Love and war || Sequal : Chem...

By makayla571204

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We all know you missed Geani and Chanel. Part 2 of Chemistry More



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By makayla571204

"gee my mom said she gonna haunt you" Dee said

"Imma go see her you gotta remind me i be busy"

"Ill send a reminder, and the deal for the mexican cartel is almost jn our complete power. They dont know you killed him tho"

"Oh did i tell you, member them two niggas from the club? The nigga they work for hit me up.. his name like-"

"Poppa? Yea i know, he got in contact, when do you plan on going?"

"Idk i gotta see first, he been tryna do sum to chanel ion much know bout they relationship"

"Did you ask her?"

Gee rolled his eyes "nah ion wanna stress her she got alot going on rn"

"Wassup wit her?" Rico asked

"she be over working and having migraines and shit"


"Well i hope shes okay" Dee said

"Yea she good, and do they care hes dead"

"Most of them are relieved "

"He needs that money and i want his cartel so he better let up" rico said

Gee laughed

"Um Chic sent a text, a man named, joey owes you about a rough 75 dollars"

"75?" Gee said "he got time tell chic he got till the end of the week"

"You feelin generous" rico said

"Ik" he said laughing

The door open and chanel walked in with a duffle bag and she put it on the table

"Hey babesss" she said giving him a kiss

"Wassup" he said back "you wanna come to barbados with me?"

"Why are you going to Barbados?"

"I cant tell you"

"Well idk wanna go i cant drink and your gonna make me stay home and not do anything"

"But when i get back you gon entertain me"

"And when your gone what am i gonna do?"

"Make some friends" he said laughing

"Why she cant do anything ?" Dee asked

"Because shes gon stress herself out she needa vacation"

"So should she be having sex on the beach while drinking sex on the beach?" Rico asked

"No she under age she cant drink"

"Gee caring about the law? What is going on here" rico said

"Are you guys coming?"chanel asked

"Your leaving with me if rico come he bringing dee and we dont got no back ups we cant leave the trap unattended for a week" gee said

"But dont you have people-"

"Chanel you dont wanna be alone with me in Barbados?"

"Gee ive been alone with you in italy why is Barbados different?" She asked

"Idk, let me know" he said

"Geani dont make me mad rn im trying to consider but piss me off and i wont"

"My bad" he said

"Yea it is" she said back

"You gotta stop snapping on me" he said

"Stop being stupid" she said back

"Trouble in paradise?" Rico asked

"Shes moody"


"Bro come here" he said cutting her off "stop talking to me with an attitude"

"Your making me mad"

He grabbed her and gave her a kiss

" yall coming tonight?" Gee asked

"Yea your un planned random party for no reason" rico said

"Its a get together" chanel said

"We are coming" dee said "ignore him"

"Thank you dee" chanel said

" ill see yall tonight then"

"Bet"rico said

Hours later

Ge laid between chanels legs kissing her

"Gg we gotta go its people waiting for us down there"

"Ik but they can wait" he said

"No no no, im already pregnant and im not looking for no more sex go down stairs now" she said

"But you want"

"No not right now, goooo" she said laughing

He got off her and she pulled her top down

"Lets goo" she said

She grabbed his hands and they went back down stairs

"Hi chanelllllll" syd said

"OMGGG" she said giving her a hugg

After she gave tj a hug

"What the hell took yall so long?" King asked

"Geani is annoying sorrry for the delay" she said

"You look adorable" dee said

"Thank you"

"Alr so why we here?" Rico asked

"To celebrate " gee said

"What your 1 month anniversary? Or one month being 21" rico said

"Well actually thats a good idea" chanel said "but actually" she said "ill show you guys somethings"

Gee snacked on chips while she spoke and she opened the drawer and put the pictures on the table

"Is that a-" syd said

The room filled with conversation

"Um i just wanna sayyy gee owe me money" rico said

"For what?"

