrian bolted out their seats towards Erica who was casually writing in a book. She didn't even look up as they sat down.

"Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died." Scott whispered to her, leaning in.

"Maybe." The girl replied bluntly, still not even looking at them.

"Well, tell us because I'm beginning to get impatient." Adrian glared at her, finally making the blonde raise her head.

The female werewolf sighed and placed her pen and book down. "It was a car accident." She informed them. "My dad was the insurance investigator, and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's eighteen."

Adrian's eyes widened. "So, you're telling me already rich Jackson is getting more rich at eighteen?!"

Stiles turned his nose up at the information, shaking his head. "There's something so deeply wrong with that." His friend nodded along in agreement.

"You know what?" Erica reached for her laptop. "I could try to find the insurance report on my dad's inbox. He keeps everything."

"Scott McCall, please report to the principal's office." Mrs Argent's voice came through the intercom, the three boys sharing confused looks.

When Scott left, Harris and Jackson came back in. Stiles moved to stand behind Adrian and Erica as she scrolled through her laptop. "Oh look at the dates." He pointed to the screen displaying the insurance claim.

"Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA. The estimated time of death- 09:29pm, June fourteenth, 1995.'" Erica read from the device, eye glued to the screen.

Adrian shook his head confusedly. "No. I'm sure Jackson was born on the fifteenth of June."

"Yeah, he was." His boyfriend agrees with him, sharing a look between them briefly.

Adrian's hopes rose when Mr Harris suddenly stood up from his desk, placing his laptop in his bag. When he zipped it up, everyone took that as an invitation to gather their things too. The teacher's chuckle reached Adrian just as he grabbed his backpack. "Oh, no, I'm sorry. Um, yes, I'm leaving. But none of you are. You may go when you're done with the re-shelving." He even went as far as to pat the carts filled to the brim with books. "Enjoy the rest of your evening."

With a huff, Adrian let go of his bag and slouched in his seat. "I'm definitely debating this whole 'murder puts you in jail' thing."

❚ ❚ ❚

"It means he was born after his mum died- by c-section." Stiles informed Allison and Scott as the four of them all stood around the carts of books within one of the aisles.

Adrian frowned, feeling a genuine sadness for the boy he thought he knew enough about. "They had to pull him out of his mother's dead body."

"So was it an accident, or not?" Allison lowly whispered to them.

The Stilinski boy shrugged. "The word all over the report is 'inconclusive'."

"Then his parents could have been murdered?" Scott frowned, a part of him feeling sorry for the boy as well. I think most of the teens felt a bit of sympathy towards Jackson, no matter how annoying he is.

"If they were, then it falls with the Kanima myth. You know?" everyone looked at Stiles as he leaned against the cart of books. "It seeks out and kills murderers."

Allison nodded along as a thought popped into her mind. "But for Jackson? Or for the person controlling him?"

Scott let out a breath, straightening up. "We have to talk to him. We have to tell him." He step past the cart of books quickly.

His girlfriend leaned forward, quickly whispering. "He's not gonna-" By the time she opened her mouth, it was too late. Scott was already rushing past them and out of the isle.

There was a few seconds of silence in the library before all hell broke loose. Glass shattering above them made all teens jump and cover their heads with their hands, something diving from one shelf to another on top of them. The action caused a mess, books and glass falling onto the pupils and to the floor.

Stiles, Adrian and Allison panicked as another bang came, hearing Scott yell out Erica's name before he ripped out a roar.

With the ceiling crumpling before them, Adrian and Stiles didn't even think as they steered each other away from the fallen roof.

The Martin's green orbs grew wider at the sound of electricity crackling and Erica's screaming, looking around alertedly. The lights above flickered on and off like a cliche horror movie, making the three teens wait as their hearts thudded wildly.

Scott suddenly landed on the ground right in front of them having been pushed, but the werewolf recovered. He got up quick, protectively standing in front of his three friends as the flickering lights showed Jackson stood at the chalkboard in front.

Adrian sucked in a breath at the state of the athlete. His head was tilted back to reveal his pale and sweaty skin slowly turning into green scales that resembled the Kanima's.

