Falling For You Again ( Under...

Door writinginkk

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Aahana Sharma thought she had left her past behind, but the ghosts of her memories refuse to let her go. When... Meer

chapter 1 "aai g!"
chapter 2 "they burned the kitchen"
chapter 3 "kavya said yes to sidharth"
chapter 4 'rihan is insecure about his feelings'
chapter 6 "prettier than the sunset, darling"

chapter 5 "aaha's feelings for rihan"

301 29 22
Door writinginkk


My heart skipped a beat and raced as Rihan asked me how I would feel if someone else ever gifted him flowers. I was taken aback, completely surprised and shocked. While we were enjoying his favorite cheesy white sauce pasta, I couldn't help but notice that he seemed distant, as if he was forcing himself to appear unaffected. It made me wonder if he was truly bothered by the thought of someone else giving him flowers.

Until that moment, I had been so happy. Rihan is my sunshine, the star in my dark life. Every emotion he experiences, I feel it too. It's as if we are connected on a profound level. I remember how he made me fall for him completely, how he could make me laugh even in the toughest of situations. His words have the power to brighten my world and make me feel cherished. Since that day, my love for him has only grown stronger.

I couldn't stop overthinking about why he was upset over someone else giving me flowers until I saw the beautiful bouquet he had brought for me on the tea table when we returned home. Perhaps he thought I wouldn't accept his gesture, or maybe he was sad because I hadn't told him about the meeting. It could even be that he was disappointed I wasn't there to receive the flowers he had specially chosen for me. But knowing Rihan, I know he'll be okay. he couldn't stay silent for long, even if he is feeling sad or curious.

Suddenly, I heard Rihan's voice softly whispering, "Aaha, wake up, it's already seven in the morning." His fingers gently traced across my face, from my forehead to my brow.

"Good morning, love," I greeted, opening my eyes to find him beside me, propped up on his elbow, a warm smile adorning his face.

"Good morning, sweetheart," he replied, planting a sweet kiss on my lips. "Get up, we need to attend the meeting."

"Of course, why not," I responded, rising from the bed and finding my place in his arms, where he adjusted himself to accommodate me.

"Aaaha, aaaaha," a familiar voice suddenly echoed through the room.

"Are you hearing that too?" I asked, turning my gaze towards Rihan.

"Hearing what?" he inquired, but before he could finish, Kavya's voice interrupted, shouting, "Aaaha, wake up, it's already seven in the morning!" And just like that, I jolted awake, sitting up in bed.

"What the fuck did i just-?" I paused, taking in the sight of Kavya sitting beside me, perched on her toes.

As I let out a sigh, I could still feel the remnants of that dream lingering in my mind. "Did what?" she asked, curiosity evident in her voice. I ran my hands through my hair, trying to shake off the remnants of the dream. "Nothing," I replied, my voice tinged with a hint of dismissal.

Stepping out of bed, I cast the blanket aside and greeted her with a bright, "Good morning!" I wanted to distract both myself and her from the strange dream. "So, you're Siddharth's girlfriend now? How does it feel?" I asked, a mischievous smile playing on my lips.

"Hmm, tumhe subah utaya kisne?" I playfully teased, raising my voice to make it more amusing. "Sidharth ne?" Her cheeks flushed a rosy hue, and a smile danced across her face.

But as I watched her reaction, I couldn't help but wonder if she had spent the entire night texting Siddharth. "Wait, wait, did you really stay up all night just because of Sidharth?" I exclaimed, my shock evident. She looked away, guilt washing over her. "Umm," she muttered, unable to meet my gaze.

Shaking my head, I turned towards the bathroom. "Relationships are such a mess," I muttered to myself, stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door behind me.

As I stood in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but reflect on the events of the morning. The dream of that silly monkey kissing me still lingered in my mind. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy it, but the whole idea felt repulsive. I silently hoped that I would never have such dreams again. For years, I had cherished dreams of seeing Rihan, but dreams like these were just... eww.

As we stepped out of the house, the sound of Kavya's ringing phone pierced the air. I locked the door, knowing she was aware of the call. "Okay alright then, see you," I overheard her saying, sliding her phone down her ear. Curiosity piqued, I turned around to look at her.

