The social media mishap chron...

By _Ahankara_

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"In which Kulya mistakes a 56," Ahankara can't beileve her luck, Neha doesn't even know why she is friends wi... More

.Extended Summary.


924 69 40
By _Ahankara_

"We can all be pretty crazy."

Ahankara didn't know whether to laugh or wish for the earth swallow her whole as she sat beside her besties.

The besties still laughing about Yuzi and Virat. And how can she forget Rahul and his great stumble? Did he witness a ghost?? No, na then why did he have to give such a shocked reaction?

Stupid insaan.

And here Krishi and Simi are talking about the Yuzi-Virat perfect pose clicks. She doesn't know about the world but she is sure they'll post most of Vi-Yuzi clicks.

The game was about to begin when the girl sitting beside her introduced herself to them.

"Hey, I'm Manushi,"

"Hey, Ahankara,"

"Rahul's girlfriend??" Manushi asked her sounding really curious and excited.

"No, just friend"

"Yeah, right like I'm Jasprit's JUST Friend," Manushi retorted with an expression that screamed she didn't believe her even a single percent.

And Ahankara didn't know how she ended in this situation? Manushi was a girl with a warm disposition. A girl that made you believe in sunshine and unicorns and goodness. And such a girl is teasing her.

How can she be Rahul's girlfriend? When She didn't even meet Rahul like ever in her entire life. And then there are her friends already singing about a certain Jiju. Yeah, she is ready to be buried alive right about now.

Thankfully, the almighty seemed to be on her side as the players lined together for the national anthem.

It always has been her favorite part of the sport. Ahankara along with the girls stood up and sang the national anthem. It was a special feeling.

After the anthem, the match started. Australia was batting first. And they were ready to cheer for their team. Yeah, even with a fractured wrist.

The stands were almost full now. And Ahankara was looking at both Krishi and Simi her eyes screaming help. Well, the matter with Ahankara was that she sucked in social interactions.

She didn't know what to speak? When to speak? And how to speak? Okay, maybe this is getting a little over the top. But still, she is an introvert, an introvert who is a crazy extrovert with her close friends.

But she kind of can't just start conversations. Yeah, she is one of those people who makes conversations awkward without even trying. So, even with Manushi, she was confused about what to say after that.

But thankfully, Krishi understanding her problem took over the conversation. Krishi, Simi, and Manushi started a very interesting topic of discussion and that was her.

Yeah, don't ever trust your besties to let go of any chance to laugh at you.

Manushi was a BTS fan and like them a college student and Jassi's girlfriend. Yeah, they were sitting beside the girlfriend of the Jasprit Bumrah.

Just their luck.

She was a really nice girl and they continued conversing about random topics. It was kinda cute, how Manushi's gaze will be fixed on Jassi whenever he was bowling and her hands joined in silent prayer.

They cheered for the team madly. Not caring they were on the VIP stands and weren't supposed to jump around like crazy bunnies.

But they were doing it nonetheless. For it was fun Manushi included and the camera was also focusing on them again and again between overs.

So, the girls did a little namaste kindly leave us action for the camera making the whole crowd and even the players chuckle at their actions.

The game was lit as lit as any India vs Australia match is supposed to be. The super over an additional heart-racing event.

Shub opened for India with Rohit. They were chasing 302.

Watching Shubh play Simi was over the moon. She was cheering loudly for Shub and they were going along with her.

Cheering for the youngest team member.

Ro got out early. Shub and Vi stabilized the innings. And then Vi got out followed by Shub. Everything was on Shreyas and Rahul. They managed to tie the match with a six.

The super over began. Jassi spelled his magic and restricted them to just 9 runs.

Ro and Rah were sent to bat in the super over.

And yes, It was their own Hitman Sharma who finished the super over with a huge six. And yes, all of them were jumping like crazies.

And at that moment, Ahankara's phone ringed with an incoming call. The caller ID bringing an instant smile on her face.

"You're on tv," the excited scream of Neha greeted her as soon as she picked up the call.

"I know," Ahankara answered putting some distance between the phone and her ears. She doesn't want to go deaf just yet.

"You didn't tell me, you were going to the stadium," Neha was totally complaining while speaking so.

"You didn't call me" Ahankara retorted, due to Neha's exam they kind of weren't in contact. And she kind of missed talking to this crazy girl.

"You could call too. You're again on the TV," Neha pointed out

"Are you going to just tell me whenever I'm on TV??" Ahankara was feeling both exasperated and amused at the same time.

She really wanted to stick out her tongue. She kind of missed Neha and her sense of sarcasm, wit, and humor.

"Yups," Neha said popping the p and Ahankara hoped the camera didn't focus on them anymore. 

"Please don't btw I can try to get you Kulya's autograph," she offered

"I've his number. What will I do with the autograph?" Neha asked dryly

"You, what, when, how???" Yeah, and she really didn't mean to scream it kind of just happened.

"Well, that's a mystery,"

"Okay, geez, why wasn't I informed??"

"You were hiding under a rock," Neha informed her dryly.

And yes, that was Neha blunt as always. But before she could reply another incoming call notification flashed on her phone screen.

A call from Rahul.

" Nehu...I'll call you back in a minute, alright"

Disconnecting the call with Neha.

Ahankara called Rahul. Rahul just instructed them to reach someplace inside. Someplace she didn't quite know about but asked Manushi about it. Manushi knew the area well.

So, Manushi led them to the area. Rahul, Hardik, Jassi, Shreyas, and Shubhman were already there standing leaning on the wall.

They kind of looked like some lazy gangstas leaning against the wall waiting for their prey. Playing with their phone.