No human was displayed in his completely green eyes as his arm flung out to write on the chalkboard, writing like he was a remote controlled toy.

The words on the board were clear for the eye to see, but Adrian Martin hoped that if he blinked hard enough . . . it would go away.


And, with his disturbing message on the board, Jackson jumped up into the glass ceiling to get away. His exit caused more glass to shatter near the teens, but Adrian was just glad he was gone.

The four of them tried walking up to the board with the message, only for something to catch their eye. Adrian was first to notice Erica on the library ground, having a seizure.

"Erica!" The Martin reacted first, running to her side with Scott and Stiles behind him. The boy panicked, he didn't know what to do! He'd never been in this position before.

The redhead pulled the blonde werewolf into his arms, trying to remember what people did when she had a seizure back in the gym. Her whimpers and shaking made Adrian all the more nervous, looking up at his boyfriend for help. "Use your legs as a pillow. She needs something to lay down on."

Stiles nodded, kneeling down so the girl's head was on his knees. It didn't feel right for either of the two boys, but Erica's health came first.

"He's alive." Allison announced from the other side of the bookshelf, having been checking up on a knocked out/paralysed Matt.

"We need to get her to a hospital." Stiles worriedly stared down at Erica, looking up at Scott and Adrian.

"D-Derek." Erica chocked out, gaining the attention of the three boys. "Only to Derek."

Scott turned to face his girlfriend, seemingly ignoring the werewolf's request. "When we get her to the hospital-"

"To Derek." Erica repeated, silencing the tanned boy. "To Derek."

Allison looked at them- mainly her boyfriend- as she nodded. "Go."

Whilst Scott moved over to the girl, probably spilling his heart out to her, Adrian and Stiles were left trying to console Erica. The two boys had no experience in this field, so they didn't know how helpful they were.

When Scott came back, Erica was handed into his arms. He began to carry her out of the library, Adrian and Stiles opening the doors for him as they left Allison with Matt alone in the library.

❚ ❚ ❚

"Pull her up." Derek instructed to the three of them as Adrian held Erica, holding her up as they looked at the older werewolf for help.

"She's going to be okay, right?" Derek didn't answer the redhead, avoiding his eyes which made him all the more nervous. "Derek, is she going to die?!"

"She might, I-" The man didn't finish, rolling up Erica's jacket sleeve so her bare arm was exposed. He grasped onto her arm with both hands, ignoring the confused looks all around. "Which is why this is gonna hurt."

Adrian's mouth hung open in shock as he watched the alpha break his beta's arm, causing her screams to ring through his eardrums.

"You broke her arm!" Stiles exclaimed in shock, him and his boyfriend trying their best to hold the girl still.

"It'll trigger the healing process." Derek answered back over a yell, still gripping the girl's arm. "I still gotta get the venom out. This is where it's really gonna hurt."

With no warning, Derek squeezed Erica's arm tight with his claws as blood leaked down her arm; some even getting on Adrian's clothes.

Erica's screams soon turned into cries only to vanish into a moan before she fainted in the boy's arms, head slumping against Stiles.

It was silent between the four of them, all staring down at Erica in worry. She'd be alright, Derek had gotten all the venom out . . . at least that's what Adrian hoped.

"Well . . . I'm now emotionally scarred from libraries and whatever the hell that was! Now, If you'll excuse me, I think I'll just- AH!" The redhead was cut off with his own cry of pain this time as he attached his hand to his head, a searing pain shooting up in his hand.

What's happening? The boy thought worriedly. He knew he'd felt a familiar sensation before, but he couldn't remember.

Stiles was by his side in an instant, caressing his shoulder as he looked at him with concern. "Adrian! What's happening?! Derek!" He called out to the werewolf who knew the most out of them all, Scott looking up as well.

Derek straightened up, a little shock appearing behind his eyes. "He's going to have a Necromancer dream."

"A Necro- what?!" The buzzcut boy screeched, seeing Adrian get worse. "How do we stop it?!"

"You can't. Interfering would be extremely dangerous." The older werewolf replied. "In fact, interfering with any form of Necromancy would be dangerous."