"Who was it?" I asked, making my way towards the bike.

"They're already in college," she replied, catching me off guard. Wait, what?!

"Eh?" I exclaimed, trying to process the unexpected turn of events.

"Yeah, we don't need to pick them up today," she said, walking towards me.

"Well then, we don't need both bikes today. Come with me," I suggested, settling onto the bike and retrieving the helmet from the mirror. I secured it over my head, ready for the ride ahead.

"Are you sure?" she questioned, a hint of concern in her voice. I knew what she was about to ask. "Are you sure Rihan won't get mad at me?"

"It's my bike," I responded confidently, maintaining a straight posture to hide the joy that her teasing brought me. Only she had the privilege to playfully tease me about Rihan, and it always brought a smile to my face.

As we turned into the hallway, my eyes landed on Rihan and Sidharth huddled in the corner by the stairs. My gaze was drawn to Rihan, who wore a crisp white tee and light blue cargo pants, his bag slung over his left shoulder. His attention was fixed on his phone, his right hand holding it with a casual air. Sidharth caught our gaze and nudged Rihan, who looked up, his eyes locking onto mine. My heart skipped a beat, just as it always did when our eyes met. It was as if time rewound to that first moment, when his gaze had pierced through me, and I felt the same flutter in my chest. Rihan's face broke into a warm, genuine smile as he acknowledged us, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

Just as we were mere steps away, my back foot slipped, and I lost my balance. I closed my eyes, bracing for the impact, but instead of hitting the floor, I felt a strong, familiar embrace. Rihan's muscular arms wrapped around my stomach, catching me in mid-fall. As I opened my eyes, our faces were inches apart, his brows furrowed in concern. "Thank God," he breathed, his eyes searching mine. "Are you hurt?" he asked, his voice laced with worry. I nodded, trying to play it cool as if he hadn't just touched my breast at a point, trying to act normal despite the flutter in my chest. It was as if Rihan always found a way to save me, to be there when I needed him most. His proximity, the touch of his hands on my body, left me flustered. I straightened up, trying to regain my composure, my gaze drifting down to hide my burning cheeks. I hoped he hadn't noticed the flush spreading across my face.

"Dekh kr chala kro Bhai" Sidharth's voice broke the spell, and I shifted my gaze upwards, trying to avoid Rihan's piercing eyes. I couldn't face him again, not yet, or I'd risk getting flustered all over again. I nodded curtly, trying to play it cool. But before I knew it, Rihan was down on one knee, his hand gently cradling my foot. "You sure it doesn't hurt?" he asked, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on my ankle. His touch was tender, caring, and oh-so-gentle. I was trying to avoid him, but his puppy eyes were melting my resolve. 'Yeah,' I muttered, my voice barely audible. Rihan's eyes locked onto mine, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Better," he muttered, his eyes still fixed on me as he stood up, his gaze burning with intensity. I felt my heart race as I met his stare, only to be interrupted by Kavya holding up her phone, trying to capture the moment! I was mortified - was she kidding me?! Was she recording me while I fall?!  Rihan seemed to sense her camera and quickly wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close as i gave a look at Sidharth, he quickly gave camera a thumbs-up with a smile, as i shifted my gaze back to rihan, a bright smile across his face , making my lips curve upwards despite myself. "It's a video!" Kavya yelled, coming back over to us, and I rolled my eyes in exasperation.

"Guys, I gotta go," I said hastily, trying to extract myself from Rihan's embrace, but he held firm, his arm still wrapped around me. I tried to play it cool, placing his hand back on his side, but my heart was still racing from the close contact.

As I took a step away, Rihan's strong grip caught my wrist, pulling me back. I turned to face him, and our eyes met. "Your class is cancelled," he said, his gaze intense. , "Every class is cancelled, except statistics."Sidharth chimed in,  "Let's hang out again today!" Kavya jumped in, her eyes sparkling, Rihan's grip on my wrist tightened, and he asked, his eyes searching mine, "Would you mind?" His voice clam, It was as if he was looking at me in a new light, the way I had always wanted him to. I couldn't help but wonder if I was reading too much into it, but deep down, I still yearned for him to hold my hand like that forever. Yesterday's awkwardness was forgotten; I just wanted to see him happy. I nodded, and he smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

I shook my head, still feeling his grip on my hand, his smile warm and genuine, not flirtatious. Just as I was gazing at him, he gently pinched my cheek, his fingers caressing my skin. I was taken aback - did he just...?