"You said you wasnt having no kids"

"I ain know i was having kids i never wanted kids"

"You dont say that next to your pregnant girlfriend" chanel said

"Well do you guys got names?" Dee asked

"No" she said "i dont know the gender"

"So brain storm both sides" alicia said

"But me and gee werent expecting this" she said "and i didnt have a normal child hood me and my bestfriend didnt think about cute baby names while we painted our nails, i was in a bad situation and she was killing people with my brother"

They all understood "but if anything im not letting geani name my baby"

"Why not?" He said

"Because no" she said back

"We can work on it?"

"Fine" she said back

"Can we see your stomach?" Dee asked

"You wanna see her tities too?" Gee asked curiously

"Geani i will hit you" she said

"They getting huge" he said "i miss her being flat chested"

Chanel ignored him "im not really showing but" she slifted her shirt

"So when did yall start fuckin without a condom?" King asked

"When did he start" she corrected

"Well now she pregnant why im fuckin wit a condom?"

"Not what i asked" king said

"Idk i wasnt thinking i was just focused on chanel i guess"

"Gee is in love with that girl" rico pointed out

"Thank you for sharing that" gee said

"Im jus sayin"

"I dont think gee likes saying that" chanel said

"Neva said that" he said "i tell you i love you all the team, but it never came out my mouth that im in love with you"

"You gotta think before you speak" alicia said

"Okay" chanel said

"I ain mean it like that" he said

"Its fine, dont worry bout that rn"

"I think its time for us to split, yall boys tryna go burn"

"Bet" tj said standing "love you" he said givjng chanel a kiss on the cheek

"Chanel" gee said


"Yk i ain mean it-"

"Ik go outside thank you"

He groaned

Hours later

Chanel got out the shower and laid in bed with gee

"Baby" he said

"Yea" she said

"You mad at me?" He asked


"You sure?"

"Why you think im mad?"

"Cause you ain been much tellin me shit since i said that thing about being in love wit you"

"Im not mad at all, its just the way you said it like it could never happen"

"I ain mean to say it like that, i was jus saying its not sum i ever said"

"Do you not wanna be in love with someone like me?"

"Chanel you know how long it took me to finally get it thru my head to say that i liked you? I ain even say it i jus bought you shit and let you slide, i tried to cut you out when i started to realize i loved you just a little bit and i ain even know i loved you till dr lakes forced that shit outta me, now im actually with you and i had sex with you after you were outted for cheating or whatever you tryn call it and you got my seed cookin in you. Ionk if im in love with you i might be but im not tryna say sum shit i dont know tm about"

She smiled and gave him a kiss "your gonna make me cry"

"Yk wif i do end up in love with you you gon be the first bitch ive been in love with my whole life and den i might do some crazy shit cause i always do round you, hence the baby"

She laughed "can we just make a promise"


"Please dont use the words i love you in a bad situation. Just dont do something and then try to make an apology and add in i love you as a justification, i dont want to feel like it doesnt mean anything"

"I promise" he said "can i say it now?"

She laughed and nodded "yes"

"I love you chanel"

"Love you too"

"Baby do we start brain storming names cause people been asking and we dont got nun" he said

"Cause we didnt plan a baby we didnt even talk about having one" chanel said

"Well we got one" he said

"Ik nigga im the one carrying it"

"Chill" he said back "im jus asking"

"I dont want a baby theres no way in hell i have baby names" she snapped

"So you dont want the baby you carrying right now?"

"I havent had a family since i was in middle school gee i dont know what its like i dont even know how to get my self straight how the hell do i take care of a kid?"

"Chanel you act like you gotta be a fucking poster child to raise a fucking baby, any kidd at that just help them do shit you didnt do or couldnt do. Make sure your kids dont make your mistakes, keep em safe make em happy"

"I dont want to" she said back

"Chanel you so fucking scared of living you like to fuck shit up. You dont wanna be a mom but you got a fucking baby in your stomach you sound dumb as hell and you should know that if you do anything to kill my kid before i meet em imma fuckin off you and send you to my momma dont try no shit wit me"

"Your not the one carrying the baby-"

"I dont give a damn" he said back "you ain tryna carry the baby cause you scared of being an adult-"

"I NEVER HAD A FUCKING CHANCE TO BE A KID" she yelled "i never went to highschool, never went to prom, never had a petty argument with my mom, snuck out the house, got arrested for something stupid,had fuckin friends GEE I NEVER HAD A FUCKIN CHILDHOOD" she said as she started to cry

He sighed "chanel, dont cry. Dats my bad i wasnt thinkin and ik you had some issues bae and it took alot of time from you and i ain think bout it when i said what i did but you gotta get that you ain gettin dat time back. But the baby you carrying is gonna have allat time so yo job is to make sure the baby dont grow up feelin how you feelin rn."