And with that final note, Adrian passed out beside the already unconscious Erica.

❚ ❚ ❚

The redhead awoke with a loud gasp, sitting upright as his hand clutched at his throat. The supplement of air was like a blessing to the Martin, making him sigh in relief for himself.

"Adrian, you're awake." The boy's eyes flickered over to Stiles standing at the end of the bed, quickly recognising the coloured bedroom walls his boyfriend had.

The Martin didn't reply with a snarky comment like the boy thought he would. Instead, he got up off the bed and walked over to Stiles' window to stare out of it in silence.

"Derek was right." The redhead mumbled, his voice croaky. Whether that was from his 'dream' of the fact that he had just woken up . . . he had no idea. "It was a Necromancer dream."

"What did you see?" Stiles was a bit hesitant to ask, twiddling with his fingers. Did he want to know? Did he want to picture whatever his boyfriend must've seen?

The teen swallowed thickly, eyes casting to the carpeted floor. "I watched a woman die, Stiles. I watched someone suffocate her with a pillow until she couldn't breathe. She was in a hospital. She-She has just given birth."


"I remember her. I remember seeing her in my dreams before. She and a man were living in a trailer . . . until someone killed the man and left her alive. I-I felt everything, Stiles. Every pinch of fear, anxiety and pain . . . I felt it all." Adrian shook his head, wanting to rid himself of these dreams he was having. Why him? He thought to himself glumly.

Stiles stopped for a second. "Wait, you've had these dreams before?" He sounded upset, mad even. "And you didn't tell me?"

His boyfriend whirled round with a look of disbelief. He had just watched someone die, it's safe to say he wasn't in the best mood. "I don't have to tell you everything, Stiles!"

"You do when it involves stuff like this!" The spastic boy stepped forwards, waving his hands around. "If I'd have known that you were having these dreams then-"

"Then what, Stilinski?" Adrian shouted, shocking the boy. "What would you have done? Stopped them? Make them vanish into thin air? Make my powers disappear?!" He spat sarcastically, fists clenched at his sides.

The buzzcut teen took a few more steps back, hating the feeling of fear he was getting from his own boyfriend's anger. "Adrian, please."

"Because I would love that!" The Martin boy didn't stop. "I would love to have a normal dream for once in my life where I wasn't feeling other's deaths! In fact, I'd love if all of this just stopped!"

"What do you mean 'all of this just stopped'?" Stiles quoted, a frown turning on his face.

"All this! Everything! The supernatural, my powers, my family, my best friend acting weird, my-" Adrian listed, beginning to pace the room.

"Our relationship?"

The Martin's feet halted at the question, eyes going wide. He turned to face the hurt face of his boyfriend, frowning himself. "I-Is that what you think I want?"

"I don't know." The hazel eyed boy answered truthfully, shrugging his shoulders as he hesitantly met his eyes. "Is it?"

"No." Adrian denied quickly- a bit too quickly for his own liking. He bit his lip, scratching the back of head. "I mean, no. No, it's not really what I would want."

"Really?" Stiles' eyes sparkled with hope.

Adrian's tough demeanour immediately returned. "Don't go getting all sappy on me, Stilinski. I answered your question and that's it, are you happy now?" He huffed, sitting at the end of the boy's bed.

The Stilinski boy smiled softly, walking over until he was next to the boy. He leaned down to give the redhead's cheek a quick peck. "Very." He admired him.

"Good, because if you were about to breakup with me there; I would not be happy." The Martin boy shook his head, staring at the blue walls ahead.

Stiles' smile widened. "Really?"

"Yeah. I mean, if anyone's gonna end this relationship it's gonna be me." The redhead didn't notice the slight fall in Stiles' brown eyes. "No one can break my heart. Ever."


"Ever, Stilinski."

A U T H O R. N O T E
i have been trying to figure out ways to involve adrian's powers more into the story and i have thought of a few ways but i kinda made up my own version of a necromancer, i guess. so, if any of you are necromancer geniuses, not all things may be factually correct.

hope you all enjoyed this story! love you all and thank you so much for 124 followers!!!


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