"Let's go then," he said, his hand still holding my wrist. Sidharth chimed in, "Can we go alone together?" as he stepped closer to Kavya, who was standing beside him.

Rihan's expression turned irritated, as if he was about to get mad at them , but Sidharth just beamed a smile, his eyes fixed on our entwined wrists. "Well, thank you very much," Sidharth said, his grinning face leaning in, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Okay then, let's go!" Kavya said, dragging Sidharth away, while he showed Rihan a thumbs-up.

The silence that followed was awkward, a first for me when it came to being around Rihan. I broke the silence, mumbling, "They look cute together, though." As I glanced back at Rihan, I saw him shake his head. I couldn't resist asking, "Will you let it go?" I held up my hand, gesturing to my wrist, and he immediately released his grip. His cheeks flushed slightly, his brows furrowed, and he covered his mouth with his hand, as if he was in trouble. I wondered if he was feeling unwell or if something was bothering him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, placing my hand on his head, "do you have a fever or—"

But he cut me off, saying, "Wait, I'll go to the bathroom, will be back," and started running towards the corridor ahead, leaving me wondering if something was bothering him. He seemed different today, and yesterday too... I was left standing there, not able to finish my sentence, feeling a mix of concern and confusion.

As I waited for him to return, my concern grew with each passing moment. He had been acting strangely since yesterday, and now he was rushing off to the bathroom, his face flushed red. I wondered if he was truly unwell, or if something else was bothering him. His mood swings were unsettling - one moment he was happy, the next, sad or irritable. I hoped he was okay, but his behavior suggested otherwise. I wished he would open up to me, share what was troubling him. Instead, he seemed to be hiding something, and his childish behavior was only making things worse. I couldn't help but think that he must have eaten something that didn't agree with him, maybe something heavy outside, not his favorite pasta from yesterday, which wouldn't have caused his stomach to ache. I decided to confront him when he returned, to get to the bottom of what was going on.

As I stood there, I saw him approaching me with a smile, but his eyes told a different story. "Are you okay?" I asked, my concern etched on my face. He hesitated, his blush still evident, and replied, "I'm alright, I just needed to pee." But his evasive gaze hinted at a lie but I chose to let it go, figuring he'd share when he was ready. We began walking towards the parking lot, the silence between us no longer awkward, but comfortable, like the familiarity of an old friendship.

"So we are..." he said abruptly, his voice piercing through my thoughts and leaving me wondering what he meant. My response was a instinctive "Huh?" as I searched his face for clarity. He shrugged, his hands slipping into his pockets, a telltale sign that he was hiding something. I knew that gesture all too well. As we continued walking, his tall figure beside me was a comforting presence, but my mind was a jumble of emotions. I had never confessed my feelings to him, fearing that it might not be mutual and that our friendship might suffer as a result. The thought of losing him was unbearable. I recalled his popularity in school, and the likelihood of him having had relationships while I was away in London. The uncertainty was daunting. Just then, our footsteps synchronized, and I looked up at him, our eyes meeting for a brief moment. A smile came as itself as I look back to the way.

I decided not to push the issue, content with the fact that I mattered to him, even if only as a best friend. As we approached the parking lot, his eyes landed on the spot where his car was supposed to be, only to find it missing. "You know what, Aaha," he said with a quirky tone, a hint of irritation lacing his words.

"What?" I asked, curious. "I should be more like you," he continued, "not letting anyone drive my car except myself." I smiled, flattered that he wanted to emulate me, but I knew my reasons for being protective of my bike were different. It was a gift from my grandmother, and I couldn't bear the thought of anyone else handling it. I hopped on my bike, putting on my helmet as he spoke, our conversation flowing easily as we prepared to part ways.