She ignored him

"Look bae when you done carrying this baby you can have all the fun you want, get arrested, drink, go to clubs, and you could put on a sexy cheer leader suit and be my biggest fan " he said

She laughed "you really gonna let me? You never let me have fun"

"I do let you have fun" he said back "you be drinking and twerkin and shit errytime we leave da house, if we go to Barbados you can do everything you want except drink"

"Can we have sex on the beach?"

"We could fuck rn if you want"

"How come you never had sex with me like you did on your birthday?"

"My head was in a different place on my birthday i guess it was just different"

"Like how?"

He shrugged "like i was just feeling different, i was hurt and i was drinking-"

"So it was im having a bad night sex?"

"Chanel cut that shit out yk it ain feel like that" He snapped

"Well how the hell am i supposed to know, you wont even tell me where you head was at "

"Where you think my head was at? My whole mind was on you thats why when i went driving i ended up at your house"

"Because you knew i would have had sex with you if you started it"

He took her off the top of him and walked out the room

He got down to the living room turned on his ps4 and and answered his ringing phone

"Yo" he said

"Hey cousinnnn" alicia said


"You sound aggravated"

He laughed "really? Im good what you want?"

"You got gas on you? me and kenya need some"

"Yea i do come cop"

"We outside" she said and then there was a knock

He laughed and hung up

He opened the door and they walked in

"Helllloo" alicia said

"Wassup" he said hugging her

He waved at kenya and let them in closing the door

"Ill be right back, how much?"

"2 dubs" she said

He nodded and went to his room

He went to the closet and took out a shoe box he had filled with weed

He took out two untouched dubs and bagged them

"Whos here?" Chanel asked

"Nobody" he said back putting the weed away

He walked down stairs and gave them the weed and took the forty

"Your a life saver" she said

"It ain nun" he said back

Gee slept on the couch last night because chanel was stretching his patience

When he woke up she was on top of him and she was crying

He sighed "bae" he said to her

She wiped her face "yes"

"Why you crying"

"Im sorry" she said

"For what"

"For making you mad"

"You crying bout dat?"

"Your mad at me and i didnt mean to make me mad"

"Get up" he said

She got off him and sat on the table, he sat up and looked at her

"Chanel you really think i went to your house to fuck ? I coulda fucked any bitch in the bnb i had that night, i ain even come here to fuck that i came here to see if you was good and ive been telling you that, and you keep acting stupid"

"But we both were in a bad head space, it just makes me feel like im having a rebound baby"

"If you feel like that was rebound sex maybe we not on the same page, i think it was pure, all cards on the table all feelings in the air so it made it raw as hell and i just think that was prolly the best sex we ever had cause we wasnt heavy minded"

"Do you love me?" She asked grabbing his hands

"Yes i love you"

"I love you too" she said back "i can i tell you a secret?"

"Yes you can"

"Ive had three abortions and 5 miscarriages. Ive never had a baby in me for longer than 3 months. And im so scared to be a mother, we fight alot Gee, i dont want you to leave me with a kid and i dont give them the love they need"

"Well im not leaving you. I might argue with you sum but im not gon leave you fa nothing. I know we wasnt talking about no kids yet but we got one on the way and you dont seem to happy. Listen stop over thinking i want you to start planning a baby shower and we gon start thinking if baby names. Just calm down. Maybe you could even talk to dr. Lakes about this she could help"

She put her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss

"Can we go see her today?"

"Yea we can go later, right now i wanna see you strip"

"For what?"

"You gon ask me questions or you gon get naked?" He asked ger

She took off her shirt than her panties and she was naked

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