"Jassi," Manushi squealed successfully drawing all the boys attention as she happily moved to Jassi's side and Jassi engulfed her in a side hug.

"Congratulations, you were awesome," Manushi complemented Jassi beaming

"Thank you, love" Jassi spoke bashfully

And Harry butted in "what about us Manu bhabs?? Won't you congratulate us??"

Manu ignored Harry saintly and congratulated Rahul, Shreyas, and Shub.

"You were brilliant Shubhi boy. I'm so proud of you, dear" Manushi told Shubh Happily.

"Thanks, Manu"

"Bhabi," Harry added grinning teasingly towards Manushi.

"Yes, Harry Bhaiya," Manushi replied smiling very innocently at Harry's direction.

Harry spluttered indignantly.

And everyone chuckled at Harry's reaction. Though Harry's attention was drawn by the girls standing a little far from them.

His eyes getting a glint as he exclaimed sounding totally disapproving of Rahul "Rah, where are your manners bro?? Won't you introduce your friends to us? Well, you're not doing that so I've to introduce myself,"

"Heya, I'm Hardik Pandya this idiot's best friend and you must be Ahankara, beautiful," Hardik said extremely sweetly forwarding his hand for a handshake.

"Hello sir, we know who you are. We are absolutely very big fan of yours, sir. You're just fab," the girls praised Hardik who seemed to be floating under the praises.

"He didn't need that ego boost btw how's your hand??" Rahul said shoving Harry away from the girls and holding Ahankara's still bandaged hand.

"Better than before," Ahankara mumbled shyly tucking her treacherous strands behind her ears.

"That's not how you ask for a girl's hand, Rah. Lemme teach you," Harry again spoke on the sole purpose of embarrassing Rahul.

And Rahul stomped on his feet with a sweet smile as he turned to Krishi.

"Hey, Krishi. How are you?"

"Heya, Rahul. I'm good and congratulations on the win" Krishi wished Rahul happily.

They were chatting enough to be cool around each other and Rahul even had stolen Ahankara's nickname for Krishi.

"Thanks, buddy, and she is....." Rahul trailed off looking at Simran.

"This is Simran, my childhood friend" Krishi introduced Rahul to Simran.

"Heya Simran," all the boys greeted her

"Hii," she waved at them shyly.

"We may have your Raj here," Harry said a little too chirpily and got whacked by Jassi.

"Ouch, what was that for" Harry whined as all the guys glanced (glared) at him.

"Okay, fine... I'm thirsty anyway, come on girls you also must be thirsty na," Harry asked the girls.

Simi and Krishi nodded a little uncertainly.

"Great, follow me then," Harry said sauntering away to the direction of what they assumed to be a shop.

Krishi and Simi looked unsure about whether to follow Hardik or not.

"Hey, let's go," Shreyas said motioning Krishi to walk with him

"Hey," Krishi mumbled with blush coating her cheeks as she walked with Shreyas.

"I'm Shreyas," Shreyas said when the silence surrounding them stretched and then cursed himself for his stupidity.

"I know, I'm Krishika," Krishi giggled finding Shrey, even more, cuter in person

"Ugh btw don't mind Harry bhaiya, huh, he is insane but.."

" But good at heart, I know" Krishi smiled

"Yeah," Shreyas nodded chuckling.

He liked this cute looking girl who understands his Harry Bhaiya a lot. Normally, people get offended by Harry bhai's without filter talks.

Shreyas and Krishi continued walking together chatting about anything and everything.

Similarly, Shub accompanied Simran while they followed after Harry.

"Hello again," Shub greeted Simi joyfully

"Hi," Simi spoke softly not believing her luck. Shub remembered their first meet, now that's some startling stuff.

"So, how are you??" Shub tried to make the conversation flow as Simi was too shy to speak

"I'm good, how are you? Can I get an autograph?" Simi asked Shub hopefully.

Who knows when will they meet again?? Or if they will meet again or not?

Jokes and dreams apart. They are stars so them meeting again had slim chances in Simi's view.

"Sure, only if I get your number if that's fine with you Simi. I mean it's perfectly fine if you don't want too," Shub rambled panicked, he didn't want her to think he is some kind of player.

God, what kind of first impressions he is doing here???

"Sure," Simi chuckled and Shub took a sigh of relief.

The conversation flowing between them from Shub to Simi. Shub asking about her internship and whether she'll be coming to the hotel tomorrow or not??

Jassi and Manushi followed them behind. They were going to do babysitting aka Harry sitting.

Ahankara looked confused when Rahul stopped her from following them to wherever they were going.

"Aren't we going with them??" She asked him confused

"Nops, they'll return here" Rahul said not caring much about them anyway.

"Oh!" Was all Ahankara could express as an awkward silence filled around them.

Didn't she already say she sucks at this??

"Chat pr Itni baatein aur ab itni shant, tabiyat theek hai na princess" Rahul teased her trying to break the ice

"Bilkul and don't call me, princess," Ahankara told him annoyed.

Didn't she already tell him to not call her princess??

"Sure as you wish Princess," Rahul said stretching Princess

And Ahankara rolled her eyes. She can totally see why is he Harry's best friend now.

"Btw why did you stumble???" Ahankara questioned him remembering his...she means team India's great stumble.

"I was surprised," Rahul defended his actions

"You looked like you've seen a ghost," Ahankara informed him sweetly about his reaction

"Maybe I had," Rahul said sounding vague

"From Princess to ghost, what a promotion, sir Ji," Ahankara snorted

Rahul laughed.

-to be continued-

Okay, not as I wanted this chapter to be but the next chapter will be better. I was stuck. But still, I hope you'll enjoy it.

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