"Well, I know, it was a gift, that's why you're so protective of it," he muttered, running his hand through his hair in that endearing way guys do when they're trying to fix their locks. It was a gesture that would have been cringeworthy if it weren't for his chiseled features and charming smile, which made even the smallest actions seem attractive. I couldn't help but notice the way his eyes sparkled in the sunlight as he spoke, and the way his hair curled slightly at the nape of his neck. It was moments like these that made me grateful for our friendship, even if it meant keeping my true feelings hidden.

"It's okay, it's good thing we're gonna ride together" he said and hoped on the back side.

As we entered the cozy coffee cafe, we grabbed our coffee and settled into a seat. He was still trying to decide what to do with our day, repeatedly asking me for suggestions. I playfully responded with vague agreements, thrilled at the prospect of spending the whole day together, just the two of us. I couldn't help but feel lucky to have him all to myself. He's such a charming person, and his adorable expressions only added to his charm. When the cafe boy approached our table to ask if a phone on the floor belonged to him, he checked his pockets, only to find his phone was already with him. His curious and innocent reaction was priceless, and I couldn't help but smile at his happiness. It was clear that he was in a great mood today, even more so than yesterday.

"Well, I thought I dropped my phone for a second," he chuckled, leaning in closer as the cafe boy walked away. "Anyway, I have an idea for how we can spend the whole day together." He fixed his hair again, a mischievous glint in his eye. "The whole day together!" He threw his hands up in the air, palms facing outwards, as if framing an imaginary title card.

"Hit me!" I responded, setting my coffee mug back down on the table after taking a sip through the straw. The caffeine kick was just what I needed.

"Sabse pehele hum jayenge play zone ," he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Then, launch krenge , usske bad sunset dekhne beach and finally, we'll hit the club around 7 -8 pm. Maja krenge bygod!"

I nodded along, agreeing to the plan, but deep down, I wasn't too thrilled about the clubbing part. It's not really my scene, and I get overwhelmed easily. But, I didn't want to ruin the mood, and I was excited to spend the day with him, so I kept my reservations to myself.

"Sounds good—" I started to say, but he cut me off.

"I know tumhe Chad jati hai pr hum nashe krenge hi nhi," he said, his tone balancing excitement, concern, and understanding. I smiled and nodded, "Good, mujhe laga tum bhul gaye,"

He chuckled and leaned back in his chair, "How can I forget? I know everything about you, more than that...Kavya," he said, his expression turning disgusted, as always, when mentioning her name. It's not like he hates her, but he finds her attention-seeking behavior irritating, like she's beautiful, but it's not like she's trying to impress anyone...or so he thinks.

I couldn't help but find it funny, watching him react to the mere mention of her name. They used to fight about it but not anymore, now it seems like they've grown out of that phase, like two kids who don't get along, but are trying to move past it.

"You know you're talking about my best friend, right?!" I asked, playfully raising an eyebrow.

"Ha! I know, do you think I'm scared?!" he responded, crossing his arms over his chest, a confident grin spreading across his face. "I became your best friend before she did, so please..." He rolled his eyes and held up his palm.

I nodded back, "Yeah, but she's my best friend more than you, obviously. We're the same gender, you know, right?" I playfully raised an eyebrow, trying to hide my grin.

"Then what? Do you want me to change my gender or what?" he asked, his hands still crossed over his chest, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Obviously not," I responded, leaning back in my chair, trying to maintain a straight face.

"Well, I wouldn't mind if it means sleeping next to you every morning," he said, his cheeks lifting up, his eyes flirting, and a smirk playing on his lips. He knows just how to flirt, and it's hard to resist.

"Every morning?" I asked, trying to hide my blushing cheeks.

"Yeah, I mean, we'll be too busy all night," he said, his eyes widening and rolling 360 degrees, as he leaned in, placing his elbows on the table. His smirk grew wider, making it obvious what he was implying. I couldn't help but think, 'Not again!'

"Shut up, it was good until the whole night thing," I replied, giving him a sarcastic smile as I leaned in closer, mirroring his posture with my elbows on the table. His eyes shifted from mine to my lips and back again, a blissful smile spreading across his face. He then looked down, his eyes sparkling with a thought that seemed to have crossed his mind.

Pov ends.

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